#the mechanisms rp
suuuuure, the most honest Captain in the universe
Everyone lies ‘bout somthin’
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nas-does-engineer · 2 days
I have heard a total of 3 people coming aboard and getting into fights with Jonny.
You should know that part of the reason he is so pissed is because he is a territorial bastard, as far as we can tell it is a species thing but we cannot get proof.
I would suggest getting permission form part of the crew, or at least warn him if any of you plan on pulling a stunt like that again.
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A little bit after their impromptu tea party gizm0 had pushed themself against the wall and set their cane in their lap. He pulled off a small; well no quite large golden charm off. It had been hanging off the handle on a simple chain. They inspected it for a moment before fiddling with a latch on the side. After a moment it popped open. Oh it was a locket? No. They grabbed something out of it, a small key and flipped it over. They put it in the back and began twisting it, quite focused on what they were doing. A soft ticking could be heard. Was it a watch?
The Toy Soldier heard the noise before it saw the object itself. For a moment it considered whether or not its own clockwork had miraculously begun working again, but, no, it was fairly certain most of the machinery had given out a long time ago.
Perhaps it would have noticed the way the golden thing caught in the light faster if it had still tilted itself a guardsmen, but it certainly still couldn't have been called slow to catch onto what Gizm0 was holding.
It tilted its head, a bit surprised it hadn't noticed anything of that nature when Gizm0 had flaunted about the cane earlier.
What Is That?
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master-at-arms · 11 days
M curious, did jonny ever attempt to hide his immortality during the moon war or was he just an idiot like normal
Nope, just an idiot in general. It did take a while for me to realize though, I thought he was just stupid lucky.
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drumbbot-brian · 23 days
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oneeyed-jacks · 2 months
Round and round the mulberry bush
The badger chased the weasel
The badger thought it was all in good fun
But pop! goes the weasel
Why are ya singin’?
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visceralfractal · 10 days
Carmilla knocked on the door to the flat where Pamela resided. She smiled softly when the woman opened the door. Exactly who she wanted to see. "Hello, Pamela. Doctor Carmilla, we spoke a short while ago," she said and offered her hand. "I'm afraid we must move fast. If my crew sees me, they won't hesitate to try and harm me. Do make haste, my dear."
{ @allthesemechanismsbutnocoping }
They've had a bag packed for a while. Just in case.
They take her hand and hurry out the door, looking back for only the briefest possible moment at the home of all her riotous roommates.
Mechanisms. They're called the Mechanisms. And she will very soon be one.
"Let's go."
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littlevandalist · 13 days
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The hauler
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researcher-4e69636b · 3 months
Nick didn’t like the message he got. Absolutely. And the screams were similar to... maybe Marius? If this is the case then Nick definitely needs to check on them, if it’s not too late. Well, yes, Mechanisms can regenerate but they still feel the pain. And Nick didn’t want Mechanisms to be in pain.
With all zir willpower, which was getting better and better, he sat on the edge of the bed and carefully, supporting zirself by holding tightly to the walker, the researcher got up.
Screams meant death. So ze, shaking a bit, opens the door.
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immortalarsonist · 1 month
Yeah immortality means technically not having to eat, but you’d be surprised if you found that out after seeing how many scrap pieces of sheet metal have fucking bite marks out of them.
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Jonny didn't miss me?
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you should preform hamlet with someone’s skull
just a suggestion
Come ‘ere I’ll use yers
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nas-does-engineer · 2 months
fuck you nas for telling people shit they don’t fucking need to know ‘bout what I do when drunk
Did you only just find out about what I had said?
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Gizm0 took away the cigarettes Ashes gave me :(
Fascinating! I Never Knew You Smoked, Dear Friend! Nor Did I Know Gizm0 Was A Right Nasty Thief! Everybody Knows Not To Steal A Fine Fellow's Smokes.
Would You Like A Spare Pipe Of Mine As Consolation? Not Quite The Same, But Similar Enough.
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master-at-arms · 21 days
What’s the long answer to stepdad Jonny?
No, he’s a little bitch
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drumbbot-brian · 1 month
I think sometimes you need a nice pair of socks and a freshly killed man to feel content with your life…but I only have the nice pair of socks.
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