ingeniare 2 months
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ingeniare 2 months
PROMPTS FROM CHARADE * 聽assorted dialogue from the 1963 film, adjust as necessary
hasn't it occurred to you that i'm having a tough time keeping my hands off you?
any minute now we could be assassinated.
do you know what's wrong with you?
you're blocking my view.
what do i have to do to satisfy you?
who put that there?
why do people have to tell lies?
how would you like a punch in the nose?
of course you won't be able to lie on your back for a while, but then you can lie from any position, can't you?
do we know each other?
i don't know. how would i know?
i already know an awful lot of people, and until one of them dies i couldn't possibly meet anyone else.
shakespeare never said that.
it's terrible. you just made it up.
what do you expect me to say?
it's a toss up.
oh, you should see your face.
what's the matter now?
i'm not hungry anymore.
quit stalling. i want some identification. now!
you can't prove it to me, can you?
don't change the subject.
i love you adam, alex, peter, brian, whatever your name is.
where were you at 3:30am?
obviously you're telling the truth, for why would you invent such a ridiculous story?
the man and woman are married.
i can see that.
here it comes, the fatherly talk.
that's your trouble. you're too old for me.
this is a ludicrous situation.
i can think of a dozen men who are just longing to use my shower.
what are you doing in here?
i'm having a nervous breakdown!
do you realize you've had three names in the past two days?
i don't even know who i'm talking to anymore!
we didn't steal it!
when did they pass such a silly law?
you know i'd tell you if i had it.
how do you shave in there?
what is it, some new american fad?
you're the kind of girl who'd have something like that.
would you like to see my passport?
wow, when you come on, you come on, don't you?
oh, that wasn't a proposal.
how are you doing?
don't tell me. you didn't know it was loaded.
i can't stand these things.
now we wait. with our mouths shut.
have you any idea what these things cost over here?
[name], i think i love you.
do you understand french?
why don't you shut up?
if you're trying to frighten me, you're doing a first rate job.
come on, eat your dinner.
will you put that thing away?
i've got something here.
you didn't have to chase me so hard.
is that all the gratitude i get for saving your hide?
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ingeniare 3 months
Wheeljack nods along, readily enough. "... Makes sense." He temporized. "... Like I said. I'm glad all that stuff's over. And that we all got freedom now."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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ingeniare 3 months
"... Huh." Wheeljack says, after a beat. "I mean... Yeah. A lotta stuff was slagged up. Didja know they wanted to take Ratch's license away just cause he said he didn't wanna be the official Senate medic? That he had more important things to repair than dented pride?"
His helm fins flicker, yellow then blue. "Just... Guess I do get why some nobles went Con, if they couldn't do what they wanted otherwise."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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ingeniare 3 months
"... Maybe." Wheeljack responds, and shrugs. "Here ain't half so bad, you know? Plenty of fuel, and no one gunning for you, or trying to stuff you in some prison cell." His helm fins flicker, blue to green and back again.
"I don't doubt it." He adds. "Only got my qualifications cause Percy pulled a few strings, and no one else wanted to work with the kinda volatile raw compounds I was suggesting." An amiable sort of half shrug.
"I know you Cons were all about dismantling the caste system, but.... Wasn't the Emperor some kinda noble before all this?"
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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ingeniare 3 months
Wheeljack's optics scrunch and his helm fins flicker blue, field alight in good humour at the giggle. Howlback's all right, he figures.
"... Ain't gonna lie, I'm still gonna miss the friends of mine who didn't stick around for peace." He admits. "And Optimus, too. But... Maybe the Emperor had the right of it, doing what he did. Any other way woulda dragged the war out for centuries more."
He wishes he had highgradebon hand. But Ratchet said that was the last thing his systems needed.
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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ingeniare 3 months
"... That's true." Wheeljack concedes, helm fins flickering yellow a moment. "We all did a lotta slag, to make it to this point. But.... Ya know, everyone here on Cybertron's chosen peace, now, and I hear the colonies are comin' back, too. Only mechs that couldn't accept the fighting was over got packed off."
A brief pause. "You probably noticed I stuck around, even after the medics patched me up."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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ingeniare 3 months
Wheeljack just shrugs, but his field eases slightly. "I'm just glad you got them outta there, and they're with proper families now." He responds. ".... And... And if any of them develop issues or anything, I can always take a look if it ain't medically based."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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ingeniare 3 months
"Course." Wheeljack's helm fins light a cheery blue, and his optics light as well. "Look at'em go." He agrees. "Buncha strong lil fliers. You know, I did promise to bring the bitlet pack goodies next time I came to see them."
His gaze follows the little ones. "Don't think there's ever been a gestalt of fliers before. They're pretty unique."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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ingeniare 3 months
Wheeljack brightens, as do his helm fina, and he squidges her back in an enthusiastic hug. "Think I got the memo about that." He tells her.
Another pause. "And I get when ta keep my intake shut, promise."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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ingeniare 3 months
"... Yeah." Wheeljack agrees, optics scrunching in a wince. "Fair enough." He adds. "And... Yeah. I'd rather not get arrested. Don't even remember half of all that and I don't think I want to either."
A cycled vent, rubbing at his mask. "Glad ya got me and the little ones out of there. You and the Seeker teams you organized." He offers. "... I ever say thanks? Cause... Thanks."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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ingeniare 3 months
Wheeljack nods, amiably. "... Never had bitlets of my own, but I suppose having younguns looking up to you's nice. Getting to shape the future and all that." He offers.
A pause, helm fins flickering an off colour grey green. "And I remember the dragonets a bit. I think. Probably. Shockwave didn't spec and build all of them all by himself."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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ingeniare 3 months
".... Combiner?" Wheeljack blinks, then rallies. "... Wait. No. The dragonets.... Right?" He asks, and offers Howlback an apologetic look. "They're all doing good, so... That's good. And Prowl's back so he can help all of you with that whole pack of bitties."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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ingeniare 3 months
"... I'll hand it off to 'em." Wheeljack promises. "And pass along your warning." His helm fins flicker a placating light blue.
"How's Prowl and the bitties doing?" He adds.
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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ingeniare 3 months
".... I was kinda hoping Ratch'd take it. Or maybe Soundwave." Wheeljack responds. "They've both got nice secure storage."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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ingeniare 3 months
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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ingeniare 5 months
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