insulincyborg-blog · 8 years
To The First 5
I now have my first five followers. I'm so happy!!! Cheers to the diabattlers!
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insulincyborg-blog · 8 years
If someone injecting themselves 5 times a day to stay alive for the rest of their lives... are they too sick or not sick at all...
No one feel sorry for us diabetics and even we don’t feel sorry for ourselves…
We inject ourself five times a day and face the world Sometimes with super high sugar levels we take an exam Sometimes we wake up at 3am with super low sugar levels, treat ourselves and go to work at 7am Sometimes ambulance come home because we are unconscious, they inject us with glycogen and after we gain consciousness we go to work as if we did not return from death…
Perhaps we fight too hard sometimes to prove that we are just ‘normal’. No one seems to accept that in fact we are sick.
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insulincyborg-blog · 8 years
Me: I'm not feeling too well.
Person: Stay away from me!!! I can't get sick!!
Me: It's not contagious. It's just who I am as a person.
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insulincyborg-blog · 8 years
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this user has type 1 diabetes 
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insulincyborg-blog · 8 years
#justdiabetesthings that nobody talks about
- catching every single cold and infectious disease ever because your immune system sucks
- bg levels too high? time for excruciating cramps in a random body part!
- when you can feel your bg dropping
- Constant Thirst™
- related: needing to use the bathroom all the damn time
- do i have my meter in my bag? do i have my insulin in my bag? do i have a snack in case my bg drops? do i have glucagon in case i pass out with no warning? do i have my phone in case i need to call an ambulance? do i h
- someone non-diabetic: “why do you always have a bag with you lmao”
- h e a d a c h e s
- sensory overload when you’re hypoglycaemic
- “why do you care about carbs so much lmao”
- “i would have offered you some cake but you can’t eat sugar right? you poor thing uwu”
- when you’re pretty sure your bg is too low but also what if you’re faking it as an excuse to eat something
- “you don’t look disabled though??”
- your friends looking mildly horrified when you casually joke about stabbing yourself several times a day
- when your phone/laptop is low on charge, and you’re like “oh no it’s going hypoglycaemic” but you’re only half joking
- the increased risk of anxiety and depression, to an extent that many diabetic clinics routinely test their patients for symptoms
- finding someone else who’s diabetic and they understand
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insulincyborg-blog · 8 years
Me @ myself: fight me
Immune system: lol okay
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insulincyborg-blog · 8 years
You're not a bad diabetic.
You’re reading this, which means you’re still alive, so I think you’re pretty fucking nailing it.
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insulincyborg-blog · 8 years
I don't know any diabetic that actually changes the thing regularly.
Someone: *changes the lancet every time they check their blood sugar*
Me: You just got diagnosed, didn’t you
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insulincyborg-blog · 8 years
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insulincyborg-blog · 8 years
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insulincyborg-blog · 8 years
Genie: I will grant you three-
Me: I want a pancreas that isn't a piece of shit
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insulincyborg-blog · 8 years
I used to do this all of the time. My blood sugar scared me, so I never tested. It produced an eating disorder and several hospital visits.
Me: I have an endocrinologist appointment soon. I should record some numbers.
Me to me: make them up.
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insulincyborg-blog · 8 years
Being diabetic sucks 0/10 would not recommend
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insulincyborg-blog · 8 years
Stupid little bugger. BUT he's the reason I get all these cyborg parts. My life is now powered by a single AAA battery.
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Dorp :) [Via @awkwardyeti]
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insulincyborg-blog · 8 years
imagine diabetes in the pokemon world
- t1d trainers keeping a pokemon on their team to help them monitor/treat bg levels, like chansey or audino
- diabetic!!!! alert!!!!! pokemon!!!! like growlithe, poochyena, or even slurpuff (since it has the best sense of smell out of any pokemon)
- trainers with delibirds using their pokemon to store their insulin, since delibird is an ice type that would keep their meds chilled
- pokemon centers keeping snacks for trainers who may have gone hypoglycemic while outside
- new trainers being warned that this new and active lifestyle they’re about to undertake will lead to a decrease in the overall amount of insulin they need to take, so they might have to decrease their basal and bolus rates. as a result, lots of newbie trainers go hypo during their first few weeks before they get into the swing of things
- t1d trainers making poffins or pokepuffs for their pokemon and non-diabetic trainers being like “are you allowed to be near all that sugar?”
- being hypo and trying to eat a poffin or a pokepuff……
- speaking of being hypo, imagine pokemon like vanillite, teddiursa, or combee sharing their sweets with their hypo trainers
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insulincyborg-blog · 8 years
What your doctor doesn’t tell you when you’re diagnosed with diabetes: 1. There’ll be nights when you stay up crying because you can’t get your blood sugar down. 2. There’ll be nights when you wake up so disoriented you don’t know where you are because your blood sugar dropped that low. 3. Trying to not let it interfere with your school and work life is impossible. 4. There’ll be times when you’re so frustrated you’ll just want to tear everything related to the disease off your body and throw it as far away as you can. 5. You’ll always be scared.
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