introvertedclaire · 7 years
The Troubled Reader
I smell more pages than I read.
I try to focus on the dancing letters, but they wiggle and squirm too quickly for my eyes to lasso.
It’s not that I can’t read, but I’m afraid I read too much.
How am I to read a slate of black and white when the world screams for my attention with its colors and sounds and sensations.
My mind is a sponge constantly soaked with sensory solutes.
Will my wandering wonder ever choose one place to plant its feet?
Until that day, the challenged reader is me.
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introvertedclaire · 7 years
To be seen, yet ignored, is a lonely and confusing place to be. The pain it inflicts lingers longer than words can depict. Tears uncontrolled well up and flow. Each day is cold and painfully slow.
Don’t just look and leave, ‘cause you may never know, that the eyes that refuse to lock with yours for longer than a few seconds could be the eyes that burn with tears for days on end.
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introvertedclaire · 7 years
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“Add a caption, if you like.” Does it really need one tho? I love Oregon.
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introvertedclaire · 7 years
Different, Not Wrong
I’m different.
Some might say I’m sensitive,
a little slow,
strangely secluded,
and some think I’m stupid.
I don’t see things the way most do.
When I see a crowd,
I see a thousand individuals,
each bustling and buzzing,
yet all at once.
I rarely rush.
I am meticulous and detail oriented.
And when things aren’t the way they’re supposed to be,
I am ridden with anxiety.
Though I’m painfully aware of my surroundings,
I tend to withdraw from interaction.
My eyes are glossy from the confusing atmosphere.
I can’t help but feel I don’t belong here.
My code was written differently,
but I’m not malfunctioning.
I’m quiet and fragile,
but I’m not ignorant.
I’m different,
but I’m not a mistake.
I have challenges I face in this peculiar world,
but I don’t have a disease that needs a cure.
I’m just me,
puzzling as that may be,
and I was made wonder-fully.
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introvertedclaire · 7 years
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introvertedclaire · 7 years
it’s absolutely ok to not have some people in your life that were once there. it doesn’t mean the relationship you had didn’t mean anything. it’s also ok to remove people from your life if the relationship isn’t flowing. it’s totally ok. it doesn’t mean either of you are wrong or bad. you don’t have to meticulously analyze it or overthink it. there doesn’t have to be hard feelings. sometimes people outgrow each other. it’s a part of life. 
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introvertedclaire · 7 years
5 years 🔙
John 16:33
“In this world, you will have trouble, but be brave! I have defeated the world.”
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introvertedclaire · 7 years
Cuppa Tea
I want the words I read, To be like a cuppa tea. Sometimes they burn, But for them I yearn. I know a hot cup is better, Than a lukewarm feller. Book like a mug, I am warmed by its hug. After I've sipped or guzzled, Comforting warmth, inside has nuzzled. ~ Claire
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introvertedclaire · 7 years
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My heavy weight is lifted. I don't have to live crushed anymore. I'm free by the power of Christ in me.
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introvertedclaire · 7 years
The Something More
Ever have that feeling of emptiness? A desire for something but, you just don’t know what that “something” is? You thirst for more, and all these worldly things you’ve been chasing just aren’t cutting it. I have news for you; God can satisfy you, and He will satisfy your every need. You don’t need to feel abandoned anymore, because the Lord your God is that “something more”. “Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy, That we may rejoice and be glad all our days!” (Psalm 90:14 NKJV)
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introvertedclaire · 12 years
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Made a scrumptious crust less, vegan pumpkin pie! Christmas is coming, and it's never been more delicious! 🎄❄
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introvertedclaire · 12 years
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Backstage waiting...
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introvertedclaire · 12 years
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I made a new friend. #horsewhisperer #photoshootfun
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introvertedclaire · 12 years
“He was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God.” -Hebrews 11:10
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This is one of those lessons I feel like I’ll be learning til the day I die. No matter how many times I tell myself, I just can’t seem to get it through my thick skull.
I am not...
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introvertedclaire · 12 years
God's power in action, right here!
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introvertedclaire · 12 years
are you ready to put on the armour?
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introvertedclaire · 12 years
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"You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day," (Psalm91:5). We must be reminded: Our God is stronger than any of the storms. He defeated even death! "He saves my life from the grave and loads me with love and mercy." (Psalm 103:4). We find peace in His mighty Presence.
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