incorretc-mny · 4 months
Ody: I’m invoking the no judgement clause of our friendship.
Daniel: Oh my God, what have you done?
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incorretc-mny · 4 months
LukasZf: You’re scamming everyone?
Lara: I was thinking more like flat-out stealing from them.
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incorretc-mny · 4 months
Daniel: Talk to him, that’s what friends do.
Ody: Nope. I’m going to wait until I am on my deathbed, get in the last word, and die immediately.
Daniel: That’s your plan for dealing with this?
Ody: That’s my plan for dealing with everything. I have 72 arguments I am going to win that way.
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incorretc-mny · 4 months
Daniel: Maybe I’m dreaming. Pinch me!
Daniel: Not on the butt, Nikolaj.
Nikolaj: Sorry, it was just there.
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incorretc-mny · 4 months
Nathalie: Sorry, I need to be alone right now.
Nathalie: Thank you for being alone with me, Ody.
Ody: (*^‿^*)
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incorretc-mny · 4 months
Kati: I don’t get jealous.
Nici to Nathalie: Hello.
Kati: Who the fuck is that!?
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incorretc-mny · 4 months
Nikolaj: I don’t have anger issues! Do you think I have anger issues.
LukasZf: I wouldn’t call it an issue
LukasZf: An issue is something you can fix.
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incorretc-mny · 4 months
Yvi: We broke up literally Months ago.
Yvi: Can you please stop playing Online-Chess with my brother .
Yvi: Its disgusting.
Nathalie: Just because I lost the Queen, doesn't mean I give up the King.
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incorretc-mny · 4 months
Isa: Change is inedible.
Kai: Don’t you mean inevitable?
Isa, spitting out a bunch of pennies: No, I really didn’t.
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incorretc-mny · 4 months
Nikolaj: Are you okay?
Tamara , crying: Yeah, it was just the onions.
NIkolaj: *Picks up an onion* What the fuck did you say to Senshi?
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incorretc-mny · 4 months
LukasZf: I'm never having a debate with Ody again, he literally started his argument with "Riddle me this."
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incorretc-mny · 4 months
Tamy: *sighs* I have no friends...
Lara: *coughs* Bitch, what am I? A roach?!
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incorretc-mny · 4 months
Store Worker: Would a “Bojan” please come to the front desk?
Bojan, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker, pointing to Adele and Nathalie: I believe they belong to you?
Adele and Nathalie, simultaneously: We got lost.
Bojan: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me—
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incorretc-mny · 8 months
Lara: I’m having one of those things… a headache with pictures.
Bojan: What the fuck?
Daniel: She's having an idea.
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incorretc-mny · 8 months
Svea: I relate to Belle because she loves books and likes people for who they are.
Kati: I relate to Tinkerbell because she needs attention or she dies.
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incorretc-mny · 8 months
Adele: i am an expert at identifying birds
Isa, an actual expert: okay, what about those ones over there?
Adele: yeah, they’re all birds
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incorretc-mny · 8 months
Nathalie: are you a cuddler?
Ody: i’m a monster of death and destruction.
Ody: …yeah im a cuddler
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