inspectorsecondclass · 3 months
I- I don't even know what to say. You asked if you could bite me of all things, and I denied.
It's a weird thing to ask someone.
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inspectorsecondclass · 3 months
can i bite you
... Sorry, what?
No, you can't bite me.
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inspectorsecondclass · 3 months
Hey Lyf, how was Hodmimus Holt?
The mining colony obviously
... i never made it.
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inspectorsecondclass · 3 months
have you ever just
something you didn’t know without researching it
Yes. Yes, I have.
Why do you ask? Is- Is it something bad?
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inspectorsecondclass · 4 months
... great. Yes, that's me.
And, uh. My version. I think. He should be my version. They act the exact same.
I'll... try? Not sure how I would steal someone's kneecaps, but it's worth a shot. Anything to get him out of here, at this point. I don't even know how he got here...
Hello. You're Brian, right? I'm... yeah. You have definitely heard of me, considering how there is a literal musical about the death of my star system.
You know von Raum. Please help. How do I get him away.
Which Marius? There's apparently multiple of them, something Raphaella is currently looking into. And yes, I have heard of you. You're the inspector Marius said was fun to annoy, right? At least a version of them. Here's my advice. Steal his kneecaps. Can't walk without them. Then throw him out an airlock. That usually takes care of him for at least a few months.
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inspectorsecondclass · 4 months
Which of the Mechanisms would you date?
None. None of them.
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inspectorsecondclass · 4 months
Kiss, Marry, Kill
Queen of Hearts (TTBTV2)
Odin (TBI)
Athena (TTBTV2)
Well, I would definitely kill Odin. Not quite sure who the others are, but maybe marry Athena and kiss the Queen of Hearts? I'm going fully off of vibes here, don't come at me.
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inspectorsecondclass · 4 months
How goes hiding from Marius?
It's working, I think. He hasn't found me yet.
I'm hiding in a locker on my ship, currently. It's small, but I can just about fit. It's- It's getting smaller. I need to get out of here.
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inspectorsecondclass · 4 months
Magic anons your universe's Marius von Raum to your location.
Oh. Oh gods no. Not him again.
Someone hide me.
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inspectorsecondclass · 4 months
What was Marius like in prison?
Oh gods here I go.
von Raum was a deeply annoying prisoner. I know that I've most likely said this before, but the sheer amount of violins just drives me insane. Not only that, but he seemed to get them from absolutely nowhere! Every time I asked even the smallest question he would start playing that gods damned song. I just- I can't with him. I can't, and I'm glad I don't have to deal with him anymore.
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inspectorsecondclass · 4 months
I like the piano in this one! Quite a sad story, too.
And that language. Gods, I still can't remember where it was I heard it... Somewhere. Surely I'll recall soon enough.
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inspectorsecondclass · 5 months
Huh. This one was... different. Not bad different, but different.
I liked it.
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inspectorsecondclass · 5 months
(Is there any music that you wouldn't want to be recommended?)
-Music anon.
(( Nope, go crazy lmao ))
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inspectorsecondclass · 5 months
Hello again, music anon (assuming it's the same person..)
I think I recognise that language! Nothing we usually got in any part of Yggdrasil, but I did meet someone who spoke at the very least something similar to that a few systems over while escaping. Can't recall their name, sadly.
There's much I can't remember...
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inspectorsecondclass · 5 months
What's your opinion on Violinspector?
I've heard about it. It's supposed to be a 'ship name' for me and von Raum, isn't it.
Not many opinions on the name itself. It's creative, I'll admit, even if I don't like what it means.
As for the 'ship' itself. No. Just no. I am not, nor have I ever been, in love with von Raum. End of story.
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inspectorsecondclass · 5 months
Oh, so that's Bruno. He seems a lot... smaller than the song implied.
I'll have to watch the film sometime. I can only hope that the next planet has something similar at the very least.
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inspectorsecondclass · 5 months
It's... another song.
Who is Bruno and why are we not talking about him? Also, they go against themselves in the song, repeatedly talking about Bruno while saying that 'we don't talk abut Bruno.'
It's annoying.
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