When it comes to anti-aging, retinol is the sure shot answer for most of us. Why? Because it is tried and tested, it is effective, it is easily accessible and well, we simply LOVE the results it gives. You see natural retinol being used in a lot of serums and skincare products.
But what exactly is it and why is it so effective? Well, in this article we are going to cover all this and much more! So, keep reading ahead to know it all.
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1. Benefits of natural retinol for skin
Boosts collagen production.
Plumps up your skin from within.
Helps combat fine lines and wrinkles.
Improves skin texture by making it flawlessly smooth.
Gives you a healthy glow by lightening up your complexion.
Fights pigmentation and suntan.
Promotes skin elasticity.
Heals and treats acne
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2. What Is Retinol Cream?
Also referred to as – Retinoids, these creams were used since the 1970s to fight anti-aging signs as well as various skin issues such as warts and psoriasis. Retinoids are derivatives of Vitamin A that commonly serve well to improve eyesight and skin health. Such creams are formulated with retinoids sourced from animals and include retinol. Carotenoids (such as zeaxanthin, lutein, lycopene) and beta-carotene are also natural sources of the same. They are loaded with photoprotective properties and antioxidants.
Natural retinol cream when applied regularly, helps you fight signs of ageing and also helps tighten your skin. How? -As it is a natural collagen booster. Retinoids accelerate your skin’s cell turnover by working at the cellular level.
Therefore, this miraculous ingredient is a part of various products such as underarm lightening serum and face brightening masks. A lot of skincare brands that produce organic skincare solutions, use natural retinol in their formulation.
3. Side effects of Retinol
Some people (especially those who have sensitive skin) might have problems with retinol. They may experience dry, flaky skin post-use, but don’t be scared. A lot of us are intolerant or sensitive to certain ingredients. It is best to consult your dermatologist or a skin care professional before using products containing high potency or proportion of retinol in them. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding are not advised to use retinol.
Common side effects of retinol include the following –
Dry and flaky skin that peels off
A warm sensation lingering on your skin
Tingling effect
But, don’t get disheartened. If you still want to reap the benefits of retinol for healthy skin, you can! Yes. There is a natural alternative to retinol, actually, there are three. These natural sources of retinol are the best call for help and here they are –
4. Natural alternatives of Retinol
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It is a botanical extract that is derived from bakuchi plant seeds. Bakuchiol has the same collagen growth and cell regeneration properties as regular retinol without irritating the skin. Yes, it is easily tolerable by most skin types and you can definitely say it is a skin-friendly alternative. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. You can even mix it with Vitamin C and some of your other favourite face serums. And guess what? You can even wear it during the daytime, with your sunscreen, obviously! 
 2. Rambutan
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It is actually a red-colored fruit that comes from the lychee family. Unlike lychee, Rambutan is covered with spikes all over its exterior. But it’s extract is not actually derived from the fruit. The leaves of this tree are the main source of natural retinol. It performs just like your regular retinol and is a great alternative to try out!
3. Rosehip Oil
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Rosehip is yet another great ingredient that fits the box ‘oh-so-perfectly!’. It is sourced from rosa canina rose bush which is known for its regenerative and healing properties. It inhibits trans-retinoic acid, which is a naturally-forming Vitamin A. It increases collagen production and helps fight fine lines, age spots, and wrinkles.
Start with less concentrated formulations of retinol. Do not feed your skin with a high potent retinol-based serum during your first try.
Apply retinol every third day in the beginning.
The initial phase of retinol usage may cause certain reactions, which are normal. You can stay in contact with your dermatologist for any skin-related concerns that might seem too off or bother you.
Start using it during the night to avoid harsh sun exposure in the daytime.
Please pair your retinol application with a good quality sunscreen, always.
Please check with your doctor before using it if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have any major skin sensitivity.
Make sure you apply the product to cleansed skin.
Observe and watch out for other products you use along with retinol. Some ingredients may chemically react or get activated when they get incorporated together.
Well, that’s all for this time. Let us know if this article was helpful and what topic you want us to tap on next!
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Winter = Cozy afternoons, lazy mornings, hot beverages, snuggly sweaters, and pretty skies. And while you enjoy this pleasant weather, it can be a little harsh for your skin. Dry, itchy face, chapped lips, redness on your face, dry white cast on your body’s skin – urgh! The nuisance! In winter, there is less moisture in the air around you. Your skin practically screams for some moisture during this season.
So, to combat these unwanted, unpleasant conditions you need to amp up your skin game. No matter what regime you follow, you need to follow a winter skincare routine to take care of your skin. If a few of these issues are ignored, they might get harsh and cause serious trouble. So, we have some full-proof, effective, and totally doable winter skincare tips listed down for you!
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With just a few tweaks and updates to your normal skincare regime, you can achieve supple, soft, and healthy skin. So, if you have questions like – How can I glow my face in winter? Or How to prevent dry skin in winter?
Here are some easy winter skin care tips that you can follow.
Avoid super hot showers
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No matter how much you long for a hot shower during chilly winter mornings, try avoiding them. We hate to break it to you, but hot water strips natural oils produced by your body. This makes your skin even more dry than usual. So, plan on taking a bath with warm water, cool, or normal temperature water.
2. Wake Up. Lip Balm. Repeat.
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Make lip balm your friend during the chilly weather. Always carry a moisturizing lip balm wherever you stroll. Keep reapplying at regular intervals. Invest a few minutes weekly to exfoliate your lips to get rid of dead skin. Use a gentle scrub for this or you can even make your own DIY lip scrubs at home.
Ps. If you are a lipstick lover, you can make your own DIY Lipsticks with natural oils, promoting moisturizing qualities for your chapped lips. This way, you look great AND take care of your lips too.
3. Moisturize liberally.
Moisturising is probably the most important skincare for winter. Don’t shy away from moisturizing twice a day or at least once, liberally. It is best to apply it right after you shower.
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Massage it well into your skin and let it seep in. Get yourself a good quality moisturizer, suitable for your skin type. You can also go for natural moisturizers to prevent dry skin.
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A lot of you also experience extreme dryness on your knees and elbows, especially during winters. The skin there is thinner and therefore dark patches start forming there. This situation can be easily taken care of by using Elbow Knee Balm that contains the goodness of Theobroma cacao butter. It not only helps you get rid of the dark patchy skin but also moisturizes your knees and elbows.
4. Invest in a good humidifier
We need humidifiers in our lives. Especially now that most of us stay indoors due to the global pandemic and WFH situation. Humidifiers help restore moisture in the air which is dry, cold, and contain less moisture than usual. This way your skin stays hydrated in winters easily.
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Use it in a room where you spend your time the most. If you are an outgoer, it’s best to use it in your bedroom at night. Here you can easily get the exposure and moisture-restore for a long period of time. So, do invest in a good humidifier as a part of your winter skincare routine. Club this night-care routine with Prebiotic Sleep Mask for an added moisture boost and wake up with a naturally plump face in the morning. It hydrates your skin, helps with signs of aging, and on top of that, also reduces pigmentation.
5. Stay hydrated during the day and eat healthily
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Isn’t water a cure for everything?! Well, mostly yes; especially for your skin. While you follow your skincare for the winter season; eating right and drinking an ample amount of water is equally important. This habit keeps your body healthy from the inside and supple from the outside. A low water intake can result in dryness and dullness of the skin. Therefore, you must drink more water (2 liters extra) than usual during winters.
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Food-wise, decrease your processed foods and sugar intake, which are anyways a bad thing for healthy skin. Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet in the form of fresh salads, soups, warm stews, juices, etc. When your body receives a fair share of vitamins, proteins, minerals, and carbs, you glow naturally.
6. Opt for fragrance and chemical-free products.
Skincare products that contain chemicals, sulfates, parabens, strong artificial colors, or fragrances, may further worsen your skin’s condition. They irritate your skin (especially sensitive and dry skin), cause extreme dryness by robbing off all the natural body oils.
Therefore, please buy a body and face wash free from chemicals and harmful substances. Opt for 100% ORGANIC products enriched with essential oils, hyaluronic acids, ceramides, and natural butters like shea, cocoa, etc. Such ingredients are gentle as well as safe for your skin.
7. Do not skip your sunscreen
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Even during winters, please do not forget to apply your sunscreen (preferably a hydrating one). We don’t know why this is even a myth. In fact, during winters, we try to soak in the sun for warmth, and what if the sun is not scorching hot? You still get UV rays hitting on you and they are your skin’s enemy.
So, if you want to prevent tan, premature signs of aging, wrinkles, spots, etc. wear don’t skip your sunscreen honey. A broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher would be the ideal choice. Again choose one with moisturizing ingredients like aloe, glycerin as skincare for winter season.
Other winter skincare tips for you to take care of –
Dial down your physical exfoliation frequency.
Wear comfortable clothes that are not abrasive against your skin.
Do not dry yourself completely post-shower. Pat dry your body gently and apply body lotion or moisturizer followed by it.
Carry and spray a face mist or toney during the day for that extra boost of hydration and moisture.
Choose water over wine in winters. Alcohol can make your skin dry as it may cause dehydration. So, watch your alcohol intake.
These sure are some of the easiest winter skincare tips you will find on the internet. Make sure to follow them and flaunt your naturally glowy, baby-soft skin everywhere you go!
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We hate starting the blog with depressing facts, but the reality is, these past two years have been rough for all of us in some way or the other. Amidst all the mental and physical hustle, we somewhere lost our routines and ignored self-care.
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Having said that, our skin speaks a lot about our lifestyle and habits. It’s definite to know, a person having glowing skin does every possible thing to keep skin healthy, while another with skin acne might be doing something wrong. And while the new year is approaching us, we are sure you must be making resolutions for yourself. Now, how about you make a resolution about self-care and being there for yourself. Pampering your body and taking good care of your skin?
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With the skincare world venturing towards the natural and organic side, we hope you must also be curious or even use such products yourself. One similar concept is prebiotic enriched skincare.
Well, you might be familiar with probiotics, but have you ever heard of prebiotics? To keep you updated, prebiotic feed probiotic and is potent enough to resolve a variety of skin concerns. The studies conclude the use of prebiotics does benefit the gut health to benefit your skin. Though the oral consumption was well-established, the studies and researchers now are emphasizing the skin-healing treatment with pre-biotic with topical use.
Prebiotics are the best and fundamental microbes, partnering with probiotics to give your skin a number of benefits. Though prebiotics and probiotics sound similar, they are different and have respective functions.
Ensuring your skin does get all the nurture, these nutrients are important. There are several skin-care products that you can use or food you can consume that helps to maintain good skin. You can even choose to use iORA’s prebiotic range that acts as a skin savior. There is a product for every major concern you might face.
If you think, your skin is too sensitive for topical use, you should try a patch test. Prebiotics are plant-based carbohydrates and they work as fuel for probiotic bacteria growth.
Using them in combination is likely to treat skin conditions by positively affecting the skin microbiome. Skincare solution and foods rich in probiotics and prebiotics can be used to relieve a variety of skin conditions that include, –
Scientific reviews suggest probiotic supplements consumed orally are likely to reduce the severity of eczema.
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The topical solution rich in probiotic lactobacillus planetarium assist to reduce acne lesion and repairing the skin suffering from acne.
Oral ingestion of probiotic and prebiotic
The various benefits of bacteria and microorganisms occur naturally in your gut. These probiotics help to improve digestive health and this is yet to be backed completely by science.
To experience long-term beneficial impact the food rich or high in probiotics such as cheese and yogurt can be consumed. While you’re looking for a prebiotic dose, consider food such as onions, asparagus, and bananas. This process breaks the probiotics while it reaches your gut.
Topical application of Prebiotics
When applied directly to your skin, prebiotics results in immediate actions towards your skin issues. Prebiotics can be used on the skin through face serums, face masks, creams, etc. Scout out products with prebiotic actives and superfoods such as Collagen Protein, Natural retinol, Hyaluronic acid, ALPHAGLUCAN OLIGOSACCHARIDE, SCENEDESMUS RUBESCENS EXTRACT.
Check out the prebiotics from the range of iORA that help your skin glow and feel better. They help to preserve the existing healthy bacteria on the skin and encourage the probiotic microorganisms in your skin.
To create healthier skin, a healthy ecosystem of the skin is necessary, and it is contributed by both these elements.
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Both those elements play an important role in achieving a healthy complexion and are the best alternative to the chemicals to relieve existing skin conditions. You can alter your diet and skincare routines that help to rejuvenate your skin and feel relieved from the existing conditions.
Being able to take a break and reboot yourself amidst the chaos is anyways a blessing. Besides, don’t you think you owe yourself AND YOUR SKIN some love?! So, make a resolution and start gearing up for a HAPPY SKIN YEAR with prebiotic skincare of iORA.
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With all the beauty rituals we may or may not follow, a DEEP CLEANSE once a week is a must. We all crave healthy glowing skin but let’s admit, taking action and putting efforts is where we lag amidst our frantic schedule. But, as the old saying goes, ‘No pain, no gain’.
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Although, if you really consider doing a deep facial cleanse at home, it is not as clumsy or laborsome as you might think. – it SHOULDN’T BE! – to say the least. If you follow the right steps in the right way and keep a few key pointers in mind, this routine can actually be fun. It can turn out to be your me-time, where you prioritize yourself and take a breather from your daily hotchpotch.
We understand the state you deal with. Juggling a full-time job along with being a patient parent to your kids, can sometimes be just too much. Besides, you may not always have the luxury of time to book an appointment at your favorite salon for a pampering season. What you can do instead is plan on doing your facial clean-up at home itself. This can be your chance every week to release stress and reboot for yet another crazy week ahead of you.
Now that we have got you convinced into doing deep cleansing at home, let’s tell you the things you’ll need. There are also some basic tips and impractical myths that are associated with the process that we will uncover.
So, here is our entire step-by-step guide on deep cleansing your face at home.
Step No. 1 – Remove make-up, dirt from your face that has settled during the day
The first and foremost step is to get rid of any make-up or settled dirt off your face before going to bed. For this, use a gentle make-up remover or micellar water. You can also use coconut oil for this job. It is a natural alternative for removing make-up and works best for sensitive skin types. Use a microfiber cloth or a cotton pad for make-up removal.
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You should never miss this step. Not even on a regular day. If you get lazy and let the make-up stay on your face, your pores will get blocked and give rise to the formation of acne. Maintain this habit religiously for healthy, youthful-looking skin.
Step No. 2 – Wet your face and use a suitable cleanser to wash it.
Now, here comes the myth! The water temperature. Coldwater doesn’t evidently close pores or hot water doesn’t open them. Yes, the skin does get a little tighter when cold water or ice is rubbed on it. It is only because the skin is flexible and it reacts to extreme temperatures. Therefore, we suggest you only use lukewarm or normal room temperature water for your wash or clean-up.
Use a chemical-free cleanser or face wash preferably. Because, why not?! It’s common knowledge that avoiding harmful chemicals on your face and body might give you instant solutions; but degrade your skin from the inside, in more than one way.
Give iORA’s Prebiotic Foaming facewash a try. This is a HOT PICK of our website and also is 100% ORGANIC with the power of microbiome support. It has a super soft silicone brush on top of it that creates a lush foam from the product itself. Not just that, it extracts the stubborn dirt and oils from your skin successfully.
The product is much loved because of how convenient it is to use and for a fact that it is suitable for all skin types.
iORA’s Foaming Face Wash is gentle on the skin but harsh on dirt and residual make-up. Go ahead, give it a try and experience the goodness of superfoods for yourself.
Massage this cleanser in every nook and corner of your face using circular motions. Do not forget your neck as well. It needs the same tending too! So, slather some on there as well.
(Remember this – Extreme water temperatures can cause irritation to your skin so do not play with those; especially on your face.)
Step No. 3 – Exfoliate / Scrubbing your face and neck
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Pat dry your face after cleansing and get ready to use your favorite scrub. It could even be a DIY homemade scrub. Work the scrub into your face for a good 90 seconds in gentle circular and upward motions. Doing so, in every step will gradually improve the blood circulation of your face and give it a healthy gleaming glow. This way, all your dead skin cells are also extracted and the true skin surface is revealed. You will start feeling your skin get firm and lifted at this stage. And as we mentioned earlier, do not stop at your jawline or chin. Move downward on your neck as they are prone to dirt build-up too. Lastly, wash off the scrub and pat dry with a microfibre cloth or a soft towel. Make sure it is clean.
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Another myth that we would like to address here is; some people believe that leaving the face soaking wet and air drying it on its own will help moisturize it. But, it is not true. In fact, when the water dries out, your skin feels stretchy and dry.
Step No. 4 – The T of CTM (Cleansing, Toning, Moisturizing)
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Take a small splash of your loved toner on a cotton pad and run it around your face. Make sure you allow the product to seep in properly. Now, wait a few minutes before the final step.
Step No. 5 – Moisturize! Moisturize! Moisturize!
We can’t stress this enough. Although, every step mentioned here is important; you just can’t skip moisturizing. After all that washing and scrubbing, your skin is deprived of moisture. It might even feel flat dry. Therefore, a boost of hydration is a must to complete this deep cleansing session. Use a generous dollop of moisturizer and work it into your skin. Apply it only once your toner has been all taken in by your skin.
This step prevents your skin from overdrying further and leaves your skin feeling supple.
Few bonus tips –
If you are prepping your skin for a D-Day or a special occasion, add another step to your routine.
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Opt for a facial mask for that extra oomph. Choose your mask wisely depending on your skin type or any specific allergies. – as some products may contain certain essential oils or potent ingredients that might irritate your skin.
Use mild products. – especially people with sensitive or acne-prone skin types.
A microfiber cloth is a superb buy. It is inexpensive and highly reusable.
So, take a break, get in the shower, put on some music, and enjoy some Me-Time with this Deep Cleansing Routine.
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air attracts heat and therefore sweat. As hair follicles trap sweat and dirt, if they are not removed or cleaned properly, you experience a foul odor.4. ALCOHOL Most of us array forever curious with a common question of brightening our underarms. After all, they sometimes snatch your confidence, make your feel awkward at a gathering, and even hold you back from wearing what you love. We have also noticed that pigmented underarms are a serious issue for many people. Another issue that most of us experience is smelly armpits. There are a lot of factors why these issues arise and how they can be curbed.
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oday, we are going to talk you through this concern and help you overcome it. Because we believe that insecurities like these shouldn’t stand in your way of portraying a BEAUTIFUL, CONFIDENT – you.
So, let’s start the ride, shall we?
Our armpit is a moist and warm area. Which, if not cleaned properly and regularly can be a reason for bad bacteria to make a home there. And when this happens, our armpits stink. You see, most people think that sweat causes odor, but that’s not the case.
Sweat is secreted from two sweat glands of our body, namely – eccrine glands and apocrine glands. It is an odorless fluid and therefore, our underarms are a neutral oasis. The reason your armpits sting and go dark is because of the bacteria’s interaction with them. After merging with sweat, some kinds of bacteria produce smelly compounds.
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Not practicing healthy hygiene is the major cause of smelly and infected armpits that lead to dark underarms.
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The diet you intake can affect your armpit’s health. Foods that are high in sulfur can cause odor in your armpits. Because foods high in sulfur contain certain compounds that your body cannot break down completely. And therefore, your body’s metabolic processes create volatile compounds that give an unpleasant odor while existing in your body.
These are the foods rich in sulfur – Nuts, legumes, chicken, fish, eggs, lentils, oats, garlic, leeks, walnuts, onions, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, etc.
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Hair attracts heat and therefore sweat. As hair follicles trap sweat and dirt, if they are not removed or cleaned properly, you experience a foul odor.
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Excessive alcohol consumption is not good for your body in many ways. Here, because the liver is unable to process an excessive amount of alcohol, it seeps out through your skin pores. This leads to a foul smell.
Use deodorants that are made with natural ingredients. Chemical or alcohol-based deodorants are not good for your skin. They make your skin darker.
Another option is to use an antiperspirant deodorant. They minimize perspiration and do the job just fine.
Make sure you keep your underarms clean at all times. Shave, wax, trim your armpit hair regularly to avoid sweat trapping. Doing so on a regular basis, your armpits won’t sog your clothes or smelly funny.
Always wear loose and comfortable clothes. They allow your skin to breathe well and do not cause any rashes as tight ones do. Prefer to use clothes made from natural fibers like wool, cotton, linen, and even silk. These fabrics allow your body sweat to evaporate faster.
Eating spicy food can make you sweat so avoid eating too much spice in your diet.
Last but most importantly, stay hydrated.
Lastly, try using iORA’s Super Effective Prebiotic Underarm Serum. It is curated from the goodness of
NATURAL RETINOL (obtained from carrots, apricots, cantaloupes, fat-free milk, bell pepper, oranges),
Basically, all the good stuff. Plus, all iORA’s products are 100% ORGANIC, free from any Artificial Preservatives or any skin-damaging agents. And what’s more interesting is that our underarm lightening serum is suitable for dry, combination, sensitive as well as blemish-prone skin.
It not only helps with your hyperpigmentation but also nourishes and moisturizes your underarms. iORA’s Undearm Serum is formulated with the synbiotic approach. It contains eco-certified prebiotic extracts that boost the growth of healthy bacteria and keep your skin’s microflora flourished.
Use our product on a regular basis to witness effective results. No darker underarms.
So, it’s time to raise your hands high up in the air and shine inside out!
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We owe our skin hearty care especially after all that it goes through during the day. An average workday can do a lot of damage to our face. And, post this intense hustle, going to bed is a heavenly feeling. But sometimes, because of fatigue; we fail to tend our face. Simple steps like cleansing to remove our day’s make-up and dirt are very necessary. Post that, our skin must be prepped for the coming day with nourishment.
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As we all know our body repairs itself at night, and so does our skin. It recharges from all the damage and harsh things it went through that day. For doing so, we need to help with its repair and maintenance. There are various nighttime products available in the market for this purpose. Amongst them, sleep masks are the ones that really revive your skin from within.
Sleep mask when applied to your face, make sure to lock in the moisture and soothe your skin. It nourishes your skin to make it softer, supple, and healthy. And since it stays on your face for one whole night, it deeply penetrates into your skin to work wonders.
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During the night, your facial skin is relaxed and is in no contact with pollution, sun, or any toxic things. Therefore, it absorbs all the vitamins, minerals, oils, etc. from your mask efficiently. Sleep mask formulas usually come in a gel-based, oil-based form that is very light in weight. It is produced in such a formulation to help it seep easily into your skin.
Well, because you basically have to do nothing. Just take a small amount of the product and apply it to your face. Keep it for the night to work its magic. People have experienced amazing skin the other day and that too, with much less effort.
It is a simple theory to understand actually. The longer a product and its ingredients are allowed to work on your skin, the better results it yields.
A Sleep Mask is like a one-and-done product. You don’t have to follow a bundle of steps and on the contrary, your skin just gets super hydrated, nourished, and glows naturally.
And, we must say, there has been an increase in people focusing more on beauty regimes and self-care since the pandemic. This is one of the good sides of the pandemic, isn’t it?
Now that you know how a sleep mask performs, here are some harsh realities attached to it:
1. Some sleep masks are acid-heavy. This simply means that they have a high proportion of acids in their formula that might just not be suitable for your skin type. So, try and test which mask suits you the best. Read the product labels that specify which skin type it is made for. If you have pigmentation issues, acid-heavy serums can be too intense for you. Stop using a mask or cream if you experience any redness or irritation.
-Try using a gentle sleep mask. Read the ingredient list before buying it and also check for online reviews if any.
2. People with oily skin need to use masks with a lighter consistency for less residual deposit of product on their skin. A thick cream-like texture clogs pores and therefore, leads to acne formation.
3. Some masks might stain your cushion covers, so make sure you apply your mask well ahead of your bedtime. So that instead of feeding your face, you feed all the goodness to your pillows. Watch out for certain additives that can do so
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We advise you to apply your product at least 20 to 25 minutes before going to bed. This way, it gets absorbed effectively into your skin and won’t stain your pillow covers as much.
4. Fragrance is another concern that a few of you might experience. Most people prefer a light fragrance or no fragrance at all. Additionally, if you have sensitive skin, strongly scented formulas may be too potent for you.
HYALURONIC ACID (Corn derived natural humectant),
NATURAL RETINOL (obtained from carrots, apricots, cantaloupes, fat-free milk, bell pepper, oranges),
COLLAGEN PROTEIN (derived from plant protein of acacia seyal gum, Oryza sativa extract, glycine max extract)
Vitamin C
Tea Tree Oil
Aloe vera, etc.
We recommend you use a mild sleep mask daily. While applying, give your face a gentle massage using upward strokes. This way, it is more relaxing and the product gets into your skin beautifully.
Although some intensive masks may cause you irritation, so you should use them as sussed on the packaging. Always opt for products that are non-comedogenic for regular use (especially if you have acne-prone skin)
Now, for the most anticipated part! Yes, you guys guessed it. It’s Reveal Time!
In our Prebiotic range, we have a very special sleep mask that will increase cell turnover and rebalances hydration. This new formula that we have come up with supports collagen production naturally. Our sleep mask covers all the positives that we discussed above. It is –
Mild in fragrance
Suitable for all skin types such as Oily, Mature, Dry, Combination, and Sensitive skin.
We are getting great responses for our prebiotic range so far and we are so glad that we help you define your perfect!
All our products are scientifically backed up so you will get sure shot results with regular application. They can be used by both men and women as beauty knows no gender. It is for everyone.
iORA’s Prebiotic Sleep Mask is NOW AVAILABLE for purchase! Try it if haven’t and let us know your valuable feedback.
Till then, keep glowing!
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Choosing the Right Face Wash for your skin - A Guide
No matter what skincare routine you follow, using a facial cleanser or face wash is always an important step. You cannot miss it. To carry out any skincare regime, you need a clean canvas for feeding your skin all the good stuff. Cleansing your face with a face wash helps you achieve that.
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A face wash helps you get rid of make-up, dirt, sweat, excess oil, and any other pollutants present on your skin. During the day our skin is left exposed to sun, pollution, and other environmental toxins. Therefore, washing your face with a cleanser should be practiced by everyone on a daily basis. Conclusively, we need not tell you the repercussions of not cleansing your face every day.
The risk of acne formation, clogged pores, excessive oiliness, skin allergies, infections, etc. increases. It is simply also a matter of personal hygiene that must not be skipped.
Benefits of using a good quality face wash regularly
The right facial cleanser can prove to be a boon in your life. It directly affects your skin health. It also –
Stimulates and boosts blood circulation to your face that ultimately results in glowing skin.
Eliminates dead skin cells and reveals the hidden layer of your facial skin.
Some face washes available in the market also hydrate your skin post use, leaving it supple and soft to touch.
Improves skin texture by removing any unnecessary build-up.
Reduces acne formation and fights signs of aging.
Allows other products to penetrate into your skin with ease.
Investing in a good quality facial cleanser to get optimal results is surely beneficial. But more than that, understand the effect and reactions of ingredients, the formulation of your product as well.
That being said, you must keep a few pointers in mind before choosing the right face wash.
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Make sure you test any facewash before using it regularly. Buy a sample or tester of the product and use it to see how your skin reacts to it. Sometimes, you might have to use the face wash three to four times to notice any changes or reactions.
Reach out to products that are suitable for all skin types. This way you avoid the chances of it not working out for your skin. Besides, products formulated for all skin types are mild in terms of potency.
Avoid a chemical-based face wash. Go for an organic, natural, and chemical-free product. They are always the best and we don’t need to tell you more about the advantages and disadvantages of the same.
Some face washes dry out your skin, and some strangely even leave your skin feeling sticky or oily. Now, there might be two reasons here. Either it is infused with harsh chemicals that are sucking out all the moisture from your skin while cleansing. OR – the product must be simply not suitable for your skin type. Various brands out there do not create products specifically for a particular skin type. Those are often named generic products. While others fail to mention the suitable parameters on the packaging. Therefore, be a vigilant consumer and read/research about anything you buy beforehand.
Avoid face washes that have high alcohol content or additives. Common alcohols used for making facial products are SD alcohol, denatured alcohol, isopropyl alcohol. You’ll find them listed in the ingredient list. They dry out your skin instantly, feel super lightweight, but can b cruel to your skin. Mostly, they are found in facewashes made for oily skin.
Avoid face washes that are heavily perfumed. For people with sensitive skin, this advice is especially for you.
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You must be wondering that this is just too much for such a simple thing as face wash, right? But guess what you should be cautious about anything that you apply to your body. Especially, your face. If you notice, these pointers are really very simple and logical. But still, we miss out on following them.
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With so many beauty and skincare available in the market, advertised glamorously, we often fall prey to such products. It’s time we become sensible and intelligent consumers and reach out to brands that come up with organic products.
iORA stands proudly today as one such Indian skincare brand that encapsulates an ORGANIC belief. All our products are –
100% VEGAN
CRUELTY-FREE and of course, 100% ORGANIC
So, if you are scouting for a new facewash that reigns over all the negative pointers we just discussed above, try our NEWLY LAUNCHED
It contains –
GREEN TEA EXTRACT, and much more good stuff.
Our foaming facewash is designed with a soft silicone brush on top, which will allow you to have a deeply cleansed face. It is gentle even for people with sensitive skin. Our prebiotic face wash will –
Help revive the pH balance of your skin,
Improve your skin barrier
Prevent skin inflammation
Refine your complexion and give your skin a natural glow.
Our newly discovered PREBIOTIC PHILOSOPHY works towards flourishing your skin’s microflora/microbiome. Basically, it recharges the good bacteria to make them strong enough for banishing the bad ones.
With the goodness of superfoods, iORA’s facewash is gentle for daily use. And guess what! It is suitable for all skin types and both for men as well as women. Yes, all products available here, on the iORA’s website, can be used by everyone.
Make sure you check out all our products (especially our newly launched ones). We will be talking about our prebiotic range a lot now, so stay tuned for the deets and product reveals.
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Facts you need to know before using Face Serums!
Our skin starts to age poorly unlike wine and cheese! We start experiencing freckles, age spots, wrinkles, saggy skin, dullness, pigmentation day by day. And who wouldn’t wanna beat this aging, right?!
While there are a few skincare products that can help you fight aging and its effects, FACE SERUMS top the list! Trust-worthy, effective, and easy to incorporate into your daily skincare routine, serums have become everyone’s new favorite product. Most of us have already been using them, while a few of us might be still fresh to the concept.
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Nevertheless, we bring you this blog to help you gain a deeper understanding of face serums. We shall discuss -
Serums are products formulated in a liquid form that is oil-based, gel-based, or water-based. They are not heavy as creams and are easy to apply and spread into your skin.
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You only need a few drops to cover your entire face in a single-use. Therefore, serums usually come packed in small bottles as they go a long time.
Characteristics of serums -
●      A skin serum is of a thinner consistency than a moisturizer, lotion, or cream.
●      It is formulated with highly concentrated ingredients, therefore it is very intensive and you need to use it sparingly.
●      Serum sinks into your skin deeply. It is designed that way to provide hydration from within.
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Evens out skin tone.
Moisturizes and hydrates your skin.
Fades dark spots.
Increases skin elasticity.
Reduces wrinkles.
Plumps up your skin.
Take a few drops of your serum on your palms.
Dot the serum all over the face
Pat it into the skin and let it be naturally absorbed.
Wait for a few minutes for it to seep into your skin completely before applying any other product on top. Forex. Sunscreen, Day Cream, or Moisturizer.
Moving on, you must understand one thing about serums. Not all serums are the same. Sometimes, serums can work adversely for your skin. How? Let’s find out 
● As they are made from potent ingredients, some serums might irritate people with sensitive skin. The active and carrier ingredients, the stability of the formula; everything needs to be taken into consideration while choosing a serum. If you neglect this step, the serum might just be very harsh on your sensitive skin.
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You must be wondering how to assess a product for potency. Just check on the packaging the concentration of ingredients such as Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid.
● Some serums are too thick and heavy in texture. They do not penetrate the skin which leads to a failed job. Serums that are lightweight seep into the deepest layers of your skin and provide hydration where it’s most needed.
● For people with dry skin can sometimes find it difficult to apply serums of thick consistency, as they don’t seep inside. Regardless, if you have dry skin it is advised to apply serum over damp skin. So the serum has to be of the right density.
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● Taking the case forward, thick serum can make it difficult for you to carry it all day long. Additionally, make-up on a thick serum looks cakey and unappealing. If the consistency is thin and light, you can easily wear it daily under your make-up.
● Strongly scented serums can also cause irritation to sensitive skin. Artificial fragrances or chemicals used in the serum conflict with the absorption process. They can also cause certain allergies, but that’s a 1/10 chance.
● Some serums are specifically curated to be used during the day while others at night. Whereas, there are certain serums without such usage restrictions that do the exact job! So opt for such ones which you can use both times without paying any extra cost.
● VITAMIN C - The all-time skin savior, Vitamin C is a common ingredient seen in a serum’s formulation.
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Radiant glow | Fights skin infections | Antimicrobial properties | Protect your skin from breakouts | Stimulates the growth of new collagen | Reverses the UV rays’ damage.
●       HYALURONIC ACID - A corn-derived ingredient that enhances the hydration process and gives our skin a moisture boost.
Alleviates dry skin formation | Reduces fine lines | Reduces wrinkles | Speeds up the recovery of any facial scars.
●      ALPHA-GLUCAN OLIGOSACCHARIDE - It acts as a defense for the skin’s ecosystem.
Promotes the growth of beneficial good bacteria | Curbs the generation of bad bacteria (pathogenic flora).
●      SCENEDESMUS RUBESCENS EXTRACT aka The ULTIMATE UV PROTECTOR! – Derived from freshwater algae.
Provides UV protection | Fades away the HEV (high energy visible) light damage
Protects the skin from harmful oxidative damage | Anti-inflammatory in nature | Cleansing properties that relieve itching | Fights blackheads and pimples | Makes your skin tighter and naturally plump.
●      SUPERFOOD EXTRACTS - Green Tea Extract & Cucumber extract -
Hydrates & refreshes the skin | Makes skin feel supple and naturally plump.
●      ALOE VERA EXTRACT - One of your our skin’s favorite food!
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Anti-inflammatory | Moisturizing and healing properties | Treats sunburns | Slows down signs of aging |Increases collagen production
●      CUCUMBER EXTRACT - A package of lipids, proteins along with moisturizing and emollient properties.
Soothes and relieves puffy skin | Accelerates cell turnover | Tightens and firms up your skin | Minimizes signs of aging | Smoothens skin texture.
iORA’s Prebiotic Radiant Face Serum proudly has all the above components in it; plus, it is just the right consistency. The serum is also free from Sulfates, Parabens, Artificial Preservatives & Colors.
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iORA’s products are all made from organic ingredients, are vegan and our brand is cruelty-free. So stay rest assured about your skin’s health. All our products are chemical free, fully safe, and suitable for every skin type.
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We are proud to announce and present to you our new range of PREBIOTIC PRODUCTS. Make sure to check them all out & leave us your valuable feedback.
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Right Prebiotic Skincare In Tandem With Your Skin Type
Everyone is constantly trying to amp up their skincare game. As a result, we are now witnessing consumers who really care about the importance of following skin rituals and routines. The Internet plays a big role here. It is a space from which people receive information about skincare and its fundamentals. Products also play a huge part in this story. A diverse range of products floats it the market. One can easily bet that the cosmetic industry today has a product for literally everything; for every skin concern.
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The skincare realm now encapsulates formulas raging from serums, foaming face masks, toners, scrubs, lip masks, face mists….to overnight treatments, and so on. Brands nowadays are coming up with renewed solutions as they are discovering indigenous, native ingredients, new blends backed up with technology. This is the reason why there is a new product being launched constantly within a matter of months.
Speaking of which, chemical-infused products and cosmetics are highly questioned in the market now. With the consumer getting smarter, wiser, and more knowledgeable in today’s day and age, brands are changing their game plan as well. Various prestigious brands, as well as new skincare startups, are gravitating towards organic and natural skincare. This shift may sound simple and straightforward, but it is not! There are a gazillion streams to venture into.
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One such recent discovery that the scientists and beauty experts have been gaging about is PREBIOTICS. Yes, you heard that right! We are talking about the less explored world of prebiotics. Probiotics are heard enough and they are great in their own sense. Prebiotics, on the other hand, are indigestible plant-based fibers that work wonders for your gut health and in turn, for your skin.
Prebiotics in skincare is gaining a lot of traction ad for all the good reasons, we say. They are incorporated in facial creams, serums, face wash, face masks, etc. If you are fairly new to the subject like the mass crowd, allow us to help you sight them from other skincare products.
The below prebiotics agents will be mentioned under the ingredient list on any prebiotic products -
●      Vegetable oils (Almond, Sunflower, Jojoba, Argon, Sesame & Olive)
Such prebiotic agents help maintain a healthy pH balance and strengthen your skin barrier. They also boost healthy bacteria and keep your skin’s microflora super flourished.
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Skincare products containing prebiotics ad probiotics have evidently proven to give your skin a glowing complexion. Well, you might wonder, - This claim is promised by most of the products out there and they even work. But let us tell you, that while all those products may work from the outside and give you results in a matter of a few days, prebiotics work from within. They work at the cellular level. Additionally, products curated by us are 100% ORGANIC, made from the purest produce.
Our newly launched PREBIOTIC RANGE contains an array of products that work for the betterment of your skin’s microbiome. This entire range of prebiotic formulas cater to different skin concerns and are suitable for all skin types. So, you do not have to scout for products based on your skin type.
But, let us explain to you in detail the kind of prebiotic product you must be looking for based on your specific skin type and concern.
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1)     For oily or acne prone skin - People who experience a frequent occurrence of natural oil on their face or particularly the T zone area must opt for a purifying prebiotic face wash. The product must be gentle on your skin as well as cleansing enough. It should get rid of all the dirt and excess oil without drying out your skin or disturbing its moisture barrier. Do proper research on how it will affect your skin pH balance as well. We suggest you follow this cleansing process with a lightweight moisturizer or a face mist. Doing so will calm the skin and provide some refreshment.
2)     For dry skin - Hydration is super important for your skin, especially if you have dry skin. Prefer a hydrating prebiotic day cream or a light moisturizer that can stay on your face (maybe even under your makeup) all day. Doing so you trap moisture onto your skin, balancing the skin’s microflora.
3)     For sensitive or combination skin - Choose a prebiotic face serum that is light in consistency and contains magical ingredients like Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin C, superfood extracts, etc. All these nourishing ingredients are suitable for sensitive skin types and will help replenish your skin’s flora. Face serums like these also make your skin glow like a goddess! Please choose a silicone-free or even a scent-free face serum.
Prebiotic skincare free from Sulfates, Parabens, Artificial Preservatives & Colors will give the best hug to your skin. The lesser chemicals and inorganic additives, the better your skin will bloom in the longer run.
Understand this - Along with adapting prebiotic and probiotic skincare routines, make sure you eat them too. Make your diet inclusive of all the foods that will keep your gut healthy. Because
a healthy gut = healthy skin!
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Prebiotics V/S Commercially available skincare products
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This pandemic has turned the world upside down. Both ways, good and bad.
Firstly, it has taken away our freedom of movement outdoors. It has also resulted in one's mental saturation.
Looking at the brighter side, haven't we all changed a bit? YES, WE HAVE! Mostly, for good. We now understand the importance of a break. The beauty in detachment from worldly pleasure and being one with our "own-self". Ticking off that one to-do from your bucket list rather than waiting for the right moment to come. Indulging yourself into self-care and pampering. We appreciate our presence and the care we deserve more than ever.
The change we have decided to make for ourselves have greatly reflected in the choices we make. Change is our lifestyle and making conscious choices by being a part of nature and living with it has become a priority.
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Speaking of which, the way people perceive beauty has also changed over time. You might have always listened to a general physician say, "Consume prebiotic food like yogurt to help yourself with digestive health." Recently, a new crop of prebiotic skin care products is on the market, with just one goal of making skin healthier. There comes a big dilemma when one thinks of choosing a product, especially a skincare product.
And with the recently introduced prebiotic skin care products, many questions arrive.
What's the difference between the known probiotic and prebiotic?
What are the exclusive differences between a prebiotic skincare product and commercial skincare products?
What are the advantages of including prebiotic skincare into your daily routine? What exactly qualifies a skincare product as prebiotic?
But you can calm down coz we are here to guide you through this honestly.
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Let's first discuss prebiotics in detail!
Prebiotics are specialized plant fibers that act as food for good bacterias. In short, prebiotics serves the probiotics of your body. They are largely affected by your gut health. These prebiotics is organically grown without using any pesticides or fertilizer.
They aid in skin protection. In skincare, a combination of prebiotics and probiotics can improve skin surface protection.
It will ensure that the skin has everything it needs to maintain its barrier intact, smooth, and healthy.
Microbes are known to be involved in numerous skin problems like acne and psoriasis
So we now have new prospects for treating these skin conditions with prebiotic skincare.
Prebiotic foods improve the skin's barrier function b decreasing the prospect of developing allergic skin diseases.
Applying a prebiotic on the skin is the most direct and effective way to affect the skin's microbiome.
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The major protagonist of iORA's prebiotic skincare product is
●       Alphaglucan ooligasachharide.
-        A particular transferase enzyme breaks down or ferments sucrose and maltose to produce this.
-        When this ingredient is introduced to a product, it helps to balance the skin's environment.
-        Prebiotics feed probiotics and increase their production, which enhances the flora of the skin.
●       The great UV protector is Scenedesmus Rubescens Extract!
-        It's made from freshwater algae that shield our skin from the detrimental effects of blue light.
-        This extract will assist to improve your defense barrier, balance out skin tone, and neutralize free radical damage if used on a regular basis.
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●       Hyaluronic acid
-        It is the most talked-about active ingredient in the beauty world.
-        Hyaluronic acid, derived from corn, promotes moisture, fights fine lines and wrinkles, and speeds up the healing of facial scars.
-        With its antioxidant characteristics, natural retinol derived from a variety of vegetables calms the skin.
-        Acne, wrinkles, and fine lines can all be reduced with regular use.
As we age, our bodies lose collagen, causing our skin to shrink and wrinkle. This can be slowed down by combining amino acid fragments from several proteins to create a new collagen-like protein. Because of this attractiveness, your skin can now be naturally elastic and plump, with fewer evident symptoms of aging.
There have been promising hints from dermatologists and skincare products manufacturers that prebiotics may be beneficial for certain skin conditions.
Let’s move on to commercially available Skin Care products -
One of the most essential benefits of utilizing skincare products is that the skin receives the nutrients it needs to stay young and healthy. We are often unable to meet the needs and criteria for a youthful and healthy face due to an improper eating routine. Please don't get us wrong: We are not suggesting that using skincare products can substitute for eating juicy, fresh fruits.
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Chemically based skincare products should be used with caution and under the supervision of a specialist. - ..because they can create or worsen your existing skin problems.
1) Dependency - One of the most awful consequences of an overreliance on chemicals is dependency.
2) Chemicals - Chemical-based products sometimes can have after-effects and negative effects. Many of us are also allergic to particular ingredients, which might cause problems if we are negligent or ignorant.
3) Limitations and extra precautions- People who feel subjugated and enslaved if forced to utilize the items for an extended period of time. When you use certain products that insist on preserving dietary elements while simultaneously restricting food consumption; it is absolutely unpleasant.
As we can clearly see, a comparative study gave us more clarity. We hope this blog helps you to make a conscious decision about choosing the RIGHT skincare product. This will not only make you glow and feel beautiful from the outside but also from the inside.
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Skincare discoveries never fail to baffle us. Even after so many years, we are learning and unlearning so much about it. Being the largest organ of our body, it reacts, gets affected, and even repairs itself from time to time. It acts as a barrier to our entire body and is comprised of millions of microorganisms that dwell on its surface.
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Collectively, these microorganisms and bacterias form colonies on our skin and this structural formation collectively forms an ecosystem. Yes, just like nature! - of which we are the organisms that live in it. The skin’s ecosystem is scientifically termed as skin’s MICROBIOME.
….and this must have answered your question of what microbiome really is.
Fact - Microbiome is also commonly known as microflora or microbiota.
Now, moving ahead in the story. Of these bacteria colonizing your skin’s surface, some of them are good ones, and some of them, bad. Generally, the commensalism of microorganisms concludes in the betterment of your body and skin health.
With over 1000+ bacterial species present on our skin, some of them are surely mischievous. The common phyla (species) of bacterias are proteobacteria, actinobacteria, and firmicutes.
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Another interesting thing is that our skin’s microbiome reacts differently in different environments. It also is subjected to change as we age, the products we use on our skin, our eating habits, etc. Some researchers even say that our skin’s microbiome composition is as unique as our DNA.
Now, while we are still yet to discover the full story about our skin’s microbiome, we are certain that it should be kept healthy.
A healthy skin flora-
● leads to solid protection against environmental pollution and toxins, pathogens,
● supports your immune system
What issues are associated with an unhealthy or disturbed skin barrier -
● Poor skin health
● Intensification or worsening of skin conditions such as rosacea, eczema.
● Leads to acne, breakouts, and allergies.
● Accelerates skin’s aging process.
With all of this being said and heard about skin and its composition till now, let’s move on to the next MAIN CONCEPT. The story continues further with PREBIOTICS.
Lack of a healthy microbiome can be repaired and maintained with a humble dose of prebiotics.
Now, what exactly are Prebiotics?
Prebiotics are the food for your good bacteria. They are non-digestible compounds or a form of complex carbohydrates that keep your bad bacteria from misbehaving.
So, when you feed your good bacteria with enough prebiotics, your skin’s microbiome flourishes and stays healthy.
Adding to that,
1. All the skin problems stay at bay.
2. Your skin glows naturally and gives a tough fight to the bad bacteria.
3. Your skin ages slowly and becomes more elastic.
4. The skin’s barrier grows strong and gets resistant to the harmful toxic present in the environment. A stronger barrier function is definitely a good way to move forward.
5. pH levels of your skin stay balanced.
You experience lesser acne breakouts than usual.
How can you incorporate Prebiotics in your skincare?
Well, the beauty world is graciously fusing the powerful Prebiotics into skincare products. (and, let us add - it is for the good) It has shown promising results so far and the research is still on for more benefits. This new wave of prebiotics is revolutionizing skincare with promising results. It is said that with regular use, your skin’s health flourishes with visible results.
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How does it work for your skin?
The products infused with PREBIOTICS provide beneficial bacteria to your skin. It provides the necessary moisturization for a supple natural texture. Redness and allergies fairly start reducing. Once the microbiome starts to get proper nourishment, you will start loving your skin more. - Not that you shouldn’t love your existing skin, but because you should always practice self-love.
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Additionally, you can even ingest PREBIOTICS through the food you eat. Start incorporating fiber-rich, prebiotic foods in your diet. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fermented food items, yogurt, etc. keep your gut healthy.
Let us also tell you this, most people also confuse probiotics with prebiotics and vice versa. It is therefore imperative to understand their differences. Excessive research is done on probiotics rather than prebiotics, this is the major reason for confusion and lack of knowledge. But don’t worry, in our blog series, we will try to sum up and provide the information about PREBIOTICS we can for you! So, stay tuned and keep supporting us like always!
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