zwintrew · 6 months
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Este no es el tipo de reconocimiento que estábamos buscando...
Pd: Those comments on the Tv... are really from the real page of """"Cornhub"""" (you know the page I'm referring to). Those are actual comments left on videos, I just copy-pasted them. XD
Pd: Esos comentarios en la Tv... son realmente de la página real de""""Cornhub"""" (ya saben a qué página me refiero). Son comentarios reales que encontré en los vídeos, solo los copié-pegué. XD
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somos-deseos · 1 year
Ojalá tu próximo intento en el amor sí funcione y no tengas que verle la cara al fracaso, ya es suficiente que siempre que te empeñes en querer bonito termines con las manos vacías y el corazón roto.
- Loveendpointing // 16 de Mayo 2018.
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axel-tiredstudent · 1 year
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This manga is consuming all my thoughts, I love these kids
Drawing "Hikaru”’s true form was soooo fun but so difficult. Really worth it tho!
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latinotiktok · 2 months
ya wn partieron a quemar ese mcdonalds
fotos fotos
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1627- Era demasiado amor. Demasiado grande, demasiado complicado, demasiado confuso, y arriesgado, y fecundo, y doloroso. Tanto como yo podía dar, más del que me convenía. Por eso se rompió. No se agotó, no se acabó, no se murió, sólo se rompió, se vino abajo como una torre demasiado alta, como una apuesta demasiado alta, como una esperanza demasiado alta.
(Castillos de cartón, Almudena Grandes)
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komy-0o · 1 year
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大好きです 💙🥩¡¿!
read hikaru ga shinda natsu!
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Hermosa mi selecciòn!!! Campeones de America! 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
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immediatebreakfast · 1 year
This is all cultural context of the readers since different countries have different rites, and myths for handling the dead. Yet, I'm always surprised how the maids just simply stole the little gold crucifix from the recently dead(?) Lucy. The girl that doesn't even have a day of being dead.
"Because," he said sternly, "it is too late—or too early. See!" Here he held up the little golden crucifix. "This was stolen in the night." "How, stolen," I asked in wonder, "since you have it now?" "Because I get it back from the worthless wretch who stole it, from the woman who robbed the dead and the living. Her punishment will surely come, but not through me; she knew not altogether what she did and thus unknowing, she only stole. Now we must wait."
Van Helsing has a very appropiate reaction to the act, he is angry not only at the "stealing from a dead girl" act on itself, but also for what it means to leave a fresh transformed vampire without a symbol of faith to stop them. I do wonder if there could be some religious dutch reasons involved since Van Helsing mentions a punishment.
We sadly don't get Jack's cultural reaction since he is too focused on how Van Helsing is acting today; which is understandable because he is really acting shady, but what was the attitude towards stealing from the dead in victorian england?
Would it have been wrong on the grounds of social class since Lucy was upper class and the maid was in her service? With all of the talk about how crucifixes, and rosaries were seen as idolatrous I don't know if they had religious reasons to discourage it. Maybe it was seen a monetary loss?
Because here in my country Colombia, oh boy there is culture surrounding the stuff of the dead. It's a very hard process to choose what to keep, what to throw away, and what to gift. However, everyone can agree that is very disrespectful to just grab things without consulting with your family, or worse to steal from behind their because grandmas had this [insert object] that I want for me.
Here, our cultural identity that is tied to the supernatural is also tied to the question "what if?" Because as much as we would like to think that some stuff are explained in absolutes. We don't know! You can ask here anyone if they believe in ghosts, and no one will give you a clear answer. Because there are situation that we can't explain, and that question is always left.
Which follows what not to do with the dead: Don't let anyone gift you stuff from their dead relatives because to those dead relatives you are a stranger. Be careful with things tied to certain feelings that the dead in question had for it (for example both my grandma and grandpa were buried with their wedding rings no ifs no buts). Let yourself mourn while deciding these things.
And, don't steal from dead because you don't know their conditions when they died.
If this was a colombian story focused on the supernatural, and Lucy was not a vampire yet came back as a vengeful ghost to haunt that maid for stealing Van Helsing's "gift" from her, I would go "Ja! Serves you right." Because that maid decided to desecrate Lucy's grave by stealing from her.
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cerebrodigital · 6 months
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Ayer falleció a los 78 años Paul Alexander, el último hombre con un pulmón de hierro.
Te contamos su fatídica historia aquí:
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sudaca-swag · 8 months
es bastante preocupante que un mega estado que controla la mitad del mundo y está armado hasta los dientes tenga como cabecilla a un viejo que está literalmente senil, por qué no lo sustituye la kamala harris si ese es lit su trabajo??
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estoy chiquito
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conobarco · 7 days
que año horrible para las mascotas :(
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cnl0400 · 17 days
Sentencing people to watch The Flash (2023) so they understand how the timelines in Obey Me Nightbringer (2023) works
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latinotiktok · 11 months
no sé porque todos están recordando fanfics horribles que leyeron pero quiero participar. Hace unos meses leí un fanfic omegaverse de Javier milei y Espert (ya se que es muy mala premisa pero bueno tenía curiosidad y ese día aprendí lo que verdaderamente significa la frase "la curiosidad mató al gato") y la primera frase literal era Espert diciéndole a Milei: "que olorcito que tenés" mientras le olfateaba sus partes íntimas. Milei le acariciaba el pelo mientras tanto y decía algo como "enojado por quería enterrar las manos en el pelo que Espert no tenía". Esa primera frase ya fue muy fuerte para mí y la verdad que no pude seguir leyendo por el asco que me dió. Me arrepiento mucho de haber buscado fanfics de milei, yo sola me traje este sufrimiento. Por favor, no cometan el mismo error que yo.
Dato importante: milei era el Omega y Espert era el alfa.
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pupuseriazag · 8 months
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mmyashas · 1 year
luckity papas d tilin en otro universo donde si le cuidaron </3
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