ineedloveandsupport · 6 years
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my dad walked in my room with this and he thought it was the funniest shit, so
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give the brilliant man what he wants. spread his meme. do his bidding
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he needs the world to see his work
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do it for my dad. spread the meme
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ineedloveandsupport · 6 years
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Ruth Negga, photographed by Norman Jean Roy for The Edit, July 20, 2017.
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ineedloveandsupport · 6 years
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Everyone can support someone living with HIV. There is no cure, but HIV treatment  means people can live longer, healthier lives. Questions? Healthcare  providers have answers. You can also visit HelpStopTheVirus.com
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ineedloveandsupport · 6 years
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ineedloveandsupport · 6 years
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Listen. Read. Educate yourselves. If you are unaware, fix that. Do not be complicit in the societal and legal oppression of transgender Americans.
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ineedloveandsupport · 6 years
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ineedloveandsupport · 6 years
2018 Grinch has no edge. He’s got no bite. He’s not even that much of an asshole. He’s just a sassy gay furry with unusually nice teeth despite his famous theme song declaring otherwise.
1966 Grinch? Now that was a mean, scary bastard. He was a crusty old fuck who hated society so much that he only came off his shitty frozen mountain to commit crimes and terrorism out of spite.
Bennyhoo Cumberland Grinch comes down from his mountain to buy groceries.
You can round the edges off a character to make them more “relatable” or whatever, but you also run the risk of losing what defined them in the first place. The end result is bland and generic.
2018 Grinch is a reflection of modern society’s rejection of real character flaws in the interest of being “unproblematic” and in this essay i will
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ineedloveandsupport · 6 years
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ineedloveandsupport · 6 years
the real “problem with political correctness” is not that it’s considered offensive to use slurs, but that there are now many “progressive” environments where saying the right things is more important than doing the right thing. it’s why it’s so easy for abusers to gain traction in leftist circles (they learn the right words quickly and employ them to frame their own behavior as progressive); it’s why so much potential activist energy gets poured into fighting about language; it’s why moderate liberals didn’t believe fer/guson had a problem until the police emails with actual racist language were leaked. (you can do racist things, you just can’t SAY racist things.) i don’t have a neat conclusion here but a related point is that i’m so much happier since i started focusing on like, being a good kind caring person instead of trying to remove the word “crazy” from the vocabulary of everyone in my family
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ineedloveandsupport · 6 years
Soulmates are not your ~other half~, that’s just nonsense. You are a whole person already, not half a person. A soulmate isn’t even inherently romantic. A soulmate is just the other sock in a matched set. You’re still a whole, complete sock on your own, you are perfectly functional paired with any other sock, it’s just that it’s even better when you match. A soulmate is literally just the person who makes your soul go “!!! Same hat!!!” and wave excitedly.
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ineedloveandsupport · 6 years
Can someone just………………. explain French to me?
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ineedloveandsupport · 6 years
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ineedloveandsupport · 6 years
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ineedloveandsupport · 6 years
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ineedloveandsupport · 6 years
ur not a REAL pjo fan unless u stopped reading the books in 2014 and ur entire conception of the riordanverse is based off random in-depth headcanons tacked on to a diluted version of events left over from when u were twelve
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ineedloveandsupport · 6 years
Every time I hate my body I remember that there are millions of old rich white men who benefit from my self hatred and if there’s one thing I hate, it’s old rich white men so I snap out of that shit instantly cos I ain’t EVER giving them the satisfaction.
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ineedloveandsupport · 6 years
This fucking site: hey net neutrality is about to die :((( please help us :(((( boost and rb everything you see even if you’re not American :((((((((( we’ll have no wifi :(((((( we need you!!!! :((((
Non-Americans: okay
Non-Americans: hey greece is basically on fire, 150 people are wounded, 53 are killed and our nature is being destroyed. we’re suspecting arson. can you please reblog some posts and help spread awareness?
This fucking site:
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