indiebot · 11 years
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He does not deserve shit after the way he's always treated you.
I don’t want him to know, but he deserves to know.
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indiebot · 11 years
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What was that? That was like, what my mum gives my brother before he goes off to college. Literally not proving shit, bub.
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indiebot · 11 years
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You're gonna kinda have to prove that.
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I’m not gay.
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indiebot · 11 years
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I mean, it all makes you gay. Plus I got the gay vibe. I've never met a hetero man quite as strange as yourself... It's okay to come out to me Li, we are sharing a room together.
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Is there something wrong with confidence? I have great taste in clothes, I’m English and I care about my appearance! How does that make me gay?
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indiebot · 11 years
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You're gay! You act confident, wear killer clothes, have an accent, and you put more product in your hair than most women in my business. You've got to be gay!
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No, I was never in the closet in the first place. What are you even on about?
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indiebot · 11 years
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Are you still in the closet then? I mean, there's a lot of things that really scream 'gay' so...
… No. What even made you think that?
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indiebot · 11 years
Oh my god why would you even want to know that!? Aren't you gay?!
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indiebot · 11 years
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What else would pants mean?
… Sure.
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Pants means something else where I’m from.
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indiebot · 11 years
I have no flaws, I'm flawless, I'm perfection, God did something right with me.
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Well, I wear jeans? I don't know.
I wear my flaws on my sleeve, you should do the same.
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… I’m curious.
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indiebot · 11 years
I'm not saying shit.
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Why does that matter?
So you’re saying that you’re a liar now?
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What kind of pants do you wear?
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indiebot · 11 years
To get you to stop being an ass.
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I wear the pants and I'm a woman so I'm always right get out.
I’m pretty sure you yourself said I’m good looking so uh…
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This is a democracy, let’s vote on it. All in favour of kicking me out say aye.
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indiebot · 11 years
Who said it's ruining it? I thought more like improving.
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You're a fuck and not allowed to sleep in the room tonight.
And ruin this handsome face with plastic surgery? I’ll pass.
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Sorry, Ebenezer.
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indiebot · 11 years
Be a little shit such as yourself and maybe some plastic surgery and you're golden!
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You're being rude stop it.
And yet it’s critically acclaimed and earned millions. How do I sign up to be in terrible christmas movies?
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Nothing at all, scrooge.
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indiebot · 11 years
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Are you sure? You seem pretty hung up on the fact that he still doesn't know about your erm, history. I thought you never wanted him to know?
Wh–What? No, that’s… not why. I don’t like him, you’re crazy.
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indiebot · 11 years
He's done better, sort of, okay not at all but still. Terrible movie, absolute rubbish.
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What's that suppose to mean?
I’m sure he’s still rolling in that Home Alone money, so I mean…
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Compared to you I feel like Santa Claus.
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indiebot · 11 years
Why would you tell him? Don't tell me you still have feelings for him, Bos.
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Can we just not talk about that?
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Inds, I still haven’t told him about the whole… miscarriage thing.
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indiebot · 11 years
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Oh… that one. 
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