inside-thecage · 9 days
Maturity is realizing that happiness is a choice. You really have to be very mindful and shift your perspective regularly, because life will always present a reason to be unhappy. Waiting for perfect circumstances to allow yourself to be happy is robbing yourself of present joy.
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inside-thecage · 9 days
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inside-thecage · 9 days
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inside-thecage · 1 month
entering this great new phase of my life where, when someone treats me like shit, instead of going "oh man I guess I'm a piece of shit" I can whole-heartedly go "christ alive, what is wrong with you? you can't treat people like that" and it may sound simple but it took a long time to get here and there's no fucking way I'm going back
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inside-thecage · 1 month
So you gave your all to the wrong person. It wasn't wasted – it was practice. Now you know your capacity for love. When you find someone who matches it, it'll be incredible. Your heart's not broken, it's just ready for something real.
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inside-thecage · 1 month
To everyone holding on by a thread - that thread is made of steel. Your strength is real, your struggle is valid, and your future is worth fighting for. Keep holding on. The world is a better place with you in it.
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inside-thecage · 1 month
Say it with me:
I speak highly of myself. I speak nicely to myself. I motivate myself. I support myself. I validate myself. I love myself.
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inside-thecage · 1 month
The silent treatment is manipulation. Withholding the truth is manipulation. Disguising control as concern is manipulation. Weaponizing therapy language is manipulation. Only showing effort after it's too late is manipulation. Withholding affection as punishment is manipulation. Keeping plans vague to avoid commitment is manipulation. Using 'boundaries' to avoid responsibility is manipulation.
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inside-thecage · 1 month
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inside-thecage · 1 month
“Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths."
~ Etty Hillesum
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inside-thecage · 1 month
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Franz Wright
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inside-thecage · 1 month
You are gonna get yourself exactly where you want to be.
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inside-thecage · 3 months
womanhood is an endless cycle of finding your way back to a younger version of yourself and nurturing them
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inside-thecage · 4 months
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inside-thecage · 5 months
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inside-thecage · 5 months
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inside-thecage · 5 months
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