interstellarsmp · 9 months
Proxima Centauri is located on the far side of the milky way, a long distance from Tau Ceti and the Sol System.
It is home to 3 known planets: Glacio, Arbio & a third unexplored planet.
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interstellarsmp · 9 months
Arbio is a large terrestrial planet in the Proxima Centauri system.
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Its surface is covered in lush forests with many types of plant life, which also stretches far underground. 
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Arbio’s atmosphere is very thick, making it hard to see the sky from the ground, and making navigating tough. The climate is very humid most of the year.
It is home to one known intelligent species, but not much is documented on them.
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Arbio has one natural satellite, named Sai. It is a basic rocky world with no atmosphere.
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interstellarsmp · 9 months
And so, on the day the new travelers arrived, Ceto Ceti XV was struck by a small passing asteroid in Cytus’ orbit. The station sustained a large amount of damage, but crews were dispatched quickly to repair the lower deck.
There were minor casualties. Many sustained injuries from oxygen leaks. The travelers wondered if it was really safe to be here? 
The higher ups were questioned, meetings were had. The station overseer insisted the asteroid was meddled with, because there was no possible way it could have gone undetected?
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Nonetheless, Ceto Ceti XV resumed regular operation and the travelers adventures continued.
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interstellarsmp · 9 months
while sad on not being able to join i do wish luck to all of you who managed, just one thing tho, will anyone stream it? (and if yes, when does it start!?) we need to know!
but as for now, I'll watch from the north, up here in my own stars, good luck voyagers and have a safe trip, break a leg!
Thank you for the kind words!
The server will be starting tomorrow at 3pm EST! Lots of the members will be streaming it, and we'll be retweeting them all during the launch!
Our tumblr is currently where the lore is being catalogued, while twt has all the updates since most of our members are over there.
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interstellarsmp · 9 months
All invites have been sent. Thanks again!
Submissions are now closed. Thank you to every who applied!!
We appreciate all the support and interest in the smp so far. I'll be at least a few more days until messages are sent out, and I'll be making a post once they're done!
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interstellarsmp · 9 months
Submissions are now closed. Thank you to every who applied!!
We appreciate all the support and interest in the smp so far. I'll be at least a few more days until messages are sent out, and I'll be making a post once they're done!
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interstellarsmp · 9 months
Sirenox is a frozen wasteland near the very edge of the system.
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Carbon enriched ice gives the sub zero surface a black colour, and long stretches of black ice sit above seas of liquid nitrogen. Not much can survive here for long.
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Distant and mysterious. It’s called by many, ‘The void at the end of the universe’ or something similar in several languages. 
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Since not many have visited due to its distance & lack of precious resources, Sirenox has become infamous in stories, daring adventurers to seek it out and discover what secrets it really holds!
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interstellarsmp · 9 months
Charybdon is a terrestrial planet in the inner system with an extremely dense atmosphere.
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Under the surface of its vast lithium ocean and impressive spires, there is a large network of caves.
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Anyone brave enough to endure the harsh, toxic environment is sure to enjoy spectacular views below the surface!
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interstellarsmp · 10 months
Scyllion is a super-heated terrestrial planet, closest to the sun in the system.
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A thick layer of molten rock covers its surface, along with tall pillars of solidified red rock. Traveling here is not advised without proper preparation.
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Scyllion and Charybdon are considered twin planets by most, both very dangerous and hot due to their proximity in the inner system.
They can each be seen clearly from each others surface!
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interstellarsmp · 10 months
Circel is a anomaly in the system.
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It is thought that an unknown alien race used this planet for testing terraforming technology, before abandoning it long ago.
It has since been thriving, and life there has spiraled into diverse chaos. It's quite a marvel!
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Circel is home to a wide range of environments, from enchanted pink forests to golden seas.
The earth appears to be rich in nutrients & the wildlife has adapted accordingly, creating an interesting food chain.
Most creatures get along & very few need to hunt.
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Circel has one moon, but it is unknown if it is natural or not. The surface is covered in a layer of metal. Perhaps the aliens used it as a point of interest in their testing?
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Inhabiting the surface of Circel is an aggressive species of insect-like creatures. Their hives stretch for long distances, scattered across large patches of forested land and even expanding underground.
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interstellarsmp · 10 months
Hydryx is a water planet with the most abundant life in the system!
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Its surface is almost completely submerged, spare for a few tall rock formations. Not many have explored this world due to its hostile environment, which has allowed life to flourish mostly untouched.
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Hydryx has the largest moon in the whole system. It is mostly made up of radioactive raw materials and is home to an interesting metallic sand that seems to have magnetic properties.
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Large spires poke up from the ground beneath the water, even sometimes stretching up past the surface! These formations were thought to be formed due to the tides created from Hydryx’s moon, collecting the material over time.
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interstellarsmp · 10 months
Official Trailer
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interstellarsmp · 10 months
Cytus is a terrestrial, super-earth type planet found in the Tau Ceti system.
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It has a sulfur rich atmosphere, which pools into large lakes & has traces of early animal life. It's become a popular location due to its 14 moons, which have been extensively mined for resources.
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Though relatively safe to live on with breathable atmosphere, some regions see a deadly acid rain. Luckily the massive, sky reaching terrain offers helpful cover!
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In Cytus' orbit, is a small space station which slowly grew over time, eventually becoming the central travelling hub for the whole system!
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interstellarsmp · 10 months
So this was mostly a backup account I was going to use once twt dies, but I think it's a good idea to start cataloging those posts here, with proper tags and stuff.
I'll be reposing everything from twt over the next week or so so apologies if you've already seen it
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interstellarsmp · 10 months
i got no idea how I haven't seen this before but i love it, keep the good work and uhhh
if you don't mind, how does one join? even if I can't fir one reason or another i still love the effort and dedication to making an entire new galaxy for this
btw, ad astra is currently under a rework, which is basically the devs starting back from scratch to make it a better mod, we still don't know if some things might still be compatible so just beware of that
long ask
Tysm!! I've mostly been posting to twt here, so that's the best place for updates. We're accepting apps very soon!
Currently the modpack were using is 1.19.2 and there's no plans to update beyond that until the very far future, season 2 possibly, if that even happens. But that's a long ways off! We're focused on getting it up and running in it's current state first.
- Pixel
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interstellarsmp · 10 months
Welcome to the Tau Ceti system!
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The Tau Ceti system (or Tau for short) is home to 6 known planets. In order from center out: Scyllion, Charybdon, Cytus, Hydryx, Circel and Sirenox!
Cytus is considered the main point of interest of the system due to its 14 moons, which have been extensively mined for resources.
In its orbit, is a small space station which slowly grew over time, eventually becoming the central travelling hub for the whole system!
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interstellarsmp · 10 months
Welcome to the official blog for the Interstellar SMP!
We're a modded, empires-like smp with a focus on planetary worldbuilding!
Players choose their alien species & build their space empire, utilizing mods like Origins, Create and Ad Astra!
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Run by @theenderbot
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