sunsetstargirl · 4 years
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sunsetstargirl · 4 years
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sunsetstargirl · 4 years
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sunsetstargirl · 4 years
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sunsetstargirl · 4 years
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sunsetstargirl · 4 years
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sunsetstargirl · 4 years
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sunsetstargirl · 4 years
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sunsetstargirl · 4 years
Everybody needs to hear this
One thing people tend not to tell you is that it’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to feel like the world is closing in around you with no way out. It’s okay to be angry, afraid and unsure of what you want.
Do you want to know what’s not okay? When you let all these things stop you from living your life. Many things in this world are designed to drag you down and impede your progression however your true strength will come from your power to carry on. To carry on with your middle fingers raised high and a confidence that will make even Mother Nature think twice before raining on your parade.
The fact that you are alive today is a reason to be proud of yourself, to realise the pain your feel right in this moment will not be the same further on in your life. To stand tall knowing your emotions are trying to drag you down but they will not be your anchor, they will never stop you from being the unique spirit you know you can be. When your eyes begin to burn, you need to wipe away the tears and keep your mind occupied; you are loved, you are wanted and you are necessary.
Personal acceptance isn’t something that happens over night and isn’t easy, but it will come in small doses. Like medication it will help you recover over time, for some it takes years but it will come. I know there may be people who see you as the sun during the day, lighting up the world but you deserve someone who sees you as the sunrise; the brightest light to break the fading darkness.
I only have a few words for you: “you can do this” and “I believe in you”. Thank you for listening, and remember that just like any moon to a planet, your path is always defined however only you can travel in your orbit.
You don’t have to fight the world alone, let people fight along side you for a battle we all struggle to realise is actually winnable.
Source: @suicide-formula
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sunsetstargirl · 4 years
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sunsetstargirl · 4 years
Loneliest people are the kindest, saddest people smile the brightest, and most damaged people are the wisest.
- Unknown
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sunsetstargirl · 4 years
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sunsetstargirl · 4 years
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sunsetstargirl · 4 years
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sunsetstargirl · 4 years
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sunsetstargirl · 4 years
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sunsetstargirl · 4 years
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