integrity-coaching · 2 years
ENFP politician
The ENFP politician during his speech.
Dear citizens  (Fi+Te affiliative addressing).
This cure is made by extraordinary (Fi valuable) professionals (Te social status) with several decades of experience (Si history) and these professionals (Te social status) are proven to be trustworthy (Te status/Ne intentions) by this statistic of the market (Te data and statistic).
Imagine (Ne future) how they would feel (Fe collective feeling) after hearing (Se sensing) your statements of doubt (Ne intentions/Te belief) and your expression of mistrust (Te belief/Si faith/Ne intentions)?
Dear Mr. ENFP. We understand your Fe critic encourages you to extract value from their behavior and to wisely decide what is a better decision based on that (because Fe is your critic function and your wisdom lies there). It is perfectly fine that these doctors have decades of experience (Si history) and that their reputation (Te) has been established by the given statistic (Te).
Clearly Fi, Fe, and Te are present. But the most objective cognitive function, Ti, is still not present in your speech. The reality (Se) is, that these cures have proven to be ineffective, which Mr ENFP finds as harassment to these professionals (by hurting their feelings), therefore he does not mention that. Or perhaps, he does that intentionally (Ne hero - most dominant function - collective future and consequences).
Once this drug is proven ineffective by objective Ti facts, doctors can feel anything (Fe), statistics can be made (Te), values can be extracted from their behavior (Fe), the decisions can serve a nice purpose (Fi). But it does not affect the effectiveness of this drug (Ti+Se). 
Therefore, this Mr ENFP is facing mistrust and rejection(Te/Si/Ne). Maybe because of his Ti trickster (his unaware function, Ti for logic), maybe because he is hiding something. 
Philosophers house (Ne+si, Te+Fi) is known to be prone to making sacrifices for their interests by manipulating the Te perception and Si systems. The Ti logic and Se reality keep a watchful eye on them.
The only statistics you can trust are those you falsified yourself. - Winston Churchill.
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integrity-coaching · 3 years
Do you speak type? INTJ in pyjamas.
INTJ posts in a group.
How weird is it, when I feel like I want a lollipop at 10:00pm, and I go and purchase it at a gas station in my pyjamas?
How weird is it, (socially appropriate) when I feel like want a lollipop (my mood, I want (Fi/Ni)) at 10:00 pm (silent hours (Te)) and I go and purchase it (desire + action (Ni+Se)) at a gas station in my pyjamas? (social situation + visual expression (Fe+Se) place + dress code suitability (Te))
INTJ Direct, Responding, Progression Abstract, Pragmatic, Systematic Ni Hero Te Parent Fi Child Se Inferior
Ne Nemesis Ti Critic Fe Trickster Si Demon
No, there is nothing weird about it, pragmatic Te Fe trickster Si demon.
Fe affiliative would tolerate, Si affiliative would endure, Te affiliative would moan, Te pragmaric would laugh.
Now, seriously and humanly sepaking. How weird is that? This depends on the social situation and optic we use to determine it, cognitive functions in case of the type.
Fe (extraverted feeling) is for social intelligence. Si (introverted sensing) means habits, habitual "how "should" everyone do things" Te (extraverted thinking) is for social norms Se (extraverted sensing) is for external perception with senses. Ni (introverted intuition) are our desires and what we want.
Combinations create stiuations and optics, which always result in a very subjective context.
Someone thinks it´s weird to buy a lollipop at a gas station in a pyjamas. Someone thinks it´s weird to think about it why it´s weird and write about it with weird letters and abbreviations.
We are different, and that´s good. It would be even better, if we, at the end of the day, understood each other a tolerate each other.
Type is a wonderful opportunity how to reach it.
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integrity-coaching · 3 years
The truth will set you free, but it doesn’t make truth hurt any less, nor does it make the truth any prettier, and it certainly doesn’t absolve you of the responsibilities that truth requires. One of the biggest obstacles guys face in unplugging is accepting the hard truths that Game forces upon them. Among these is bearing the burden of realizing what you’ve been conditioned to believe for so long were comfortable ideals and loving expectations are really liabilities. Call them lies if you want, but there’s a certain hopeless nihilism that accompanies categorizing what really amounts to a system that you are now cut away from. It is not that you’re hopeless, it’s that you lack the insight at this point to see that you can create hope in a new system – one in which you have more direct control over.
Rollo Tomassi
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integrity-coaching · 3 years
V tomto článku sa mierne pohrám so subjektivitou pocitov a objektivitou logiky, symbolikou a úvahami. A venujem ho cnosti, podľa ktorej som svoj coaching nazval. Integrita je cnosť, ktorú si najviac vážim. Zároveň ju považujem za najrozumnejší dôvod pre dlhodobé budovanie a investíciu. Čo je vlastne integrita? Pozrime si rôzne zdroje. - Slovník - celistvosť, neporušenosť. - Slovník - čestnosť, bezúhonnosť v morálnom slova zmysle - Wikipedia - Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions. Integrity can stand in opposition to hypocrisy. Mne sa k tomu páči obohatenie - The ultimate truth is integrity. If you have integrity, you are walking by truth, not by sides. The INFJ´s (archetype) life´s purpose is to be walking by truth. The absolute truth is integrity. (Najvyššia forma pravdy je integrita. Ak máte integritu, kráčate v pravde, neodbáčate. Životný údel pre INFJ (archetype) je kráčanie v pravde. Absolútna pravda je integrita.) Integrita je častokrát cnosť, ktorá nás priťahuje na leadroch. Sú to práve tí ľudia, ktorí vás "nakazia" ich presvedčeniami, zápalom, hodnotami, postojmi. Príkladmi takýchto leadrov sú napríklad Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Ježiš Kristus. Žili svoje idály do posledného dychu, ktoré nakoniec naplnili. Opakom integrity je skazenosť. They dont practice what they preach. Vodu káže, víno pije. Obe vyššie sú porekadlá, ktoré reprezentujú skazenosť, opak integrity. Veľmi dobrý príklad skazenosti je napríklad film Generation Wealth. Vieme si integritu rozdeliť do niekoľkých oblastí na drobné? Stretol som sa so zaujímavým venn diagramom, ktorý nám integritu veľmi pekne popisuje. Respektíve nam vie udať, ktoých oblastí sa integrita týka. Sú to: 1. Ľudská nature (psyché) 2. Ľudská nurture (výchova) 3. Lokalita, kultúra, zvyky, spoločnosť 4. Systém presvedčení, viera, náboženstvo, duchovný život, alebo naše vlastné presvedčenia a hodnoty, ktoré praktizujeme. Možností definície je určite veľmi veľa, avšak pre mňa je takéto rozčlenenie dostačujúce. Mňa vždy k tejto téme pritiahne jedna veľmi zásadná tázka. Znamená integrita perfekcionizmus? Alebo presnejšie, na to, aby bol človek plne integrický, musí byť perfektný? Alebo inak, musíme byť perfektní vo všetkých oblastiach na to, aby sme boli so sebou spokojní? To sú skutočne veľmi filozofické otázky. Asi je najlepšie, ak si na ne každý zodpovie sám. Avšak rád zazdieľam odpoveď, ktorú uchovávam ja. Sú to však moje úvahy a názory ktoré som si zozbieral, berte to skôr ako inšpiráciu. Jedným z dôkazom života je, že pri živom musí byť prítomý rast. Čokoľvek čo teda žije, musí rásť, musí byť v neustálom cykle zmeny, zároveň rozpade, entropii. A takisto sa každá živá vec snaží o zlepšenie. Ak by niečo živé dosiahlo perfektný stav, čo by sa stalo? Naplnilo by to svoj zmysel, zároveň by ho stratilo? Pozrime sa na diamant - najvzácnejší a najdrahší minerál na Zemi. Ako vznikajú diamanty? Okrem iného, pod tlakom a pri žare, v obrovských teplotách. Avšak takým štýlom naplnia svoj zmysel najpevnejšieho minerálu. Umelé diamanty, vytvorené v laboratóriách, túto možnosť nemajú. Ich využitie je čisto len pre krásu a pohladenie očí. Ak si to premietneme na človeka, môžeme v tom vidieť určitú symboliku. Tlak môže symbolizovať bolesť pri raste. Žiara a vysoké teploty môžu reprezentovať plamene pravdy a jej účinky, keď sa ju dozvieme a bolesť, keď nás mení. Všetci veľmi dobre poznáme, že najviac sa človek učí pri chybách a pri tej ťažšej ceste. V určitej miere môžeme teda chápať bolesť ako dôkaz rastu a zároveň ako zdroj múdrosti. A teda druhá časť v prenesenom význame - človek bez bolesti nemôže získať múdrosť a rast, a teda bez bolesti človek degraduje, nerastie. Tým padom, človek z "laboratória," perfektný, nemá priestor na rast a zažívanie bolesti, pretože pravdepodobne už svoj účel naplnil, alebo stratil. Je zamrznutý v čase, ako upír, nemŕtvy. Avšak diamanty z prírody sú chybné, a vďaka tomu majú svoje využitie. Sú perfektne chybné. A to má takisto určitú symboliku aj pre človeka. Ak je perfektne chybný, formovaný bolesťou a pravdou, má svoje využitie. Krásne na tom je, že aj diamant aj človek je z uhlíku. Ku koncu by som pridal jeden nádherný citát od môjho obľúbeného autora Rolla Tomassiho zo série kníh The red pill books - The rational male. Pre silu jazyka ho nechám v angličtine. ”The truth will set you free, but it doesn’t make truth hurt any less, nor does it make the truth any prettier, and it certainly doesn’t absolve you of the responsibilities that truth requires. One of the biggest obstacles guys face in unplugging is accepting the hard truths that Game forces upon them. Among these is bearing the burden of realizing what you’ve been conditioned to believe for so long were comfortable ideals and loving expectations are really liabilities. Call them lies if you want, but there’s a certain hopeless nihilism that accompanies categorizing what really amounts to a system that you are now cut away from. It is not that you’re hopeless, it’s that you lack the insight at this point to see that you can create hope in a new system – one in which you have more direct control over.” - Rollo Tomassi - Čo pre Vás znamená integrita? Ako si ju vy rozdeľujete? Budem veľmi rád, ak mi svoj pohľad zazdieľate.
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