integrumluna · 4 years
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Learning to smile again is hard, but welcome
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integrumluna · 4 years
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Without a word of warning, Lea reached across and ran a calloused fingertip against Isa’s chapped lips, smearing them with something smooth and sweet. The movements of his finger across Isa’s lips were painstakingly, achingly slow; gentle and deliberate, as though touching something deeply precious and feeling greatly honoured to be doing so.
From this fic 
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integrumluna · 4 years
Under the tree there's a present wrapped in red, a bit torn in places. Someone either wrapped it in a hurry, or doesn't have much experience with presents to begin with. There's a scarf inside, rich cobalt blue in color and made from soft wool.
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Isa bends down to pick the gift up. “I don’t remember... hm.” The colour of the wrapping paper and the sloppy way it’s been wrapped kinda gives it away. Isa smiles wryly as he unwraps it to pull the scarf out. “Oh... it’s really nice.” With a smile he wraps it around his neck. Soft and warm... It’s perfect. 
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integrumluna · 4 years
Reblog if it's alright for your muse to be given Christmas presents by other people's muses
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integrumluna · 4 years
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Rough morning?
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integrumluna · 4 years
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❄️Happy Winter it’s too cold out ☃️❄️
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integrumluna · 4 years
“There’s a good lad.” Xehanort said, though he could tell something wasn’t right.
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“There is not anything that will…hinder your performance, is there? Perhaps someone in particular you are not eager to face?”
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There was the smallest of twitches on Saix’s face in response to that, but he tried his hardest to appear unaffected. Of course, he knew Xehanort was far from stupid and he could probably guess that Saix wasn’t as detached as he tried to present himself. “It will not be an issue,” was all he said, even as his thoughts couldn’t help to drift to a certain redhead. 
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integrumluna · 4 years
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integrumluna · 4 years
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Just let him be happy
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integrumluna · 4 years
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“For once I am inclined to agree with you.” 
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{⚡}- “I’m making a petition to ban that damn old man from the castle from November to February. It’s alright freezing enough without his dumb ice powers.”
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integrumluna · 4 years
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“Probably stupid.”
"I wonder what a bowl of stupid would actually taste like?"
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integrumluna · 4 years
comfort starters
“  i’ve got you. it’s okay.  ” “  stay the night with me?  ” “  i’m here. and i’m not going anywhere.  ” “  shh, it’s okay. i’m here now.  ” “  talk to me.  ” “  i wish i knew how to talk about it, but every time i try i just— the words won’t come out.  ” “  i’m afraid if i start crying, i just won’t stop.  ” “  i don’t wanna be alone tonight.  ” “  you don’t have to say anything.  ” “  do you want me to stay with you?  ” “  we’re okay— everything is gonna be okay.  ” “  it’s over now.  ” “  it’s okay if you need to cry. it’s just me. let it out.  ” “  i don’t wanna have to do that ever again.  ” “  i’m so fucking scared.  ” “  i won’t let you go through anything like that again.  ” “  you don’t have to deal with this alone.  ” “  i just need to feel something.  ” “  i don’t wanna talk about it. i don’t. i just need to forget.  ” “  whatever you need, i’m here.  ” “  please, just tell me what you need.  ” “  lay back down, you need to rest.  ” “  here, i made you some tea.  ”  “  drink this, it’ll help you relax.  ” “  let’s go for a walk. sitting here all cooped up will only make it worse.  ”  “  i can’t breathe. i can’t—  ” “  just breathe. breathe with me.  ” “  look at me. hey— i’m right here. you’re not alone.  ” ”  i feel so sick.  ” ”  i’m just so fucking tired.  ” “  what can i do?  ”  “  i need you.  ” “  i’ll always be here when you need me.  ” “  i was so worried— i thought i’d lose you.  ” “  i’m really worried about you.  ” “  actually i’m…i’m really not okay.  ” “  i keep telling everyone everything is fine and each time someone else asks i get closer to just. breaking.  ” “  you’re not fine. and you don’t have to pretend that you are with me.  ” “  everything hurts and i want it to stop.  ” “  i know it hurts now. but it gets better. with time. the pain gets a little less until it’s more of an ache rather than some big overwhelming lump in your throat.  ” “  just tell me it’s gonna get better.  ” “  i heard you crying— what’s wrong?  ” “  everyone keeps asking how i’m doing but— you’re the only person i really feel like i can talk to.  ” “  i can’t promise you it’ll get better. but i can promise you i’ll be here with you.  ” “  i just needed to see you.  ” “  i just need to know you’re okay.  ” “  get some rest, i’ll be here the whole time.  ” “  i’m afraid to go to sleep.  ” “  i can’t stop seeing their faces every time i close my eyes.  ” “  i sleep better in your bed.  ” “  i won’t say sorry because that just, falls flat. but if i could change it. i would.  ”   “  as long as i have you, i think i’ll be okay again.  ”
1. for our muses to cuddle after one of them has a nightmare 2. for one muse to invite the other to get under the covers with them 3. for one muse to come to the other in the middle of the night to crawl in bed with them 4. for one muse to hold the other while they cry 5. for our muses to spend the night together after a traumatic experience 6. for one muse to help the other clean blood off of themselves  7. for our muses to take a bath together to help one or both of them relax after something traumatic  8. for one muse to show up at the other’s doorstep in tears  9. for our muses to have sex as a means of comforting each other  10. for one muse to make the other’s favorite meal to help them feel better 11. for one muse to wipe the other’s tears away 12. for one muse to gently take the other’s chin to get their point across while comforting them 13. for one muse to fall asleep on the other after breaking down 14. for one muse to carry the other to bed and stay with them  15. for one muse to confess something traumatic to the other  16. for one muse to make the other finally open up about something  17. for one muse to stay the night with the other to keep them from hurting themselves  18. for one muse to take care of the other who is drunk  19. for our muses to drink together after a shared traumatic experience 20. for one muse to confess their love for the other after experiencing something traumatic
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integrumluna · 4 years
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integrumluna · 4 years
Xehanort chuckled a little, now setting a hand on the other’s shoulder. Gold eyes glinted as he looked in the blue-haired male’s eyes.
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“We won’t.” The dark Master replied simply, before cocking his head.
“Why do you ask, boy? You do not…want us to fail, do you?” He rose a thin eyebrow.
Saix tensed when he felt Xehanort’s hand on his shoulder. Had it been anyone else he likely would have sneered and shook the hand off, but he wasn’t going to do that now. 
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“Of course not,” he said in as flat a tone of voice as he could manage, “I am here to see this through to the end.” However it may end... 
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integrumluna · 4 years
It was definitely strange. Their chance meeting with Ventus all those years ago had been something Isa hadn’t thought about a whole lot after it had happened. There had been other things on his mind. Lea had brought Ven up a couple of times, wondering if they’d see him again, but it hadn’t seemed like a significant event to either of them at that time. Saix hadn’t even reacted when seeing Roxas for the first time even though the boy’s appearance had struck him as vaguely familiar. 
And now here they were. Ventus hadn’t aged a day since the first time they’d met. Definitely strange... but Isa felt a sense of peace knowing that both Roxas and Ventus were alive and able to co-exist. 
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"Yes, a lot has changed... but I would say it is for the better. I didn’t expect to come back, but I am glad I did. So I could see it all again.” He had been perfectly happy to die back then, in Lea’s arms, as himself in his last moments, knowing Lea would have his friends back... but as he had found since coming back, it was good to be alive. Even if there were bad days. 
@integrumluna liked for a starter.
“You and Lea…you guys have really grown up, huh?” The boy said before biting into his sea salt ice-cream. Twilight Town was a nice place – peaceful – and he’d been meaning to visit. It still felt a little weird at times – thinking about Roxas. The other was his own person, there was no doubt about that but looking at him was still going to take some getting used to. He was sure Roxas felt the same way but on Ven’s part, there was always going to be a little awkwardness. He didn’t blame Roxas in any way, but seeing him interact with Lea and Isa was weird. He’d only met them once, but to him, it didn’t feel like long ago at all. Roxas had known them for longer and Ven couldn’t help but feel like he was encroaching on the other’s friendships.
They had Roxas. They didn’t need him.
“It’s weird. Seeing how much everything has changed while I’m the same.”
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integrumluna · 4 years
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Alright, he walked right into that one, but whatever.  He could take any blow, and any verbal hit from Isa is something he felt he was born to take.  “Okay, so they cancel each other out. I can be as obnoxious as I want, just as long as I keep you warm and cozy~?” Though his tone spoke as a question, it was a statement.  Lea rests his head against the top of blue hair, pressing another gentle kiss against his locks– in turn also effectively shutting him up if only for a second.
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“Mmm... alright, I will allow it.” Isa let out another soft chuckle. Being cuddled up with Lea like this was definitely his favourite place to be. He shifted around a little so he could put his legs up and over Lea’s. When his head was kissed again he turned his face up to press his lips to Lea’s jaw. 
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integrumluna · 4 years
“But foxes are so cool– and they’re really cute. Ple~ase~?” 
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“They are, but they are still wild animals that belong in the woods. How would you even get your hands on one?”
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