individual-ae2eca · 5 years
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if I do we both may disappear if I do we both may disappear
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individual-ae2eca · 5 years
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Panthers Are Just XXXL Sized Black Cats.
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individual-ae2eca · 5 years
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individual-ae2eca · 5 years
Hi there friends
It’s been a while
I missed you
I missed me.
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individual-ae2eca · 6 years
just because someone can articulate their point better doesn’t make them right, it makes them articulated. 
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individual-ae2eca · 6 years
DSIC session #4
Day: Tuesday 16 October (day of mars)
Hour duration: 20:15(approx)-21:10 (Jupiter ended at 20:28 mars ended at 21:25)
Very quickly. Just due to the ambiguity of the spirit I have no solid planetary information, the past few weeks I’ve been sticking to hours of the sun. I in now way planned for the hour of mars to align with the day of mars. This has occurred on 3 separate occasions now. A very interesting occurrence.
Due to my own busy schedule I have been unable to conduct this session on the Sunday as planned. It seems I’ve been having pleasant results when working with the day and hour of the sun yet I was simply unable to do so. I’ve been dying to continue my work, and again Just due to the unclarity and lack of specificition for the angel Tzadtzikiel I saw no major issue in conducting my work on the day of mars. I advocate constant experimentation in the occult arts, and I am more than pleased with tonight’s results.
I thought whether or not to try another angelic spirit, however I quickly decided to stick with Tzadtzikiel. It’ll be folly of me to throw aside what Work I’ve achieved. I shall keep this going purely for my own betterment. Tzadtzikiel came to me, spoke to me personally, I can’t disregard him for the sake of exploration.
: beneath the pedestal for the crystal I placed the self made sigil of Tzadtzikiel, made on clean parchment with blue ink. This has no basis in Barrett’s Work, not necessary for me to do so, yet I did. I desire to gain a strong connection, so what harm can employing his own sigil be.
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I supplemented the silver ring and gold rings I’ve been employing for a recent discovery. It’s a copper ring I made a lifetime ago with the holy name of the Tetragrammaton engraved onto it. I thought this ring was lost to the ages, yet no, I found it earlier while looking for something else entirely. Mars is associated with the metal of copper, so it seemed incredibly logical to wear it!
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I decided to conduct the bornless rite before beginning crystal gazing. The bornless is not also an essential preliminarily ritual for strength and enlightenment but it is employed to gain a connection to ones HGA through the sacred and barbarous words. I’ve been quite foolish to omit this before, just plain silly of me to not do so. However under the core belief that Tzadtzikiel has revealed itself, it’s natural only to do so. I’ve been quite vocal in my workings on how my angelic work has been lacking and largely unsuccessful in the past, it’s just one of those areas that I’ve struggled with for years. My initial point of contact came after a period of performing this rite, for whatever unknown reason now is the time after years of work in which I’m making profound positive steps. And I am eternally grateful. I performed the bornless twice actually beforehand, and my visualisations were quite profound. I was glowing in warmth, I was dipped in the celestial light after performing it a second time. Again it’s my own idiocy that I haven’t done this before. While in the oration of the bornless I found my body swaying forward and backward, it’s own natural rhythm like a gentle lulling. It was peaceful, it was reassuring.
These are the only preparations of note, everything else was kept the same onto how I’ve been performing it previously. No variations.
I find myself becoming more and more proficient with Barrett’s oration, I imagine it won’t be long before I have it memorised. And so after performing the rites, wearing the copper ring and custom lamen around my neck, I began once more the communication.
Oh no chair this time, I chose to kneel on cushions.
Oh also I chose to play no music, it seemed to me that it may interfere with any audible manifestations. So no planetary sounds, no robin Williams recordings. Just sweet silence.
Ive found that there is a definite ‘waiting’ period of roughly ten or so minutes. It’s as if I’m on hold to some celestial hotline, as I call out there is no tangible manifestation for ten minutes or so. Just a curious occurrence.
I’m still finding that for whatever reason the candle to the east is flickering more so than the other. My windows were open to air out the smoke of the censer, but no noticeable wind to effect it in such a way. It’s probably the wick. Oddly enough all the smoke was seemingly going eastwards too. It’s probably the wind, don’t overthink too much.
I found myself involuntary swaying again, just like I did during bornless. As if being pulled closer to the crystal. My body does tend to sway in a way to build up energy and get in the rhythm of ritual. But it was bizarre.
Then came my first visual manifestation within the crystal. It was fleeting but very clear, it was a large red tau symbol. Being the letter of the Greek alphabet, a symbol of life, representing the holy trinity, representing the Egyptian ankh, life itself. Then as quickly as it materialised it had disappeared.
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It’s at this point that I gave my thanks unto the spirit for gracing me with it’s presence and welcomed him most warmly and open heartedly.
Amazingly another visual manifestation occurred. Last week I observed a black flame hovering above the crystal. On this occasion I saw a green flame, dancing in the crystal. It was moving around the crystal orb quite rapidly. Very curious that it chose to appear in a green form, considering how my first visual representation of Tzadtzikiel was in a green, mist-like visage. This spirit is very verdant indeed. Much like how the tau visualisation disappeared relatively quickly, so did this wondrous green flame. It was incredibly solid and very bright and was waltzing, elegantly moving through the crystal.
I was graced with not two visualisations but three. Much quicker than the first two, but it was a white bird. From one angle of the crystal to the other. Flying. Amazing, simply amazing.
I am in awe of this method, as a magician who largely practises in spirit evocation, one would imagine that I’m use to these apparitions. But i am amazed every time. This is the reason why I practise magic, confirmation in the divine, undeniable proof that this world is governed by the spirits of the celestial and infernal. But this DSIC Work is potent and clearly reliable, it’s a method I’ve been aware of for years since reading ‘the Magus’ I’ve been desperate to make the holy table of practise and I am simply elated that at long long last, I’m on the right path.
I know that it sounds foolish, I never expected to have these results. I’m no deceiver. I shall never lie to you dear reader. One may think I’m exaggerating my claims, but if an evocation is unsuccessful or nothing happens I shall damn well say so! It does no good to lie to anyone. This is no deception or wild exaggeration. It has been so satisfying and humbling to be witness to these events.
However I am pleased to say that it didn’t stop there. I wished to draw this session to a close, I made an appeal to Tzadtzikiel (which I’m sorry to say is deeply personal and therefore is resperved for my private journal) and was planning on giving the license to leave. Then I received an incredibly clear and loud audio manifestation. It was akin to a loud, singular ring of a bell. I’m sorry but I cannot give a logical explanation, because there simply isn’t one! I asked for manifestations and I was graciously delivered of my requests. I had a huge tingle down my spine! It was more like the ring of a bell made of cut crystal, it wasn’t a metallic noise but very resonating and somewhat eery, ethereal even, musical. I’m more accustomed to audio manifestation than visual, spirits do enjoy to be noisy and this was wonderful.
At was at this point that after 50 minutes on my knees (make all the jokes you want) I had to close the communication just due to the growing pains in my legs. And so after a wonderful session, I closed it. I didn’t want to, I wanted to go another hour. But I couldn’t leave the consecrated space and I was slowly becoming in major discomfort. I humbly made my request, gave me adoration and lovingly parted with the spirit.
Now when I turned on my light I was shocked st the amount of Smoke I produced.
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Look at that! That’s all smoke. Sorry totally irrelevant to what I’m doing but I was taken aback. My room does smell of lovely frankincense and myrrh now. I opened both windows widely and put on my fan.
I’m thankful my mother doesn’t object to any of my occult practises, but do remember in the future jack to not set off all the fire alarms. I do miss not having my proper ritual space when I lived away, but duty demands I support my mother right now.
In conclusion this has been another wonderful session. I kind of hoped for consistency in the regards that I was expecting the bizarre pulsating light from before. Not that I should criticise what I’ve just experienced, it’s just amazing at the variety and tenacity of these manifestations. I’m not sure how to proceed now, I was so sure in my success on the hours of the sun, but these mars associations have been palpable and powerful. This is all an experiment, detailed here to the best of my memory and ability for longevity’s sake.
Just as I closed the session I swore I saw that green flame again
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Yes the picture is terrible, I took it as fast as I could. Clearly not visible in the photograph but it was one of those corner of the eye things. My crystal gets covered with a cloth when not in use. Just so it’s protected and dust free.
That just about wraps it up. Incredibly pleased, incredibly humbled. This DSIC Work is incredibly potent, highly recommend to fellow occultists if you haven’t tried so already.
My only niggling doubt is that I would love to have the proper ebony wand and pedestal. For now I’m using my Solomonic hazel wand, and the pedestal, well my dragons are fine. The closer I can get to the formula the better. These are tools perhaps I shouldn’t be too concerned over, just look what I’ve achieved without these expensive bits of equipment. It’s something to consider.
Thank you if you chose to read this. I’d love to write for hours but I keep a physical journal and this digital one, so it’s very draining to write both. I like to get them done quickly, just while my experience is fresh in my mind.
Thank you for joining me on this weeks journey.
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individual-ae2eca · 6 years
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individual-ae2eca · 6 years
Capitalism is psycho-spiritual toxic sludge
Capitalism is psycho-spiritual toxic sludge
You put in your eight to ten hours a day
Your fourty to eighty hours a week
If you’re lucky
Otherwise you’re too hungry to think at all
Think of everything we could do with three extra hours
A day
If we were not sacrificing our minds and souls to the machine
To line a suits pockets with gold
Think what the alchemists of old could have done
If they had thought to turn lead into bread
Instead of to riches
Realize this; That we have mistaken wealth for merit
Instead of a moral failing
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individual-ae2eca · 6 years
Men like to believe theyd be great in apocalypse scenarios but they dont even know how to sew
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individual-ae2eca · 6 years
On Wolf Blitzer
My best friend: This weird bearded robot is awesome!
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individual-ae2eca · 6 years
When you ask most people what the best story Marvel has done with Kingpin as the villain
They will probably go with Frank Miller’s Daredevil work
This is because they are FOOLS
Because I can tell you right now that this is the best thing ever done with the character
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Kingpin finds out that a bunch of heroes regularly get together to play poker and proceeds to crash their SUPERHERO POKER NIGHT…like literally just knocks on the door and strolls in like a baller
(Sidenote I love how the Human Torch is like ‘WHAT THE HECKIE’ at how surreal this is…the most infamous mob boss in new york, a man who regularly employs supervillains, RHINO PEOPLE and killer robots has just shown up at their front door like “I heard you guys were having a poker game and wanted to come hang out”…like he’s just their Weird Supervillain Neighbour)
But this isn’t what makes this story the best oh no
That’s what Kingpin will do with his winnings if he beats them
What would a depraved supervillain do with all that money you wonder?
Bribery? Fund some grand criminal enterprise? Use it to purchase illegal firearms or in some seedy druge deal?
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He’s going to legally purchase a boat and give it a name that’s a fuck you to the heroes And then just to rub it in their faces he’s going to ILLEGALLY BUY A CUBAN CIGAR THIS IS AMAZING This is like something right out of the Venture Brothers The heroes arch nemesis, a man who regularly tries to murder them to death, shows up and is just like “And if I win…I SHALL USE YOUR MONEY TO ILLEGALLY PURCHASE A CUBAN CIGAR!” I BET HE’S GOING TO SMOKE IT IN A MOVIE THEATRE TOO OR THE NON SMOKING SECTION OF A RESTAURANT THE FIEND
This is legitimately like something The Monarch or Marik from Yu Gi Oh Abridged would do…I cannot stop laughing at this scene okay it’s amazing
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individual-ae2eca · 6 years
Got myself a sweet as heck pentacle
To go with my sweet as heck chaostar
So I guess you can say
I’m all wizarded up.
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individual-ae2eca · 6 years
Dear lord
Dear lord
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individual-ae2eca · 6 years
Don’t eat the spicy hotdog.
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individual-ae2eca · 6 years
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individual-ae2eca · 6 years
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From August 21 through September 9, people in prisons across the country are striking to call attention to low inmate wages, decrepit facilities and harsh sentences. News outlets should be covering this strike.
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individual-ae2eca · 6 years
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