Ohhh this seems like a really cute idea. HM how abt some jesslake? Maybe something with Lake and Jesse having a picnic and they're dating and happy, joking around with each other <3
Jesse grunted with a bit of effort as he carried the overfilled picnic basket up the hill, using both his arms to do so. Although the task was tiring, he had a bashful, small smile across his face which kept him going. And the reason behind that smile was walking right after him, watching him with a bit of puzzlement. 
“Y’know, Jesse.” The voice from behind him spoke, belonging to Lake. She walked faster to catch up with him, now moving along with him.. “I could help you with that picnic basket. Seems like your fleshy arms are a bit on the.. Noodly side.” They teased, earning a fake offended gasp from the other which only made her laugh, snorting at his expression.
“Pfft, no way! I have the least noodly arms out of a lot of people.” Jesse replied with pride, and just to prove it he attempted to switch to using just one arm to carry the basket, but instantly regretted it when it pulled his shoulder down, nearly dislocating it. 
“OW. I mean, wow that was light but I’m just using both arms so I don’t make you feel jealous.” 
“Uh huh.” Lake chuckled softly, blushing lightly at his actions. “I think you’re forgetting which one of us is made out of literal metal. But hey, if you insist.” 
Jesse nodded, as they finally reached the peak of the hill, dropping the basket down lightly and taking a deep breath, before opening his arms wide to take in the fresh air and the view before them. 
“Not bad.” She spoke, though her words did not match the severity of her true reaction as she stared ahead with him in hushed amazement. 
“Aww, I knew you’d love it.” He remarked, being sure to sneak a kiss against their cheek, widening their eyes in surprise and turning her cheeks a dark gray. 
“Sap.” Lake murmured. 
“You loovee me, though!” Jesse replied in a sing-song voice, and although they didn’t respond out loud, the gesture of her rubbing their cheek with a quiet, fond look was all the answer he needed. 
“Mmm. Yeah, yeah. Now why don’t we settle down and get to what we came here for?” 
They grabbed onto his hand, leading him back over to where the picnic basket sat, opening it up to pull out the red and white checkered blanket and laying it down on the soft grass. 
“Now, are you ready for the best picnic in your life? Because you’re about to get it!” 
“Oh, good.” Lake smirked, sitting down with her legs crossed, rocking back and forth. “My first picnic and it’s already superior to all the other one’s down the line.” 
Jesse hummed a tune as he pulled the contents from the basket, including food, drinks, plates and the usual. There was more than necessary, seeming to be an overabundance of sweets especially. 
“Huh,” Lake seemed impressed, grabbing at a blueberry muffin and tossing it up and down in her hand. “You got a lot of shhhhhhhhhhh-” She swallowed her word, dismissing it off with the clear of her throat, taking a bite of their muffin. 
“Why’d you trail off?” 
Lake rolled her head to the side, chewing slowly. 
“Well, it’s just like. Y’know. I figured I shouldn’t cuss around sunshine boy.” 
Jesse suddenly looked up at her, eyes sparkling at the newfound nickname. A wide smile tugged at the corner of his lips, practically throwing himself onto her with a hug, ignoring how the impact of her metal body against his lungs nearly made him wheeze. 
“Whoa, Jesse, man!” Lake pulled him back, their cheeks tinting a bit as he looked back at them with shimmering, tearful, hopeful eyes. “It’s just a silly nickname, I didn’t know you’d be all-” 
“Lake.” He interrupted her in his excitement, “Am I.. the sun to you? Am I like the sun to you?!” His voice grew and increased in it’s giddiness as he continued, squeezing her arms tightly though it had no impact on her. “Are we like one of those sun and moon couples?!?”
She cleared her throat, pretending to be nonchalant about it despite the flushing of her cheeks. 
“Yeah. Sure, why not? The moon to your sun and the sun to my moon.” They replied with a smug tone, and a fake roll of the eyes. Although that didn’t last long due to Jesse shouting “Yes!” at the top of his lungs almost, pressing a kiss against her cheek once more as her face melted into a genuine grin. 
“Dork.” Was all she said before pulling him into an actual kiss, pressing their lips together in a soft manner. Jesse was right, for a first picnic, it was going to be hard to beat. 
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hiiii. im the anon who was asking for an infininty train request. honestly anything cute with jesslake would be amazing. ty btw if you do write this :) i can't wait to see what you come up with
((I appreciate your words so much, Anon! Here you go!))
“Come on, it’ll be fun!” Jesse pulled on Lake’s arm in an attempt to pull her off his bed.
“Are you crazy? It’s snowing—why would anyone want to get ice cream in the cold?” They weren’t budging.
“Because! It’s fun! And you like ice cream; I bet you haven’t had any since Nate’s birthday.” Jesse managed to finally pull Lake up.
“Fair,” Lake reminisced of the birthday in question. That cookies-and-cream ice cream cake was amazing. “Do I have to wear a coat, though? I don’t get cold, ya know.” She’d eye Jesse’s outfit, taking note of the boy and his blue coat. “If you want. I got a black one you can wear.”
That got Lake on board.
Keep reading
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Can u write
I mean, we can write. That’s what we do in this blog! Is there anything you had in mind?
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We see your writing requests, everyone! We appreciate you guys taking the time to write them so much! Mod Sunflower and I will get to them as soon as we can.
Thank you for your patience!
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Heyoo!! It’s Mod Rose over here!
Yes, it’s an Infinity Train writing blog!! Feel free to send ideas you’d like us to write!
We accept basically anything, from AU ideas, to headcanons, even to the basics of angst and fluff.
(Just no smut, though.)
See you on the flip side!
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Heyy guys welcome to our blog!
As you can most likely tell by the desc, this blog was made for any fans of infinity train out there who want to see a certain fic written for this particular piece of media
So feel free to leave them in our askbox! We take both shippy and non shippy requests, angst and fluff, anything in-between
The only thing we ask is no smut requests, and please be patient with us while we write your requests
That's all!! I hope you enjoy our writing and this blog
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