inkynewt · 2 months
The subtitlers did me so dirty with this scene. This subtitle took me out for a full 10 minutes and I completely forgot to pay attention to any of the important shit happening.
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NBC Hannibal, 2013, colorized
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inkynewt · 2 months
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NBC Hannibal, 2013, colorized
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inkynewt · 2 months
It's wild that you still think I had some design on harming you to the point you're sending friends to follow my blog. Wild.
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inkynewt · 4 months
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Oh, I did this commission a few weeks back.
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inkynewt · 4 months
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some good faces in this next chapter
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inkynewt · 6 months
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Meet my little ex-witch's-apprentice who ran away from his apprenticeship to try to get the radio host who moved into his lil fey-pirate town.
I swear, I still do art lmao.
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inkynewt · 7 months
So based on that last ask with King Arthur is he choosing to fall in love with Gwen even if she has a high chance of falling for Lancealot? If so, it's tragic. Doomed to love another that won't fully love you back.
Does Arthur even just tell Lancenalot to get the hell put of the kingdom some loops?
I think it's more like-
You become aware of your existence somewhere around the age of 3. You were born under mysterious circumstances you don't know the details of. The first time through, you were growing up in a castle. Lately you find you are growing up among peasantry.
Maybe you have brothers. Maybe you have a sister. Maybe you're an only child. Your family is distant either way. They speak welsh. They speak latin. They speak french. They speak english with american attempts at british accents.
The first few times through, there wasn't a sword. Now it's a consistent presence - a shimmering blade stuck in a plain anvil or a large boulder, haunting your hometown or a nearby forest glade. It looks different every time, feels different in your hands. It was made for you.
There are more trials every time. In the first stories the crown was yours from birth. Lately it's been further and further away, behind more tribulations and tournaments and beasts to slay. More guidance from the ageless old man you remember from the earliest days, the welsh days. He's different every time. Everything's different every time. And still nothing changes.
The crown is yours. It's inevitable. And when the crown passes into your hands, it carries the kingdom with it. It's yours now. And it's going to thrive! You hardly need to do anything. Heroes flock to you and pledge themselves as knights, then spend the decades tearing off on wild quests and adventures, getting into the kind of trouble that serendipitously always keeps the kingdom safe. The adventures feel familiar, but never quite play out the same way. Chalices, black knights, fairy women, questing beasts. You rarely see them for yourself. You're too important, after all. You're the kingdom's beating heart.
You have a queen. You don't spend much time with her. It's jarring how much she changes every time. You hate how much it surprises you the times she genuinely loves you; you never really get to enjoy it. The kingdom doesn't run itself, even if just having you around seems to make the forests grow thick and the rivers run clear. Mostly you spend time with her when you're rescuing her from abduction. You very rarely have children together. You miss them.
It didn't used to end in fire, but lately it never ends in anything but, and you never know when it's going to start. You're never home when it starts, but you spend so much time out tending the kingdom or questing anyway. But you always learn too late - treachery. Your knight, your vassal, your bastard child, your lady love. Camelot is burning. You watch your life's work precede you into the grave.
You die. You sleep under the mountain. You dream. It's quiet.
Somewhere in the world, a writer picks up a pen, and you become aware of existence somewhere around the age of 3.
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inkynewt · 11 months
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inkynewt · 1 year
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Did I mention I'm still a dirty homestuck? Have some art from artfight. Even though apparently the entire community fell apart this year I actually managed to do a huge amount of attacks + finish the hemospectrum challenge I gave myself three or four years ago.
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inkynewt · 1 year
This is so not what I usually put on this blog but I'm rewatching Tokyo Mew Mew (not the new one, the 4kids one rebranded as Mew Mew Power in the early 2000s) and it is... ridiculously hilarious. I'm surprised I've seen no viral memes based off this fuckery. I love it. This is my gay childhood, truly. Also the absolute gall of renaming a Japanese character "Mark" is one of my favorite things.
I feel like Mew Mew Power was 100% the attempt at Yugioh for girls (4kids edition) and it just Did Not Happen. I have legitimately no idea how I was into the anime I was when I was 12, but I'm so glad This is my nostalgia lmao
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inkynewt · 1 year
God remember when this very poor quality novel I wrote for my first NaNoWriMo got chosen for 30 covers for some reason?
I think it was probably the spiritual successor to TSWLU which I think I also submitted in like 2019 but never got any attention
It totally had steam til I hit the 50k at like 17 days in and then I spent the last 13 days getting out the weirdly most rushed and awful ending to a story for another 25k words.
One day I'll redeem it by finishing TSWLU.
That day is not today. I'm so tired.
Gonna try to work on either Elevator Music (formerly Killkit) or the incarnates novel this November though.
Maybe I even blog about it. Maybe.
30 Covers, 30 Days 2011: Day 18
Today’s cover is brought to you by the talented Elena Giavaldi, who designed this image in 24 hours:
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Letters to a Root-Beer Flavored Moon by Evangeline Crow
Casper “Copper” Denali is your average guy; well, your average guy with a male-oriented love life, and an eccentric best friend and on-and-off boyfriend, Tomas “Tom” Raynor, whom he’s known since he was eight. There are some major problems, though. The first on the list in October of 2013 is the fact that he’s just found out that his younger sister is pregnant (by Tom), that his other childhood friend, Alice Lidden, is about to move away, and that his favorite bookstore just closed. 
To top it all off, Casper picks up a small bottle at the beach, a bottle which contains a postcard with a fantastical looking device on it, the words ‘wish you were here’, a small journal entry, and a return address from some place called 'Atlantis’.
As Copper’s family slowly disintegrates around him, he’s forced to make a leap of faith, and try to meet up with his Atlantean penpal. 
All this while the bridges that hold the water out of Atlantis are slowly cracking, and one Atlantean discovers that his penpal is suddenly making a trip to the world of the deep to come see him.
Elena Giavaldi was born in a small town in northern Italy, and moved to New York in 2008 to look for fortune (yes, in the middle of a world financial crisis). After having worked in Italian book publishing, she finally had the chance to taste the American version. She worked for Rodrigo Corral and freelanced for different publisher. She is currently Art Director at Mucca Design.
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inkynewt · 1 year
You only just made my hyperromatic ass realize that I've been constantly essentially doing the same thing and reducing the "feeling romantic attraction in everyone" I feel to fineline it for my characters for... idk, two decades? Thanks. Wild.
(this ask is based on the, I'm not sure if unfounded, assumption that at least 1/6(?) main crew members has some sort of non-ace/aro attraction): How do you write allo characters as an aro person? I'm one of those annoying allos who's *hyper-romantic* and working on hypersexuality for my own health, so I color most of my writing with that and struggle to write ace people. I know a lot of writers can distance themselves more. I guess I'm just curious how you inspire your characters to act socially outside of the way that you interact, specifically in terms of romanti/sexual relationships. I'm pretty good at getting my characters to engage with the world outside of my way of doing it until it comes to romance.
It's… tough, and I'm working on it. I still need to remind myself that a lot of people legitimately do experience sexual attraction and thus find certain other people in certain situations extremely physically appealing, in contrast to my own platonic attraction (the people I like, I typically like the same amount no matter what they're doing or how they look) or aesthetic attraction (when I like how someone looks in a specific situation, it is still in an extremely hands-off "I'd like to draw that" way).
I can work my way through the logic of romance, I think. I've been told that it doesn't feel the same as friendship, and that it places another person in a somewhat uniquely structural role for one's life. I've heard it described as being someone's "everything-team" - the person they want by their side at any endeavor - which is the only thing I've ever heard about romance that I don't think applies to a good percentage of my IRL friendships.
Romantic attraction is definitely the more confusing one, because everyone I know in a romantic relationship insists it's different than their platonic ones, but can't really explain why or how, only that it is. The thing is, this makes me believe them more. I know how hard it is to explain a unique inner experience to someone who has a completely different one. Their partner is their best friend, or at least top three (understandable) and also in a unique position in their life (confusion??) I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything, and I think I love my friends as much as I'm capable of, and there are people I'm friends with who I could see as a theoretical partner - except that it would change absolutely nothing about our current relationship. This is why I don't identify with the label of "aromantic" where I definitely do with "asexual", because I think I experience what people are talking about, I just feel it kinda everywhere instead of nowhere.
So the hack I think I can make work to do this in my writing is:
Sexual attraction is like aesthetic attraction, but with a hands-on component. Replace "I want to draw that" with "I want to get my hands on that" and go from there.
Romantic attraction is evidently its own beast, but it contains concepts like "I trust this person implicitly," "I care about them and want them to be happy," "I would be happy coming home to this person," "I want to protect them," "I like that they care about me," and "this person helps me see the world in a different way" which are all individual sentiments I understand, even if I personally feel them about a large number of people rather than a single Special Someone. Point them at a single Someone and have the two characters involved act accordingly, and I can probably pull a romance out of it.
Like all writing-an-alien-situation stuff, it mostly pays to identify the specific details that correlate to things you DO understand and then extrapolate from there. Or you can fake it and black-box their motivations and be like "here's where I'd put their sexual attraction to each other if I had one"
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inkynewt · 2 years
@vampyrebutch the fact you still think about my slenderverse aesthetics gives me life, legitimately. Don't think I've ever felt so remarkably seen in my art as your random note about still thinking about the Last Lost Continent one even though it was just a silly edit, thank you.
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inkynewt · 2 years
Oh btw since it seems like half of my blog is pigeon stuff:
I no longer support or care for CPC or anyone associated with it (including Jana/Cricket the Pigeon, 8bit, etc).
Husbandry-wise I have no outlasting complaints that my memory allows me to retain.
Socially they're literal poison and have personally and intentionally dismantled my online life based on a highly personal falling out between two mentally ill people who almost dated for about 6 months.
I do not recommend CPC or support of anyone associated with it, especially Jana, its creator.
I was a relatively high level moderator and part of the "inner circle" of the people running it for quite some time, I made deep friendships with people there, I paid bills for multiple other moderators who were struggling. I say this to speak it from someone who got close to Kat, Jana, River, Gummy, everyone involved in that higher level of moderation in the group, these are not people you should trust or get close to without the knowledge that they intentionally hurt people. Do not trust these people if you find them, if you join that server, be aware you're not safe.
If you'd like more info, feel free to DM, but honestly I'm not gonna act like they're not abusive and the only word in the pigeon community.
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inkynewt · 2 years
my new motto used for any chat I'm ever in again, provided by @tattedpetticoats
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inkynewt · 2 years
Recent sketches, some TBN fantasy development and other random stuff.
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inkynewt · 2 years
Do you ever start bullshitting a paper, and then look over it halfway through and think, ’…Wait a minute, I could be onto something here.’
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