intpirl · 5 years
Hi, i am an intp early 20 and female. Do you have any idea about how to keep up with long-distance couple. I am so stupid at catching feelings ((oh you too, right?)) but please help me think rationally cuz now im so absentminded
I’m actually in a long distance relationship right now, although I’d like to preface this by saying that every relationship is different, so it depends on your personal situation. In my case, we were together for a few years before we went long distance, so my experience is different from a relationship that starts out with distance (which I’m not sure which scenario you are in) but I guess what I’ve learned about distance is that everyone who says communication and trust are key are 100% right. I think as an intp I struggle with the communication aspect bc I’m in my head a lot and forget to convey it to my partner and fail to do so accurately. So I guess if you want to keep a long distance relationship as an intp you have to put a lot of effort and energy into putting your thoughts into words, so you can understand each other and stay connected.
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intpirl · 5 years
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intpirl · 5 years
INTP things
INTP’s are so reserved and rational that when they compliment you, you can know that they really mean it.
I don’t know about you, but I think that’s kinda beautiful.
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intpirl · 5 years
Hey, I've been spending like a butt load of time out and about recently, and while it's nice to have so many friends to interact with, I feel pretty worn out and tired from all the social interaction. As someone who's also an INTP with anxiety, any advice on how to balance alone time with 30+ friends?
I’ve struggled with this before.. not that I’m saying I have a million friends but I have friends that aren’t mutual friends with each other so it can be hard finding time to balance time with different people without neglecting alone time. I constantly try to make it work and it’s hard but I guess the biggest thing I’ve realized is that it’s ok to say no to things, and then it’s ok to be honest about why. The more transparent you are the less flakey you come off and the more they will have the opportunity to understand how you function.
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intpirl · 5 years
Hey, I read your post and I am also in a kind of similar situation like you....I have been suppressing my emotions for a long time and now I really struggle to identify my emotions. So, what did you do to stop it and connect to your own emotions?
Sorry I’ve been off tumblr for a hot minute but to be honest for me I really had to let my guard down for myself. I had to consciously think through things that happen/ed in my life and ask myself how it effected me and how I react to things. I think that helped me understand past feelings I had suppressed. Now I have to let myself feel. When something happens I have to allow myself to react.. previously I would have to tell myself to stay calm and collected, which is sometimes good outwardly, but internally allowing myself to freak out or feel literally anything while trying not to restrict myself really helps me get more comfortable with my emotions, which I had to do before I could start to deal with them in a healthy way; in a way where I feel them and validate them, and then deal appropriately. Hope that makes sense bc my brain rambles in its own language lol
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intpirl · 6 years
how to snag yourself an INTP
make the first move
if we’re brave enough to approach you first and you don’t respond super well, we’re really stupid, so we’ll think you hate us
get us talking about whatever it is we love
then talk about what you love, because that’s fascinating
you do actually have to talk to us, we’re not talented enough to run a monologue
make us feel valued. I mean, don’t worship the ground we walk on, but just let us know you thought of us
don’t belittle us, even jokingly. We might laugh, but we’re actually taking it to heart
demonstrate your intellect in some way. I don’t mean your books smarts–your intellect. Are you people smart? Music smart? Street smart? Got a unique view of life? We’ll love it, absolutely eat it up
if we like you, we don’t mind being taken care of in small ways, like if you bring us a muffin from the batch you made. We might even like it. But…
don’t smother us (literally or metaphorically, please). Don’t ask us 57 times if we’ve eaten, or drank water, or if we slept. We’re not your child
you don’t always have to understand what we’re talking about; just appreciate our unique view, like we will yours
look past whatever mask we’re putting up, and let us know, through gentle words or sincere action, that it’s okay for us to just be us
really we’re just people, but also our own special person, and we like to be treated as such
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intpirl · 6 years
The INTP paradox.
INTP’s absolutely despise being leaders, but they also can’t stand to be a follower. So they just live on in precarious anarchy as a rogue human.
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intpirl · 6 years
Emotions are Healthy.
I have come to realize that I’ve been writing off a lot of my flaws as just personality quirks. This is unhealthy. As INTPs we tend to not show or be comfortable with a lot of emotions. Its different for everyone but I’ve found that with not showing emotions I began suppressing them so far to the point where I don’t even recognize them anymore. It’s so isolating to not know how I feel about anything. So I started unburying things. I’m not ready quite to be fully open and emotional with others, but I’m more comfortable with my own emotions and it is so liberating. I just want to say that if you are struggling with this too you’re not alone. It isn't healthy to keep suppressing, so try out some introspection.
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intpirl · 6 years
Least to most lazy MBTI Types
1. It’s
2. Unrealistic
3. And
4. Rude
5. To
6. Single
7. Out
8. And
9. Stereotype
10. Personality
11. Types
12. We
13. Are
14. All
15. Unique
16. INTP
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intpirl · 6 years
INTP as Impostor
It probably shouldn’t surprise us that a lot of INTPs seem to suffer from impostor syndrome, so to speak. That is, we are afraid of not being the real deal. We want to be the real deal, but we’re pretty sure that a lot of people are just being fooled by us, and that we aren’t as smart as we’re making ourselves out to be. 
This can attack us in any area of life, really. I don’t think the impostor syndrome really discriminates between our intellectual and emotional pursuits. Either way, we quite often feel like a sham. 
Why is this? Generally no one is more sincere than an INTP. We despise fakery and tend to say what we think, which, of course, can be somewhat convoluted since we don’t always know what we think ourselves. But we aren’t generally known for being sneaky and guile-filled. So, why do we feel like we are?
Well, we’re idealists, aren’t we? And idealists have what you might call an ideal. We have a vision of perfection in our minds, and we kind of compare everything in the world to that vision. We do this unconsciously, most of the time, but it definitely explains our procrastination. We know what perfect looks like, and we don’t want to risk anything less, so we tend to shuffle off what we fear is inevitable failure. 
This same mindset gives us the impostor syndrome. We know what perfect looks like, and we know we aren’t that. So we feel fake. A truly smart person wouldn’t just know about a lot of random facts; he’d actually be an expert in all those areas we claim to have so much knowledge in. 
Don’t tell me you haven’t thought that before. 
Thing is, that kind of person has got to be incredibly rare, if he exists at all. Do you know how long it would take to become an expert in just one of an INTP’s areas of interest, let alone all of them? (A very long time, most likely) The fact that we bounce off the surface of so many topics and can still converse about them with some level of intelligence isn’t a testament to our laziness, and I think we need to stop thinking that it is. People don’t look at us as fake, and we probably need to stop looking at ourselves as fake, too. 
Because all impostor syndrome does is hold us up to a standard that probably shouldn’t exist. 
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intpirl · 6 years
Quick Thoughts
So I haven’t posted in awhile and I was just going to stay ghosting but I think some of my thoughts may be helpful and relevant to this page as well as therapudic for me. So in true INTP fashion mixed with being someone who struggles with a lot of anxiety I have come to the point where it is hard for me to post. I fear that I’m not being relatable or don’t know enough about the subject I’m speaking on. I feel like I can’t give good answers to questions in my inbox. I feel like I’ll post too much or mess up an unspoken rhythm of how to post. This blog is anonymous; people don’t know who I am yet I have all these fears and anxieties about it. I started this to reblog things I relate with and share some things I’ve noticed in myself that I’ve learned is connected to my personality type. I’ve always felt different than almost everyone around me and not because of my interests or hobbies or sense of humor but just by how I see and understand things. This is an outlet for me to know that other people are like me. I know that the things I am struggling with have nothing to do with the people on tumblr because I’ve seen nothing but support between people but I just feel like I have some deep rooted anxiety that I just can’t shake. Idk sorry for rambling. I might post more often; I might not. Let me know thoughts and if anybody else struggles with this...
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intpirl · 6 years
Inconvenient INTP #7
The INTP snowball phenomena occurs when an INTP hears incorrect information on a topic they know well. They’ll start off by explaining why you’re wrong and end up awkwardly explaining to you the entirety of what you were talking about with personal commentary about their own opinions on the subject in a fit of passion. They’ll then realize what they’ve done and slip back into the introverted hole they came from.
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intpirl · 6 years
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MBTI sarcastic functions. (Introverts)
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intpirl · 6 years
Any advice for an INTP that can't get any alone time at home.
Make sure it’s clear that you need space. If that doesn’t work, which often happens, invest in some good headphones... pretend to be studying or sleeping till they leave you alone. I know that’s not the most inspiring response but it’s just what has worked for me.
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intpirl · 6 years
INTP: Opinions
XXXX: Hey INTP, what’s your opinion on *current controversial topic of the week*
INTP: …What answer will make this conversation as quick and painless as possible?
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intpirl · 6 years
how to still have friends if you're an intp and you love being alone, but you don't want to be *too* alone?
It can be pretty tough to find that balance. For me, starting friendships is the hardest because you want them to like you and build memories and jokes but also don’t want to give up refreshing and glorious me time. Honestly in the beginning I like to hang out places where I can find an excuse to leave if I need to. Then, as the friendship builds, just be clear that you need alone time. If you’re having extended periods of me time, text them or stay engaged on social media for a bit so they know you aren’t mad or distancing yourself, you just don’t wanna hang. Also don’t be afraid to say no to plans, and be honest.
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intpirl · 6 years
Which One?
Person: *Gives INTP a decision to make*
INTP: *Freezes, freaks out, forgets environment, tries to analyze options so fast that they can't keep up with it, becomes more overwhelmed by the infinite number of factors--impossible to keep track of--pouring into their head, mutters random words from their thought processes that don't make sense...
Person: So which one?
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