innergore-blog · 9 years
I’ve had a lot of fun on this blog, but considering my lack of activity over the last however long it’s been and my lack of interest in changing that, it’s looking like this ‘break’ is a bit permanent. Kind of sad, but it was bound to happen eventually.
If you want, there's a link to my personal blog on this blog's homepage. If not, bye. :)
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innergore-blog · 9 years
"I might not be around for another week or two.“
Oops. In my defense, life has been busy. And I’m about to start up school again, so it might be a little while longer before I’m roleplaying on here again. Not too long I don’t think (for real this time, haha).
Part of my absence has also been because honestly, as much as I love writing Andy, it can be very emotionally draining. Between the terrible things he does and the sheer amount of hatred he has towards both himself and the world, trying to get into that mindset isn’t always the easiest or best thing for me.
Don’t get me wrong here. Despite that, I’m not planning for a second here to stop roleplaying him. I have decided, however, that I need to spend time writing as another muse again, too. Someone who isn’t so difficult.
It might be the case that the bits of time I have had for roleplaying have been spent remaking Justin, lmao.
But yeah. I figured I should post an update here, at least to let everyone know that I’m not dead or something.
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innergore-blog · 10 years
Just posting real quick to say that I might not be around for another week or two. Figure I may as well call it a hiatus (tho it’s not like I haven’t disappeared longer without calling it anything, tbh).
But yeah. It’s definitely not going to be too long; lately I've been thinking about roleplay stuff and making too many icons for that.
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innergore-blog · 10 years
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“The great thing about cannibalism isn't eating other people, it's showing other survivors that I did.”
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innergore-blog · 10 years
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innergore-blog · 10 years
You have a bacterial infection from all that human meat you've been eating. You have 69 days to live.
69 days… lmao. I don’t really do M!As or stuff like that, but I do like the idea… kind of tempted to write an open based around the idea tbh.
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innergore-blog · 10 years
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The 39th icon in your folder is your muses reaction to falling in love at first sight
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innergore-blog · 10 years
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In the obscene amount of time that I’ve spent roleplaying as Hannibal, I, as someone who enjoys research, have managed to collect a plethora of handy resources. So I figured I’d share them, for the benefit of roleplayers, writers, or really just anyone who would find this stuff interesting.
This list may be edited later as I add more resources. my bookmark folders are a total wreck and they’re quite a challenge to sift through
Psychology / Psychiatry: 
a study on serial killers / body language - eyes / coping with a panic attack / coping with ptsd / dehumanization and the psychology of killing / gun terminology / impact of killing / mental illness directory / physical grounding techniques / psych and neuroscience / psychology of killing and nonkilling /  resources on (writing) serial killers / medical resources 1 + 2 / 
blood loss’s effects / burn info / effectiveness and technique of blade wounds / effectiveness of stabs vs cuts / falling unconscious /  how drowning looks /  knife blade guide / knives- how to hold / limits of the human body / methods for killing with bare hands / methods of torture / misc info / senses while dying / types of bone fractures / hiding bodies 1 + 2 
Criminology and Forensics:
autopsy steps / blood spatter anysis / bullet enter and exit wounds /  criminal profiling of a serial killer / deterioration of the human body / forensics4fiction / fuckyeahforensics / forensicasks / gunshot wounds from different bullets / medical examiner faq
fashion terminology / guide to types of suits  / how to tell if a suit fits / pairing wines with foods / red vs white wine / tying a necktie
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innergore-blog · 10 years
I think the person who sent that message didn't mean to offend you in ANY way. They probably didn't see the other post.
[ Sure, that's a possibility. But I wasn't born yesterday, so I know that it's possible that they did see it, too.
Either way, it doesn't really matter imo. Like, it's not a huge leap to think that someone might be bothered by asks like that, considering the subject. Like if a muse is def involved in a situation like that in canon then it might be different, but mostly it's just like... nah. Not gonna go there. ]
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innergore-blog · 10 years
You're OOC message scared me. (this isn't a rude message)
[ Okay? If you're the one who sent that ask, maybe you shoulda like... just not done it in the first place? Like, idk why you sent this, but if you're expecting me to try and make you feel better about it or smth you're barking up the wrong tree. I'm allowed to be upset when someone crosses the line with me. ]
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innergore-blog · 10 years
[ honestly, i don't need this shit in my life. if i keep getting asks like that i'm probably just gonna turn anon off completely for a while or something. ]
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innergore-blog · 10 years
Yeah, I'm going to make clear now, in case it wasn't clear before, that basically any ask about my muse (or Danny, for that matter) being a rapist isn't cool?? Come on anons, kindly get your shit together before sending them in. Also I'm going to start blocking people over this, now.
Okay, so here’s a short list of things I don’t want people to send on-anon to me. Tbh didn’t feel like it had to be said, but idk, I guess it does:
Depictions of my character sexually assaulting someone.
Depictions of my character being sexually assaulted.
I mean, those just aren’t cool, okay? It’s actually pretty triggering for me, and it makes me uncomfortable to the point that I end up avoiding the blog for a bit.
There’s a lot of fucked up things that I’m willing to write about. I can’t say I’d never do something kinda like that, even. But that’s not something you should ever send someone without at least asking if it’s cool first. And personally, that’s not a topic I’m comfortable talking about with an anon at all, much less roleplaying. So please, just don’t.
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innergore-blog · 10 years
Andy is too busy tumbling down the stairs to reply.
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innergore-blog · 10 years
Would you rather have sex with a cow or your brother?
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“ Look, I know damn well that either answer's gonna fuck me over. Think I'm gonna pass on that. ”
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innergore-blog · 10 years
“ Not really sure. ”  The words are murmured, Andy's voice still heavy with sleep,  “ 'Could tell you weren't havin' good dreams, though. ”
His memories of last night are fuzzy, but looking at the other man's expression, he figures nothing really happened between them. Chances are he just got too drunk to give a shit where he crashed, or who he might be laying next to... or, as the case may be, didn't give a shit who decided to crash next to him.
It'd be funnier were it not so early in the morning and were he not already dealing with a headache, but watching Mark through half-lidded eyes, what he feels now is more trepidation than anything else.  “ S'been my bed longer than it's been yours. ”
"You're okay, it was just a bad dream." (??? idk how this could go but i bet it could be interesting lol)
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It would have been surprising to hear a woman’s voice as he woke up, but to hear Andy’s, of all people…
"Uh…" he opened his eyes and squinted up at the other man anxiously. What the hell happened. How had they ended up like this. What was going on? “Uhm…” Had they gotten drunk or something? Had they…???
"What…are you doing in my bed…??" He tried not to ask it with panic.
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innergore-blog · 10 years
[ this just in, thehesitantwolf is a really cool andy and everyone should be following them. they should also obviously be following their mark, ijustwantbiscuits. ]
[update innergore is awesome and wonderful and everyone must know.]
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innergore-blog · 10 years
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Indepedent Clementine Roleplay Blog
            “Nobody who died is anyone’s fault! We… We all wanted              to be together, and it just went bad. But we owe it to them              to try to make the best of this!”
I | II | III
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