#aoife: about
inwhvspers · 1 year
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enigma wrapped in a riddle
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kennethbrangh · 4 months
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Ciarán Hinds on The Late Late Show (May 10, 2024)
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forgotteneilionora · 3 months
OOC | Astairan Wedding Traditions
ok so this is inspired by [ this ] post and these tags:
#ooo.... is handfasting a tradition in astairan weddings?#bc i could see#valentina malconaire objecting to this!#and then astairans not considering the eithne/cassimir union#as valid since it didn't happen#also its just a pretty tradition i love!
i loooove this!!!! both for the tradition and for the ~general vibes for astaira andddd for the plot point it could play!!!!! and i thought we might take this opportunity to talk about weddings in general -- i was literally reading up on traditional irish wedding vows just last night bc we were talking about domhnall's wedding etc!
i can also 100% see @forgottenvalentina specifically objecting to a tradition the astairans hold dear on ~roderick grounds or vice versa specificially w the hope itd invalidate the wedding too smdh so this verrrrrry much fits!
also the wedding vows:
[ “Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone. I give ye my Body, that we Two might be One. I give ye my Spirit, `til our Life shall be Done. You cannot possess me for I belong to myself. But while we both wish it, I give you that which is mine to give You cannot command me, for I am a free person. But I shall serve you in those ways you require and the honeycomb will taste sweeter coming from my hand." ] “I vow you the first cut of my meat, the first sip of my wine, from this day it shall only your name I cry out in the night and into your eyes that I smile each morning; I shall be a shield for your back as you are for mine, never shall a grievous word be spoken about us, for our marriage is sacred between us and no stranger shall hear my grievance. Above and beyond this, I will cherish and honor you through this life and into the next." “I, (name), in the name of the spirit of God that resides within us all, by the life that courses within my blood and the love that resides within my heart, take thee (name) to my hand, my heart, and my spirit, to be my chosen one. To desire thee and be desired by thee, to possess thee, and be possessed by thee, without sin or shame, for naught can exist in the purity of my love for thee. I promise to love thee wholly and completely without restraint, in sickness and in health, in plenty and in poverty, in life and beyond, where we shall meet, remember, and love again. I shall not seek to change thee in any way. I shall respect thee, thy beliefs, thy people, and thy ways as I respect myself. By the power that Christ brought from heaven, mayst thou love me. As the sun follows its course, mayst thou follow me. As light to the eye, as bread to the hungry, as joy to the heart, May thy presence be with me, Oh one that I love, `til death comes to part us asunder. “We swear by peace and love to stand, Heart to heart and hand to hand. Mark, O Spirit, and hear us now, Confirming this our Sacred Vow.” “You are the star of each night, You are the brightness of every morning, You are the story of each guest, You are the report of every land. No evil shall befall you, on hill nor bank, In field or valley, on mountain or in glen. Neither above, nor below, neither in sea, Nor on shore, in skies above, Nor in the depths. You are the kernel of my heart, You are the face of my sun, You are the harp of my music, You are the crown of my company.” “Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and just be my friend.” “May the gentle breeze bear witness to this ritual, and carry its message to all lands. May the sun warm their hearts, and its ever burning fire fuel their desire for each other. May the water provide for them from its bounty, and comfort their souls with their sounds. May the land lend its strength and reveal its mysteries."
and like literally swearing by the breeze and the sun and water and land like????? if that aint so astairan!!!!!! there's def tons of other stuff but yeah
also apparently irish brides traditionally wore blue, back in the day, that were long and flowy w intricate embroidery, celtic knots, and a big sash or belt! often including a hooded cloak in weather!
she also traditionally has a handkerchief embroidered w like a motto or the couple's initials or an emblem or smth of significance to them, and then that's used as the bonnet for the firstborn child at their christening, and handed down to them to potentially use at their own wedding etc generation after generation
also the handfasting probs means that 'tying the knot' is an expression in astaira (that would baffle the varmonts too btw!) which is fun <3
[ Ever heard the phrase “your goose is cooked”? ] Traditionally, the night before the wedding, a goose would be cooked in the bride’s house for the groom’s wedding meal. When the meal was fully prepared, it would be seen as bad luck for life to back out of the wedding. So, the phrase, “your goose is cooked” pretty much means there’s no backing out now!
there's this thing w the child of progue that might be done w statues of the guardians?
[ This is a funny Irish wedding tradition. The child of Prague is a statue popularly known to ward off bad weather, which can rue the day. The figure is placed in different ways but performs the same function. ] Some parents leave their children in their hallway the night before a wedding. Others abandon their children outside, while some put the child out under a bush. In addition, people tend to behead the statue before placing it at the selected spot. The rationale is that the figures are not of the best quality. Their head usually fell off by themselves when left out overnight; hence, it was better off already beheaded. Some people even reattach it afterward.
guests have bells to ring ward off evil spirits and discord! they set to ringing them as the couple walks down the aisle and bells are sometimes included in the bride's bouquet
Weddings were civil, not religious, affairs. While some involved a vow of lifelong fidelity, that wasn’t universal. The ancient Celts recognized several types of marriage. And they also had very liberal divorce laws. They knew not all marriages would last, and they planned for it. In ancient Celtic traditions, one could opt for a one-year trial marriage. If all went well, they could take more permanent vows. If it didn’t work out, they each went their way, free to try again. Men and women enjoyed equal rights in the 1100s. Irish brides owned their property; if the marriage ended, they took it with them. They would also take a portion of any wealth the couple acquired together.
so yeah obv there's lots more these were just some things that jumped out at me after a cursory review that felt astairan for one reason or another <3
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forgottenbrigit · 2 months
Malconaire Imbolc Traditions
It is said that Phaedra, the goddess of spring, is often granted this one day by Xerxes, the god of winter, to allow the everyone to gather enough firewood to last them the rest of the winter. If the weather on Imbolc is fair, then the mornings are spent harvesting firewood in preparation for the rest of the winter to come. If, however, the weather is fowl, it is taken as a sign that winter is to come to an end soon, and instead everyone spends their mornings around the fire with warm drinks in hand celebrating that warmer days are ahead.
The evergreen trees are often decorated for Imbolc and the great tree that grows through Malconaire has always been decorated by the children of the current Lord the night before
It has always been a tradition for the four girls to stay up late into the night placing garlands and ornaments upon its branches.
In the afternoon, the unmarried girls partake in a parade where they all wear white with their hair unbound as a symbol of purity and youth
They go from house to house in the village and receive food that shall be offered to the guardians that evening
It is said that Imbolc is the coldest night of the year and that it is the one night that the god Xerxes is allowed a warm haven from the cold winter nights
It is said that, if he is not invited in, that he shall cover the land in a great blizzard and his wrath shall know no mercy until the first day of spring comes
In each house, a bed is made up for Xerxes
A family member is then chosen to represent Xerxes (at Malconaire it is often Brigit given that this was her nameday)
Wearing a crown of ivy and snowdrops, they circle the house three times before knocking thrice upon the door and asking to be let in. On the third time, they are welcomed.
There is then a great feast in the evening to mark the last night of winter. Food and drink are set aside for the guardians.
After the festivities, they light candles and visit the graves of their loved ones -- decorating them with garlands of holly and ivy -- and saying silent prayers
Before going to bed, clothing is left out for the guardians to bless, with the hope that they shall give their wearer both healing and protection
The day following the festival, the entire village undergoes a "spring cleaning" as they look forward to the next season (brigit hated this part ngl)
They also rake the ashes smooth from the fire in the great hall to see if there are any signs that Xerxes had, indeed, visited
If there was nothing, it would be believed that bad fortune was coming to them during the next winter unless they made enough offerings to the guardians
Brigit's Birthday Traditions
Since Imbolc is actually Saint Brigid's day, I'm headcannoning that Brigit was actually born on Imbolc!
Her mother was not due for many weeks yet and when she suddenly went into labor during the celebration and festivities, it all came to a halt
It did not look well and they were concerned that neither she nor Brigit would survive
In the chaos, a bed was never made for Xerxes and a terrible storm blew through Malconaire which prevented the doctor from being sent for
When Sorcha realized what had happened, she stood from her own bed and opened the window, whispering out to Xerxes that her bed was his own, if he would spare her child
Despite Bran's insistence, Sorcha would not get back into her bed
A few moments before midnight, Brigit was born and as soon as she came into the world the wind and the snow stopped
When the doctor did arrive, he was stunned to see both mother and child were in such good health
In the morning, when the fire had burned out and the ashes were made smooth, there was a small rock found beneath them that Sorcha swore resembled a horse
She said that they should all take it as a sign that Xerxes has been there, after all, and it was he who saved them. She also said that she feared that this would mean that her Brigit would be as untameable and fierce as a wild horse (she was right)
Brigit's mother used to tell her this story whenever Brigit felt like she was out of place
When she was little, she believed it wholeheartedly, but as she grew older, she started to think her mother just told her this to make her feel better
It wasn't until she started to see the guardians for herself that she started to wonder if, perhaps, it was all true after all
She still has the rock that was found in the ashes
Brigit's present on her 18th birthday was the bow that belonged to her grandfather, Commander Lorcan
His sword and armour, of course, stayed with Lorcan and are in Padraig's possession but both her cousin and her father determined that Brigit ought to have his bow <3
@forgottenaoife & @forgottenroisin : I'm not sure if this has been established anywhere before, but I was wondering what the Malconaire's parents stance was on religion? Writing this, I feel like Sorcha was rather religious but Bran was more just in it for tradition? Thoughts on this???
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holocene-sims · 1 month
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may 10, 2013 6:20 p.m. actual hell
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forgottenroisin · 7 months
OOC | Malconaires (OG & Step)
hi, guys! here's smth absolutely no one asked for! heehee so, since we've been talking heraldry (my fav subject! alksjdfklsjdf) i wondered if anyone had any thoughts on the malconaires' heraldic devices etc? both re: the og malconaires AND valentina's formerly-royal birth fam?
i know that kate the great had mentioned asp that she envisions eithne in cool colors and esp greens? in heraldry, green is emblematic of hope, joy, and loyalty in love all of which feels v them to me! honestly, i also associate them w green a lot, too, bc they give lotsa plant and nature symbolism for me <3 but im open to any/everything!! i just thought that might be a place to start talking abt it if we're interested heehee
for valentina's fam...i tend to associate both val and cassimir w black just bc i think they both dress that way a lot hahaha (in heraldry that stands for constancy or grief which alsjdfkjsf but anyway) but yeah obv this is also just a jumping-off point for chatting abt it there're endless possibilities!
yknow what...imma put a list here of colors and their heraldic meanings for us:
or (yellow/gold): generosity and elevation of the mind
argent (white/silver): peace and sincerity
gules (red): warrior or martyr; military strength and magnanimity
azure (blue): truth and loyalty
vert (green): hope, joy, and loyalty in love
sable (black): constancy or grief
pupure (purple): royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice
tawny/tenné (orange/brown): worthy ambition
sanguine/murray (maroon): patience in battle, and yet victorious
furs (ermines, erminois, vair, counter vair, pean, potentnt counter potent): dignity
DIFFERENCES/MARKS OF CADENCY (often used to delineate cadet branches so this probs allies to valentina and her brood but pls note that these symbols do not ~always indicate these things mostly only do so when used in conjuction w another charge -- for example if we take, say, house lannister from asoiaf, a lion w a crescent [usually placed almost like an asterisk or a period] would indicate that person is either themselves the second son or descended from a second son from house lannister -- tho the way grrm tends to handle this is the other way of doing it which is switching colors and things like that similar to what we did w house varmont so!! lots of possibilities but here's another way to do it if we want)
label: eldest son
crescent: second son
mullet: third son
marlet: fourth son
annulet: fifth son
fleur-de-lis: sixth son
rose: seventh son
cross moline: eighth son
double quatrefoil: ninth son
imma add a pic of these for reference since the meaning of these is somewhat obscure for a number of them (and it even shows how to do branches ~within cadet houses which could also be valuable for valentina and her kids alksjdfkjsdf):
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i also have a v extensive list of charges and their meanings but its sooooo long i think id have to publish that as its own document hahaha or else i can just list possibilities if we choose a category (ex: birds, trees), if you like!
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oifaaa · 10 months
Aoife is one of those rare names that really there is only 1 currect spelling and that is Aoife if you are spelling it any other way it is no longer the Irish name Aoife I do make the rules
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alistairkisser · 4 months
NEW version of the show me your tavs post: show me your lesbian ocs <3 could be bg3, dragon age, etc anything. i just want to see lesbians
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forgottensebastian · 2 months
Winter Mornings | Sebastian & Aoife
Sebastian had guessed that he had not been the only one to insist that the Malconaire ladies enjoy one of the finer suites that the castle had to offer, for when he had mentioned it to the servants they were not only unsurprised by this request, but seemed to have already begun undertaking it.
But he, more than the others, hoped that they had all rested well and had spent the evening laughing and whispering into the night, with the knowledge that they would not have to wake before dawn to make themselves available to be at Valentina and Cassimir's beck and call.
He'd ordered that food be brought directly to their quarters in the morning, so they need not rise before they were ready.
He also meant not to appear quite so eager to see them, but when it became late midmorning, he found that he was rather anxious to see how they had all gotten on -- and to confirm that Valentina and her son had continued to leave them alone. He may not have much say as to what happens at Malconaire, but he would not allow for them to be mistreated in his father's house.
He was admitted into their quarters by a servant who was attending to them during their stay and found that only Aoife was there. She stood, almost statue-like, by the window and it was only when she turned to look at him that he felt something was wrong.
There was something in her look that Sebastian could not quite place. "Lady Aoife? Are you alright?" He asked, softly. She looked as though she had not slept at all and there was something else, too, besides exhaustion that seemed to wear on her. Whatever it was, he did not like seeing her like this. He was determined, in that moment, to do whatever he could to help her.
He just didn't imagine that he and his family happened to be the very cause of it.
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inwhvspers · 1 year
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☼☾ ( MADCHEN AMICK, 45 / 26 , SHE/THEY, DEMI FEMALE, SIKA DEER PÚCA ) - have you seen AOIFE VAUGHN?  they’ve been living in afon vale for 45 YEARS and they really think they’re safe. people say that they’re ERUDITE but i heard they’re DISMISSIVE. you can usually find them working as a/an BARTENDER at THE ROYAL OAK. they’ve tried hard to keep KILLED THEIR MOTHER buried but the truth always comes out. a few things that remind me of them are … soft freckles across her nose; the scent of fur trees in her hair; fairy lights in apartment windows; faded lip prints on mirrors; a smile that can melt hearts.
name: aoife vaughn
age: 26 (45)
gender: demi female
species: puca (sika deer)
sexuality: demisexual / demiromantic
occupation: bartender, the royal oak
hometown: afon vale
ethnicity: caucasian
languages: english, gaelic, french
height: 5'5"
build: lithe
hair: light brown; long, wavy/curly hair for most of the time unless she chooses to straighten it. wild and free, like her spirit.
eyes: hazel, doe-eyed
tattoos: small deer marking on her left hip, a rook on her right wrist.
piercings: twice on each earlobe, helix, rook
personal style: a lot of muted colors and soft fabrics, often choosing comfort over style and function over form. gravitates towards softer greens, reds, blues, and 'smokier' colors. has been known to dye parts of her hair temporarily but always ends up back with the light brown. can often be seen with her deer horns when wandering the forest. always a smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose that get a second layer of 'whiter' freckles when she's in partial deer form.
positive: erudite, free-spirited, creative
negative: dismissive, secretive, touchy, absent minded
MBTI: istj
enneagram: the investigator
temperament: choleric
father: calum vaugn (alive, estranged) , npc
mother: catrione vaugn (deceased) , npc 
brother: (alive), open
aunt: (alive), open
her name is pronounced like 'eva' but with a softer v leaning more towards an f.
often slips into partial deer form if left alone to her own devices and especially if she's wandering the woods. full deer form is more likely in the woods, obviously.
one of her antlers/horns is tinged at the tip a bit more reddish but it's barely perceptible most of the time.
she has a pet rabbit named thumper.
she makes videos for tiktok sometimes with specific filters... yes, she tries to look like a deer. it's fine.
she and rory have known each other a while, probably since school but didn't really get into the best friend/ride or die zone until a bit later, but now they're inseparable and she'll easily fight someone for her.
she has an allergy to grapes.
she practices reading tarot and will sometimes do that for bar patrons; she also designed her own deck and it's extremely personal to her (she is a decent artist, at least)
she has absolute shit luck in most things. she's the one who always bangs her toes into furniture or cracks brand new phone screens almost immediately.
aoife sees a therapist of sorts but makes sure it's v quiet and sort of out of the way so no one sees her do it. she's already weird enough, she thinks (hopefully I can write her getting over this stigma because ew)
cw: abuse (child through young adult; physical and mental), abandonment, murder, death of a parent.
aoife's father left when she was young and she's resented him ever since.
her mother was taking care of her but very much not in a safe way and aoife suffered a lot under her.
she was kept from the outside world a lot in the beginning, her mother having lost the thread of reality and deciding they should live in a cabin off in the woods somewhere.
as she grew, the abuse turned more physical and at some points she was forced to be in deer form for days at a time and took lashings if she wandered too far from home.
aoife was a teenager when she'd finally had enough and lashed out. she hadn't meant for it to end how it did, with her mother impaled on her deer horns, but that is how it went.
it took a while for her to wash the blood off of her horns in half-form and to burn the body, but she did. Her mother's bones are somewhere in the woods near the cabin she used to call home, now abandoned.
aoife moved into the city proper at 17 and found her father's sister, being taken in and taken care of. She never told her aunt how it happened, but said her mother had died and her father had run off long ago and the woman was kind and looked after her. She could tell aoife had been abused and was gentle with her, which was new for aoife.
school was a revelation. she wasn't illiterate or anything as before her mother had lost the plot she'd taught her to read and gave her lessons... they just became less pleasant as time went on. the socialization however was so new and freeing and she immediately fell into all the worst, wrong crowds and got into trouble a lot.
her aunt was worried but let it go because honestly, the girl had been through a lot. when aoife hit 20 though she started to put the law to hand. she knew eventually aoife was leave her but for now she had to try and keep her safe.
aoife mellowed, still very much leaning towards the idea of bad decisions. this leads to one night stands and pushing away the 'right ones' for fear of something bad happening.
she now lives on her own, but calls her aunt every now and again to check in because she's the one she thinks of as her mother even after only a handful of years.
she's intelligent and could have still pivoted into some kind of degree if she'd wanted, but she chose to just stay where she was and take a job bartending.
she has her regulars that she's quite fond of and always offers a smile and a crinkle of her freckled nose for them when they come in.
best friend taken by rory!
friends, misc.
potential love interests, slow burn
exes, misc.
favored bar patrons
other puca
someone who knows about her mom but is keeping it to themselves.
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forgottencormac · 2 months
i'm starting these out in a chaotic fashion: The insane AU of Cormac x Aoife XD
you know i am ALWAYS here for insane aus BAHAHAHAHA omg poor aoife in this situation tho!
Name: Sorcha Calleary
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Sporting her mother's tall brow and bright eyes as well as her cloud of blonde hair and her father's blue eyes and his sharp chin, Sorcha has always been a very pretty young woman, taking more strongly after her Malconaire roots than her Calleary ones in all but her love for the sea.
Personality: With a mother of quiet sense and a father of ridiculous drama, Sorcha often felt a touch out of place. Reason often prevailed in her home due to her mother's level head and her father's lack thereof, but the sheer ridiculous nature of the idea that everyone ought to be looking to Cormac belied the truth of who they were. Sorcha learned to deal with her nonsensical reality by indulging in a sparkling wit and a bold mischievous streak, seeing the irony inherent to her position and choosing to align herself with it. Named for fire and living by the sea, Sorcha has always been a child of two halves, and though having a great deal more sympathy for her mother, she is fiercely protective of both parents, knowing that they both ultimately mean well, incredibly frustrating as Cormac undeniably is!
Special Talents: Taught to sail by her aunts and uncles from practically the moment of birth, Sorcha has always loved everything about ships, but unlike most noble Callearies, Sorcha's interest extends well beyond simply sailing: she is a skilled shipwright, as well, loving to build many a sailing vessel (some more water-tight than others!) to amuse her many cousins.
Who they like better: Aoife
Who they take after more: Aunties Fiona and Brigit!
Personal Head canon: She and Cousin Enna grew up horseback riding and swordfighting together all across Malconaire and Calleary, growing up!
Face Claim: Alicia Agneson
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black-cat-aoife · 2 months
Simply writing a list of things I need to do is somehow incredibly effective at actually getting me to do the things. Which one the one hand is great, because it's relatively easy, but on the other... somewhat sad. (To be clear: it's not that I don't remember the things if I don't write them down. It's that I get to put a little checkmark next to the task on my list and that is depressingly motivating)
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faerune · 1 year
everyone talks about who their tav romances which is totally valid but i also wanna know who is everyone's tav's bestie
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holocene-sims · 7 months
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august 25, 2021 8:00 p.m. the black pearl
[grant] well, i know it doesn’t fix the existential angst and you shouldn’t ever feel like it needs to go away instantly, but i guarantee you will be a good dad.
[grant] any kids you have will feel loved. they’ll be set up for the future no matter how everyone’s lives play out. i know you’ll do your best, and i know soobin will, too. you guys have worked so hard to have such a long and healthy and sincere relationship.
[grant] and the fact that you’re worried about any of this means you’re going to do a good job. shitty parents and shitty partners don’t ask if what they’re doing or about to do is wrong.
[grant] everyone is going to make mistakes sometimes but it’s about getting most of it right, and i believe you will. soobin doesn’t hold it over your head that for a while, your fear made you a little controlling. you improved and she forgave you. you’re smart, you’ll adapt, and most of all, you should know you’re loyal. at the end of the day, a parent who puts their kids first and never turns their back on them is the best parent in the world in my eyes.
[grant] mistakes can be forgiven if you put your kids first and treat them like a human being who matters.
[henry] thank you. i appreciate it. that means a lot coming from you.
[grant] and i understand your main fear in the first place. i've thought about it many times. i never worried about myself dying but others dying. elizabeth, uh...yeah. those big family losses seriously will ruin you forever in one way or another. the way you lost your father only makes it worse. it does strip away any feeling of invincibility you have.
[henry] you can say that again.
[henry] i'm glad someone understands.
[grant] you can never really know, i guess, what’s going to happen to you or to anyone you know, and it’s not helpful to say it’ll be fine because we all know crazy and terrible things happen. it's unfortunately mathematically true. but trust me, i'll kill you if you die!
[henry] you’ll kill me if i die? haha.
[henry] thanks for making me laugh, too.
[grant] yep. i will re-kill your ghost.
[henry] i'll kill you if you die.
[grant] thank you, buddy! you’re a real one.
[henry] dude, ugh, i googled life insurance policies a month ago. ew, adulthood.
[grant] life insurance is a good thing to have, though.
[henry] it is, it is. even if my hypothetical kids just buy a fucking pool with the money.
[grant] i mean, if it benefits them, right?
[henry] let me add a note to the policy saying you can either get an in-ground pool put in or free college tuition–one or the other.
[grant] does that include getting a sick ass waterfall feature installed on the pool or no?
[henry] by the way–
[henry] disclaimer that this is just an idea, not concrete at all, but soobin and i briefly mentioned moving back to korea as a way to make sure our kids have a good life.
[grant] wow, really? it is worth thinking about! it is rational. most of your family is here and all of soobin’s family does live here, and you do have to consider what’s best for you and your family, current and future. before i did move back home, when i was with you know who, i thought about this, too, if we ever had kids that maybe we could or should move back to michigan so they'd have my whole family around.
[grant] and just so it’s on the record, you have my full support in any decision here.
[grant] are you interested in moving back?
[henry] i don’t know. i haven’t lived here since i was five years old. i've only visited, and then came back for one year to do the military service because i was wary of giving up my citizenship. but i almost did because truly, i did not want to go into the army. that shit sucked.
[grant] what does soobin think?
[henry] well, it was her idea. i'm very whatever about wherever i live. i feel no strong pull one way or another at the moment. but it’s different for her.
[henry] she lived here much longer than me. she cares much more and has a preference. i mean, she spent pretty much her entire life here except since college and during the school semesters between sixth and twelfth grades because her parents sent her to a fancy private school there.
[henry] i will say, soobin’s main point isn’t wrong, and it's the one you brought up. most of our family is here. it’s like you and michigan. that’s where your folks are. and that support is invaluable when you have kids, both for their social development and for financial reasons. plus, my mom actually wants to move back. she never talks about it, but i know she does.
[grant] i get that, too.
[henry] like i said, she’s just never been the same since my dad died. which i don't fault her for. she does her best to be happy, you know, but i think she feels very alone, even more now that i don’t live on the upper peninsula anymore. she was with him forever. they were soulmates. and her life drastically changed after he died.
[henry] this has been the first time she's had a job since, god, the 1980s. she loves being an art teacher for school kids, but that's a huge change in addition to the sudden loneliness.
[henry] and on the loneliness side, she has your family and they've been close for a long time.
[grant] she was literally over at my aunt bridie's house the other day making shampoo with her.
[henry] yeah, so she sees them pretty often and she also has her book club and some other friends, but she knows way more people here. seoul's where all her family and friends are.
[henry] i want my mom to be happy, you know? it’s my job as her son, and i'm the only child she ever had. she doesn’t need me to look after her every day, not really, but i want to and she deserves that. and truth be told, a part of me believes that if she comes back, i would feel not very good about being away from her.
[henry] i think that if i encourage her to come back or talk to her about it and she does go through with it, that would sway me more to soobin’s side. again, i want my mom to be happy, and i'm also scared of losing her. it doesn’t matter if it’s sudden or slow. i don’t want to lose her, and especially not if i feel like i've spent my whole adult life away from her, not prioritizing what time is left with her.
[henry] not to be morbid, but she’s almost 60. at some point you do ask yourself how much longer you have left with your older family members around. life is unfortunately very short.
[grant] of course. that’s totally understandable. she's a great mother, and you wouldn't want to miss out on that. and i'm sure you don’t want your kids to not have their grandma present in their lives.
[henry] but then i have to start over with my job and maybe i lose contact with my friends if i leave. i do have friends here–sorry, they weren’t able to come hang out this time, maybe next time–but my real two best friends are in michigan. it’s you and ben. i don't let anyone else get that close to me except for soobin because to me, my best friend slots are full. i don't want anyone else. no one else is worth it.
[henry] and i always said you’d be my kids’ godfather. i don’t want them to miss out on knowing you the way they should.
[grant] there’s facetime! and i'd come visit. and i'm so goddamn annoying, i will be texting you about everything i think about in the world for the rest of our lives. you're not going to lose me.
[henry] i try my best to believe i won't lose you.
[grant] also, don’t stress out too much about this yet. you do not have to make any of these decisions now, and when you do need to, the right answers will come to you.
[grant] and listen, one last thing and then i'll shut up. i don’t know how, i don’t know why–i don’t think there is an answer to this–but the people we lose are still with us, even if only in spirit. i am famously a skeptic, but i felt something this year that changed my mind. i know you miss your dad but he’s still with you. somehow he’ll see your kids grow up, and he’ll be there guiding you to make the right decisions.
[grant] your dad loved you, like, beyond what words can express. he loved your mom just as much. he would never willingly leave you. if there's something after this mortal existence, he's still with you.
[grant] oh, and we should probably eat this pizza before it's frigid.
[henry] fuck, i forgot about it. thanks for reminding me. yeah, let's demolish this pizza, and then i'll take you to that cool arcade i told you about. we'll make up for the awful arcade experience at your cousin's bachelor party.
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forgottenroisin · 5 months
OOC | Malconaire Names
ok so now that we've got the parents named, i went on a lil [ name meaning ] spree and looked up all our kids! and i love how these all like...fit but in an unexpected way!!
Macdara -- son of oak
Sorcha -- radiant/bright, lady/princess/noblewoman, clear/bright/famous
Eithne — kernel, grain/little fire
Brigit — exulted one
Aoife — beauty/to breathe, to live
Roisin — little rose/little famous type/kind
while im at it...imma hit up the ~vasilieva!malconaires, too!
Valentina -- strong/vigorous/healthy/fertile
Cassimir -- DESTROYER OF WORLDS lkdfjksdaljfjld...anyyyywayyyy (literally it means 'to destroy peace/the world')
Sonya -- little wisdom/little lover of knowledge
i was gonna do a lil chatting/meta abt how this fits rosie but im too laskdjflksdjfkdsf about cassimir's name!!!! valentina whatre you doing alksjdfkljsdf i know she dreamed of having a son her whole life so there's no way she didn't know what his name meant and alksdjflkjsdkfjlsdf ngl i always assumed he was named for some famous king they're like ~vaguely related to or smth like that, but still like alkjsdflkjdsjkfjkdsf OMGGGGGG OBLITERATOR OF PEACE -- its legit like naming ur kid 'ruiner' like someone put this innocent newborn she'd carried for nine months in her arms and she was like 'THIS is the only name for him' laksdjfkljdsjfjkdsf kernal/grain/little fire that's basically like naming ur kid 'hope' like....
HOPE x RUINER = NOTP for her w/ valentina truly be like 'yknow the kid in this pairing whose parents really messed them up???? EITHNE' kaljsdfkljdjslfjkdsf SCREAM
rosie's meta's gonna have to wait...god, i really shoulda put this on @forgottenvalentina -- i didn't knowwwwww until it was too late alksjdfklsdjf
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florbelles · 1 year
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tagged by @inafieldofdaisies to make the girlies in this picrew, ty beloved!!
sending tags to @unholymilf, @adelaidedrubman, @belorage, @henbased, @corvosattano, @jackiesarch, @roofgeese, @swanfey, @shallow-gravy, @shellibisshe, @firstaidspray, @leviiackrman, @nokstella, @risingsh0t, @shadowglens, @queennymeria, @chuckhansen, @denerims, @roberthouses, @shegetsburned, @minaharkers, @indorilnerevarine, @noonfaerie, @aartyom, @morvaris, @arklay, @cybilbennettgf, @poetikat, @ri-a-rose, @gwynbleidd, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @confidentandgood, @loriane-elmuerto, @strangefable, @purplehairsecretlair, @trench-rot, @derelictheretic, @nightbloodbix, @teamhawkeye, @nuclearstorms, @blissfulalchemist, @playstationmademe, @fourlittleseedlings, @devil-kindred & anyone else can @ me xx
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