inwhvspers · 1 year
There were few things in this world that Aoife was able to resist and food was, sadly, not one of them. She legitimately could eat her weight in food and still be okay and sometimes she wondered if it was the genetics of her family line or deer puca in general, but...
"Look, I want to try absolutely every food they have here and then start ranking them by our favorites. Then down a few more cocktails and make some bad decisions?" Aoife posed to Rory, looking... almost desperate. Perhaps it had been a while.
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@inwhvspers // rory & aoife
"so i'm thinking grab a slice and a cocktail, then a burger, then a burrito...and like maybe a hot cross bun to top it off ??" she muses, raising her brows at aoife. the bottomless pit that formed rory's stomach was already growling at the prospect of doing the rounds at the yard. after a moments hesitation and a face that remains unequivocally hopeful, she adds, "unless you don't fancy it ??"
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inwhvspers · 1 year
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☼☾ ( AYCA AYSIN TURAN , 27 , SHE/HER , CIS WOMAN , CAILLEACH ) - have you seen SAFIYE DEMIRCI?  they’ve been living in afon vale for ALL HER LIFE and they really think they’re safe. people say that they’re ARTISTIC but i heard they’re UNPREDICTABLE. you can usually find them working as a/an FASHION DESIGNER at SELF-EMPLOYED (CREATES LOOKS OUT OF A SMALL SPACE BENEATH HER APARTMENT). they’ve tried hard to keep WHILE THEY WERE AWAY AT DESIGN SCHOOL THEY USED A FORBIDDEN SOUND TO GET AHEAD buried but the truth always comes out. a few things that remind me of them are … silk fabrics hung across cedar dowels near an open window; beautiful patterns drawn on every blank surface; the smell of coffee and cinnamon; a smile that disarms and promises mischief; the sky before dawn when it’s golden and shades of pink, blue, and orange. 
name: safiye demirci
age: 27
gender: cis female
species: cailleach
sexuality: demisexual / demiromantic
occupation: fashion designer
hometown: afon vale
ethnicity: caucasian (turkish)
languages: english, turkish, french, italian
height: 5'6"
build: lithely curvy
hair: dark brown, left long and flowing around her shoulders, often perfectly managed
eyes: stormy-blue, almond-shaped
tattoos: a cross on her collarbone.
piercings: twice on each earlobe
personal style: fashionable but comfortable; wears a lot of her own designs and tends towards softer colors and fabrics. when she needs to dress up she goes to the nines and creates a whole new look every time and, if asked, will try to replicate (to a degree) said outfit for clients who want to visit the space she sells out of beneath her apartment. understated gold jewelry and subtle makeup is usually a go-to, focusing mostly on her eyes.
positive: artistic, creative, upbeat
negative: unpredictable, distractable, flighty
MBTI: enfp
enneagram: the enthusiast
temperament: sanguine
father: tbd demirci (open on main)
mother: tbd demirci (open on main)
siblings: beren dimirci (youngest sister), tbd demirci (triplet with saf), tbd demirci (triplet with saf)
her use of forbidden sounds wasn't out of lack of talent but lack of confidence. she is actually a very good designers and could have probably succeeded without, which somehow makes it worse.
she has an aversion to the smell of fresh cut grass, it gives her a headache.
she's close to her siblings and will generally always pick up the phone if they call. it isn't that they don't fight but she's pretty attached to them.
she once dressed an entire ensemble for a local play and was one of the most raved about points of the night.
her designs, while never featured on a big stage, have been getting traction as of late and looking to break out. why she's still in afon vale when she wants to be a famous fashion designer is anyone's guess.
she's had two serious relationships, one with a woman and one with a man, the woman having been most recently and the roughest of her break ups.
she's looking for love in all the wrong places.
biography bits.
safiye is the eldest of the triplets, being born a full minute before the other two. she is the eldest of the demirci children by that merit but no one is counting.
safiye pursued art through most of school, tending to get better grades within creative aspects than academic ones, though she did fairly well in math.
safiye had never left afon vale until she decided to go to college, but has since then visited several places like france and turkey.
she graduated from design school with offers from several firms but decided to go her own route and return to her home in afon vale.
best friend
friends, misc.
potential love interests, slow burn, will they / won't they fun (bonus if taboo)
her two exes
people who buy her designs
childhood friends / those who know the demirci legacy
someone from design school who knows about what happened an will leverage it over her
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inwhvspers · 1 year
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enigma wrapped in a riddle
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inwhvspers · 1 year
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☼☾ ( MADCHEN AMICK, 45 / 26 , SHE/THEY, DEMI FEMALE, SIKA DEER PÚCA ) - have you seen AOIFE VAUGHN?  they’ve been living in afon vale for 45 YEARS and they really think they’re safe. people say that they’re ERUDITE but i heard they’re DISMISSIVE. you can usually find them working as a/an BARTENDER at THE ROYAL OAK. they’ve tried hard to keep KILLED THEIR MOTHER buried but the truth always comes out. a few things that remind me of them are … soft freckles across her nose; the scent of fur trees in her hair; fairy lights in apartment windows; faded lip prints on mirrors; a smile that can melt hearts.
name: aoife vaughn
age: 26 (45)
gender: demi female
species: puca (sika deer)
sexuality: demisexual / demiromantic
occupation: bartender, the royal oak
hometown: afon vale
ethnicity: caucasian
languages: english, gaelic, french
height: 5'5"
build: lithe
hair: light brown; long, wavy/curly hair for most of the time unless she chooses to straighten it. wild and free, like her spirit.
eyes: hazel, doe-eyed
tattoos: small deer marking on her left hip, a rook on her right wrist.
piercings: twice on each earlobe, helix, rook
personal style: a lot of muted colors and soft fabrics, often choosing comfort over style and function over form. gravitates towards softer greens, reds, blues, and 'smokier' colors. has been known to dye parts of her hair temporarily but always ends up back with the light brown. can often be seen with her deer horns when wandering the forest. always a smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose that get a second layer of 'whiter' freckles when she's in partial deer form.
positive: erudite, free-spirited, creative
negative: dismissive, secretive, touchy, absent minded
MBTI: istj
enneagram: the investigator
temperament: choleric
father: calum vaugn (alive, estranged) , npc
mother: catrione vaugn (deceased) , npc 
brother: (alive), open
aunt: (alive), open
her name is pronounced like 'eva' but with a softer v leaning more towards an f.
often slips into partial deer form if left alone to her own devices and especially if she's wandering the woods. full deer form is more likely in the woods, obviously.
one of her antlers/horns is tinged at the tip a bit more reddish but it's barely perceptible most of the time.
she has a pet rabbit named thumper.
she makes videos for tiktok sometimes with specific filters... yes, she tries to look like a deer. it's fine.
she and rory have known each other a while, probably since school but didn't really get into the best friend/ride or die zone until a bit later, but now they're inseparable and she'll easily fight someone for her.
she has an allergy to grapes.
she practices reading tarot and will sometimes do that for bar patrons; she also designed her own deck and it's extremely personal to her (she is a decent artist, at least)
she has absolute shit luck in most things. she's the one who always bangs her toes into furniture or cracks brand new phone screens almost immediately.
aoife sees a therapist of sorts but makes sure it's v quiet and sort of out of the way so no one sees her do it. she's already weird enough, she thinks (hopefully I can write her getting over this stigma because ew)
cw: abuse (child through young adult; physical and mental), abandonment, murder, death of a parent.
aoife's father left when she was young and she's resented him ever since.
her mother was taking care of her but very much not in a safe way and aoife suffered a lot under her.
she was kept from the outside world a lot in the beginning, her mother having lost the thread of reality and deciding they should live in a cabin off in the woods somewhere.
as she grew, the abuse turned more physical and at some points she was forced to be in deer form for days at a time and took lashings if she wandered too far from home.
aoife was a teenager when she'd finally had enough and lashed out. she hadn't meant for it to end how it did, with her mother impaled on her deer horns, but that is how it went.
it took a while for her to wash the blood off of her horns in half-form and to burn the body, but she did. Her mother's bones are somewhere in the woods near the cabin she used to call home, now abandoned.
aoife moved into the city proper at 17 and found her father's sister, being taken in and taken care of. She never told her aunt how it happened, but said her mother had died and her father had run off long ago and the woman was kind and looked after her. She could tell aoife had been abused and was gentle with her, which was new for aoife.
school was a revelation. she wasn't illiterate or anything as before her mother had lost the plot she'd taught her to read and gave her lessons... they just became less pleasant as time went on. the socialization however was so new and freeing and she immediately fell into all the worst, wrong crowds and got into trouble a lot.
her aunt was worried but let it go because honestly, the girl had been through a lot. when aoife hit 20 though she started to put the law to hand. she knew eventually aoife was leave her but for now she had to try and keep her safe.
aoife mellowed, still very much leaning towards the idea of bad decisions. this leads to one night stands and pushing away the 'right ones' for fear of something bad happening.
she now lives on her own, but calls her aunt every now and again to check in because she's the one she thinks of as her mother even after only a handful of years.
she's intelligent and could have still pivoted into some kind of degree if she'd wanted, but she chose to just stay where she was and take a job bartending.
she has her regulars that she's quite fond of and always offers a smile and a crinkle of her freckled nose for them when they come in.
best friend taken by rory!
friends, misc.
potential love interests, slow burn
exes, misc.
favored bar patrons
other puca
someone who knows about her mom but is keeping it to themselves.
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inwhvspers · 1 year
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private & dedicated blog for whvspershq.
c u r r e n t r o s t e r
aoife vaughn (sika deer púca) ⤳ dossier — tags
safiye demirci (cailleach) ⤳ dossier — tags
su li huang (leanan sidhe) ⤳ dossier — tags
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inwhvspers · 2 years
Big chunky boots in the mud and the snow? I am become deer.
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inwhvspers · 2 years
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Reign supreme over all things green🦌🥀🌺
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inwhvspers · 2 years
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𝒜𝑜𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝒱𝒶𝓊𝑔𝓃 — 𝒮𝒾𝓀𝒶 𝒟𝑒𝑒𝓇 𝒫𝓊𝒸𝒶
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inwhvspers · 2 years
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Mädchen Amick Dream Lover, 1993
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inwhvspers · 2 years
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Vibrant fall colors for this lovely photopshoot by @tsunogirl. Her antlers paired with the shrine location gives a great shika-deer vibe (shika are seen as sacred messengers from the Gods, which is why you can find many left free in sanctuaries like Nara or Miyajima)
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inwhvspers · 2 years
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[Kasuga] art by Miki Katoh used for their 2023 Goddesses Calendar (see past calendar here).
It depicts Himegami, one of the gods enshrined at Nara’s Kasuga Taisha. Because of Shinto and Buddhism syncretism, Himegami has been through the ages associated with both Amaterasu and Eleven-faces Kannon.
The deer is a kami familiar also associated with Kasuga Taisha, a famous depiction is the “Deer Mandala of Kasuga Shrine“:
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The wisteria blossoms are a nod to the Fujiwara clan as Kasuga Taisha was their main shrine.
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inwhvspers · 2 years
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Mädchen Amick Dream Lover (1993)
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inwhvspers · 2 years
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Mädchen Amick | Twin Peaks
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inwhvspers · 2 years
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New Release: Mono Girl 【-The Little Sika Deer-】 Sweet Lolita Cape and Bag
◆ Shopping Link >>> https://lolitawardrobe.com/mono-girl-the-little-sika-deer-sweet-lolita-cape_p4648.html
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inwhvspers · 2 years
A sika deer (梅花鹿) on a mountain in Heilongjiang province.
English added by me :)
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