infcrnos · 4 years
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infcrnos · 4 years
River would take whatever someone could give to him. He just hoped nobody would question it. He didn’t want to go into a deep conversation about having little to no money to spend on food.  He also didn’t want people to worry about him. “I have the energy to make it to the kitchen, Rio.” River followed Rio into the kitchen. It looked pretty cool in comparison to his own small cabin.  “I’d take a sandwich if you’re offering one.” His last meal was yesterday morning. A co-worker brought in two huge bowls full of fruit. He’d ate two apples, an orange, and some strawberries. His co-workers gave him some glares for eating the food so fast but he didn’t really care much.  “I appreciate all of this! I owe you one, man.”
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rio nodded, “we have salami and honey turkey?” he lifted a brow at river. he took a napkin out for river and placed it next to the sandwich on the counter. “you don’t have to owe me anything. this is because i would want someone to do the same for me, y’know?” rio could be standoffish but he cared about other people’s wellbeing. he pushed the food towards river as he sat down in the seat next the other. he pulled a banana off from the bunch in the middle of the table.
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infcrnos · 4 years
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“i busted my ass earlier today and now i have this huge gash on the side of my hip,” he shook his head, wincing at the thought of the fall. “it was bad but i still have all my teeth so i guess it could’ve been worse.”
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infcrnos · 4 years
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every once in a while, rio would come in and buy something because the plants and flowers that were there were beautiful. the days he came in were usually when he wanted to get new flowers, just to liven up the house. he looked over at tavie as he walked into the shop and greeted her, “tav.”
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infcrnos · 4 years
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it all happened so fast. suddenly rafe was in the water and rio was standing there, eyes wide with excitement. he shook his head, stepping back, “nah, these sneakers can’t do that.” rio looked down at him, moving closer to the edge of the water. “i would have to take them off and i’m chilling,” he said as he reached down to start taking off his shoe.
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the darkness that cloaks over the island does not stop him from slipping into the water. not to mention, he’s more than a little high. “it’s not even that cold,” he yells back to the other person on the shore. he grins as he stands up, water only coming up nearing his waist.  “coming in or not?”
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infcrnos · 4 years
[ cristine prosperi, 24, she/her ] can you hear [ rollin’ by calvin harris ft future & khalid ] playing in the background? that’s gotta be [ luna sisko ] coming out of the marsh. apparently [ she ] has been around the island for [ twenty four years ]. and while sometimes they can be kind of [ confrontational & excitable ], once you get to know them, they’re pretty [ honest & clever ]. you can tell they’re a [ kook ] by the [ gold moon necklace, silk sheets, fairy lights] 
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this is my baby bean plant mom luna!!!
a kook, born and raised with money 
luna is pretty sensitive, overprotective of her friends and family like a small fluffy animal with rows of sharp teeth and isnt afraid to rip you apart
she grew up here so she’s very aware of the accessibilities issues in the outer banks and hates that the pogues dont have a lot compared to the kooks
i wouldnt say she hates the kooks because she feels very fortunate and she loves a good yacht party but she’s not super tied to the idea of living like this forever
she’s definitely the traveler type, always wanting to be somewhere exploring and finding new things 
she definitely does volunteer work on the pogue side and helps out with cleaning the beaches and allaattt but definitely would never clean a boat nor would she tell anyone that she was over on the pogue side
she has multiple siblings and she’s the second oldest so she’s always been more of a parent to her siblings than an older sister because her parents are rarely around
they were all mostly raised by their nannies and the older siblings
luna is least back down during a verbal altercation
least likely to stay still
most likely to block you over something small and not look back
basically a lil spitfire but very soft (way softer than rio sheesh)
also lives on her own thanks to her parents’ money and a lot that she earned herself but mostly parents
i think she’s a florist!!! 
childhood friends
friends because their parents are friends
a publicity stunt typa relationship
pogue friends 
literally anything hmu 
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infcrnos · 4 years
rio had been fixing his skateboard when he heard a knock at the door. he hadn’t been expecting anyone since he had been doing little home improvement projects all day by himself. he opened the door faster than he meant to, startling himself in the process. “oh, s’up?” he watched river suspiciously before the sides of his mouth twisted up into a smile, motioning for him to come in. “yeah, i’ll spare ya something. this time. no need for the little sad face.” rio was mostly joking. “do you have enough energy to come to the kitchen or are you going to collapse like, now?” he walked over to the kitchen, pulling a cup out of the cupboard and filling it with water. “would you want a sandwich?” he didn’t really love people coming into his home since he was a pretty secretive guy, but this was clearly innocent. at least, he hoped. 
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River absentmindedly stood in the doorway at the entrance of the other persons house. He’d spent at least the last hour or two down at the beach throwing other peoples rubbish into the bins to help do his bit to save the animals in the ocean. He wanted to think he was a bit of an environmentalist. Unfortunately, the task was harder than he thought. It took all his energy. “Hey? I’m sorry to barge on you like this at this time of night but I was just in the area and wandering if you could spare a snack? I don’t think I have the energy to walk back home.” River ran a hand through his brunette locks and batted his eyelashes as he tried his hardest to do his best puppy-dog looking expression. He was sweating, out of breath, and in need. “Please? I’ll owe you one.”
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infcrnos · 4 years
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rio shook his head, an eyebrow raised at her. “okay, we’ve definitely seen worse, but that’s kind of bad. no?” his eyes were fixed on the clouds. it was almost like they were darkening by the second. he laughed, his curls bouncing as he shrugged at sloane. “it’s going to get bad but hopefully it’ll be fun versus really destructive.” he lips pursed together, looking to her with a nod. sometimes the storms could be brutal. 
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“ OH C’MON, it’s not that bad ! ” it actually was. wind was periodically blowing gust of air throughout island hinting at the on coming storm that was nearly begging to break through. sloane took a squint to the sky , cupping a hand over her brows to look up at the growing darkness and the roll of thick clouds starting to cluster together. “ I mean, it’s bad, but it’s not that bad ! we’ve seen worst. ”  she took a moment to look down at the person beside her with a tilted head, beach curls spilling at her shoulders. “ or at least I’ve seen worst, how ‘ bout you ? ” 
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infcrnos · 4 years
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“—did you just call your skateboard a girl?” the shorter male smirks at his friend. he fiddles around with one of the plastic fish toys sitting by the register as he speaks. it should not surprise him that rio has fireworks. “storms usually die out within a night, maybe it’ll be clear tomorrow or the day after.”  he tells him. aside from hurricanes that sweep through occasionally, but this looked like a one and done rain storm.
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rio nodded nonchalantly, “yeah, zoe saldana. i thought you knew this.” he pursed his lips and shrugged. “i hope it just passes.” rio knew his friend was probably right though. “so what are you up to after work?” rio started touching things, sort of going for anything that had a hook attached to it. this was a fairly normal thing for him, mostly when he was visiting matty at the store. only when he was visiting matty at the store. 
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infcrnos · 4 years
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looking to the sky as matty spoke, rio’s brow furrowed. “ugh, i hope not. i’m tired of this shitty weather. i hate getting my skateboard all messed up in the rain. it’s not fair to her.” leaning against the counter, rio shrugged, “i was kind of hoping we could do something tonight, too. so that kind of sucks. i bought fireworks the other day.” a grin spread across his lips. 
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“looks like a storm might be coming in.”  the clerk notes simply, eyes narrowing as he looks over at the sky with darkening spots peaking out amongst he clouds. “hopefully no one’s in the water when it hits. or if it hits.”
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infcrnos · 4 years
[ aron piper, 21, he/him ] can you hear [ actin’ crazy by action bronson ] playing in the background? that’s gotta be [ rio vélez ] coming out of the marsh. apparently [ he ] has been around the island for [ six years ]. and while sometimes they can be kind of [ detached & stubborn ], once you get to know them, they’re pretty [ ambitious & impavid ]. you can tell they’re a [ pogue ] by the [ dirty sneakers, watching the sunset on the roof, bruised knuckles ] 
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tw: death, tw: neglect, tw: drug abuse
ok so rio. his mother was a drug addict who left when he was about 11. she had never really been around. he had never really been close to his dad, he just knew he could trust him and he was terrifying. his father was involved in mob stuff and got himself killed when rio was 15.
so then he moved to outerbanks with his uncle from his mother’s side and took his last name which was not his mom’s last name.
and they say they’re father and son
rio’s honestly always looked up to him. he didnt see him a lot but they’d always been close so when he got placed with his uncle he was kind of relieved 
its weird living with his uncle though and acting like they’ve been father and son their whole lives and rio gets paranoid sometimes and probably has like scary dreams about his dad and mom
he’s a hardworker
kind of secretive but he doesn’t really mean to be. he’s created this whole story of how he and his uncle are father and son but he slips up sometimes. 
he’s been living her for a while so he’s been going hard ever since
probably having a party in his backyard or doing something at the beach
he disguises a lot of things with nonsense 
full of himself or or just very confident? 
doesn’t always want to interact though
can be a little snippy
broody sometimes
honestly just like kinda bitchy and edgy but means well
he’s just kinda fed up i guess and has been since he moved to outerbanks
he was always known as the more mysterious one of his friend group 
loves to party though, will probably fight you, and is sometimes looking for a fight 
probably working at a surf/skate shop
definitely surfs because he loves to skate
connections??? i have so many that i think would be great lmk
ride or die like this person definitely knows that his father is his uncle, they’ve bonded hardcore.
maybe someone who hes confided in a few times, they are just honest with each other but not really close
enemies!!! because rio wants static
enemies/misunderstood one another turned homies
party friends that just get really messed up together
ex gf, he cheated
someone he doesn’t like just because
other exes
the boy he likes????
guy he hooked up with and is like omg u make me question everything and now i’m trying to avoid u but i keep staring
unrequited or they think its unrequited
his ex’s best friend that he hooked up with idk
somebody who shouldnt know but knows that his uncle is not really his father
people he goes skating/surfing with??
enemies but only because assumptions they’ve made about one another 
they’re not really friends but get put into a situation where they realize they have more in common than they thought or are kinda friends but neither really ever want to admit it???
secret friends or secret lovers
we’re stuck in this situation together so i guess we should make the best of it 
i fucked ur sibling this is so weird
help me make this person jealous
someone he works with
coworkers??? coworkers he’s fucked lol
we go on adventures together
instant friends from like the moment he stepped into the high school in his sophomore year
we both hate that person
rio will protect at all costs
you’re the opposite of me and yet here we are
someone who is genuinely good for him like so wholesome and makes him do sweet lil things unintentionally
also hi i’m rocky!! let me know if you wanna plot! 
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infcrnos · 4 years
tag dump. ┏(・o・)┛♪
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infcrnos · 4 years
“Oh, hey San.” Emilio gave the boy a nod. “I got really trashed and slept with her a few weeks ago. Apparently she’s been running around calling me her boyfriend. I ignored it at first but enough was enough.” he explained. He had no personal problems with Santino, at least when he wasn’t causing Cat to cry. But The two were so hot and cold, he contented on just ignoring it all together.
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santino’s brows raised as he listened to the story. he felt bad for the girl but it’d been a pretty bad move on her part. “shit man, that’s so awkward. messin’ up your game and everything. i get it.” he gestured at emilio, apple still in his hand, “did she know you were trashed when it happened?”
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infcrnos · 4 years
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“those one are my favorite. especially when you say something to annoy them and they’re like "you’re such a…” what ? i’m such a what ? i just love to annoy them. I think it start to be my favorite thing to do right now.“ he smirked as he nodded with the boy when he says that they were pretty and cool. of course they were, who would think otherwise ? though, sometimes, it was good to be calm, he couldn’t help himself when he saw a nerd or some innocent people, tease them until they get angry. "i once broke my ankle thinking about something while climbing up a fence. trust me that you ain’t the one to think like that.”
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key snickered at this. he and jayden were partners in crime; they were always the type to stir up some trouble together. he’d seen one of these situations firsthand so it was funny that he was talking about it. “what, you had like an epiphany or something in the middle of climbing?” key chuckled, nudging the other with his elbow, “how do you lose focus when you’re climbing a fence, bro?”
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infcrnos · 4 years
key looked at catalina with an annoyed look, “you know i’m waiting for pizza. you know this is how i get when the pizza guy takes too long.” he’d ordered pasta and a pizza pie about thirty minutes ago and he was regretting having them deliver it when it really wasn’t that far away. “can you maybe stop focusing on your make-up and influencer stuff for like, five minutes?” he questioned with a voice that was clearly meant to mimic hers. 
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“Hey there guys! It’s me Ember! So bad news and good news. Bad news is I’ll be going back to biweekly instead of weekly videos for the next two months. Good news is it’s because the Rose Twins are back at it again with a new docuseries! You guys are going to…hold on.” Ember stopped looking at the camera. She paused it and she looked at the person in her shot. “Can you give me like 5 minutes without your background pacing? I’m trying make a video here.”
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infcrnos · 4 years
my last 2 brain cells 
@rafepls / @uhmateo
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infcrnos · 4 years
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when it came to guys and the attention she got from them, belle didn’t really care. when it came to santino and the attention he gave her, it made her nervous, excited but also scared because she knew that she shouldn’t feel those things. “i’m a woman of many talents.” she said, a soft smile playing at her lips as she looked into his eyes, her hand coming to cup his jaw. “please ––– kiss me.”
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he grinned at her comment, “well, that i know.” being in such close proximity to her made his stomach turn in the most uncomfortable and exciting way. belle’s hand on his face in this way felt so natural and at the same time, caused a chill to run down his spin. he felt so alive. her request in the way she’d said it turned him on. santino’s arms snaked around her waist as he pressed his forehead to hers, “i was hoping you’d say that.” her lips were soft against his. he kissed her gently before pressing his body into her, passion taking over. santino had craved belle for so long, longer than he’d even known. 
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