inexperienced-timelord ¡ 4 years
To add to this
They enter the Tardis for the first time, and they don’t do the classic “it’s bigger on the inside now my sense of reality is warped!!” thing, they look around, shrug their shoulders, and start asking how everything works and what functions each little button and lever provide.
Also they put up with zero of the Doctors bull. There’s always a sarcastic remark that bothers the doctor enough to open up so the kid has the facts straight whenever they’re discussing the doctors feelings or past.
And school is no longer an issue as the companion of a time traveler hundreds of years old. I mean, they learn more with the doctor than they do at a school, and they come back always, never missing a day of school, and always top of the class.
They love hearing about the doctors companions, and they find themdelf wishing they could meet even just one of them. 
One day they meet River Song, and that just winds up being two episodes of pure comedy because river is so confused about why the doctors new companion is a teenager, but also gets along so well with this kid. I mean, what if river and the kid just took over the trades leaving the doctor baffled and with no ability to do anything. Turns out the destination they had planned was a little vacation they could spend as a family, (because I seriously believe River would want to adopt this kid), or a day off for the doctor.
And how much sass do you think would come from this kid meeting the Daleks or Cybermen? Because I feel like the amount of sass this kid could give would be enough to make both these races malfunction.
A grouchy gen z as the doctors companion
Imagine that though. In my head they’ve also been a grouchy nonbinary teen, maybe about 16 years old. They’re pronouns are they/them, and they’re extremely emo. They bring gen z humour to everything. An alien dissolves in a completely horrifying way? They’re response is just “mood”, causing the doctor to look at them in a completely horrified and concerned manner.  They eat ramen all the time and it pisses the doctor off because goddammit they’re getting noodles everywhere and its ruining the Tardis interior. Every time they and the doctor nearly die, they aren’t phased. And that just leaves the doctor baffled, because this is new, when did teens stop being so dramatic about nearly dying and instead just taking it with a shrug of their shoulders? They go to anytime in space where a revolutionary movement is happening, and  the kid just gets right in there, because they see no reason to sit back. They get stuck, quarantined in a pandemic 30000 years in the future? The kid has no problem, after all, they lived through the corona virus pandemic of 2020. I have so many more little stories involving the doctor and this kid, but if you have any, please, please share them.
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inexperienced-timelord ¡ 4 years
A grouchy gen z as the doctors companion
Imagine that though. In my head they’ve also been a grouchy nonbinary teen, maybe about 16 years old. They’re pronouns are they/them, and they’re extremely emo. They bring gen z humour to everything. An alien dissolves in a completely horrifying way? They’re response is just “mood”, causing the doctor to look at them in a completely horrified and concerned manner.  They eat ramen all the time and it pisses the doctor off because goddammit they're getting noodles everywhere and its ruining the Tardis interior. Every time they and the doctor nearly die, they aren't phased. And that just leaves the doctor baffled, because this is new, when did teens stop being so dramatic about nearly dying and instead just taking it with a shrug of their shoulders? They go to anytime in space where a revolutionary movement is happening, and  the kid just gets right in there, because they see no reason to sit back. They get stuck, quarantined in a pandemic 30000 years in the future? The kid has no problem, after all, they lived through the corona virus pandemic of 2020. I have so many more little stories involving the doctor and this kid, but if you have any, please, please share them.
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inexperienced-timelord ¡ 4 years
A passing thought
I love characters who are so so intelligent but also so freaking stupid. Like they could recite the entire periodic table to you, or tell you every known fact about sir Isaac newton, or just some really smart thing.
But yet they still manage to bump into a door or hit their head on a low ceiling, or they leave their bread in the toaster to long and it becomes burnt, not toast.
Kind of like the Eleventh doctor I guess. He has some serious intelligence and yet still manages to forget he needs to put on clothes before he meets Clara’s family.
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inexperienced-timelord ¡ 4 years
Don’t call us out like this
The Doctor Who Fandom Right Now:
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inexperienced-timelord ¡ 4 years
the doctors’ various flavours of nihilism:
nine: birth is a curse and existence is a prison
ten: yeah i’m kinda shitty but yknow what??? so is life. it b like that
eleven, thru tears: i love life and living. if u look at me the wrong way ill destroy u and ur entire species lol !!
s8!twelve: god i’m just so tired
post s8!twelve: i’m still tired but now its LIFE’S problem. fuck everyone and everything i’m gonna down 6 redbulls and fight god
thirteen: could a person with debilitating depression & self loathing do THIS slips into a coma
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inexperienced-timelord ¡ 4 years
This is one of my favourite things
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doctor who + text posts (6/?)
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inexperienced-timelord ¡ 4 years
I have never liked Tuesdays
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