There's a consequence I don't think we as a community have really considered. Once Mistborn makes it to screen, Lord Ruler Thirst is going to be a real thing
Like we're aware he's described as conventionally attractive. But have we considered he's essentially modern romantacy love-interested coded, squinting past the genocide and whatnot? As the cosmere reaches a broader audience, that's going to have consequences
I, for one, will never be ready for the heart-bedazzled edits that will come out of this
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I feel like I'm hallucinating a particular piece of fanart. I thought I saved it but I can't find it anywhere in my collection or online. It was Navani cerca RoW trying the flight gauntlet in the engineering lab. It was from like a year back, uncolored but had details in the background, Navani was suspended near the ceiling and possibly had emotion spren around her.... (similar but not the one from Inktober2023)
Does anyone else remember or have this piece???
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Starting my read of The Sunlight Man, and this line in the acknowledgements already has me so afraid of what I'm about to read.
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Like, we've already done like So Much Science in the cosmere, just in RoW they basically discovered Investiture-flavored nuclear fission or whatever, and THIS is the book bringing on pHDs??
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The rest of Roshar think the Shin look like the statues from the Tell Asmar Hoard in Sumeria
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No, but the Shallan one is truly inspired. I need to draw this immediately
Just regular Shallan making silly jokes, sketching moss, crushing on people: Reese's Puffs, Reese’s Puffs, Eat 'em up, eat 'em up...
Flashback trauma Shallan murdering just so many people: Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub Asmodeus, Satanas, Lucifer...
*reeses puffs playing harder to cover it up* REESE'S PUFFS, REESE'S PUFFS...
I need someone to draw renarin and adolin with the audio that sings beelzebub ruffle puffs ruffles puffs or something like that
It works with kaladin and shallan too
Or just shallan with the two audios
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*5. Kaladin + Time = New Group to Protect
While he does get an unnecessary number of shardblades, he collects adopted groups more
15. Shallan + Time = Buried Trauma
She's been remembering one per book so far, how many more she got back there?
16. Lift + Time = Stolen Dinner
Only a matter of time before she finds a way off Roshar to steal people's food across the cosmere.
17. Dalinar + Time = Unite Them
Or y'know, at least try to.
18. Syl + Time = Pranks
Probably to cheer Kaladin up or make a kid smile.
19. Renarin + Time = Social Taboos
He's gay, disabled, reads and writes, in love with a crab, sees visions of the future, bonded a corrupted Spren -- he's unstoppable.
20. Pattern + Time = Mmmm...
Definitely nothing inappropriate, such as mating or dividing by zero.
22. Shai + Time = New Idenity
It's just in case of emergency, she can totally stop whenever she wants.
23. Elend + Time = Books
Or I guess more accurately Elend + Books = Time
24. Nightblood + Time = Less Evil
Or there would be if someone bothered to unsheathe him more often!
25. Tress + Time = Cups
I think it's time our sweet girl gets included in the broader cosmere.
Character + Time =
This was a meme in the fandom for a bit, thanks to the screenshot of Brandon Sanderson stating that “Brandon + Time = Stories.” So what do you get if you simply add time to other Cosmere characters?
1. Hoid + Time = Yet another type of investiture
This guy will collect them all! Powers from other planets, that is.
2. Rock + Time = Delicious Stew
His “stew for Kaladin being released from jail” cooked for weeks!
3. Adolin + Time = Friendship
I don’t think it’s possible for anyone to hang out with Adolin and not want to be his friend (except maybe Sadeas).
5. Kaladin + Time = Another Shardblade
He doesn’t want ‘em, but he sure keeps getting ‘em!
6. Steris + Time = Plans
Plans for what, you ask? Plans for EVERYTHING.
7. Kelsier + Time = Another group of worshipers 
Do people worship him in Fortnight yet?
8. Lopen +  Time = Cousins
Every time Kaladin turns around, there’s another Lopen cousin!
9. Ranette + Time = Cool new guns
Among other inventions! If given time, Ranette will make something cool. And dangerous.
10. Szeth + Time = Murder
He may be a Skybreaker now, following Dalinar, rather than the Assassin in White, but he sure does…continue finding time to murder people. 
11. Wayne + Time = Hats
And sometimes new personalities to go along with them! He and Shallan should chat. 
12. Harmony + Time = Inaction
But I’m sure he’ll learn how to do things soon! Right, guys? …Right??
13. Navani + Time = Fabrials
One moment it’s a small clip that sucks away pain, the next moment a flying ship.
14. Stick + Time = Stick
And that shall never change. 
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Currently thinking about how every depiction of Szeth falls on a scale between One Punch Man and Boba Fett
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I shall not elaborate
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Like there's not much else that's merch-able that they haven't done already. A soonie pup would be perfect!
Obviously it can't be anything too big. And anything related to hemalurgy is a safety issue. There's already Marewell flower stickers and pins. I think they've already made coins too. I don't know about metal vials. Maybe like a disk of lerasium could be cool? Or plastic mistborn knife?
According to Sanderson's weekly update on 4/11, the May box has "something that when I first pitched the whole idea of the Year of Sanderson I said "And I wanna do THIS. I wanna do this piece of cool swag.""
So what's so special in the Mistborn box??? I'm begging for a Soonie Cub. Begging
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According to Sanderson's weekly update on 4/11, the May box has "something that when I first pitched the whole idea of the Year of Sanderson I said "And I wanna do THIS. I wanna do this piece of cool swag.""
So what's so special in the Mistborn box??? I'm begging for a Soonie Pup. Begging
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Hey guys?
I don't know what mile stone this is, but we've made it to "aesthetic names on pinterest" levels of fame now?
I don't know what sends me the most: the very un-Kaladin choice of model, the 50 only-kinda-Kaladin-flavored tags, or the very... interesting choice of definitions
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Wait. I'm not done yelling about Little Guy In A Hat yet. His name is Mervin. I love him. He's my favorite character in the book regardless of who else I encounter.
If you don't already love him, please allow this sample collage to change your mind:
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Have I actually started reading ssp2 beyond the preview chapters last year? no. Have I scrolled through the entire book, completely ignoring the main story, to read all the comics of Little Guy In A Hat befriending an entire fantasy realm and saving the day through the goodness of his heart? You bet your wizard hat I did!!
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So we all know how on Roshar, Storm is often an equivalent exclamation to Fuck, right? Like "that storming person."
That implies Kaladin Stormblessed could be interpreted as Kaladin Fuckblessed, and I think that's hilarious for someone so aroace coded.
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If Wax is Harmony's Sword, does that make him a Shard's Blade?
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Took me a minute to realize this was a hair/smile scale and not a "how do they feel about murder" scale. Because that also works. Kaladin is no murder only protect, Renarin could murder as a treat if he wanted to, Adolin has canonically murdered, Kelsier is all the murder.
So the blonder one is in the cosmere the more murder one does?
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Some fruit from the chat. No title for this but it’s a good scale XD
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