inxxchaos · 4 years
How accurate the INFJ stereotype is to me
Stereotypical: - have the typical characteristics of an INFJ (empathetic, intuitive, etc) - am a thinking type of feeler - want to understand the world and help people at the same time - have good intrapersonal intelligence - like science, literature, and the like - have been mistaken to be an INTJ before - admittedly good at organizing - enjoy psychology - am good at reading people and detecting the mood of the atmosphere - am quiet and calm - am a bit aloof - am someone who is a bit of an extrovert
Non-stereotypical: - am not as neurotic as you think - am good at (according to most people) and enjoys math - prefer the sciences over arts in terms of career - act like a perceiver sometimes - am not "mystic" nor a "special snowflake" - am not popular not noticed by everyone as "special" - am not a completely accurate fortune teller - can actually pretty practical in serious situations - am not that selfless - know how to leave people alone when they don't need help - may come across as arrogant (but I promise, I'm not trying to brag hahaha)
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inxxchaos · 4 years
STEM field: *A sea of XXTJs*
INFJ and INTP: Hi.
Arts field: *A sea of XXFPs*
INFJ and INTP: Hi.
It works either way aihrnrjjfjd
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inxxchaos · 4 years
I'm reading an autobiography by female filmmaker Alice Guy-Blache. I'm thinking of MBTI typing her, and I'm curious how to differentiate the writing styles of different MBTI types and how different MBTI types will present themselves in writing. It would be great to hear your opinions about this from writing and MBTI perspectives :)
You can’t really look at the ‘style’ because every author writes differently and develops their own voice, so even if I pointed out two authors who are the same type to you, you might not notice it in their actual writing style. But you can pick up on other patterns that typically indicate a type.
For example, thinker writers are often very good with plot, but not as good with establishing an emotional attachment to the characters – or at least, they struggle with it more. Their characters tend to be more straightforward. Terry Pratchett, for example, writes hilarious stories but they are dry in the emotional department, because with him it’s all Ne and Ti amusements with occasional brief flashes of Fe moralizing. With Tom Clancy novels, it’s more about the threat and peril and excitement than the inner emotional dynamics.
Feelers have the opposite problem, where they can go too heavy on the emotional dynamics or on creating a certain mood within the reader and skimp on the plot and/or not know how to control or reign in their plot. They can run into heavy use of internal monologues (cough, Harry Potter’s angst, cough). I have noticed, however, that Fi writers want to pull the rug out from under you, in a sense – they want to shift your perceptions about a character or explore what it means to be a human being and/or a moral individual. Think Crime and Punishment (INFP writer). Or the Mitford books.
SP writers like Hemingway focused on the tangible ‘realness’ of his stories without any fluff or frills. SPs tend to be focused, intense, and earthy, with a lot of good description of the kind all the other writers wish they had.
SJ writers establish a field in which they become well-known, because they are in an area of expertise (Si) – like spy novels, detective novels, fantasy novels, prairie romances, romances, etc. They are so good at it, they can write those books in their sleep, they often follow a basic formula, and their reader knows what to expect from them and likes it (SFJ Nicholas Sparks comes to mind, with all his ‘weepies’).
NJ writers tend to be more philosophical and interested in the psychology behind the events and characters in their stories; they can struggle with descriptions (too much or not enough) and as a result, can write very sparsely and be more focused on invoking an image than a direct description. There’s a sense with a lot of them of an intangible quality beyond their words, over which they tend to be quite picky, since part of being Ni-dom in particular is a fascination with shaping realities through words and/or inventing words.
NPs … tend to let their characters and plots take over and have trouble reigning them in, so you wind up with enormous stories full of tons of characters all moving in seemingly opposite directions (Dickens, Tolstoy, Susanna Clarke, George R.R. Martin). Some of them rein this in and focus on satire (Austen, Shakespeare, etc). Again, as intuitives, they struggle to find a balance between too much description and not enough (… don’t get me started on Victor Hugo).
I’ve also talked about this in general in the ‘writing’ tag, so also check there. :)
- ENFP Mod
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inxxchaos · 4 years
Intp functions when practicing instrument
Ti: look at your technique. Pathetic. Youre out of tune; thats the wrong bowing, and you just made the same mistake three times in a row. If you would just--
Ne: hey look what if we play it this way instead
Ti: that literally makes no sense
Ne: but--
Fe: why arent we thinking about the emotion in the music?
Ti: i didnt hear that. Now why dont we repeat this part again and get. It. Right. This. Time.
Si: lol why are we doing this anyway we dont practice enough to actually improve drastically and there are five year olds that play better.
Fe: *starts bawling*
Ti: *sighs* here we go again
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inxxchaos · 4 years
Me writing
Ni: Maybe we should focus on this AU because of all the foreshadowing and connections andjjdj
Ti: I hope your descriptions make sense. Also, Ni, you forgot about that one subtle hidden detail.
Se: How about we go outside to check out how to describe that in your story? How does that sound?
Other three functions: No.
Fe: Unless it involves inspiration on how to write about romance.
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inxxchaos · 4 years
Me online
Ti: *silence*
Si: *silence*
me irl
Ti: okay so how are you acting are you being weird does what youre doing fit normalcy--
Ne: hey what if we--
Si: ne shut up were weird enough
Fe: *screams*
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inxxchaos · 4 years
Intp doing something they dont want to do: lazy, procrastinating, easily distracted, probably a sad final output compared to what they could have done
Intp doing something theyre interested in: *does not leave room for eight hours* *fine tunes every detail like an xNTJ* *comes up with the best final output in the history of the world*
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inxxchaos · 4 years
Stages of becoming a mbti nerd by infj
Stage 1: This looks cool/my friend dragged me into this
Stage 2: Learns about own MBTI type
Stage 3: Starts learning about it with letters
Stage 4: Learns about functions and grips and loops and stuff
Stage 5: Having an crisis on what your MBTI type really is
Stage 6: Typing fictional characters
Stage 7: Typing real life people
Stage 8: Making memes and content related to MBTI
Stage 9: Advanced learning
Stage 10: A veteran that drags people into MBTI
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inxxchaos · 4 years
Literal text convo between 2 intps(a true story but reworded so you guys have context)
Intp 1: we have no more school because of the virus and we both borrowed The Book Thief from the libraryon the last day
Rip the book thief
Intp mod: oof im never returning it
and i just realized we had free ice cream on that day like we do at the end of the school year; it was a sign
Intp 1: gasp
Intp 1: I need to go, bye
Intp mod: bye
/2 minutes later/
Intp 1: WAIT
Intp mod, gazing at the screen in wonder: I-
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inxxchaos · 4 years
Istp: *violently punches infp*
Istp: im testing my diy knuckle rings for punching! I didnt even hit you that hard!
Istp: *adjusts rings* right. Other shoulder then?
Istp: what?
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inxxchaos · 4 years
Im not sleepy. My eyelids are just falling down
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inxxchaos · 4 years
Intp in a photoshoot
Photographer: tilt your head 35 degrees.
Intp, already smiling like someone is pointing a gun at their head: 35--*mental calculation*--thats hard.
*in a group shot with 3 xsfx*
Photographer: SMIIIIIILEEEE-
xsfxs: *crazy smiling and laughing* this is so fun!
Intp: *fear* *awkward grimace*
Photographer: YOU CAN DO IT INTP!
xsfxs: *cheering*
Intp: *fearful smiling increases*
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inxxchaos · 4 years
Infp: *apologizes for being late*
Infp: *apologizes for getting the wrong answer*
Infp: *apologizes for marking wrong answers as wrong*
Infp: *apologizes for the cartesian plane on the paper not being infinite*
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inxxchaos · 4 years
When your entire family is composed of introverts
*at a social gathering*
Isfj mom: Escape time?
Intp dad: escape time.
Isfj: two by two?
Intp dad: *bites cake to look less suspicious* *nods*
Intp dad: istp, come with me.
Istp brother: huh, why?
Intp sister: *whispers* escape time.
Intp dad: to the toilet!
Istp and intp dad: *leaves*
_a few moments later_
Intp sister: *eating cookies*
Isfj: lets go.
Intp and isfj: *leaves*
Istp and intp dad: *walks out too late and end up together with intp and isfj*
*ruins plan*
Intp sister: (mentally) great.
Random infp uncle: hey, you guys are leaving?
*keeps walking away*
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inxxchaos · 4 years
INFJ and INTP admins: *give each other "the look" before Math class starts*
INFJ: Got the notebook?
INTP: Nope.
INFJ: Okay. *brings out Math notebook* I'll take note of the content today then.
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inxxchaos · 4 years
Math lessons are like waxing your legs. They're quick, but they aren't painless.
- INFJ admin
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inxxchaos · 4 years
Infp: do you know what cubic functions are?
Infp: do you remember?
Infp: you know, those sexy curves?
*this was a math teacher in math class teaching. The infp in it's natural state.*
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