kicksomebuttmama · 4 months
Day 17 - June Day 2/30
Another successful day! Everyone slept better last night, and I slept an extra hour and a half this morning when my husband got up with the baby. I always get to go back to sleep for a little bit before he goes to work, but weekends are the best because we can actually take turns taking naps, and I always get to sleep in!
I took a big walk, did a dance video that was too hard but still fun, and got all my fruits and veggies in. I had a big smoothie with greens, blueberries, and banana, cashew chicken with bell peppers, an apple, and baby carrots.
Baby's second tooth showed it's little face today, sooooo that explains the rough sleep!!
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kicksomebuttmama · 4 months
Day 16 - June Day 1/30
If you saw my last post, you know I'm dropping the 75 Hard title and focusing on keeping up my new habits for the month of June. I already feel so much more motivated!
Today started with a nice treat of baby staying in her crib until 7:01. She was up feeding at 1:45 and 4:00, and she woke up about 3 other times maybe, but the long stretch from 4:25-7:01 was crazy! Unfortunately our cats were not happy about it and kept messing with the window curtain. We're usually out of bed by 6:15 so they were confused...
I made an iced coffee in a jar, put baby in the carrier, and went for a short walk around 8:30 before we treated ourselves to Grubhub breakfast from a local place. We all ate breakfast together, which was so nice. Later, I busted out a bunch of my fruits and veggies by making a huge smoothie. We went for a long walk, and I did a One Direction dance video by Madfit. I definitely prefer growwithjo! Madfit moved between dance moves too quickly for me.
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In the afternoon, we went for a long walk. I didn't snack at all throughout the day, which was basically a first for me. The smoothie really filled me up! I had some baby carrots while making cashew chicken with lots of bell pepper for dinner. I had watermelon after dinner for my final fruit. Now I'm going to have two mini cupcakes that we got with our Grubhub order earlier.
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I think it's funny it always says I didn't take any steps because I keep my phone in the stroller cupholder. Makes me feel like I need some validation! Hit 75 activities on Stava!
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Successful day!
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kicksomebuttmama · 4 months
Adjusting my daily goals
Okay, I'm changing my plan! I'm finding it hard to get the movement I want in with baby right now because she's waking up so many times a night and my body is feeling so busted. So I'm making a simple change from a 20-minute workout to a 15-minute workout daily (in addition to a daily 45-minute walk, which usually ends up being longer anyway). Baby's capacity for independent play is closer to 15 minutes, so I'm setting myself up for greater success instead of giving up before I even try to do 20 minutes because I know I'll have to lift her up for the last 5 every time.
Another change I'm making, in order to combat snacking on food with little to no nutritional value, is to up my fruits and veggies requirement to 3 of each a day! I really, really don't want to count calories because I know it takes me to a bad place. And I know in not going to see quick weight loss while breastfeeding and only sleeping 3 hours at a time at the absolute maximum. I know if I don't see results I'll cut even more calories to the point of starving myself, and I simply cannot do that while literally feeding my child from my own body. Adding in more healthy things will make me fuller and give my baby even better fuel!
Here's what my habit-tracking app looks like now, starting with the additional habits yesterday!
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Adjusting my expectations
The other thing I'm super stressed about is when we'll be traveling in about a month and I know I won't be able to get in the workouts. I'm obviously going to try, but I'm dropping the idea of doing this as a version of 75 Hard because I don't want to feel like a failure despite all the amazing things I've already done. My expectation now is to keep all of this up for the full month of June and then reassess in July and make adjustments for travel.
Additionally, I'm adding in a No Clothes Shopping goal for the month of June. I need to wear what I have and not worry about what I'll wear when I go back to work until it gets a little closer. Luckily I ordered new bras and workout shorts yesterday. hehehe
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kicksomebuttmama · 4 months
gentle reminder you can rise up from everything. you can recreate yourself. nothing is permanent. you are not stuck. you have choices. you can think new thoughts. you can learn something new. you can create new habits. all that matters is that you decide today and never look back.
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kicksomebuttmama · 4 months
75 Hard Day 15
I wanted to quit sooooo bad today. But I did my walk, I did a low impact mobility workout, I ate extra fruits and veggies on top of my requirement. I don't think I'm going to make it the 75 days simply because of travel plans we have coming up, but I'm going to keep going for now.
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kicksomebuttmama · 4 months
75 Hard Day 14
Well I caved and bought a scale. My healthy mindset has shifted and now I'm just feeling like I really want to lose weight... maybe I need to count calories too. I'm falling back into my old ways of how I feel about weight loss and my body, trying to plan it all out and imagine the best case scenario of what I could lose. But I'm nervous to dive in like this.
The day started SO early because baby basically slept through the night (one feeding from 4-4:45) but then woke for the day at 5:30. I'm so exhausted. I don't even think my body will let me lose weight while I'm not sleeping, even if I cut calories.
Anyway, we went for a long walk during baby's first nap! Then I went for another walk in the afternoon while carrying baby, do in counting that as workout 2.
My diet was fine. I didn't snack after dinner, which was a first! I mean, I had a handful of grapes, but I'd say that's a good thing.
Still, I'm feeling pretty down about my weight. I weighed about 238, so I'm still maintaining where I was when I gave birth almost 10 months ago. I'm sure the last two weeks have made a difference. I was probably 240 when I started. But I just thought I'd see a different number.
Some non-scale victories...
I've kept up with this plan for 2 weeks, which is pretty awesome.
I'm loving dancing and find myself dancing a lot more throughout the day.
I found a couple cool walking paths that motivate me to walk more.
I ordered some clothes and like a lot of them. The ones I didn't like were too big and I sent them back.
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kicksomebuttmama · 4 months
75 Hard Day 13
Still at it! Baby's sleep has been better the last two nights, which makes it easier. But the frequent workouts are making me need to shower more, which is proving difficult with baby and all the things I need to do after she goes to bed.
I'm struggling with the food tracking. Not because I'm eating tons of unhealthy stuff that I don't want to write down, just the motivation to format it on Tumblr on my phone. So I think I'm going to just use my checklist app to ensure I'm getting my 2 fruits and 2 veg.
For today's workout, I did a growwithjo video even though I really didn't feel inspired and I felt like my baby wasn't going to let me. So I set her up in her seat with some cheerios and danced in front of her! Then we went on a nice long walk.
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kicksomebuttmama · 4 months
75 Hard Day 12
I did everything on my list today, including a super long stroller walk! I'm struggling with actually writing it down, but I'm keeping track on a habit app. 12 days of success!
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kicksomebuttmama · 4 months
75 Hard Day 11
I started today extra bright and early because my baby decided it was time to wake up at 5:30! We'll see how the naps go today. 😅😅😅
I didn't write down what I had and now I can't remember everything! But I did have 2 fruits and 2 veggies and all my water.
Workout 1
Because baby and I were hanging out in the living room this morning and I needed to stay awake despite overwhelming exhaustion and being sooooo sore from yesterday, I put on a stretching video around 6:00am. That auto played into the Dua Lipa dance video I've done a couple times, which then autoplayed a 15 minute Encanto dance mix (all growwithjo). So, I did 35 minutes of exercise/stretching first thing today!! (Using my same pics from the other day because I didn't take new ones!)
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Workout 2
We went for a walk around our complex trying to get the baby to take a nap! It was 35 minutes, but I did 15 extra minutes in my morning workout and we went to the pool in the afternoon!
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kicksomebuttmama · 4 months
75 Hard Day 10
Today was another day I really didn't think I'd make it... but then I crushed it!! It was a big day for exercise and I'm super sore. Also a big day for sweet treats. I'm still feeling really hungry. I've been kind of insatiable the last couple days.
B: almond croissant, yogurt with berries, banana, and cheerios
L: scramble with spinach, green onion, cheddar, toast, donut
D: hamburger, tempura green beans (instead of fries because I needed another veggie to meet my goal of two fruits and two veg!)
Dessert: milkshake
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Workout 1
I was walking to the gym when I decided to try to do a little run. That didn't work out well because I wasn't dressed for it and everything was riding up in the worst ways, so I tracked it but it wasn't much.
Then I did 10 minutes of weights and 10 minutes on the elliptical.
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Workout 2
We went for an family walk that was meant to be 45 minutes and about 2 miles...but we just kept going!! I'm was feeling the squats and elliptical during the last bit of the walk, and it feels good to be sore. It's been a while since my body felt sore from something other than giving birth and nursing.
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Can't believe I'm saying it, but 10 days done!
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kicksomebuttmama · 4 months
75 Hard Day 9
We had another night of baby waking up every hour, so I think we're definitely in a sleep regression. Maybe she'll walk soon!! Or learn some more words?? Luckily it's a long weekend, so we can take turns napping during the day.
B: scramble with spinach, onion, and cream cheese, beignets, coffee, hashbrowns
L: smoothie with banana, blueberries, and spinach, apple with pb, cheezits
D: hot wings, fries
Dessert: crumbl cookie
Workout 1
Back at it with the growwithjo! After breakfast we did the Dua Lipa Dance Party 10 minutes. Then I did a 10 minute stretch video later in the day.
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Workout 2
Another long sunny walk! This time I had my phone in my pocket instead of the stroller cupholder, so the steps are actually accurate!
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kicksomebuttmama · 4 months
75 Hard Day 8
I did not think I was gonna make it today, y'all. Baby woke up once every hour last night and I wanted to give up on everything so bad. I didn't want to workout. I almost didn't get two veggies in. I wanted a beer! But I made it and I'm going to bed early.
I've decided to cut back on the water and do 3/4 of a gallon. The peeing is messing up my ability to have my baby contact nap, and I only have a couple more months of that before going back to work. I'm sure I'll still get a gallon in, but I'm not going to try to do it so early in the day.
B: honey bunches of oats, smoothie with banana, blueberries, spinach
L: Mac and cheese with peas
D: steak, stuffed pasilla, rice, beans, tortillas, chips, salsa
Snack: crumbl cookies
Workout 1
Both workouts were walks today. The first was 20 minutes with my baby in the carrier. Haven't used the carrier in a while and man she has grown!!
Workout 2
Long, hot walk! It wasn't a ton longer than I usually do, but the great and sun made a big difference! We found a secret park!
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8 days down, 67 to go!
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kicksomebuttmama · 4 months
75 Hard Day 7
Breakfast: Smoothie with blueberries, banana, spinach, small bowl of crispix
Snack: date bar
Lunch: chicken salad and crackers
Dinner: chicken quesadilla
Dessert: chips, dip, cookies
Workout 1
I did two 10 minute videos this morning again because I wasn't sure if baby girl would let me get away with a long one. I did a dance one and a stretching once, which felt so much harder than I was expecting. Stretching used to feel good, now it's actually hard work...
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Workout 2
Another long stroller walk! Explored a couple new streets but stayed close to home.
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One week down! I feel tired and sore, but my baby is also waking up every hour of the night. I really want to give up in this exact moment, but I know this moment will pass.
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kicksomebuttmama · 4 months
75 Hard Day 6
Breakfast: cheerios with blueberries, coffee
Snack: smoothie with blueberries, banana, spinach
Lunch: chicken salad and crackers
Dinner: chicken stew, bread and butter
Snack: cheezits, pb pretzels, chocolate chips
Water: finished my gallon before dinner and drank another 16oz later
Workout 1
I wasn't sure if my baby would keep playing independently long enough for me to get through a 20 minute video, so I decided to start with s 10 minute video knowing I would add another one later in the day. Well, she made it ALMOST all the way through both in a row before I had to pick her up and incorporate her in my workout. For my fist video, I did a 10 minute morning dance one, then I did a 10 minute mobility workout, which I used to do a lot of early in postpartum life. As soon as I started it I realized how essential it is to stretch, especially after a night nursing in a chair.
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Workout 2
It was nice and gloomy yesterday, which I love for a walk! I listened to Brooke and Connor Make a Podcast again and did some laps of the apartment complex plus walked on a couple streets I hadn't been on before.
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Done with day 6 and feeling proud!
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kicksomebuttmama · 4 months
75 Hard Day 5
Breakfast: plain cheerios and blueberries
Snack: smoothie with banana, blueberries, and spinach, cheezits
Lunch: chicken salad and club crackers
Dinner: Mac and cheese with peas
Snack: ruffles and dip, chocolate
Water: complete and then some! Peed all night...
Workout 1
I am VERY proud and impressed with myself for completing five days of non-walking exercise!! Today I did a growwithjo video called Happy Morning. It got me super sweaty and pumped up. My baby was crawling around my feet the whole time, so I had to modify a little and pick her up (weighted cardio!), but we got through it!
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Workout 2
We walked through a neighboring apartment complex full of pretty flowers. I listened to Brooke and Connor Make a Podcast in one ear and my babbling baby in the other.
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Here's one of the foods I prepped for my 9 month old this week! I also gave her a bottle of formula to start getting her used to that because I'll have to daytime wean when over summer to get ready for fall. I tried not to overthink it but I am definitely in my head about our changing routines. This is a broccoli egg bake that she loves!
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kicksomebuttmama · 4 months
Thoughts on going back to work in August
I had my baby last August and took the full school year off (not maternity leave, just saved up and went unpaid because maternity leave is crap here). So, I'm going back for the new school year in a couple months. Last night, as I nursed my baby at midnight and again at 5am, I started really thinking about the routines we'll need to establish to be ready for the day each morning. Here's what I'm thinking...
Night Routine (after baby goes to bed around 7:30)
Set coffee timer
Pack lunches
Clean kitchen
Pack backpacks
Go to bed before 10:00
Morning Routine
As I nurse baby around 6am, husband gets dressed
As I get dressed, husband gives baby solid food breakfast or plays
7:15 out the door
7:30 Drop off at daycare
7:40 Head to work
Hopefully get to work at 8:00
Our daycare is going to be pretty out of the way, unfortunately, but our friend owns it and we're getting a great deal. Plus all the food is included! We don't have to pack anything but milk for baby, which is awesome. Also, my husband and I teach at the same school, so we won't have to take turns doing drop off, we'll just go together. In the afternoons, we'll probably switch off picking up baby and being prepped. For example, he has a meeting after school on Mondays, so I'll go pick up baby right after school and he'll stay for this meeting, then we'll swing around and either hang out in my classroom or pick him up and go home. Then on Tuesdays, we'll switch. He can go pick her up right after dismissal, and I'll get prepped for the next day. I think all that is going to work well.
I have a dream that on the weekend I'll be able to do a big food prep all we don't have to cook as much during the week. Like, all our lunches for the week will be ready before Monday. But we'll see.
I'm nervous about the workload and not getting to spend enough time with my baby after spending literally every second of her first year of life with her. I'm going to miss her so much, and it feels wrong that someone else with be spending all day with my girl, but I'm a teacher and fully understand the benefits and joy of spending the day at school! It's going to be a mental and emotional back and forth for sure.
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kicksomebuttmama · 4 months
75 Hard Day 4
Feeling good today! I'm definitely sore from the elliptical, but that didn't stop me. Neither did the fact that I literally shredded my thumb on a cheese grater making dinner last night. 😫😫😫 It took a long time for the bleeding to stop, and we had to scrap the dinner plans, but I think it will heal without stitches. It's thrown a wrench into my plans because it's a bit harder to take care of a baby with a wrapped up thumb on my dominant hand. 😅 I still crushed a 20-minute workout video and long walk along with my water and fruits and veggies goals though!!
Breakfast: honey nut cheerios with blueberries
Lunch: homemade pork fried rice, smoothie with blueberries, spinach, banana, pear
Snacks: small bowl honey nut cheerios
Dinner: homemade mac and cheese with peas
Snacks: ruffles and sour cream dip
Water: Crushed it. Peed 9,000 times.
Workout 1
While my husband fed the baby breakfast, I danced my butt off to growwithjo's Beyonce and Rhianna video! My favorite parts were the freestyle dance breaks when I went over and danced around the highchair.
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Workout 2
We took a nice, long walk in the gloom, which eventually turned to sunshine. The flowers smelled amazing and we were able to go out a lot longer than I expected. Movement time was 49 minutes, but we were out for an hour with stoplights and admiring birds and plants.
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Day 4: all done!
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