inkdexperience · 1 year
im probably one of the few people who actually knows whats going on with Limbus Company problem, due to how I am both Korean and I have none of that tribal website bullshit that other Korean Gamers have nor do I care about the big gender division issue in Korean Gaming
the thing is that it started with one side being kind of stupid, now both are. Yeah theres not gonna be a lawsuit
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inkdexperience · 1 year
I am among others in the same way one would look at pictures at a museum, I am always a distant looking rather then being part of it, even when I’m right there.
not merlin damn it
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inkdexperience · 1 year
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God I love this kind of "evolution of a single concept mechanical design" its fucking sexual.
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inkdexperience · 1 year
cant believe i might have to migrate here, i haven't been here since 2015.... fack yourself eron mouske
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inkdexperience · 5 years
That’s really not that hard to do... But yeah, Im totally expecting KyloRen Saber with a Mask for Dark XX
What if they do like a Saber Wars 2... and we get like bunch of different Servant/Ether Universe Servants? BTW: I'm calling Space Idol Kaiju Elizabeth Dragon and Darth Heroine XX. With Kylo Ren (light)Saber
This is completely different to your question and I’m sorry but wow imagine if FGO just shits out another saberface and she’s still a better character than Kylo Ren lmao
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inkdexperience · 5 years
You didn’t know? During the Shin Sakura Wars Gameplay Reveal, the Director of Yakuza came on Screen. He revealed he helped out in its design and with combat development team organization.
Are you gonna play the New Sakura Wars? I heard that the Yakuza Director helped with the combat design? Isn't that up your alley?
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inkdexperience · 5 years
You cannot stop the T-Man. Cept maybe with Hisui
If a book from 1901 was all it took for Takeuchi to go all Jeanneface on Lakshmi Bai then ALL these women
- Agueda Kahabagan - Laura Second - Anna Elizabeth Dickinson - Countess Emilia Plater - Maria Quitéria
are in danger. 
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inkdexperience · 5 years
I think Pepe isnt the actual Kalko but rather a new Avatar of Kalki. Kalki and Vishnu appeared as multiple different Avatar in Indian Mythology. And tho Kalki is an Avatar of Vishnu, he does appear to have his own sect of Avatars. It doesnt help that Kalki's portrayed as a Black Colored Deity in one of the many arts that depict him so its very possible.
Hey did you notice how Pepe is the one who is on the Title of the LB4? This could mean his the "Black Final God" right? Like Consort Yu? Still if that's the case... would that mean he is Kalki? An aspect of Vishnu and ender of the Kali Yuga, which is what this LB4 seems to be heavily associated to? I mean we did get confirmation that Vishnu talks like an okama in Rama Interlude. Tho... what do you think is the case here? Possession? Living Avatar? Demi-Servant?
I noticed but I haven’t the slightest idea, my knowledge of Indian mythology is null and my constant distaste for the Crypters leave me with no interest to speculate.
If I’d have to choose I think I’ll prefer the “Yu” option instead of possession and the likes: the crypter was the historical/mythological/religious figure all along and survived to our day changing their name and location when needed. 
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inkdexperience · 5 years
These peoples are RPG Tabletop People, THEY WILL NEVER break rules by that level. They expand the rules, but never really break it. So far, they have never broken a single rule. Tho they expand the rule, they never break it. Especially if they have affection for the characters they make. Plus Fujino’s Powers aren’t really just Teleknesis, for some baffling reason her eyes, even back in old TM Setting was Mystic Eyes that was somehow a rank above Medusa’s... No seriously, they said that shit was Rainbow Rank at least all the way since the novel Apparently it isn’t just normal telekinesis, something about distortion from the eye going in “two direction” instead of the normal “one” and for some reason being able to “bend” anything as long as she believes she can as long as what she is aiming is “conceptual” well at least according to the post-movie interviews
inkdexperience ha rebloggato il tuo post: coe-lilium: *distressed noises* Where’s Shadow,…
You can’t really justify them being part of the group like Fujino or Shiki who have something “special” and unique, rare…
Type Moon owns and created the world, the characters and the rules. 
They can absolutely do whatever they hell they want (and Fujino’s powers, compared to those of many “legit” Servants are… nothing. She’s got telekinesis, as if that’s rare, c’mon).   
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inkdexperience · 5 years
That’s not gonna happen. Cause, as much as we think Fate is just about Heroes... its also about its own universe and its own characters. And as much as how much it can frustrate the fans of the myth... those people aren’t the one’s they do this for. They have there own sets of things for them. This. This is for the Type Moon Type Moon Fans. The ones who love the Type Moon Characters and its weird plot and complicated stuff more than the History and Heroes itself. If people who loves the Historical, Mythical and Heroic Characters are the Fans of a Crossover Game who loves the Crossover Material, this is for the fans who love the usual Original Generation Characters (Or OC/OG) that pops up as the player characters like in Super Robot Wars, because for them these characters have become as much as iconic for them as the Heroes and Anti-Heroes of Legends. And as much as how we would just want them to appear as them, TM made it clear they aren’t going to break canon to allow that unless said characters have special things like Shiki, Fujino, Literal Clone of an Homunculus Dragon like Sieg, or literal Grails like Iri. Or are alternative universe Gag Characters like Illya-verse... which still can be justified plot wise cause Kaleidoscope. Really its a pretty good justification. Also we still have the Strange Fake Characters (Sigma who will become a Servant it seems and Flat who gets “fused” with Jack) and the missing FSN+FHA+Extra Major Characters (Shinji, Caren, Bazettte ... actually she has enough justification to appear as herself, and Rani VIII) still yet to appear....
Ti’s a bad day for the anti-Pseudos brigade :/
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inkdexperience · 5 years
You can’t really justify them being part of the group like Fujino or Shiki who have something “special” and unique, rare mystic eyes, specifically ones that shouldn’t exist naturally in the modern non-mysticism filled era. Luvia and Reines are essentially normal? mages. So they don’t have any requirements to be servants unless they are summoned as Pseudo. Its just part of the deep lore, and as much as how much the Mushroom Man Retcons, he does keep things faithful to base setting lore.
*distressed noises*
Where’s Shadow, why I’m not seeing her anywhere, why are you there Reines, go away and don’t you dare be the welfare. 
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inkdexperience · 5 years
Not True At All. Why? Cause Shiki struggles and that shit was written in a way that is NOT like Hollywood Movie at all. Its written like a mystery novel. So the characters aren’t about just powers but about what is happening. Its about subtlety. People won’t do that, cause they can tell they written this with limitation. 
Touko on the other hand? Hmm... They might.
If Kara No Kyoukai came out today Shiki would be called a Mary Sue and her kimono+jacket outfit would be decried as pandering to feminists
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inkdexperience · 5 years
want me to link it to you? if so here:
Have you read the Hijikata Interlude? Or at least the translation/summary? I did and I think its one of the best ones since Tristan's.
I have not!
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inkdexperience · 5 years
This is even funnier and kind of tragic when they reveal how he treated his subordinates in his life with the recent interlude. Which for how tough he was, he treated them well. Even sending off one last solider to live so that he would die alone. 
I love that Gudaguda 2 introduces Hijikata as this fearless soldier who crashes in to save the day like a full on action hero and whose skill as a military leader matches even Nobunaga. He works with barely any funds and even fewer soldiers, and yet manages to keep up a war effort. He’s even able to singlehandedly dispatch a whole battalion of robots by himself, and create a functioning spy network from how little he has.
And then the event subtly lets you in on his flaws like how he treats his men (via Okita) as mere pieces for his strategy. He is blind to their needs, their fighting condition, and their feelings, resulting in a legitimately intense scolding from Chacha.
And then the event ruins his serious image entirely by revealing that all his Shinsengumi soldiers look like this:
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inkdexperience · 6 years
I don’t know if feel that you need to take away the bra and the panty underneath the black cloth... since this is the Lust Goddess. Also sadly we have to get rid of the gauntlet. Apparently the glowing galaxy like nature of it is the Remnant Power of Shiva’s Third Eye etched onto the Servant’s Saint Graph.
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at this point it’s tradition for me to take a crack at whatever new servant fgo tosses at me
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inkdexperience · 6 years
I’m pretty sure the the helmet and some of the armors were based on Dark Souls. I mean Lancer Artoria’s Armor Design is clearly based on the Nameless King/King of Storms. It really doesn’t help that Lantoria Alter was called the King of Storms.... Nasu wears his influences on his sleeves. But if it makes you feel better, Dark Souls does take influence from Proper Historical Knight Armor Design because Hidetaka Miyazaki loves those old knight armors so take solace in that
Only tangentially related to history, but it’s curios that if one were to draw the European kings of Fate in more accurate way only Arturia/Arthur would have a reason to wear “plate” of some sort in the form of a lorica segmentata.
But Charles/Karl and Richard, tho? Mail and tabard, tabard and mail, there’s no escape.  
Not one of them would look like a 15th century knight
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inkdexperience · 6 years
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Eh, I prefer something more akin to this.
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Y-young Moriarty, tho.
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