infraredastronomy · 6 days
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testing touchdesign
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infraredastronomy · 6 days
I recently adopted a cat and have named him Lorenzo. At the shelter he was kind of a mean ass cat. Now that he lives as a solo cat I'm seeing a really soft side of him and it warms my heart. I also recently submitted an instrument concept for the Gemini Strategic Planning community input. Not entirely sure where that will go, but I'm proud that I put myself out there with my team.
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infraredastronomy · 16 days
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Museum of Contemporary Art Tucson
I had the whole museum to myself when I got see this exhibit which was a real treat. I loved seeing all the textures and use of mineral in the aluminum/steel sculptures. I'm so glad I visited on my last day of vacation.
My favorite pieces from left to right:
Fragmented Thinking
Shores Inward
Mirror Dreams
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infraredastronomy · 28 days
A Rogue World, not a Failed Star
At the scientific conference Cool Stars 22 hosted on the UC San Diego campus, there were numerous talks about stellar and substellar research. The last session on Friday was titled Brown Dwarfs and Giant Exoplanets: Future Prospects and Thirty Years of Discovery. The first talk was an invited review by Davy Kirkpatrick, a prolific brown dwarf researcher that has enabled my own research and the work of others. It was an overview starting from the discovery era into the characterization era we are in right now thanks to JWST.
I appreciated him openly saying that brown dwarf researchers need to stop letting people refer to brown dwarfs as "failed stars" and be careful when talking to media. This is crucial because brown dwarfs are not a typical astrophysical object people are exposed to. Many people know what galaxies, planets, and asteroids are and these objects have been repeatedly depicted in science fiction for decades. Many people may not have an image in their mind when they read the phrase "brown dwarf".
A brown dwarf is a Jupiter-sized (sized in radius, not mass) object that is mainly hydrogen and helium gas. Brown dwarfs are not massive enough to fuse hydrogen for energy like stars, but some of the most massive brown dwarfs can still fuse deuterium. They start out with whatever heat they were born with and cool down slowly over time. Brown dwarfs range in temperature from about 4400 to 35° C ( 2700 to 280 Kelvin). This temperature range extends from the bottom tail of the coolest stars to average room temperature. Such a massive spread in temperature leads to a large variety in the types of gases and clouds we see within their atmospheres.
Brown dwarfs are unique and dynamic worlds that exist outside of the context of not being able to fuse hydrogen like stars. Astronomers commonly see water vapor, methane, carbon monoxide, ammonia, or carbon dioxide in their atmospheres. Some warm brown dwarfs have clouds with sand-like material and the coldest ones could potentially host water clouds like the ones we see on Earth. Brown dwarfs even have weather. These objects are very successful at repeatedly challenging our understanding of how atmospheric chemistry works.
In my own head, I frequently imagine brown dwarfs as planet-like worlds. Essentially Jupiter with a different, but cooler color scheme. Maybe with less cloud coverage for the hottest brown dwarfs. I wonder what it would be like to live in a society among the cloud decks or even orbiting around a brown dwarf. If those beings had vision, they would very likely need to see in the infrared given the absence of a host star.
While doing my own work I would like to romanticize brown dwarfs a bit more and get back in touch with the wonder that led me to the field in the first place. One way I'm hoping to do that is by participating as an advisory board member for the in development planetarium show Rogue Objects. The planetarium show is being developed by Janani Balasubramanian who is an artist in residence with the Brown Dwarf New York City Research Group. I had an absolutely wonderful time chatting with them last year about what we thought brown dwarfs looked like and how they related to the everyday experiences of people.
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infraredastronomy · 3 months
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Trip to Yokohama, Japan for SPIE
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infraredastronomy · 4 months
Spring semester finally ended and things are slowing down just for a little bit. I have about a month before going to present a poster at SPIE and then a talk at Cool Stars 22. There are still many things to be done for my LBT/NOMIC work, but I'm mostly excited to go to my first in person SPIE conference. I started working on infrared detectors right before the pandemic hit and then the last year of graduate school along with some health issues knocked out potential travel.
This past week I finally had the time to do a deep dive back into JWST pipeline end-to-end. Many of the time-series observations done with JWST/NIRSpec have been for spectroscopy of transiting exoplanets. My group got the first time-series observations of a brown dwarf with JWST at medium resolution. There was no space-based observatory prior to JWST that could take time-series spectra in the infrared at a resolution greater than a few hundred. With this extra resolution power hopefully the brown dwarf community can start distinguishing photometric changes from specific molecular gases and cloud species.
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infraredastronomy · 4 months
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Lake Kennedy (fishing spot) in Tucson, Arizona. When I went to check it out there was a fishing competition going on so everyone was quiet and focused. It was lovely seeing turtles, ducks, birds and dragonflies.
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infraredastronomy · 5 months
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La Jolla Shores
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infraredastronomy · 5 months
A History of Black Futures
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This week I gave an invited talk at NASA Goddard and took a day to visit the Afrofuturism exhibit at the National Museum of African American History and Culture. I picked up the book inspired by this exhibit a year ago during an NYC trip and have been itching to go since.
This specific display in the photo made me tear up. From left to right it shows the flight suit of Trayvon Martin, the flight suit of Lieutenant Uhura from Star Trek, and the flight suit of astronaut and former administrator of NASA Charles Bolden. Three scenarios: A future taken away, a future imagined, and a future that has been realized. When Trayvon Martin was killed by George Zimmerman, he also took away his ability to be creative, curious, and explore the world around him.
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infraredastronomy · 5 months
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“Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope”
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infraredastronomy · 6 months
The People Behind JWST
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I was featured in an article about the people who support and use JWST. I was so excited to share more of my personal experience working with the data. Link to article here.
Another video that highlights some of my work and hopes for JWST are here in this TikTok posted by the SETI Institute. The interview was done by Franck Marchis.
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infraredastronomy · 6 months
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A comparison of available data for Jupiter in 1969 compared to 1996, since then we've learned even more. Paper Link
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infraredastronomy · 6 months
LBT/NOMIC spectroscopy
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NOMIC is one of the infrared cameras within the Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer. It is primarily used to take images at 8-13 microns. When NOMIC was built, a low resolution grism was installed within one of the filter wheels. Last Fall I was finally able to test it on sky to see how it performed. Lambda Persei is a relatively bright star with a spectral type of A0, similar to Vega. The NOMIC spectrum of Lambda Persei is shown in blue with black error bars. A spectrum of Vega from Rieke+ 2008 is shown in red. They match pretty well besides the region between 9.5 and 10 microns. This is likely due to the telluric calibrator star being observed at a very different air mass than the target. Getting a good telluric calibrator beyond 8 microns is very challenging for ground-based observations. A significant chunk of stars are too dim to get high signal-to-noise in a short period of time relative to the time required for science observations.
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infraredastronomy · 6 months
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my life, my life, my life, my life. in the sunshine.
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infraredastronomy · 9 months
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infraredastronomy · 9 months
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Pima Canyon Hike
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infraredastronomy · 10 months
I'm mentoring an undergrad for the first time and I'm realizing more how much effort it takes to start someone on research from scratch. Its so different from how classes work there is really no script to it. We are working on studying Hubble observations of Jupiter from 2015 to now. At the moment most variability measurements of gas giant exoplanets or brown dwarfs are only over one or two rotation periods. We need to move from "weather" into long-term climate observations, which is possible with a small observatory in space. Using Jupiter and current brown dwarf data, we can estimate what sensitivity is needed.
I've been gaming a lot less lately. I reached Platinum 4 in League of Legends, which is much higher than my original goal this season. There is no point in practicing because the whole map will change in January. I also have some JWST Observations that got executed today and LBTI observations to plan for in December and January.
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