inkblotocs · 3 months
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inkblotocs · 3 months
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inkblotocs · 3 months
and what if I told you nine was less afraid of love than ten. what then.
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inkblotocs · 3 months
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inkblotocs · 3 months
The finished result! I’m so ridiculously proud and pleased with how it turned out!
This was an ordinary door + 3 pieces of mdf board. I carved and sculpted them with my dremel multitool, inspired by the carvings I saw in Bali, mounted them and then painted and sanded the whole thing in several layers before adding a final tint of gold. 💙
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The door and side panel I sculpted myself. The top carving is from Bali.
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inkblotocs · 3 months
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inkblotocs · 3 months
when u exit hyperfocus mode and ur immediately hit with every status effect ever
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inkblotocs · 3 months
great pyrenees are so fucking awesome theyre just big. if i didnt think that owning one was a supremely bad idea for me in particular id get one. i just think itd become my boss or something. im too lazy for a working breed truly
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inkblotocs · 3 months
1% …
2% …
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inkblotocs · 3 months
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inkblotocs · 3 months
things people have done to help me during a psychoses episode
i was on the buss and i hallucinated bugs crawling all over my hands, so my friend pulled my hoodie sleeves over them with permission and held my hands through the sleeves to "keep them off". they used the logic you would in a real bug situation.
i went nonverbal in a bad one in class, so my friend wrote me a note to give to the nurse since the teacher wouldn't let her go with me.
i often am very paranoid about the delusion that meat is actually rotten, so my dad will sometimes eat a bit of it before me
instead of telling me my delusions arent real, they help me through it using logic like it was real. they dont tell me that nothings going to hurt me in my sleep, they stay with me to keep me safe. then when it passes i can realize its not real
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inkblotocs · 3 months
I don’t think I have the chops for D&D or other tabletop RPGs but I could make a good DM’s assistant. I don’t play the game but I sit and listen and then after the session the DM can ask me for ideas.
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inkblotocs · 3 months
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inkblotocs · 3 months
Having a vagina honestly sucks bc it's like you have to do fucking alchemy just to prevent yourself from getting sick. You've got an intricate ecosystem of microorganisms down there that you're dependent on for your own well-being and they can be set off by the tiniest fucking thing
Keeping your pubes too short can cause yeast infections, but letting them get too long can also cause yeast infections. Washing the area with specialized soap can help prevent yeast infections, but it can also cause them. Your periods can cause yeast infections, and so can the medicine you take to stop your periods. Having sex can cause yeast infections, especially if the person you're having sex with is diabetic (???). Being diabetic can cause yeast infections. Wearing the wrong clothes or eating the wrong things can cause yeast infections. Not getting enough fucking sleep can cause yeast infections. The list is neverending
Luckily, yeast infections are fairly easy to treat with OTC medicine that you can find at any Walmart. BUT! Even if all of your symptoms indicate that you have a yeast infection, you have to take a test first to confirm that it's a yeast infection (they do not sell the tests at Walmart) bc you might actually have the opposite of a yeast infection (bacterial vaginosis) which has the exact same symptoms as a yeast infection but is caused by an imbalance of different microorganisms. And if you use yeast infection medicine to treat a bacterial infection it will light your pussy on fire. So if you have a bacterial infection, you must instead visit your local witch doctor (gynecologist) and get prescribed special potions (antibiotics) to treat it
Antibiotics can also cause yeast infections
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inkblotocs · 3 months
Sir Pentious arriving in Heaven
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inkblotocs · 3 months
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Based on this from: https://x.com/Spiral_Mouth/status/1740791424629768254?s=20
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inkblotocs · 3 months
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Dibujo que hice para San Valentín
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