I know people like to harp on about the inaccuracies of the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park/World series but could you imagine if the t-rex and raptors were scientifically accurate in Jurassic World? The big “that thing is part raptor” reveal would immediately lose all effect-
This big winged brightly coloured bird like- girl bobbing her head and flapping her arms like a chicken while also having the facial features of a Komodo dragon fused with a hippo on steroids just standing there in front of Owen, Barry, the ingen hit squad and the raptor squad just staring back at them and all everyone else can say is- “Ya think?!”
(Any artists out there, please feel free to add doodles to enhance the satire of this post)
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Dinosaurs but they’re animals in a zoo and they behave exactly as modern animals raised in captivity do. T-Rexes raised from infancy roll over to be petted by their keepers, raptors come in close for cuddles and little ones require correct handling instructions when requesting pick-up hugs, and gallimimuses are literally emus/giant geese from hell. Discuss.
#dinosaurs #letsmehonestiftigersandbearscangetcuddlywithhumanstheylovewhycantdinosaursbehavethesame #dinosaurzookeepers #uselessfarmvibe #tyrannosaurus #raptor #gallimimus #notsojurassicpark #dinosaursareanimalsnotthemeparkmoviemonsters
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interloperoutoftime · 3 years
(Extract- Link to full story posted on my A03 account attached bellow)
Letters (A Unlikely Love Story from A Collection of Letters, supposedly written between an Angel and a Demon)
An angel and a demon exchange love letters. Poetry Prose
Chapter 1: Reminiscence
To D
I pray this letter finds you well
And in good health,
And ask only that you are alone
As you read these words of mine
That I have ached to give to you
Yet could only convey in scribbled words
For want of speaking them to you
Face to face.
I remember the first day I saw you,
As our masters met on common ground,
Negotiating an uneasy treaty,
And exchanging gifts of good faith
That neither side would easily be parted from.
Sacred jewels, gems of iridescence
Relics forged from the times before
Changed hands in thankless
Grim ceremony,
And I in attendance could thank the stars
That exchanged words did not grow hot
And be fashioned to blows,
Even though I in secret craved
Some form of unsettlement
One moment of chaos, obscure
And random, to bewilder
The monotony and ill ease in which
Our lieges wove their trade and terms
When I first saw you
You looked so…alone.
So bound in thought by the way your lips were pierced,
Black and as succulent as forbidden fruit.
Your eyes were cold, and brimming with disdain,
And also impatience, with a yearning for something
Familiar yet not within your grasp.
You clearly did not want to be here.
I saw your hair catch the light of the dying day,
The way its shadows crept across your radiant skin,
In contrast to the aura of menace that you
By your sinfully sweet presence exuded,
Pure and light and perfect in your own
Dark and shadowy nature.
And I knew right then and there,
That I wanted you and you alone,
All to myself, selfishly, possessively,
And against my best judgement,
Perhaps, my better nature,
I let myself fall into the beauteous chasm
Of maddening beauty
That was the promise of divine ectasy
Within your piercing cold gaze which
Simmered with infernal passion.
And like a fool I imagined you loving me,
And it being all I would ever need.
There are days that I still do, and want for nothing else,
Then to be held in your arms
Your wanting embrace being met
By my own hold with equal ardour,
Our appetites for each other
Ever growing in lustful competition,
Mirrored only by our passion
For each other’s minds
And the knowledge of our hearts.
And the sound that would be sweeter than heaven
Issuing from our tongues
And mouths in mad, giddying laughter.
Sweetened even more with the brush
Of your lips on my cheek,
And your soft skin warming to my touch.
By heaven, I miss you,
And no beauty in the world
Made by the mind of God
And ministered by His Angels,
Could match the sunrise that blooms
In my heart when I let my unguarded eyes
Wonder in the direction
To catch
The verdant curves and pastures
Of your perfectly sculpted face.
Write to me again, Dear D,
If you feel compelled, do so in secret,
And be careful who sees you, if you should reply,
Your safety, more than my own,
Is what I fear for most,
In this, my first reckless letter.
Hopefully, one day, yours again.
To A,
Your letter found me well,
And per your request, I read this in secret
No prying eyes dare interfere with my business,
Lest they lose them for prying.
My, my, you have a way with words.
You claim to be so filled with your ardour
When you first laid eyes upon me,
Yet I assumed nothing, knew nothing,
From your humble and silent
You acted and behaved accordingly
As any well mannered folk
Of your ilk were wont to act.
Well mannered and quiet,
All of you prim and trimmed and proper
Neat and dignified,
That I thought you to simply be
A fool entrapped in repression,
Your true self caged
By the snares of your upbringing
Afraid to do or be or act more than your
Incarcerating rules would allow you to.
Here I stood, under the banners of my lord,
Wishing to return
To my torture of souls
and visit upon them my bloody
Terrible retribution
meting out justice in her finality
upon those whom God had spurned,
Till I looked upon your face,
And all, from the feather-beat of your brothers
To the flickering flames of hell
Fell silent and still
Upon the joining of my eyes upon yours.
If you had remained entrenched
In your shyness, your noble upbringing
Proper and tame in outlook
That hid a passionate love for your fate and servitude,
I perhaps would not have noticed
Until your peering, doting eyes met my bored own,
And never before had I been so transfixed
By the gaze of you filling my world
With such paralysing beauty.
I admit, though my vain pride pains me
To abstain from disclosing as such
That when I first met yours,
So, simple, and sweet
And pure, too, in your own
Innocence filled aura,
I too, to my shame, was spellbound,
By the sincerity of your unmasked gaze
No witchcraft or sorcery
Could cleave my own dark heart
To anything more filled with bliss,
Then that first moment,
And every moment since,
That I looked upon your face,
As brazenly as a thief upon
Stolen treasure.
You surprise me with the bold words, sweet A,
For as you may easily recall,
Your shyness forbade you from demanding action
So it was I who sought you out
Intrigued by that divine flare
That bathed you in luscious wonder
More so than any angelic halo.
And had you, by the iron bars of your prohibiting laws,
Stayed true to the barriers which divided us
Been silent, and killed such dreams of affection
By stoic, barren words,
I would have been seen away,
And silenced in my hunger for you forever more,
But I found you, stole into your quarters
With no regard for rule or border
Declared by our warring states,
And in the discourse that followed,
I found no rejection or stinging words
To ward off my curious advance,
But a sweet lure, bathed in honey
In our gentle wordplay, seeding the
Grounds for a courtship in storm.
You in maddeningly polite conduct
And me like a wretch adoring every word
Of your lilting tongue, the play of
Such pleasing poetry flowing from your lips
And wondering how they would taste against my own,
I am heedless and reckless, and fear nothing
In seeking what I want,
And perhaps for your own benefit that night
You are fortunate I made that first move,
To enter and invade and
Immerse myself in your delightful gaze.
I stole away, elated, dizzy,
Alive to my very bones in my victory,
Little knowing that the blissful waters
I had so wilfully dove in,
Would mire me in a swamp of bliss
And wretched woe.
Yes, A, I remember the day we first met,
And the night after, and many, many nights
After I courted fate’s harsh wares,
And our master’s retribution,
By stepping to our little courtship dance,
But I remember too the pain,
The vile misery that our kind
Brought together would bring
Our sides are too different,
Our minds too opposed,
In our contrasting minds, such opposites
Drew on such wicked, volatile
Alchemy, that saw to the searing
Ecstasy of our union.
That was all our touted bond was,
A meeting of two extremes
That ignited like lightning and kindling,
And nothing more.
Do not pursue this course of action,
A, Do not seek to kindle embers
Long burnt out.
The coals do not still burn.
They are scarred ashen husks
Illuminated by the romantic red flame of
(Read more at link attached below)
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interloperoutoftime · 3 years
Just recovering from the moment in Rugrats Go Wild when Spike swims out to sea to save the raft stuck on the rocks to help the families fix the comvee and the waves keep knocking him down, and the last one sends him spiralling into the depths and he nearly drowns-
but he hears Stu calling him good boy and little baby Tommy laughing and it gives him the strength to carry on and swim up to the surface, so he can save the babies stuck in the submarine underwater 😢 brb crying
My feels cannot take the knowing what the good boi’s voice sounded like thanks to the crossover with The Wild Thornberries letting us hear him talk and giving him his second big heroic moment (after throwing himself at a mother flipping timber wolf to save the babies in the first film) how much he loves and wants to save his human babies 😭
Thank you Klasky Csupo for giving us consistently enjoyable and beautifully animated, scored and well acted stories in your films as well as your series.
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