indrnation-blog · 7 years
#TheGreatRift #DiabloFlatEarth #Dialo3FlatEarth #Diablo3
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indrnation-blog · 7 years
#BeyondtheImaginaryCurve #FlatEarthActivist Flat Earth Activist whom promotes the idea that we need to critically think. Perhaps his methods can be aggressive (especially in these live video's) but in general his interviews with members of the public are heart warming. I honestly don't think he is a Shill of any sort for the Flat Earth Movement. #FlatEarth
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indrnation-blog · 7 years
Dave Murphy #DaveMurphy #FlatEarthInterview #FlatEarthDiscussion #FlatEarth Goodbye to the Globe Flat Earth Dave Murphy.
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indrnation-blog · 7 years
Slinky Test - Flat Earth - Gravity Hoax Test (extended test). #slinkyflatearthtest #antigravity Test one done minus a Tennis Ball (we have seen this; idiots claim that its because the top is supported and therefore the tension acts as anti-gravity). in this example there is an un-natural Tennis Ball weight completely throwing off the Slinky tension.
Gravity is a Hoax. We proof it to help others. It does not exist. It used used to explain the millions of balls we see in the sky; funny thing is; there are NO BALLS in the sky. Take another look. You have been fooled. #FlatEarth
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indrnation-blog · 7 years
Nasa Extreme Space Fails - Jokes on you - Flat Earth #NasaFails #SpaceisWater Ft #hulkhogan #Astronaut #AstronautFail
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indrnation-blog · 7 years
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indrnation-blog · 7 years
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#gravityisfake #FlatEarth #slinkytest #flatearthslinky #slinky #goSlinkygo #gravity #GravityFalls
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indrnation-blog · 7 years
#HennessyFlatEarthCommercial #HennessyFlatEarth #FlatEarth #FlatEarthBaloon #HighAltitudeBaloon
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indrnation-blog · 7 years
The Coincidence Theory vs Flat Earth
The Coincidence Theory vs Flat Earth
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Coincidence 1.The sun is actually 93 million miles away or 8 Light Minutes. At a whopping 400 times greater in diameter. Lets not forget Earths tilt and the speed the sun is moving. 666 anyone? Counter Claim: – Yet an Eclipse shows a near equal sized sun and moon. – The Sun grows and shrinks in size to our visible eye on a daily basis – There is no Light-Tail behind the sun from the feed of 8…
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indrnation-blog · 7 years
Mars, Neptune Venus - the planets - Flat Earth truth #flatearth #flatearthstars #flatearthplanets #fakespace
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indrnation-blog · 7 years
1. Was it fake? 2. Is this not high enough? 3. Wait; do you perhaps see curve though, I realize the camera needs to stabilize, but when it does, can you send me to the nearest curve? 4. Get out your curve calculator. Make sure its NOT FLAT 5. Is this too low for the Orbit? Why is the sky black already. 6. Maybe this is another one of those coincidence things science explains everything with. The belief of coincidence. If you think I am trolling then what is the Big Bang? Give me one adjective; Coincidence. 7. Why would Nasa lie. Why would the world lie. I can't keep any secret; how would they?
#flatearth #flatearthbaloon
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indrnation-blog · 7 years
Flat Earth Evidence
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Visit https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRWY3nenJjSExBKAmokA96g Nasa CGI No Curve
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indrnation-blog · 7 years
Big Bang Fail - the World is Flat
Please note this does not prove or disprove anything. It simply questions what we have been Forced to accept.. But why do you think its a ball? I have 1000 proofs. here are 10 :)  , please ask if you confused. I dont expect 20 years of science to be debunked by plain old me. We start our day off on a Ball. | Tilted: 66.6 degrees. | Moving at 66, 000 miles per hour Here is a great Ball Earth proof: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bedford_Level_experiment only problem is Wikipedia seems to mention Flat Earth more than anything. Big Bang = Sun and Moon perfectly placed apart to create the illusion of equal size and also happens to create perfect conditions for life. (coincidence)                 Algee - Insects - Fish - Dinosaurs - Ape men - men                 Life - Heart, mind, feelings, pain, awareness, drive, passion (still from the big bang)                 The big bang can still be seen, as it is still happening.                 1. Water (70% of the earth surface btw)Water needs to be contained. In a Glass. A Lake. At any point of decline; the water may flow (like a river). Testable science proves water will spill out if not contained, yet we are mocked when saying the world is flat "will you fall off the edge?".  Irony x 1000.... Antartica is an Ice Wall surrounding the world. If we see till a point where our eyes converge the image. You can verify this down a long hallway . Same story with a setting sun. The Sun simply races to cover another point of Earth. and we go thinking our PLANEt is moving :) Ships may "appear to dip under the horizon" Issue 1: A Camera/Binoculars will zoom it back in = debunkedIssue 2: a ball curves up and down at various points. why is the assumption that the boat ALWAYS goes UNDER the horizon?  as if it were declining.. there should then be an incline scenario aswel. At over 100 thousand feet there should be noticeable curvature. yet, the only photos you see curve are from FISH EYED lense camera's. Here is proof that we are being mocked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHtvDA0W34I The Red Bull World Record Jump... (they added abit too much curvature for the Planet Mexico) 2. The Government - Well the US Presidents I am sorry for this but... So we went to the moon 6 times in 1969 - 1972, yet we cant go back? You do know Earth images comes from those moon missions. Only in 2015 have more images been released to combat the Flat Earth awakening. Low Earth orbit is not achievable aswel. Speed required 17500 miles per hour... (we see astranaughts working outside a spaceship at these speeds)http://edition.cnn.com/videos/tv/2017/03/16/tapper-white-house-earth-is-flat.cnn  Donald Trump - believes flat earth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tawzPj9qntk (Barrack Obama admits LOW EARTH ORBIT is the limit) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MEF5S3Fsvs  (Nasa also admit Low Earth Orbit is the limit) If Satellites existed they would be seen on the ISS live footage and also on images and footage of the Earth... But they M.I.A. You ever heard of a satelite crashing down to Earth? When we fit DSTV dishes locally (Cape Town), we point the dish at a signal tower.. there are thousands of signals towers on buildings around the world. Cables are also laid beneath the ocean. Ladies and Gentleman UNITED NATIONS = Flat Earth Map. LMAO 3. Gravity is a hoax... Density perfectly explain what gravity does for us. WhyDensity! Heavier than Air drops. Lighter floats... Soo where does gravity fit into anything? Helium Baloons dont defeat gravity. The only way to justify gravity is to point at Jupiter and claim its held up by gravity. But the truth is there are no Planets There are No solar systems as you been told. The Quran and Bible are correct and approve of each other. Its only the government whom have ensure the Church doesn't get out of hand with the truth. 4. The Sky is the Limit -  140 000 feet  and so is the ground - 12 kilometers. This limitation of up and down is in the Quran. 5. Antarctica Global Treaty - no one allowed into Antarctica (Coincidence?) 6. The EclipseA lunar Eclipse claims that the shadow of Earth casts on the Moon. Truth is a Lunar eclipse is a RED moon. its visible...Where as a Solar Eclipse.... proves they are the same size. 7. How the Sun and Moon WorkJust like a Clock. - how a clock was invented. Ying Yang,,,, ​ 8. The Sun does not burn, it is hollow, the moon is transparent.   They are within 200 - 2000 km up... Local.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6QinYav-_Q&t=6946s (baloon almost touches the sun) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMvRc5Wsvwk   (Must watch) 9. Sky is a dome Ancient Egypt... Depicts Glass dome over the world.The Quran and Bible mention a inpenetrable Barrier molten glass dome. (Firmament) or the 1st Heaven = The Rakia  (from Earth to Saturn) Actually around 80% of ancient religions agreed to this fact. - USA Admiral Berg Explored Antartica and admitted to more unseen land the size of the USA... Also reports of his planes flying into a invisible barrier. The US army assumed the Russians have advanced technology. Its speculated they had hit the glass dome at some point. Thereafter the Antarctica Treaty was initiated immediately was that no human may seek any truth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhYS3Mm80js 10. SPACE IS WATER (most probably) The Moon / Sun / Planets dont spin. You have never seen them spin? You have only seen one side to the moon ALL YOUR LIFE. All image of planets you have seen one side of. Even though they are Fake. These are Real Stars (WATER) - They are Angels energy according to the quran.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_ukxGhX0w0   Hennessy Flat Earth commercial https://youtu.be/MZ_PHiuMhpQ In conclusion we meant to feel like a dot in the Milky Way. Which is a Dot in the Universe. Which came from nothing. but what if.... I am right?
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indrnation-blog · 7 years
Ship over the Horizon Flat Earth Test. Globe Earth debunk
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indrnation-blog · 7 years
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indrnation-blog · 7 years
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indrnation-blog · 7 years
More Proof. #thankmeintheafterlife
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