indirispeaks Ā· 5 years
End of a Time
Iā€™ve been putting off making this post for ages.Ā  A couple of years now, in fact.Ā  The truth is...Iā€™m not who I was.Ā  No one is, once enough time goes by, but that doesnā€™t mean that we canā€™t look back and MISS who we were, or what we used to do.Ā  I started this blog out of anger, and gradually it became something more to me.Ā  I played World of Warcraft for almost 10 years, and I didnā€™t think Iā€™d ever, ever tire of it.
But I did.
As much as I still love the characters and still enjoy hearing about the game, I just canā€™t play it anymore.Ā  Part of that has been a lifestyle change.Ā  I wonā€™t call it a late stage career, because itā€™s not.Ā  Itā€™s more of a hobby that turned into a mini business.Ā  I donā€™t make enough to live on, but Iā€™ve got pseudo employees, and a website, and all that stuff that makes me feel like Iā€™m actually doing something semi successful with my life, and that feeling is incredible.
And while I really, honestly, MISS having the time to sit on my butt for 12+ hours a day and do nothing but write amusing stories about the cat or whatever and play WoW and just chat....I donā€™t think Iā€™d trade it.Ā  Iā€™ve always been an artist in one way or another. I enjoy working with my hands, I love creating things that are permanent, things that I can send out into the world that have MY name on them, to achieve something that makes a mark on the world, in whatever small way that Iā€™m able to do.Ā 
And I LOVE the connections Iā€™ve made through my gaming and my writing.Ā  (I do promise to finish the Firework Chronicles and post them here, by the way.Ā  I did NOT forget.)Ā  I hope to keep them, though itā€™s a lot harder than it used to be since most of my typing is now done on the phone in between appointments instead of relaxing at a desk.Ā  Man I hope you guys continue to be patient, itā€™s the one thing Iā€™m not ready to give up....and probably wonā€™t for another decade, lol.Ā  Youā€™re my friends, my writing companions, my sounding board, my co-artists and bright spots in my life that I honestly wouldnā€™t be the same without.Ā  Iā€™ve lost a few of you over time....some to time, some to change, some to cruelty.Ā  Those hurt.
But Iā€™ve gained so much from the sense of community that i found inside the gaming world.Ā  I know, itā€™s insular and focused...but itā€™s what I needed.Ā  I can only hope that I was what some of you needed, even if only in passing.
So this is my ā€˜goodbyeā€™ post.Ā  Iā€™m not vanishing from the internet....just from Tumblr and various forums.Ā  Iā€™m on Facebook if you know where to look, and Discord and Messenger.Ā  Ā Iā€™m on Etsy and EbayĀ ā€œprofessionallyā€ .Ā  I still RP....very slowly...on my phone...and Iā€™ve got a Twitter somewhere that I need to dust off.Ā  PM me if you like :) I donā€™t bite.Ā  With only a couple of exceptions, I love you all and Iā€™ll catch you in the wider world.Ā  Ā 
Love from Indiri/Ally
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indirispeaks Ā· 5 years
welp.Ā  I live.Ā  Iā€™ve just been insanely busy, hooray.
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indirispeaks Ā· 5 years
>.........I need.....all of these now.....I want cherry fritters most.....
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indirispeaks Ā· 5 years
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indirispeaks Ā· 5 years
Baby broadcasting!
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The best thing about pregnant women is free Wi-Fi.
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indirispeaks Ā· 5 years
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indirispeaks Ā· 5 years
ghost choir šŸ‘»Ā šŸŽµ
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indirispeaks Ā· 5 years
I miss my beeper
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Parrotā€™s Next Top Model
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indirispeaks Ā· 5 years
You are now Blessed Among Corvids
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I guess?! I got adopted by a baby magpie today?!
He was just chillin on our porch, and when I sat down he climbed right on up on his own!
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indirispeaks Ā· 5 years
can I take the penguins instead?
Gandalf, whenever he sends someone on a quest:
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indirispeaks Ā· 5 years
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indirispeaks Ā· 5 years
Easy on the sangria, son
he drink, he dance
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indirispeaks Ā· 5 years
see and we even correct that shit in our heads.Ā  I know the words up there areĀ ā€œgreen great dragonsā€ but I kept mentally reading it over and over and over again asĀ ā€œgreat green dragonsā€
Took me four tries to say it out loud.Ā  Try it.Ā  I dare you.
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things english speakers know, but donā€™t know we know.
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indirispeaks Ā· 5 years
do you ever wish you could just stop time for like a couple weeks so you could just sleep and do whatever you want and just get your shit together and then after that time would just start back up again and you wouldnā€™t have missed anything because you would just pick up where you left off
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indirispeaks Ā· 5 years
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indirispeaks Ā· 5 years
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indirispeaks Ā· 5 years
Iā€™m glad this was corrected because by the time I got to raw meat I was wondering what on earth the OP was going on about, because wtf????
foods that will poison cats:
dairy products (adults turn lactose intolerant)
fat trimmings, raw meat, eggs, fish
grapes and raisins
onions and garlic
tuna (when not made for cats)
xylitol (artificial sweetener)
if you have a cat please reblog this
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