Alright y’all, I am moving over to @inmypaperkingdom <- I tried to not do this, but due to the one draft that refuses to leave (It won’t delete, it just stays there in my drafts and taunts me. ) so I’m going to hope this move works and this glitch doesn’t plague me again. 
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Alright y’all, I am moving over to @inmypaperkingdom <- I tried to not do this, but due to the one draft that refuses to leave (It won’t delete, it just stays there in my drafts and taunts me. ) so I’m going to hope this move works and this glitch doesn’t plague me again. 
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Alright y’all, I am moving over to @inmypaperkingdom <- I tried to not do this, but due to the one draft that refuses to leave (It won’t delete, it just stays there in my drafts and taunts me. ) so I’m going to hope this move works and this glitch doesn’t plague me again. 
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Alright y’all, I am moving over to @inmypaperkingdom <- I tried to not do this, but due to the one draft that refuses to leave (It won’t delete, it just stays there in my drafts and taunts me. ) so I’m going to hope this move works and this glitch doesn’t plague me again. 
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“I told him he couldn’t. No matter what happened he couldn’t tell you.” Anita’s voice was cold and held authority that would make anyone in the room take a step back. It still didn’t make it any better that Jal had to keep the biggest part of himself locked up and the thing that Red really needed to know about herself kept a secret. 
“Everything I told you about my parents dying in that village to me being a hunter was true. I just couldn’t tell you about the wolf or you being a wolf.” If he had would it have prevented Peter from dying? Would it have stopped the villagers from chasing her out of the town with pitchforks and fire?
“Do you want to get some air?” Jal asked wanting to escape from the pack and prying eyes. He thought it would be better to talk to Red outside where they didn’t have to put on a show and maybe he could talk to her about everything else she wanted to know. The wolf, the pack, her mother, anything other than the fact that he kept everything locked tight away about what they were. 
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This was getting to be all too much in such a short period of time. It felt like her heart was going to hammer in her chest and burst right out. Secrets were coming to light and if Red were honest? She wishes they stayed secrets -- at least then she could handle it better than she is now. Which was barely, but she was holding together. Barely. 
“ But you should have ! “ she shouted. “ Maybe then Peter....” that’s when she paused, her eyes fell to the floor, nodding to his question. “ Air, yes...I need air...” She needed to breathe. She couldn’t even feel herself breathing. 
This was all too much, all she wanted to do now was run back home to Granny and speak nothing of this but she knew she couldn’t do that. Not when she had so many questions to ask. 
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This was the exact reason why Cerberus wanted to keep Jenna out of club business. So she didn’t know what he did or who he did business with so that if and when the big leagues came to play she wouldn’t be caught up in the storm. Oh, he was mad at this information and even madder that now the FIB was here in this town he’d have to walk on eggshells for a bit of time till the club smoked these guys out or there was some officer banging on his door with a search warrant. 
Every conversation would have to be on the down low and the only people he could trust were his sister, mother, and Jeff. Maybe a part of him wanted to trust Ana but it was pretty freaking convenient that she came to town around the same time the feds showed up. Jenna told him and now that trust was spreading her way from him. He needed more information on how many and then Cerberus really needed to buckle down on the distribution if Lee got caught then it was all up in the air. 
Lee wouldn’t turn on them unless the feds gave him a reason and that reason might be Faye. That was another loose end that would have to be shut up, then there was Ruby dating Graham and he had turned his head the opposite direction. Jenna was seen with Caine and Cerberus had a feeling that if she knew more it was because of him. Cai’s family was another problem and if Cerberus was as cruel as his father then he would spread the heat Cai’s way, but there lied the problem. Cerberus was not Kaine Angelo and Kaine Angelo would have the whole town burned down and everyone in it before he went down. 
It touched Cerberus that Jenna thought of his sister, it really did. “I know Jenna. I don’t know what to do. I didn’t want to drag you in this mess but here we are.” God, he needed a light. “I’ll figure shit out, I always seem to do that or my sister does it for me.”
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“You should get out.” she said. “or at least find a better way to watch yourself. With the feds in town it’s not going to be easy living for anyone.” everyone would be walking on glass around them, anything they knew even so much as a phone number could get them under a microscope. Or maybe that was just Jenna watching too many crime shows before sleep to make her come to that conclusion. 
Wine and crime shows were just something to wind down at night, and now it seemed to be her life unraveling. The man she was with is basically a criminal and yet that doesn’t seem to temper the flame she has for him, even if she is trying to move on. 
“I don’t want anything to happen to you or your sister. “ Jenna said. “But more so you -- you have a kid to look after.” And her feelings for him were still there, if something happened to him Jenna wouldn’t be able to live with herself. 
“Hey.” she grabbed his arm. “ I know that you’re with Ana now but...watch your back with her, okay..? “
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Atlantis?  Maisie had not heard of a place such as that being real.  She had read books that spoke of Atlantis, but she had never known if they were true or not.  Given her world, she always took stories like that with a grain of salt.  
A man neared her, making her head jerk upwards to watch him.  The people behind him held strange items.  Weapons?
“Scotland.  Atlantis…it’s – I only know what I have read.”  She tried to stand, looking down at her dress.  There was blood there, and for the first time in her life, the sight turned her stomach.  “That - th - that’s not mine.  I - I was running.”  Her head jerked backwards, realizing then that the portal had closed behind her.  Maisie growled, cursing under her breath in her native tongue.  “My - my brother…he won’t know – “  
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She bit down hard on her lip, fighting the tears.  The last thing she needed was to cry right now.  “What…what year is this?  When…when?”  The question caused a knot to form in her stomach.  Everyone’s clothes looked different.  The building looked different.  This – this was not the late 1600′s.  What had she stepped through?
Scotland, so she’s one of Beckett’s people, he thought. As though the Scottish themselves were alien or something -- which sometimes when Carson talks it wouldn’t be hard to think that. When she asked what the year was he raised his brow slightly, looking around at everyone and then he took notice of her clothes. She’s from Scotland, she’s dressed...abnormally. John had to think if he should answer with the right year or ask her what year she thinks it is. But then the tears started and he couldn’t bring himself to ask that.
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“It’s two-thousand-nineteen.” and this is where he braced himself for the many different reactions that could be had from hearing what year it is. Unless she came from the same year in which case they should be fine - sans the crying and the worried brother. Which just made them worried too. 
He ordered them to lower their weapons as he walked over, kneeling beside her. “I take it you’re not from here, are you? “ 
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@inmypaperkingdom  said:   “ we gotta stop meeting like this. ”
𝚂𝙴𝙴,   𝚂𝙷𝙴'𝙳  𝙶𝙾𝙽𝙴  𝙾𝚄𝚃  𝙾𝙵  𝙷𝙴𝚁  𝚆𝙰𝚈   to  avoid  him,   had  been  going  out  of  her  way  to  avoid  him  for  a  while,   now.   because  it’s  not  just  that  it’s  complicated,   it’s  complicated  and  then  there’s  rory.   but  here  he  is,  and  lorelai  is  at  a  loss.   so,   she  just  does  what  comes  naturally   ——she  makes  it   weird.
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          ❛  well,   if  you’d  only  stop  turning  and  catching  me  stalking  you,   we  wouldn’t  meet  at  all  !  ❜        admittedly,   not  her  best  work,   but  lorelai  has  only  had  three  cups  of  coffee  and  that  means  she’s  still  at  a   normal  resting  heart  rate.    an  excellent  time  to  flag  down  the  barista.      ❛  no,   really  though,   something  tells  me  it’s  not  a  coincidence  that  we  keep   “meeting  like  this”.  ❜     she  gives  him  a  pointed  look,   brows  raised,   wry  smile  in  place  as  she  completes  the  statement  with  a  dramatic  set  of  air  quotes.    ❛  i  told  you,   you  and  me      ——it’s  just  not  gonna  work.  ❜
𝑖𝑛𝑏𝑜𝑥  𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑢𝑝  !!
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“ So you admit it -- you’re stalking me.” He couldn’t stop the smile that appeared. He knew that right now this was going to be awkward, but she always had a way of making it fun. Awkwardly fun. Funly awkward? Funly wasn’t even a word, and yet he’d use it if he had to.
“ Some might say it’s fate, but that’s silly.” but he’d rely on that one more than just mere coincidence at this point. It seemed like when they were off the universe brought them back together again. Either it was because they were meant to end up in the same place at the same time or the universe was having a laugh at their expense. 
Sometimes it felt like the latter, if he was honest. 
“ You did.” he nodded. “-- And I argued.” which is also true. “ Maybe the powers that be are too.”
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Who here has been with me long enough to remember how after every episode of OUAT I’d shit talk on Henry’s blog? Who are the OGs?
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Lei had no idea what Henry was going to tell her, but she listened, watching him.  Henry was a natural story teller - captivating you with words, much like she did with colors and photography.  The words he stitched together thought were something she had never imagined.  They spoke to the books she had adored as a child, and had gone on to study in depth in school.  Stories with history, and more variations than most people realized.  
She had faces to put to the names.  They were all members of his family that she had met over the holidays when they went back to his hometown.  Lei ended up standing, pacing a bit as he continued, because part of her was way to excited to sit still.  “Wait…Belle?  As in…Beauty and the Beast…Belle?  You know that’s my favorite story…she fights for what she believes in, regardless of the world around her.  She sees the good, even in someone that looks scary on the outside.”
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Lei finally sat back down, holding the key from her necklace in her hand, fidgeting with it.  “Wow…I - I believe you?  I do.  I - I mean…those stories, they are histories…tales…why couldn’t the people in those stories be real?  But…what does that make you in this?”  She asked, meeting his eyes.  
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“ That is indeed Grandma Belle, though I think she’s still weirded out by me calling her ‘grandma’. He couldn’t help but not only smile, but laugh that she seemed to take it so easily. And she even seemed so intrigued. “ The beast in the story was my grandfather, Rumple. Which he seems to play some of the significant roles in a lot of stories...” He paused, thought about it, then shrugged his shoulders. To him it was completely normal at this point. 
When she asked about his role, he just smiled. “I’m an author. Basically a record keeper of the stories.” He gave a nod then turned to look at his shelves of books, some of them blank, some of them with new stories written in, and some that where his own stories that he started. “ I truly thought I’d be some kind of hero, you know. Be a knight, slay a dragon, but this isn’t so bad. Still know how to use a sword, though. My grandpa Charming taught me that.” 
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Well, since I’m moving blogs later tonight after my drafts are done let me just go back to being me like I was on Henry’s blog and just state some obvious shit : 
Quit saying that Killian was a better father figure than Neal when Neal never got a chance to be a dad , and even with what little time they had he was as wonderful father to Henry.
If you don’t agree we can meet in the pit.
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He knew he was preening, beaming over that comment.  Yes, he was a fae, that shifted, but his wolf was still a part of him.  A part of him that adored having Nora around, in his life, and loving him.  Nick had never dreamed of finding a happiness of his own.  That was something never in the cards for him or his twin, due to their father.  Now, however, they both had a chance.
His hands settled on her hips then, head tipping into her touch.  When she moved his hand, he couldn’t help giving her backside a playful squeeze.  “I’ll be good?”  The next comment left the door beautifully open for a tease.  “We could always get naked…then no worry about clothes…”  
Nick smiled, “You know how much I love you, Nora?”  And his happiness was undeniable.
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At the grab and his saying he’d be good, she jumped only to laugh lightly followed by a smirk. “ Mm, as you just proved.” she pointed out, but then he came back in full swing causing Nora to find a shade of pink she favored on her cheeks. “ Well, that would be a wonderful idea.” she hoped to follow up with that with a reason as to why they shouldn’t, or couldn’t, but nothing came to mind. 
Giving him a quick kiss, Nora pulled back but her arms remained around him. “ Enough to ask me about a tail?” she teased, giving him another kiss. “ I love you too, Nick.” 
Unlike anyone else, he makes her happy. This was a happiness she never knew she was capable of having.
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Jackson’s brows lifted upwards to the sky as he looked Jenna up and down. He had been told many things about Mystic Falls from Hayley. “Sounds like you need a whiskey and someone to vent to. Seein’ how there isn’t anyone around but me I think I can provide you both.” Nodding his head upwards towards the bartender to send someone their way the Alpha offered a small smile her direction. 
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“ Whiskey, yes. Venting? None of it makes sense.” she chuckled, but it faded off in the while. She didn’t seem happy, in fact it was obvious by the look on her face that she was anything but. “ Basically,” she said as she looked up. “Life is complicated, adulthood sucks, I wish someone had warned me before I hit this age.”
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Beau wouldn’t tell her any more than she wanted to hear. Chiles had his heart that much was for sure, but suddenly showing up out of the blue after months. He wanted to know the answers as to why she picked him over that fast pace life she had dreamed of. Beau didn’t want to be the cause of her not chasing her dreams. 
“Shit, Chiles you should already know what I think of ya by now.”
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“I know.” she replied, a smile on her lips. “ But I wanna be more than that. I don’t need fancy dresses and awards, they don’t mean anythin’ if I don’t have someone to share them with. And I want to share them with you.” 
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❛ I don’t wanna waste your time. ❜ @graham, we on that ANGST BUS FOR OUR AU.
Gabbie Hanna Lyric Starters  | Accepting
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“You’re not wasting my time.” though would that be able to reassure her. “I’m always here to talk ... that is if you want to.” though at this rate he was certain that the last person she wanted to talk to was him. But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t try. He still wanted Mary in his life, even though it seemed almost impossible.
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❛ Clearly I’m the one they’re afraid of. ❜ @ either John or Ronon.
Gabbie Hanna Lyric Starters  | Accepting
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“With good reason.” John replied, his voice low but focused. He’s a bit afraid of her too, knowing what she’s capable of. And he knows better than to get on her bad-side. “Maybe you should use that.” he told her with a shrug. “It may end up working in our favor.” 
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Cerberus was pretty sure his ears went red with embarrassment which was a hard feat to do. He could feel his face burning at the question as his mouth had tried to find some quick snap back in her direction. “Well, I ain’t the kind of guy to ask a girl ta show me what’s under her hood ‘less we had some kinda connection. but I’d like to see that engine if you don’t mind.” He fumbled at first his knees banging on the underside of the table before the wolf finally managed to stand. 
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She could easily keep going, too. With everything he said she had a snappy retort ready in her head, but she didn’t want him to explode. Though it would amuse her if she somehow managed to make him stutter. She was living for it. “Mm.” she gave a nod with a chuckle, sweet as it was. “I guess I could show you the engine.”  she yelled then to Granny. “I’m taking five!” though Granny certainly had something to say about it, Ruby wasn’t listening as she escorted Cerberus out of the diner.
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