ingridsong · 3 years
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once again that is not sam’s fault and i’m blaming it on e***. “Uh, earlier it was a dancing one, but Steve and I already filmed that one for her,” Sam answers, glancing up and over to the left to recollect the memory. “Oh, she might be doing that trend where everyone tries to guess who’s gonna get the drunkest tonight,” he chuckles. Sam’s face morphs into a small frown at that nickname, but he lets it slide. He thinks their dad is cool, anyway. “I get that, but I doubt you’ll let the people you really wanna keep relationships with slip away. Speaking of relationships… Cool date, huh?” God, he really does sound like dad.
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Not the censor. “You...and...Steve?! What in tarnation...” She mumbles to herself, because who is trying to see Steve of all people dance! “Then she’d have to choose a specific group of people and they’d have to all choose from only each other which sounds like a lot of effort considering how many people are here.” Ingrid doesn’t plan on drinking at all, not least because it’s illegal. “Yeah, but...what if I wanna see them over the summer? Am I supposed to just invite them to come stay at our house?” There’s plenty of room! “Yours or mine?”
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ingridsong · 3 years
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‘   doesn’t it give you two sheets ? i’ve never actually been in one.   ’ it’s just that he hasn’t seen anyone go in there alone, but then he remembers passport photos — but no one takes those in a photo booth do they ? there’s a lot to consider, blinking back his attention with the help of her hand in his, nearly stumbling over his toes. ‘   what if the first two pictures suck, because they might, we’ll still be warming up and stuff. or, i’ll be.   ’ 
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“no, it’s a total rip-off.” especially if you’re not photogenic! even one awkward photo can ruin a photo strip then you’re compelled to try again and pay for another one. “then we keep taking them until we’re satisfied! i’m 99% sure the photobooth is free, anyway.” ingrid has 0 shame about hogging the photobooth, nobody’s even using it. “i’ll take all the rejects,” she says with a grin. “i think you always look cute!” when they get to the booth, she swipes the curtain open to make sure it’s empty, then looks up at him. “there, it belongs to us now.”
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ingridsong · 3 years
“Loneliness is a choice, and I don’t think you’d choose that.” She says with a hint of sarcasm, though she’ll argue in favor of this theory given how much time she can spend alone and not crave company. Honestly, Rei isn’t expecting that answer, since the last time they spoke about Soren Ingrid was just revealing her crush. It shows on her face. “How did that play out?” She’s hoping it wasn’t in her bedroom. “Which roommate?” She smirks, they both know the answer to that. 
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"Damn, so deep, Rei.” If it’s a choice, then Ingrid isn’t sure if that means Rei chooses it by always making sure she has alone time or if it doesn’t feel lonely to her. “Uh, I asked him to the party? Revolutionary idea for you, I know.” She’s just teasing but she is also bitter! “The cute one,” she offers with a sweet smile.
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ingridsong · 3 years
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“Alright, fine, fine!” he says with a laugh, pulling his jacket back on and conceding to his baby sister like usual. There’s no winning this one, but Sam doesn’t really mind it, because he’s still having a good time with his sister and that had been the biggest reason he’d come up to talk to her anyway. “She’s hanging out, I think she’s trying to get people to film a TikTok with her,” he chuckles. “How’s your night going, kiddo?”
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I keep reading it as condescending to his sister because I want to fight. Even though her dress is a bit short, Ingrid is classy so Sam doesn’t need to concern himself with her attire! “Wait, what kind of TikTok?” Ingrid has internet clout and would like to be involved. She makes a face. “It’s going great, dad. I’m sort of scared for the summer break. I don't want to lose touch with people and stuff be weird next semester.”
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ingridsong · 3 years
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“  𝚢𝚘𝚞  𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛  𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠  .  you  might  want  a  cocktail  instead  of  drinking  it  neat  or  on  the  rocks  .  ”  nonetheless  ,  they  turn  to  grab  the  bottle  of  gin  and  set  it  in  front  of  ingrid  .  “  they’re  not  ALL  graduating  ,  ”  satomi  laughs  ,  fondly  shaking  their  head  .  “  good  you  won’t  be  alone  .  maybe  they  can  be  your  roommates  next  year  .  ”  manifesting  that  .  “  depends  .  are  you  accepting  ?  ”
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“i don’t care how you give it to me, as long as it’s quality.” actually she doesn’t want it at all. but she’s being dramatic and supportive. “i’ve never had other roommates and i’m scared! what if the ones i have next year are freakish?” also, ingrid recognizes she’s somewhat of a challenging roommate, just because of all her gaming (and art) equipment and her streaming schedule. “are siblings allowed to be roommates? yes i am!”
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ingridsong · 3 years
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– “WAIT, WHICH ONE AM I?” LOUIS PAUSES TO ASK, because he doesn’t think that he’s EITHER. he’s never been too cool or too sexy for anything in his life ! his switch actually is like this, so still basic but not totally naked. “ are you telling me that playing breath of the wild for the third time doesn’t count ? ” 
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"oh, no, i meant i’m cool and sexy, and that’s half of us two.” she squints at him, then laughs. “you’re, uh...nice and cute.” ingrid accidentally makes them sound like downgrades but they’re just alternative adjectives! “it counts, sort of, like at least you’re not letting your console gather dust. but there’s tons of cool games out there!”
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ingridsong · 3 years
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“i am sure too!” ting says, mostly joking, but she’s sure ingrid is joking as well. unless the other girl thinks she should start carrying around a pitchfork and she can’t really say she’s fully opposed to the idea in the concept of spy school. “please do! i like it in desserts, i have just always preferred tea for drinking.” it’s part of her nightly routine. “there are so many options i do not even know where to start.”
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“especially if i ever wanna grill a weenie over an open flame.” the amount of glitter she would ingest if she did that... “some drinks are both. you’ve tried yuanyang before, right? do you like it?!” ingrid knows it’s popular in china and she can see why, she’s definitely a fan. “that’s exactly true! and maybe while you’re somewhere else you’ll figure out what you wanna do and get inspired or something.”
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ingridsong · 3 years
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“I’m not pawning it off, and I’m not overdressed! I look great!” he shoots back, very quickly and very easily slipping into a mildly competitive side that comes out around Ingrid and Rei, fostered from the countless games they’d played together as children. “Look at this, look what Kiki added!” Sam says, holding the jacket up so she can see the angel wings Kiki had sewn onto the back, expert craftsmanship, then sighs. “But, fine, I can get you water. Walk with me, though, I wanna hang out!”
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"Then why are you trying to get rid of your jacket?!” She looks him over, then offers a shrug. “You look fine.” All Blackthornes are sinners, facts are facts. This is false propaganda. “What would Kiki think if she saw me wearing her hard work?! I’m not even a saint.” She could be a fallen angel, perhaps. “You’re so needy! But fine. Where’s your date, then?”
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ingridsong · 3 years
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“i will keep it in mind the next time i need to dress as a sinner.” ting can’t imagine that need ever popping up again, but maybe for halloween next year if she’s still in the states. ting is competitive, but happy to lose to ingrid any day. “it is quite nice, even if i do not care for coffee much.” she likes it in desserts though. “yes, exactly! anywhere with a beach would be nice, within reason.”
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“thank god,” she says, placing a hand over her heart. “i’m sure that’ll come in handy!” perhaps ingrid will carry one around just for fun, though admittedly it seems like the kind of thing that would get glitter everywhere. “i can fix that,” she says seriously, oddly determined. “korean coffee is so good!” and sweet. “what about australia, mate?! you can see the great barrier reef and stuff.”
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ingridsong · 3 years
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‘   we should do the photo booth twice if there’s no line up. so i can keep one at home and then have one for my room next year.   ’
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she schools her expression carefully to keep from smiling too much immediately. “why do you get both copies?! i want one! let’s tear them both in half.” ingrid takes his hand and pulls him towards the photo booth without verifying first that her idea is good.
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ingridsong · 3 years
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“i do like glitter, that is a fun idea.” clearly a missed opportunity but there isn’t anything she can do about it now. she didn’t expect the cookies in general and would feel bad asking for some because of course she would. ingrid is too fast for ting who’s still not the best at navigating heels but she giggles when she reaches the door. “italy would be nice. somewhere tropical would be cool too.”
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"as you should!” sadly it doesn’t really go with tonight’s lewk, but ingrid is usually one for a nice glittery inner eye and shadow. she’s probably wearing a little as highlight tonight but that’s it. ingrid also never informed ting that they were racing, a decision she made silently and independently, mostly so she could tell herself she won! “i would eat tiramisu every day of my life. ooh, yeah, like fiji!”
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ingridsong · 3 years
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      “  𝚝𝚘𝚙-𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚏  𝚘𝚛  𝚍𝚘  you  want  that  pine  in  the  mouth  feeling  ?  ”  they  tease  .  “  you  still  have  adam  !  technically  it’s  just  me  and  rafa  who  are  graduating  ,  ”  satomi  points  out  .  “  are  you  gonna  stay  for  the  ceremony  ?  ”
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“who do you think i am?! the tippy-toppest shelf only, please.” she is pretty certain that any gin will make her mouth burn also this is illegal! “ALL MY ROOMMATES ARE GRADUATING,” she reiterates loudly. “but at least i’ll still have my brother and sister.” sam and rei, respectively. “are you inviting me?!”
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ingridsong · 3 years
“Did you come alone?” She’s not going to say it because this is as nosy as she’s going to get, but her expression is speaking volumes. @ingridsong 
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“Why, do I look lonely?” She asks innocently, blinking a few times for emphasis. “Actually, I came with your roommate, did you come with my roommate?” Ingrid dares to dream at all times.
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ingridsong · 3 years
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“You look great, Bug!” Sam beams, and he does genuinely mean it. Ingrid looks incredible and though in their household looks were never equated with merit, he can’t deny he feels super proud at how well she can dress. Still… “Are you cold at all?” he asks in the most casual, just-asking way, but his coat is already in his hands and Sam thinks they both know what he’s about to do next.
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“Thanks, I know!” She wasn’t dressed to impress her brother of all people, but a compliment is a compliment! “No, it’s hot as fuck in here.” If she could be wearing even less, that would be ideal. “You could get me some water, though,” she says sweetly. “The kind with the fruits floating in it.” Jas always says fruit water for all. “You can’t pawn your jacket off on me just because you overdressed!”
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ingridsong · 3 years
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– “GUESS WE’RE BOTH GUILTY THEN,” HE GRINS, because he probably would have been a little OFFENDED by her comment otherwise, but the only reason he brought it up to ingrid in the first place is because he knew she’d approve. “ no, but i’ve heard good things…actually having a hard time thinking about anything else since they announced the new metroid for switch. ” 
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“of being too cool and sexy for this party? that’s at least half true!” ingrid doesn’t want to call soren’s friend sexy. or cool because, well, yeah. she’s probably lowkey judging his switch right now, i’m assuming it’s naked. “it’s good but it’s soooo addictive, that’s why i brought this guy with me.” she shakes the switch for emphasis. “but dude, that’s not coming out until october, you gotta find other games in the meantime!!”
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ingridsong · 3 years
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“a real one might not have the same effect though, aren’t they usually plastic and bright red?” ting is just imagining american halloween costumes she’s seen before. “it does seem a bit ironic now that you mention it.” watching ingrid run to the snack table strikes her as a good idea, and she replies by saying, “wait, me too!” she goes and grabs herself a few cookies, before coming back to ingrid and starting toward the door. “i am still on the fence about next year, which feels bad, considering the year is literally over.”
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“you could spray paint it red and cover it in glitter,” she answers immediately, as if she’s thought about this already, which she has not. i like that ting didn’t expect ingrid to grab her some cookies too. sadly, ingrid takes this as an excuse to race and beats ting to the door, immediately swinging it open. “you should take a gap year and go to italy or somewhere fun!”
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ingridsong · 3 years
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