indig0plateau · 11 years
"Wandering. Or were you hoping for a more ellaborate answer?"
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"Hmm…? What brings you here?"
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indig0plateau · 11 years
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indig0plateau · 11 years
"I should apologise for leaving for so long."
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indig0plateau · 11 years
"Let me show you." He threw out a Pokeball and Mothim popped out."
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❝Really? That’s amazing! Who’s the lucky Pokemon?❞
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indig0plateau · 11 years
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indig0plateau · 11 years
"Good morning, May. I've gotten me a new Pokemon."
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indig0plateau · 11 years
Your Pokemon has arrived!
Thank you for adopting Mothim! We hope the two of you will get along great!
"Well it would appear that I now own a Mothim. I'm glad that my team is growing."
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0 notes
indig0plateau · 11 years
"Good morning, everyone."
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indig0plateau · 11 years
Okay, nothing's happenin' here so I'm gonna switch over to another muse.
Later homeslices.
0 notes
indig0plateau · 11 years
Send me a Symbol
✉: For a regular text message from my muse.
♣: Here, have a not so regular (maybe even a dirty one) text message.
✍: For what my muse has written about yours in their diary.
✎: For an unsent letter from my muse (May be AU if you want, just let me know what kind of AU you want).
☎: For a drunk phone call.
☏: How about a voice message from my muse?
♥: The favorites of my muse- can be anything from music to sex positions, you're allowed to specify what you want.
∞: A random headcanon about my muse and yours.
☯: Here, have a hug from my muse.
☮: An argument I think my muse would have with yours.
♪: I've put all of my songs on shuffle- now I have to write a drabble involving our muses with the next song that comes on.
♬: Would you care to dance? My muse has to dance with yours.
♛: My muse is royalty for a day and you are their loyal subject- wait, what? What would my muse's reaction be to this idea?
♚: You are my master- hold on. What if my muse was the loyal subject, how would this go?
✖: Your muse is drowning in the bathtub when mine walks into the bathroom.
☠: Your muse has died, this is how mine reacts.
❂: My muse is clumsy and crashes into yours.
✈: Our muses are on a plane together, by accident or choice. This is what happens.
☢: It's too hot outside, how does my muse suggest our muses cool down?
ϟ: There's a storm going on and our muses are stuck together in a house- how will this go?
☂: It's pouring down and your muse forgot their umbrella, will my muse offer up theirs?
✧: Our muses went to eat out- where?
★: The stars are shining beautifully and my muse wants you to see them.
☾: It's in the middle of the night and my muse had a nightmare about yours- what does my muse do?
☼: The sun is shining bright and your muse got the bright idea of going out, does my muse agree with this?
☄: My muse is lost, luckily there is cellphone reception- does my muse dare to call yours for help?
♤: Our muses are playing a game, which kind and who is winning?
☻: Your muse got sunburnt, my muse didn't- how'd it happen and how'll mine help?
♒: Our muses are at the beach together, by accident or not, and yours was a bit too close to the waves- will my muse laugh or perhaps be helpful?
♦: Your muse asked mine to marry them, what's my muse's reaction?
◊: Your muse comes to mine, crying, how does my muse react?
✘: Scars aren't very pretty- my muse has to show you theirs.
✦: My muse was attacked but yours saved them- how'll my muse ever thank them?
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indig0plateau · 11 years
"It seemed very beautiful. I didn't get to look around much. I was on an errand at the time."
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I keep hearing about Unova but hardly much of Hoenn! With your time there, how was it?
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indig0plateau · 11 years
He nodded. "A little. I've been all over Johto along with a little of Hoenn and Unova. So really not that much."
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Well i’m not a teen but Im bored too! No one visits Pallet town much anymore.But I went to Johto recently so that wasn’t boring! Have you ever gone to another region?
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indig0plateau · 11 years
you're not annoying
Nobody calls me senpai
at least to my face
and that’s fine by me
kay then
senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai  ~ 
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indig0plateau · 11 years
cancelledbeta replied to your post: Hi Mister Red
You too Red! How have you been?
"I've been as well as a bored teen can be."
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"And yourself?"
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indig0plateau · 11 years
you need to stop
Nobody calls me senpai
at least to my face
and that’s fine by me
kay then
senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai senpai  ~ 
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indig0plateau · 11 years
Red has absiolutely terrible handwriting
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His signature:
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indig0plateau · 11 years
Hi Mister Red
"Blue. It's nice to see you again."
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