interactivecapschoices ¡ 6 years
To Everybody Following This Account
Just fyi, this is solely for the ‘choices’ made as a result of an initial post on my main account: interactivecapsrus. Unless you like to spoil the fun for yourself, you’d be better off following me there!
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interactivecapschoices ¡ 6 years
The Bottle
You take the bottle, and the scene before you collapses.
‘Em! Get up! This is totally our song!’ your friend Ellie calls from the dancefloor. Standing, you find yourself strapped in to a tight, hot pink minidress which barely covers your full ass, and tottering about on heels which must have been four inches or more in height. You were pretty wasted after that last Jägerbomb, so stumbling about in them was by no means an easy feat, you thought as you made your way toward the dancefloor, winking your false lashes seductively at one of the cuter guys there and, when you’re sure nobody is looking, allowing him a cheeky glimpse of your pantiless rear as you pass by. You’ve always been a party girl, and the heels provided a much needed height boost for your 5’0” frame, so it wasn’t so bad really. University was going great. You didn’t really care much for the classes, but there were a bunch of hot guys on your course so who really cared, so long as you could hook up with at least one successful guy who’d treat you right, right? You’re a total hottie, and although not the brightest bulb in the box, you’re undoubtedly going to be successful in one form or another, be it as the Instagram model you’d envisioned for the past few years once you realised your grades just weren’t going to cut it for an academic career, or simply as some kind of trophy wife to a rich guy you could hang off the arm of. Reaching Ellie, her hand reaches enticingly behind your well-cushioned rear and slips across your softly muscled thigh. You smile as you find yourself getting wet from her touch. …or a rich girl, you think as your cushiony lips finally lean forward to kiss hers.
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interactivecapschoices ¡ 6 years
The House
You take the miniature house, and the scene before you collapses.
Watching across the football field as your eldest son played football was arguably one of your proudest moments. Your kids were your world; and better still, your son’s coach was definitely trying to catch your eye from the manager’s stand in front of you. He was cute. Maybe you’d slide him your number after the game was over, you thought to yourself as you cheered on your son from the stands. You were used to the attention, though. Although you were now well into your mid-thirties, you definitely still had it. The middle age spread had of course taken some of your more angular proportions away, but there was definitely something to be said for a hot, slightly pear-shaped mom with a fat ass, you told yourself. Bring it on home son, you thought. If his team wins the game, he’ll definitely be out late tonight, meaning you’ll have the whole house to yourself. Maybe there’d be time to give that cute coach more than just your number after all…
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interactivecapschoices ¡ 6 years
The Dumbbell
You take the dumbbell, and the scene before you collapses.
You awaken to the sound of your alarm clock blaring. It’s 6.30am, and time to get up for your morning workout. Silencing your alarm, you stretch your lithe, brown arms before rising from your bed. Doing so causes your long and straight black hair to fall across your face. You brush it away dismissively. It wouldn’t be your first choice to get up this early, but you know that if you don’t get to the gym by 7, you’re bound to miss the first wave of men who arrive there, one of which you’ve had your lustful eye trained upon for some time and are hoping to get the number of. Pulling on some tight black yoga pants over your rounded butt  (whilst making a mental note to upload a picture of your proudest feature to Instagram later - squats do pay off after all!) and slotting your sports bra into place over your well-formed breasts, you head out of the door and into your new life. Welcome, beautiful, to being a gym bunny.
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interactivecapschoices ¡ 6 years
You move forward undeterred, toward what you know is a fight you are unlikely to win.
A moment later, something very strange happens. The two men seem to shimmer before you, turning unexpectedly translucent and seemingly hollow before evaporating entirely into sparkling dust. The young woman rises to her feet, and you are greeted by a new sight. Gone are her previous beard shadow and shoddy wig, replaced by a new and striking beauty. Her softly angled features seem almost elvish in nature as you gaze in awe at her unfolding appearance.
You find yourself frozen again, completely stunned by whatever in all that’s holy is happening in front of you.
The woman speaks suddenly; her voice soft yet somehow commanding in its essence.
‘Thank you, my would-be hero. What you have done today is worthy of merit. You were undeterred by my appearance, and took a stand against the prejudice society has all this time attempted to instil in you. Your bravery will not go unrewarded.’
Looking down, the woman reaches her hand beneath her clothing, which by now has become flowing white robes glowing faintly beneath the moonlight penetrating the alleyway. She grasps something underneath. Extending her arm once more, the woman unlocks her fingers and presents to you six small objects, minuscule in proportion but perfectly replicating those which you might encounter in their everyday size.
‘Each of these objects have the power to guide you to what you seek.’ she says, brushing her thumb across the tops of her assemblage. ‘You may take whichever you choose. Be warned though that once selected, your choice will be final, and you will from this day onward see the world through a new set of eyes.’
Somehow, you knew that what she said was true. The power radiating from this ethereal woman was otherworldly, and you knew that ultimately, your choice in this moment would be the making of a new life for you. You only hoped that the outcome would be a positive one. Casting the woman a thankful and final glance, you reach out to take one of the miniaturised objects before you.
Take the dumbbell
Take the pencil
Take the lipstick
Take the house
Take the bottle
Take the pizza box
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interactivecapschoices ¡ 6 years
Walk Away
You walk away. Okay, maybe you felt a bit guilty, but I mean who the fuck cares about a tr**ny anyway, right?
Get the fuck off of my blog you absolute cretin, and reconsider your fucking life. You’re on the wrong side of history, and I will not have you trampling transgender people through the dirt just so that you can get on with your life in what you might consider relative peace.
Seriously, remove yourself and never come back here. Go fap to Tommy Robinson’s latest Facebook rant or the thought of Donald Trump’s bullshit wall creating an even greater rift between societal classes or something. You’re not wanted here.
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interactivecapschoices ¡ 6 years
Important Message
Hello! I’d just like to say that if you don’t support transgender people and their rights, as well as those of all other people falling under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella, then kindly get the fuck off of my blog and please, reconsider your reasons for not supporting people who are just trying to go about their lives in peace. Sincerely, A transgender woman
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interactivecapschoices ¡ 7 years
You guys are gonna have to bear with me here.
It would probably be best for all involved if you just followed my principle account @interactivecapsrus. That way your feed won’t be entirely these text posts for the next while whilst I put more things in place!
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interactivecapschoices ¡ 7 years
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I mean…well done!
Yes…well done. So…tall and slim. Easy enough to accomplish!
Now, an important one:
How intelligent would you like to be?
Low IQ
Medium/High IQ
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interactivecapschoices ¡ 7 years
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You saw a Jack and you went higher?!
God you must be dumb. But let’s see about that:
So...how intelligent would you like to be?
Low IQ
Medium/High IQ
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interactivecapschoices ¡ 7 years
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Cute! I love petite girls!
Well, I guess we’d better find out if being a small, slim girl is in your future then hey?
So go on, pick:
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interactivecapschoices ¡ 7 years
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Oh I just love it when you give me interesting choices petal!
Well wannabe-chubster, what’s it to be then?
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interactivecapschoices ¡ 7 years
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Huh...average height...average weight.
You’re not the most interesting of characters are you?
Unless perhaps you just want to fit in as an everyday girl? Is that it petal?
Bless your heart.
Now pick:
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interactivecapschoices ¡ 7 years
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Christ, it’s really not your day is it?
I mean...you might not end up that overweight I guess?
Oh wait...I’m casting the spell. Never mind future chubster!
Now, an important one:
How intelligent would you like to be?
Low IQ
Medium/High IQ
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interactivecapschoices ¡ 7 years
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I suppose congratulations are due!
I was rather hoping to see you end up a little more on the chubby side, but hey; it’s your choice after all!
Now, something that will really affect how well your future works out:
How intelligent would you like to be?
Low IQ
Medium/High IQ
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interactivecapschoices ¡ 7 years
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Well look at what we have here!
Height: 6′1″
Weight: 295lbs
IQ: 85
Cup Size: H
Pant Size: 22
Twirling your hair around your finger is probably going to be your signature look from here on out, hey?
Hey! Pay attention honey. I know your attention span is somewhat limited now, especially with the enhanced libido I crafted into your spell for a little more fun, but you’ve got a new life to begin, so let’s go and find you a man!
Welcome to your new life, cutie!
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interactivecapschoices ¡ 7 years
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Good guess!
Guessing is probably all you’ll be good for from here on out though honey, what with the stupidity and all...
The spell is written.
There’s no backing out now.
Open the box in front of you and begin your life as a tall, overweight, stupid, and well-endowed young thing.
Open it!
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