This is very late but what's the invincible server discord? And is it open for anyone to join?
It is a discord server to discuss the Invincible animated series and comics with fellow fans! Although due to the rating and content of the show, you have to be 18+ to join the sever.
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“I was one of you. You may have forgotten, but I haven’t.”
Crosshair and Hunter | The Bad Batch 1.15
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If you have any suggestions for improvements which could be implemented in future weeks or elements you think worked well and should continue to use, please send an ask to this blog.
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Thank you to everyone who took part in Invincible Appreciation Week 2021! Is wonderful to see such amazing pieces of work created by such dedicated fans! I hope you all had fun participating!
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Invincible Appreciation Week - Crossover 2
For my second entry for the Invincible Appreciation Week, I decided I was going to use both of the two Death Battles I wrote involving characters from Invincible to submit on the day the Crossover category would be published. I wrote these battles as part of a DB fan group I am in, and Death Battles count as crossovers anyway, so I figured why not use what I already did?
Those who have watched the official Death Battle series on YouTube will be familiar with the format: The pre-fight prelude, the backstories and analyses of both combatants, the fight itself, and the post-fight analysis which explains the reasoning behind the outcome.
To save on space here, I posted the backstories separately but kept the pre-fight prelude, the fight itself and the post-battle analysis on this post:
Grand Regent Thragg backstory: https://xxseekritsxx.tumblr.com/post/653563745989246976/invincible-appreciation-week-crossover-2-grand
General Zod backstory: https://xxseekritsxx.tumblr.com/post/653565355087773696/invincible-appreciation-week-crossover-2
With all that out of the way, here is the match: Grand Regent Thragg (Invincible) vs General Zod (DC Comics)
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WARNING: Below the cut in the post-battle analysis section are spoilers from the Invincible comics in regards to Thragg since the animated series has not introduced the character yet. This is the ONLY warning anyone who reads this is getting.  
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Face That You’re Still Living [IAW2021]
“The medical technology available to the Global Defense Agency was top of the line, but it wasn’t infallible - no matter how much they tried, some marks were simply there to stay. No matter how much Mark wished they wouldn’t.”
My late submission to Day 4 (Scars) of IAW 2021! Hope you guys like it!
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Static From My Better Sense [IAW2021]
“William has maybe, possibly, probably been in love with his best friend of ten years for the last five, but there’s absolutely no way that anyone can convince him to say anything about it.
Especially since Mark is the straightest guy he knows. Right?
Another late submission for Day 5 (Coming Out) of IAW2021 (and my last one-shot for the week too!)
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Invincible Appreciation Week - Crossover 1
For my entry for the Invincible Appreciation Week, I decided I was going to use both of the two Death Battles I wrote involving characters from Invincible to submit on the day the Crossover category would be published. I wrote these battles as part of a DB fan group I am in, and Death Battles count as crossovers anyway, so I figured why not use what I already did?
Those who have watched the official Death Battle series on YouTube will be familiar with the format: The pre-fight prelude, the backstories and analyses of both combatants, the fight itself, and the post-fight analysis which explains the reasoning behind the outcome.
To save on space here, I posted the backstories separately but kept the pre-fight prelude, the fight itself and the post-battle analysis on this post:
Battle Beast backstory- https://xxseekritsxx.tumblr.com/post/653338976234684416/as-i-specify-in-my-upcoming-death-battle-fanfic
Champion of the Universe backstory- https://xxseekritsxx.tumblr.com/post/653338984664137728/with-the-backstory-and-powersabilities-of-battle
With all that out of the way, here is the match: Battle Beast (Invincible) vs Champion of the Universe (Marvel)
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WARNING: Below the cut in the post-battle analysis section are spoilers from the Invincible comics in regards to Battle Beast since the animated series has not delved into the character’s backstory or future yet. This is the ONLY warning anyone who reads this is getting.
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@invincible-appreciation-week Prompt: Coming out
Mark: I’m sorry, William. But I… I’m straight.
William: (blunt deadpan) That’s not a shock. (Little disappointing but I’ll live)
Mark: You knew?!
William: (Does this actually count as “coming out?” Eh, it’s funny.)
Mark: (Why do I have a chill down my spine…?)
This is pure crack
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Invincible Appreciation Week - Crossover - Battle Beast Backstory
As I specify in my upcoming Death Battle fanfic featuring Battle Beast from “Invincible” going up against the Champion of the Universe from Marvel, I am making separate posts that will be linked to the story itself, which contain the backstories and powers/abilities of both fighters involved. For this post, I will be discussing Battle Beast.
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WARNING: Spoilers below the cut for the Invincible comics and Battle Beast’s backstory/future since the animated adaptation has not delved into either yet for the character! This is the ONLY spoiler warning I will give.
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Invincible Appreciation Week - Crossover - Champion of the Universe Backstory
With the backstory and powers/abilities of Battle Beast out of the way, I will now cover the same information for his opponent: The Champion of the Universe from Marvel Comics.
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All information on this character below the cut:
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Invincible Appreciation Week - Crossover 2 - Grand Regent Thragg backstory
As I specify in my upcoming Death Battle fanfic featuring Grand Regent Thragg from “Invincible” going up against the General Zod from DC, I am making separate posts that will be linked to the story itself, which contain the backstories and powers/abilities of both fighters involved. For this post, I will be discussing Thragg.
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WARNING: Spoilers below the cut for the Invincible comics and Thragg’s backstory/future since the animated adaptation has not yet officially introduced the character! This is the ONLY spoiler warning I will give.
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Invincible Appreciation Week - Crossover 2 - General Zod backstory
With the backstory and powers/abilities of Grand Regent Thragg out of the way, I will now cover the same information for his opponent: General Zod from DC Comics.
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All information on General Zod below the cut:
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More Invincible comic/show edits. Previous edit
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Prompt 2 II: Sibling
Minerva as the Vigilante Moonlighter
- Due to doing her best to keep her moonlighting a secret, Minerva made her own costume. The mask is something Mark got her from Art that she could customize herself, and she based it’s color scheme partially on her favorite hero, the Martian Man.
- The mask itself comes with a voice modulator so Minerva’s voice is unrecognizable, since a 14/15 year old girl’s voice isn’t exactly the most threatening in the world.
- Her fighting techniques factor in speed, stealth, dexterity and precision. As she was inspired by the efficiency and care for most human life Titan did his best to uphold, she based it around that.
- In order to get the excuse to go into the city and map out the area, Minerva joined up with community service and works alongside Amber often in the soup kitchen.
- Nikki and Matt both help Minerva with testing her abilities, like how Nikki helped Martian Man. Minerva also gets notes from Mark from his training with Nolan to figure out how to get used to her abilities. Titan meanwhile teaches her fighting as well as acting with as much efficiency as possible when doing vigilante things.
- Minerva and Titan first met when she accidentally witnessed one of his jobs and took note of how he conducted himself. Despite him doing the actions of a criminal, he still took care of human life and did what he did with efficiency. Minerva began shadowing him before Titan discovered her, and she requested that he train her. Titan at first brushed her off before Minerva declared,
“If you train me, I’ll stop the person making you do these things! Because I That you wouldn’t do this if you weren’t being made to! And even when you are, I’ve seen how you try your best not to kill or destroy! And that’s the kind of hero I want to become!”
- This honestly touches Titan, and is what makes him agree to take Minerva under his wing.
- Minerva didn’t name herself Moonlighter. Rather, someone got a picture of her under the moon, published the picture and then got named “Moonlighter” due to said picture. 
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@invincible-appreciation-week Prompt 2: Sibling
Minerva “Minnie/Min” Grayson Vigilante name: Moonlighter Age: 14/15 (Sagittarius) Personality: [Stoic] [Just] [Hyper-empathetic/sensitive to emotions] [Analytical] [Self-righteous] [Wise] [Accepting] [Earnest] [Ambitious] [Guileless]  Values: Those close to her, empathy and kindness,  Fears: Not being seen as useful, being told she isn’t able to do what she sets out to do, not being able to achieve her goals Bio: The youngest child in the Grayson family. Because she was born prematurely and developed high-functioning autism, this led to Nolan writing off as a human. However, Minerva developed her powers the same day Mark did when she saved ones Nikki and Fiona from a truck falling when her class had a field trip into the city. Along with seeing the state the city was in, Minerva was further inspired by Amber’s work in the peace corps along with seeing Titan doing his best to minimize damage in the jobs he clearly didn’t want to do. This would lead to her becoming the vigilante Moonlighter and in an inverse to Mark, told her eventual friends but kept it secret from her family. Those who know her identity: Ali “Titan” Stone, Nikki, Fiona Stone, Vanessa Stone, Matt Burkholder Sinclair Other notes: Her hair’s floofiness comes from Nolan - Her attire and clothing contains bits of Mark (the yellow shirt+blue skirt), Debbie (green trim on jacket+ hair style) and Nolan (pinkish jacket) - I took a lot of care of emphasize how round Minerva’s eyes are, as those on the spectrum typically have rounder faces and larger-looking eyes. - The locket beside her is made of pinfire opal and holds a picture of her family all together. Nolan got it for her so she wouldn’t be so nervous at school. - Her special interest is astronomy and Mark got his dream of being an astronaut from vibing with Minerva
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Was Never Much But We Made The Most [IAW2021]
“Rex visited his family once, decided not to hurt them out of revenge, then subsequently decided that he’d move on and forget they ever existed. He’d never visit them again, or check up on them again, or even think of them again. As far as he was concerned, they were dead to him. He did not, and never would, care.
It should be mentioned that Rex is also a liar and an idiot.”
Here’s the link to my AO3 submission for Day 2 (Siblings) of Invincible Appreciation Week. I really enjoyed writing this one and hope you guys like it :]
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