infinitygods-blog · 7 years
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Lace kinda looks like he’s in the military or biz XD
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infinitygods-blog · 7 years
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Name: Tess (Short for Tesseract) 
Age: as old as the universe
Gender: He/him pronouns
Powers: Levitation, can provide infinite energy to any input, the ability to create portals anywhere in the universe, can create small hologram projections
Personality: Kina awkward with other beings, he speaks with slight grammar issues here and there when he's not paying attention, cautious around certain things, If he feels strongly threatened or startled by something/someone his abilities can kick in like instinct and he can let out a mass of energy causing mass destruction to either a house or possibly a city, He is the type to ask questions, and will keep asking questions until some kind of answer is given, pretty literal for the most part, but mostly he is energetic. (See what I did there???? ;D ) 
Bio: “Who am I?” Tess took a breath and started "Before the universe, before existence. There were 6 beings. Tess(eract) the being of space and energy, Aether the being of reality, (neck)Lace the being of Time, Spear the being of mind, Orb the being of power, and ???(we have yet to discover the 6th infinity stone so for now it's just ???) These 6 beings brought their abilities together resulting in the creation of the universe. Everything that is/was/or will be was created by them. After the universe was made the beings created a mass casing for themselves, much like this." He explained gesturing to his body. "These beings are now scattered throughout the universe. I am one of them. We used to be praised like gods. But it has been so long that's most have forgotten. We are now but stories for children." He sighed. "But there are a select few who remember. Some, respect us, while others hunt us down, seeking to use our abilities to their benefit." A sigh filling the void of his voice. "We might be gods but ours minds can be easily corrupted. With the right persuasion and reasoning we can easily fall into the wrong hands. Which is why we have to stay scattered through out the universe. Not only to keep different parts of the universe safe at the same time, but also because if we were in one place for too long it would become too much of a target and can become dangerous to lots of innocent people. That is who I am." Random info I couldn't fit into the bio: - His hair glows dimly in the dark - His scarf constantly flows like its under water, and sometimes acts like its sentient. (If he takes if of it becomes just a normal scarf) - He physically and mentally cannot sleep
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infinitygods-blog · 7 years
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Name: Lace
Nickname: T
Age: as old as the universe
Gender: He/him pronouns
Powers: Levitation, Is able to do anything involving time. (example: time travel, future vision, rewinding and skipping time, time loops, etc.)
Personality: Flirty, he only uses his powers when he absolutely has to, to avoid outcomes like time loops, and paradoxes, basically a teen, He enjoys friends, parties, and people with imagination. 
Random Facts: 
-he is Bisexual
-his left eye glows green and can see time, (he hides it to prevent people from freaking out.
-he likes tattoos (he has a tattoo on his back saying “Time waits for no one.”)
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