inkillusion · 4 years
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Flame Tutorial free to use - Kurero by silentkurero
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inkillusion · 4 years
Free Poses For Artists
So many of us are really focusing on our art these days. So, I wanted to send out a quick note to wish you well, and remind you about where to get my free and newer poses. I also have a bunch of how-to time-lapse drawing videos on my youtube channel. Here are some links:
- Tumblr: https://posereference.tumblr.com/ - Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8H1dAt5ZIs-CLE9FUC7fA - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/posereference/ - Facebook Group 1 (private, just have to join): Reference For Artists https://www.facebook.com/groups/641652205964839/ - Facebook Group 2 (public): Poses for Artists https://www.facebook.com/PoseReference/ - DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/posemuse - Twitter: https://twitter.com/poseref - Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/posemusecom/ - Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15145698.Justin_R_Martin - Gumroad Store (pdf format): https://gumroad.com/posemuse - Amazon Store (Paperbacks & Kindle): https://www.amazon.com/Justin-R-Martin/e/B01DPY0PZW/ - Website: https://posemuse.com/
All the Best. Justin
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inkillusion · 5 years
idk if you mind talking about art tips bc a lot of artists can go either way (v understandable tbh) but do you have any tips for simplifying people? ngl studying anatomy especially actors makes me go feral but your art inspires me to keep going! i love the way you draw is simplified but distinct so you absolutely know who it is, your expressions give them a pop! whenever i feel stumped i look at your art to get myself in gear, love what you do! okbye
Thank you so much for your kind words! I don’t mind at all! If something’s not explained very well, please bear with me, I’m not used to making tutorials orz Also please keep in mind I’m self-taught! Nothing I’m saying here comes from a place of actual professional art training.
I’m mostly going to use Michael Mando and Tony Dalton as examples here, as their faces are the ones I draw the most lately and I feel most confident talking about.
The first thing you wanna do is identify the most striking features of a face.
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Let’s call it the lowest common denominator. What does a face need to look like Tony Dalton or Michael Mando, or more specifically, what does it need to look like Lalo or Nacho. 
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That’s a very subjective question of course, but to me, it’s these features:
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Lalo is a MUCH easier example to work with than Nacho, so we’re starting with him. His mustache and soul patch are excellent shorthand to bring his character across, and the very striking creases around his mouth as well as his gray-streaked hair make it even easier to identify him.
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Note how I didn’t add anything except for the traits I circled and it’s already recognizably Lalo. It’s not even important to get every trait 100% right if you just focus on these most striking features. From here on out, it doesn’t really matter whether the eyebrows or the nose look absolutely perfect. You can just approximate them and it’s fine.
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That gives us a lot of wiggle room for expressions etc! For example, I was free to exaggerate his eyebrows into a slightly more “demonic” looking form to fit his chaotic energy ♥
Nacho is much harder to pinpoint imho. He doesn’t have an easy shortcut like a specific hairstyle, and despite the fact that his facial hair isn’t all that different from Lalo’s, it’s not half as striking. No, what sets Nacho’s face apart from most others are his very intense, heavy-lidded, constantly done-with-your-shit looking eyes, and the shape of his nose. Which makes our job as artists much harder, because we can’t just stylize his nose in whatever way we’ve grown accustomed to, and we can’t just let his eyes take any shape for expressions.
We can’t rely on shortcuts here - We will have to bite the bullet and actually try and figure out his eyes and nose. 
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The most important parts to pay attention here are the arcs of the eyelids, the eyelid fold, the arc of the eyebrows, how far apart they are, creases under the eyes if necessary, etc. Take these traits, make them your own. Once you figured that out, you are free to simplify them as much as you want. 
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Not quite Nacho yet, but we’re getting there. He already has that fed up expression! This is where minor traits become important, like the facial hair, jewelry etc.
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And there it is, the most basic of Nachos.
A person who’s better at drawing lips than me could also pay better attention to his mouth, as esp Nacho’s lower lip is quite prominent as well. I never figured out how to do that. Instead, I focus on another factor: You’d be surprised how much you can achieve just by playing with the shape of the corners of the mouth!
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Note how I also had to change the shape of the base’s head the slightest bit! Characters like Nacho, who are bald or have little hair, force us to pay extra special attention to that trait. BrBa/BCS has a great many characters like that!
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To sum it all up:
I can’t stress enough how much it doesn’t matter that you get a character’s face photo realistic for them to be recognizable. Identify those two or three most striking features about the person you wanna draw, focus on that, and try to approximate the rest.
Play around with exaggeration and omission, heavy stylization or simplification, what works, what doesn’t. Never stop using references, and allow yourself to learn from others and from your own mistakes.
Hope that helped! ♥♥♥
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inkillusion · 5 years
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Oil paintings by Seth Armstrong
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inkillusion · 5 years
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Lunar New Year crept on me this year so I didn’t have time to make a New Years-specific piece, but here’s a little rat saying hello! 🐀🍊
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inkillusion · 5 years
i wanted to paint vampire
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inkillusion · 5 years
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inkillusion · 5 years
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Lo so, siete a bocca aperta. L’opera è di Darian Rodriguez Mederos, classe 1992, artista cubano di cui sentiremo parlare ancora.
via Jacopo Veneziani 
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inkillusion · 5 years
how do good braids?
i just learned this which is MUCH easier than what i used to do
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and its fun!!!! BRAIDS!
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inkillusion · 5 years
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Susanne Bisovsky, fall 2008
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inkillusion · 5 years
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I could sit down and write Cynthis’ story properly, OR, I could just draw random little scenes from it no one will ever know or understand. All you really need to know is that he is the best and I love him.
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inkillusion · 5 years
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Here’s HSTHETE, the 24 hour comic I drew this year!  Thanks to everybody who followed along on twitter this weekend as I posted these pages <3
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inkillusion · 5 years
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i am participating in inktober this year, just slowly. i did the first three days, so here they are while i work on the next few.
i post my inktobers on instagram @thetigercaptain if you are interested in seeing them more regularly.
details & image description under the cut
i almost always look up at least one reference image as part of my practice for inktober. i’m trying to stay in the spirit of improvement rather than chasing perfect artworks like i usually do. last year i would have hated my first image. this year i love it. anyway, for the first one i looked at art attack salt drawings for the ring. the second was a profile of a woman, and also my own in the mirror. the third was of course the netflix animated series the dragon prince, which is where that lump of glowing cute comes from.
image one: a black and white ink drawing of a white cat sleeping inside a white circle while a riot of dark shapes and ghostly creatures press against the ring (of salt?) and float in the area around it.
image two: a black and white line drawing of a woman’s profile from the shoulders up. where her hair and skull should be, thin lines extend as if her brain has been pulled out. her eyes are blank.
image three: a black and white ink drawing in 3/4 view of a fantasy toad creature with a grumpy expression, large eyes, and a snaggled underbite. the creature glows against a black background. this is fan art of bait from the dragon prince.
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inkillusion · 5 years
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Tessa Thompson x Rodarte / Fall 2018
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inkillusion · 5 years
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it’s october 3rd so mean girls as a 90’s anime 💋💄💖✨
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inkillusion · 5 years
i swear to fucking god i had this innate primordial urge today to learn how to make a cloak for myself and i was nearly sweating and shaking with the effort to not immediately bust out of my work and go learn so i could have just a
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inkillusion · 5 years
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Made for ElisabethMonroe in this year’s @samwilsonbirthdaybang
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