ios-amsterdam · 6 years
(FINALE) EP 12. “A Fake and a Snake“
Definitely feeling bad for Nick today because I promised him I’d keep him in but..... also he was talking to Saxon and said I may not be the smartest person to take to FTC trying to convince him to bring autumn to f3 instead of me soooooooooooooooooo he been knew and I wasn’t getting to f2 that way. S/o to Saxon and Autumn, my Hex Girls for making f3. Time for my individual f2s with them to kick in 💗
*By a vote of 3-1 Nick is eliminated from the game*
So uhhhhhhhh fingers crossed I win this challenge because then I don't have to worry about making f2 but also......... i hope i don't win because whoever i send to jury might give me a bitter jury vote yike
And with that I am now done recording my last video with responses for the jury. I really, truly hope I win this game because I really, really think I played a spotless game and deserve to be the winner of this season. I'll keep my fingers crossed for tonight... but I know I'll be truly devastated if I don't wind up winning.
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ios-amsterdam · 6 years
EP 11. “Yeet Into a Vote”
After Mo’s blindside the rest of the coven encounters a strange turn of events.
Sitting in the minority I’ve found people in this cast are incredibly fake... they seem so supportive and they are like oh I’ll see what I can do but then you know they won’t say shit cause I know they don’t care... they arnt on the bottom so why save someone who is there... it’s not like I’m basically alone or anything. Oh wait...
So I won immunity on my accord which makes me feel hella empowered but at the end of the day, having Nick's trust back benefitted me more than safety so I gave him my necklace. Now the tea is out that Jayden is leaking the Saxon plan so that's no bueno because we don't have the numbers anymore so I guess Jayden has to go.
*gives immunity necklace to Nick*
So this round is crazy... Madison hands me immunity... and now people are thinking about doing her... this is the issue though. Every time Saxons name gets thrown out something goes downhill and he gets his name off the chopping block. It’s almost like he’s a big threat huh.. oh wait he is.
Umm Madison. Have you not learned that i am a cockroach. You can't get rid of me. That was cute. Real cute. Also I swear if Nick votes me out, ima blow a fuse ALYSSA:
Imma bout to just yeet into a vote without knowing who’s gonna come out on top cuz FUCK it
*By a vote of 4-3 Madison is voted off and the final 6 returns back to camp to scramble before the events of live night.*
This game is literally just me trying to work with everyone at the same time without any of them knowing
Im REALLY hoping Saxon or Randy don't pull something out if their ass to save Saxon cuz it will definitely send me home.
So basically my glorious plan is too convince Randy everyone is voting for Nick. That way he will either unnecessarily play a power on Nick or not play one at all. This should hopefully send Saxon home.
Randy telling my closest ally that he’s nervous I haven’t gotten a vote yet. Meanwhile two other people are in this game that have only one vote because someone who was voted out unanimously pre merge decided to vote them.... okokokokok. Hype for f5 tribal council!!!
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ios-amsterdam · 6 years
“Once again, im at the bottom of the tribe. Woo hoo fun fun. And its just like a battle of shepherds at this point. Nick knowingly allowed hinself to be manipulated. Alyssa lied straight to my face. Randys game confuses me. The only person I have is Autumn and honestly it may be better for her to dissociate. This game is frustrating uggh. Im honestly contemplating if I should just go off. But I wont do that unless I have to. If they thought Keaton was a loose cannon, they havent met Jayden backed up against a wall before.“
“Ok so now that Keaton is gone I need to get rid of Saxon. That feud was a lot and I feel like Saxon staying over Keaton could be considered a game move for him. Like in reality it wasn’t but some people might see it that way. The best part about Keaton going home now is that I’m left with the credit of helping get rid of the person I worked with to blindside Jones. Do I know what I’m talking about? Absolutely not but it sounds cool in my head so I’m a happy gay. We’re at final 8 now and 8 is my unlucky number. That combined with the fact that it’s touchy subjects is nerve wracking.”
“This game needs more Cullan and less Randy”
“Special announcement to be announced within the next hour {in regards to Live Night} ” no no. No.“
“I'M SO SICK AND TIRED OF GOING TO BAT FOR NICK IN THIS GAME JUST TO BE LIED TO. This is the same situation with Keaton, being in an alliance with someone who's actively gunning for me. I really can't trust a straight man anymore huh. “
So #SagAttack is really running this? I guess so Me and Alyssa: 
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“Now I’m beginning Operation Get Rid Of The Other Two Contestants Who Will Win If They Make It To The End. Or G.R.O.T.O.T.C.W.W.W.I.T.M.I.T.E for short. Here’s the thing, the last game I played during touchy subjects I was voted most likely to win if they make it to the end, along with two other people. So I managed to get rid of them but the thing is I made the mistake of getting rid of them one after the other because then that left me as the only threat. SO my plan now is to get rid of Saxon after this tribal hopefully. But keep Alyssa around till like final 4 and because she’s a bigger threat than I am, she’ll go home over me and I will get in the top three. Will this work? Absolutely not but I can dream.“
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ios-amsterdam · 6 years
EP 9. “Jump Ship”
Following the shock unmerge the coven is reconvened and the two tribes are re-merged.
“Jayden is so fucking obsessed with me like he can't keep my name out of his mouth for more than 2 seconds its so fucking annoying. And Nick can fucking choke after lying to me about the vote and making me look like an idiot.”
“We’re back back back back back again and were down to the the final 9. James was just eliminated R.I.P. he was nice. Also I’m realizing now the only texts I get are from AT&T but we don’t have time to unpack that. Onto the immunity challenge, I want second place. I want to go to Het Kerker so badly and I think I might be the only one who’s never been, out of who’s remaining in the game. Plus whoever wins this challenge might as well tape a sign on their back that says “People like me the most.” 
“K so I’m kinda in the middle of a feud and I don’t know what to do, Saxon and Keaton are going at each others throats in merge chat and then Saxon asked to meet me in pm’s so I think he’s gonna tell me something? Do none of them realize that I was also a big reason Jones went home? I recruited Autumn and reassured Jayden he was going to be safe. I’m the one who got mad that my name was brought up in the first place. Like don’t get me wrong I’m grateful no one is coming after me but give a bitch some credit...”
“Ok so Saxon supplied me with evidence showing that it was Keaton who originally threw my name out and then got mad when no one wanted to vote me so he told me it was Jones who threw my name out and got me to vote Jones out. So now I’m waiting for Keaton to supply me with evidence proving his innocence and I’m straight up Judge Judy in this bitch.”
“I will stop at nothing to get Keaton out of this game. He's a terrible sport and his attitude always sucks and I honestly am at my wits end with it”
“Me and the girls on our way to fuck Keaton’s game up 
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“Back is against the wall tonight. I think I can either pull it through or get out 8-1. I'm praying and hoping that the people I've been with this entire game pull it out tonight.”
“Okay so right now I have 3 options for the vote 1. Throw my vote and possibly risk a tie 2. Vote Keaton out, which is bad for my game but good for my mental health 3. Vote Saxon out, which is easily the best choice for my game The issue is if I get caught I'm fucked but I know Saxon will 100% take this game if he makes FTC where Keaton has fucked over too many people and would possibly lose if he makes FTC so it's a big decision and I just hope I make the right one.“
“My lies caught up to me. I'm going down guns blazing making deals on all ends just to see this day through. Telling Madison I'm loyal to her even though I'll happily vote her out, telling Nick I'd f3 with him if he saved me, and telling Randy hed get information if I got his vote. I have to pray that one flipped...and that the people closest to me didn't jump ship.“
I’m breaking a personal moral boundary tonight to give myself the best chance to win this god damn game. I better. I’m sorry, Keaton.
“Praying that Keaton stays. Im next if he goes”
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ios-amsterdam · 6 years
EP 8. “F*ck You Brats”
After a shocking blindside at tribal the merged Coven is split into the two triumphant tribes: Wolfskers and Oudewater.
TODAY WAS A DAY LET ME TELL YOU. So Keaton and I are calling as we normally do and he hints to me that a big move is going to be made, and my first guess is right: Jones. Obviously I'm skeptical about this because of my Oploop for Cullan alliance with Jones and Saxon, but obviously Jones is playing too many sides and it's truly not benefitting me down the road. So fast forward to tribal, and Keaton flips 2 bitches and Jones leaves, which isn't a shock, but I have to put on my acting face so I don't look suspicious. Then Nick says "fuck you brats" and puts us back on tribes for some reason. But at this point, I have to lie to NickG for the very first time since I've met him, and it hurts me so much, but I have to do it to save myself. As it stands now on Oudewater, James/Nick/I have majority since we were "blindsided" and I'm also in good graces with Jayden because I voted with him. Aside from that, when the dust settles I can always blame the vote on Randy to save myself and Keaton (bless his heart even though his fake ass voted me) will help me out with this. I feel in a prime position even with tribes, and here's hoping it stays that way.
Here’s the tea. I voted out Jayden, he didn’t go. Jayden in the worst way possible (he’s so bad socially) approached me this morning and was like “Hi let’s work together!!!!” And then proceeded to tell me to vote out Nick. Well Alyssa is my main in this game and was like let’s do jayden. So I’m like uh okay if it’s majority. Well it WASNT now bc of twists, but now Jayden is once again showing off his awful social game and asking if I voted him out and of course I’m deflecting it asking why would I do that!? Just trying to turn it against himself. He needs to go soon. As in like now.
HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHASHHSHSHSHSHAHAHSHSHSHHSAHHAHAHAHAHSHSHSHSHSHSHH¡!!!!!! I FUCKING PULLED IT OFF! There can only be one master in this game and that's me. I was so happy that Mo had a double vote in this game so we could pull it off. Tonight, 4=7, and that's became true tonight. I now want to work long-term with Mo because of that and with him being on my new tribe with Alyssa seems like a quick easy majority. So... do I throw the challenge so I can vote out Saxon, since he had been on my ass for one hour about why i did what I did? Very Much So.
Keaton is a fucking sweetheart and I’m so grateful he messaged me and told me about Jones. Unfortunately / Fortunatly he’s taking the blame for Jones so I’m kinda in the clear right now. Which feels like a relief but I also feel guilty as fuck. But plot twist we got put back into teams, Nick is fucking insane but it’s pretty fun.
[About this un-merge]: personally i'm fucked. But if I manage to somehow make it to ftc, this'll be one hell of a story how I finessed out of this. i'm really tryna make my strategy up as I go along, but i'm gonna ride these allies as long as I can. I'm pretty good at challenges so I think my performance may be able to save me if shit hits the fan and also i'm not afraid to swallow my pride and apologize for being shitty. And really I've only withheld information.... which is the game. I haven't ratted anyone out so.... Basically ride out as many relationships as I can and somehow not get caught.
Everything is a mess for everyone except me! We stan
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ios-amsterdam · 6 years
EP 7. “Keep Pounding”
The remaining survivors participate in an auction and the first castaway joins the jury.
“Mystery Item: Under the cover is a small wooden lock box. You have purchased the Tarot of Uncertainty. At any of the next 3 tribal councils your vote may be redacted from the urn and void. You will not be notified of the redaction until after the votes are read.”
So um... this sucks. Kinda bummed that only one of the mystery items were like.... actually good :( I told Saxon, Autumn, and Keaton. Those are the three people in this game that I really want to work with and trust, at least with this information. We are all working on these votes together and they'll need to know about this for future votes we may work on.
So the auction was tonight and the last auction I was in which was also the first auction I was in, I bid on an envelope that disqualified me from the auction so that was fun. But this auction I had my fan in hand and I withheld my money till I saw something I liked and with that I snatched a game advantage. The advantage I won allows me to cast an extra vote for the next three rounds but when I do there will be a consequence of some sorts. Do I know what I’m gonna do with it? Absolutely not I’m actually a moron but we’ll just see how things play out.
I really caught myself in a fucking shitty situation bc I genuinely believe Keaton trusts me and I also want to go deep into the game with him too, but !! I pitched the idea of the 4 person alliance to Madison and Saxon,,,and they understandably want to see if they can trust Keaton and want him to vote Jayden out instead of Mo!! And I totally wouldn't mind doing that too!! BUT!! if I tell Keaton that Saxon and Madison don't trust him, will he just be like "fuck it we don't need them" and offer up something totally different?? Will he figure out that Saxon Madison and I are a tight alliance and lose trust in me??? I'm so tired of having to be the middle man for Randy when we were swapped, and I really really really REALLY don't want to be the middle man again because I'm already the middle man in real life and I really just,, want to do things that could benefit me and other people. And it's so fucking stressful and now I think I'm being hypocritical about saying Madison and Saxon were playing emotionally and now I'M!! PLAYING!! EMOTIONALLY :D :D :D I just,, fucking suck lol.
These people are soooo fake. Im done with like everyone almost. Everyone seems like they wanna line up and play see who blows Madison the best and whoever wins gets 2nd and 3rd. No one is playing to win and its hella frustrating. Madison says I voted her so now EVERYONE is just like "oh ok" Ima try to cut off the bottom bitch real quick but i honestly dont know if its gonna work. Like these people aren't even good at being fake fr fr. These people are all kinds of messed up if they think ill just lay down and die. Im a Panthers fan and their motto is Keep Pounding. Best believe ill do that until I cant anymore. 
I'm starting to think that this being my first game is my biggest advantage? A lot of people seem to be really bitter with everyone about past ORGs and because I don't have anything to go off of then they have no Idea what I'd do lol
So I'm fairly certain Keaton voted for me, and the fact that he's constantly lying to my face makes me so angry. I really want him out because he's only complicating my game.
I'm really happy Jayden and Randy still trust me bc they basically just told me that Keaton said I'm voting for Jayden. He threw me under the bus. Madison's also starting to think that he was the extra vote to keep Kage. Keaton got caught in a really bad lie and he's going to pay for it if I have anything to do about it.
Are you fucking kidding me? So apparently we’re voting Jayden out but originally the plan was to vote me out. I was confused and a little angry because I’ve been nothing but nice to everyone. Get this, apparently the reason for my name being brought up was because I’m so nice. LIKE WHAT????? OK FINE I’LL BE MEAN. I prefer salsa anyways. Also, I don’t know if I can trust Alyssa and I don’t know what she got in the box she won at the auction so I kinda have to bullshit to her about voting Jayden and just hope that she buys it. My paranoid shit brain is like “Maybe she got an idol in that box and maybe she’ll give it to Jones if you tell her your plan because maybe they’re working together.” There are a lot of maybes going on right now.
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ios-amsterdam · 6 years
Ep 6. “Oploop for Cullan”
The final twelve castaways are merged and are now members of the Coven tribe.
It feels like Randy is relying on me for a majority of the social game. I totally get that it's hard to integrate yourself into a new group of people - but I don't want to have to carry him in this game. As far as I know, I'm the one who's making the other connections, and he's been asking me to do the talking when it comes to forming the alliances (which is something I really don't want to risk). Hopefully he's not just using me as a shield if we lose, I want him to be able to do something for himself, yk? It's his game too, and I want him to actually do well. And idk if laying low will really do anything for him right now. 
HOLY FUCK I MADE MERGE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it's bittersweet bc now I have to scramble on behalf of Randy and myself BUT ITS OKAY BECAUSE WE'RE MERGED I'm so proud of myself. My current goal now that we're merged is to just check in with the old Wolfskers - specifically Keaton. I think of all the people from our old tribe, he's the biggest wildcard? Especially since now Chrissa is gone with the unanimous vote, I really just want to know why, yk? JONES:
I pitched an alliance to Keaton and he's down!! this is what I've been like,,terrified of doing the whole time? Idk if it's my dumb bitch juice or I'm getting too cocky or anything, but I'm finally like, making moves!! I'm pleased!! Ahhhhh!!!! hopefully they don't kick me in the ass or anything lol MO:
I made iT IT TO MERGE FUCKERS I DID IT. ME. I WIN. I’m getting to know everyone in this merged tribe and it’s so nice, it feels like a campfire. As for the reward challenge, I doubt I’m winning that shit, I don’t know anyone that well but it’s ok im ok we’re fine. Also, when i drink caffeine my brain becomes moldable to irrational thoughts that wouldn’t usually affect me but they amplify on caffeine. this isn’t game related i just needed to share. JONES:
So...I found myself in a weird situation. I'm not saying I'm the new Tyler Crispen or anything, but apparently I have ties with most people? Not only do I have my "Alliance" with Randy/Keaton/Jayden/Nick (since we haven't solidified anything yet), but now I have this alliance with Saxon and Madison. I'm glad that I have options, but I'm just worried that somehow it's going to bite me in the ass. Half of the time I didn't even do anything - Nick and Jayden literally were like "you're cool I wanna work with you" and like???? Shit here I am lmao. But yeah, it's bittersweet. I'll figure this out though if I can, I have more wiggle room now Y'all asked for tea! I'm thinking about the current dynamics of the game rn, and it's the Wolfskers 5 v 7 other people right? SO Wolfskers think they're in control of the game - and I want to keep it that way for this coming vote and maybe get someone that's inactive out like Jacob or Autumn? BUT then it'll be 5 v 6, I can maybe talk with Oploop for Cullan and the rest of the guys outside of Wolfskers about a blindside?? Idk!! I kind of love the idea. We can't expect to make it to the end with all of Wolfskers there, we have to turn on each other eventually - plus It's finally not a unanimous vote and it'll be a game changer yk?? I guess I want to see my og tribe mates squirm a bit. I've felt like I've been carrying some people on my social game so I'd like to see them try and save themselves. I came to play, not just sit around and coast the whole time.
Okay soooooo it's merge now, which means I can finally be with all my boys (Keaton/Nick/Kage). And last night, Jones, Saxon, and I made an alliance, so that's like half the tribe right now (math?) so I feel confident that I'm in a good position right now, but I also worry about Keaton being too comfortable as well. As proud as I would be to see him win, I need to try and make sure that doesn't happen because I know for a fact he wouldn't hesitate to backstab me (relationship goals) so I need to make sure that I take the first shot at some point. I don't know what it is, but I just feel really chill at this point right now. ALYSSA:
S/o to me juggling one-on-one alliances with four people LOL let’s see how long I can keep this up ~~~ RANDY:
I promised Saxon that I'd try to keep him safe for the next two tribals since he won't be there, and I also want to call Madison and Saxon to hear my "plans"?? I want to see what'll happen. It'll probs bite me in the ass if my paranoid bitch juice plans fail, but I'd rather go out of the game on a high note pulling off moves than doing nothing yk? I'm totally happy to help people with this immunity only because Idk if I want to win it? In my mind I keep asking myself if it'll make me a threat to win? It would be nice to win something, but I don't really need to unless I have to yk? ALYSSA:
Madison be coming for my allies and I’m like... first boot? Hehe JONES:
Alright so, Madison has said maybe 3 entire words since merge. Like Im not gonna force myself on you, ill just send you to ponderosa 🤷‍♀️ JONES:
I love how both my alliances are targeting each other :) :) :)  MO:
I hate the first tribal after merge. Because usually merge at the beginning it’s like a huge party because it’s a checkpoint for everyone and unless you go into merge with previous beef between you and someone else there’s not much to go off of when it comes to who to vote for. So now everyone’s just kinda sitting, looking around at eachother trying to find if there’s a reason they should be eliminated. Even if you wanna play strategic there’s a 50/50 chance of it working because you either get people to agree with you, or your target finds out and turns everyone against you. Slightly off topic, I’m not gonna lie I know I shouldn’t of been offended at the reward challenge but the person I gave a big bowl of spaghetti gave me a rotten banana. JONES:
The plan right now is to get rid of Kage and honestly I'm fine with it?? Like YEAH I keep saying that I want to see Wolfskers squirm - but there's no possible way that all of Wolfskers can make it to the end and we have to pick ourselves off eventually, and I don't want to be the one who has to get picked off because of it. Plus they're being kind of cocky about having the votes like - you're literally 4 of 12 people that already blew their cover to their target within 3 hours of the immunity challenge ending. MO:
So the vote tonight was originally going to be Madison but all of a sudden we hear about Kage being in an alliance with Keaton and Jayden so everyone’s going to vote Kage. But then I thought about it, I asked who told me about the Kage vote and they said that Saxon told them that Kage was in an alliance in the first place and from my knowledge, Saxon and Madison are pretty close. But I’m fine with voting out Kage. MADISON:
In this game Kage is a piece of hot garbage and he really hurt my feelings by coming for me for literally no reason. I never would've done that to him and it's just not a smart move on his part. And the fact that Keaton was in on it makes me so angry. I don't know why people in games always hate me so much, if knew I would change it but idk what I'm doing wrong. NICK:
So the vote is either Madison or Kage and my job is really to convince people to keep Madison because she is loyal.... well mainly loyal to me :D JONES:
WE HAVE MAJORITY TO GET KAGE and if I’m right then after this vote, Keaton will think that Randy flipped and will go after him, if not then I guess I’ll die! Sorry you had to succumb to the perjury gods, Kage. You were just too quick to throw one of my closest allies under the bus and I wasn’t okay with that. I kind of want to just say - yeah: I might be playing like a snake. I get that. But until this point I’ve been playing to nice and have to start playing for myself. I know I wouldn’t make it to the final 3 if I went with the Wolfskers 5, and now that it’s merge I have to make big moves. I’m sorry if anyone’s offended by what I play, but the game is the game and I hope we can be friends afterward. Thinking back I’m honestly kind of upset that I’m betraying Wolfskers/Kage/Randy, because I feel like I really have made connections with everybody, and now it hurts to vote them out. But game wise I know I have to do it eventually. I hope they won’t be mad after the game ends :( ALYSSA:
Catch me out here trying to find the winning side and work with them lmao everyone is making final deals and I’m like ???? Well apparently Keaton’s in an f4 with Jayden, kage, and randy And apparently Jayden made an f3 alliance with him and autumn??? Even tho he’s been trying to work with me???? And Saxon who was my f2 from the start is getting close with Madison Which makes me nervous but then I can always sneak into that for a potential f3???? But I’m a strong player and I don’t think that many strong players in an alliance will work Or at least like we’re all the same kind of strong player. Saxon and Madison are pretty strong players I’d feel nervous having an f3 with them for fear that one would back out And Saxon told me he and Madison have been on call every night It’s just very confusing Everyone has a fucking final whatever Im most loyal to Autumn tbh cuz idk who else I can really trust  and Autumn is loyal back I think... But then i just heard Jayden made an f3 with him and autumn and I’m like ?????? I trust trust I just wanna make Jury lol And not get called a snake 😂😂 Do I keep secrets? Yes But do I vote out people from my alliances? No (The one with kage doesn’t count) (That hasn’t been active since merge)
This game is silly. Everyone refuses to truly tell me whats going on (probably for better but still) and i have to hope and pray people tell me what the plan is. Today, that was Jones, telling me the majority hit on Kage so I am doing that...until an insane plan hits my mind.  Tell EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHERS IM VOTING KAGE...INCLUDING KAGE. Then, vote Madison. At this point, i have everyone in the world thinking i voted Kage, but instead i voted wrong on purpose, causing chaos in the group hunting for the stray vote. If i can sucessfully pull this off, I can save myself for 2-3 votes while everyone goes on a witch hunt, and the witch goes along with them. AUTUMN:
I have a loooot of tea to cover and like no time to do it cause I gotta grab dinner before live night but whew Kage is probably going home 8-4, the Wolfsker boys are in trouble- which would explain why both Randy and Jayden each hit me up for an alliance- and I love it. PLUS Madison created this vote with Jones' help since she's a mole on Wolfskers and her actual alliance is Nick, Saxon, and Madison. We love getting what we wanted with no blood on our hands 
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 So you know I'm intentionally off the grid right now as they're panicking. Because whoever sticks by Kage and doesn't flip is walking right into the lion's den. All I need is for the vote to not be unanimous cause if it is, there won't be a massive fallout like I need there to be. Right now we have betrayal, 2 core fours about to go into war, and 4 floaters in the middle including me and Alyssa. So unity is not what I need right now. Ok I think I just about covered it? BUT LIKE ARE YOU SCREAMING BECAUSE I AM Alright now I really gotta go/ woo fingers crossed! And things better be how I left them cause if this shit somehow goes 6-6 so help me God
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Fr Fr the sheep came out. Madison is active af and hasnt spoken to me. HMMM. Honestly I may be going home it is what it is. I think I can get Randy Keaton and Jones together to vote with me. Hopefully Autumn and Alyssa still wanna work with me. I feel like thats the only way ima stay.
I'm starting to think that Madison and Saxon are playing emotionally? Like,,,I totally get where they come from, but when I told them Mo was sus of them being together, they were immediately like "I kinda wanna vote him" but that's not (clap emoji) SMART (clap emoji) BECAUSE he's so likeable?? Especially since he's already on to the Oploop for Cullan alliance,,,like,,cmon also we shouldn't be throwing names out now or they'll find out like what happened with Kage?? Idk I'd rather take my time rn bc we have an entire day
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ios-amsterdam · 6 years
EP 5. “I’m Gunna Get Wine Drunk ToMoRr0w”
OKAY SO HERE ME OUT. Idk if y'all know what Kage looks like but go check and then watch this here music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smdNetoPFV0 and TRY TO TELL ME IT'S NOT THE SAME PERSON
“Ummmm thank fucking God we swapped. Like yes Nick got us immunity but y’all were making me a little nervous. At first I was not feeling Cauberg only because me (and Cullan lol) and Alyssa were severely in the minority against 4 Wolfskers. However, HBIC’s always find a way and Alyssa was like let’s get a Kilimanjaro alliance cooking. All I can say is iconic- I’ve always loved Keaton and I really want to give Kage a chance since we didn’t get more than like a round together in Kilimanjaro. So, so far so good- I know Keaton is really with us but we’ll see with Kage. But honestly who could pick Chrissa and Jayden over me and Alyssa? Like Keaton and Kage KNOW what Alyssa and I are capable of. So for the two of us to come together initially AND cut you a deal? That’s superb shit and it only comes once in a game if at all. If all goes well, we should be okay regardless of immunity. Speaking of which, I DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS I WORK ON THE WEEKENDS YALL NEED TO CHILL. Ok off to church I go whew”
“So ngl my new tribe seems okay. I liked my old one better tho ngl. No one in this game stands out to me tho... like I know I don't stand out either, but everyone blends in and I know no ones name besides those on my first tribe. I want the DRAMA AND FIGHTS TO START”
“WE WON AHHHHHHH !! I'd like to think that we won based on our actual counting skills and work ethic, but I'd also be happy if the Wolfskers 4 threw it lol. They probably didn't :p WHO CARES THO Randy and I live to see another day and HOPEFULLY someone from Wolfskers doesn't get voted out on the other tribe or else I'll choke on my own tongue”
“ugh can i talk about how bad cullan is at the social game, he never even pmed me and the first pm he sends me is about voting my ally out before we even know if we are winning or losing the comp, cullan really cursed our win huh? he can go.”
“Im gonna allow Kage and Chrissa to believe im a floater and they have me. I gotta feel Keaton out to see if he would flip with me, but their mouths are gonna be some cheerios if I decide to do this move...”
“I JUST REALIZED Bc Keaton can’t go to tribal it’s going to be a 3/3 vote UNLESS someone flips,, and that makes me worried??? That Chrissa/Kage/Jayden could be blindsided tonight and they’re going to lose control of that tribe and and fnfnfnfnnfnfnf Dammit,,,”
“yes good riddance to cullan again never had one conversation with me after the swap until kage disrespected nick, then he was "lets get kage out" but also he and kage had an f2 so that made no sense he really is a snake huh? also don;t talk about who to vote until we know if we are gonna lose for sure, you cursed us good sir. I feel no remorse for lying to you specifically because idk how you thought you could control me when we had no relationship before or during this game. Of course i told Kage the truth. “
“So Cullen just got voted out. I didn’t really get to know him all that well, he could be totally rad but from the messages we exchanged on Moelen he was kinda boring. He was Cullen the challenges early on though.”
“Bc I’m a paranoid son of a bitch I’m thinking about running it by Randy who we should go for in the event we go to tribal. Im worried about what Saxon said about making moves for the betterment of their game, and that maybe the Gegoochel 3 will go after me, Randy, or one of the guys from Moelen - hoooooopefully Mo and Nick wouldn’t mind going for James? He doesn’t do a lot anyway lol. Long term thinking i like autumn and Alyssa more than Kqge and Chrissa. If we go to tribal why not make another blindside? I ACTUALLY REALLY LIKE NICK like he's really chill and I relate to him a lot bc we're both not used to so many people wanting to carry conversations with us?? So like,, I'm feelin' really good about it yk? JONES:
“I love the Idea that I averaged as the second most likable?? but,, I also?? Hate it??? Are they going to start thinking of me as a threat?? I've been drinking that Paranoid Bitch Juice (tm) again so like,,,,yeah”
“Chrissa honestly annoys me. "I knew Saxon wasn't 1 but I didn't say anything" "I knew that I just didnt put that" Shut the fuck up. Even its true, no one cares.”
“Ok!! So Randy and I are solid, we're thinking about our options in case the Wolfskers four decide to do their own thing/we go to tribal. Since I have connections to Jayden and Nick rn, we have people to fall back on if we make it to the merge. I don't think I'm necessarily in trouble atm - but I'm definitely worried about Randy. He thinks he's bad at integrating himself into new situations and I'm REALLY hoping that no one's targeting him. If they are I'll most definitely come after them and try to sway votes lol.”
“AHAHAHAHHAHAHH LETS GOOO! I have everyone trusting me and coming to me for a vote...except Chrissa. So I think it's time for her to go. She is the most annoying player here. Kage still thinks Alyssa and Chrissa are TIGHT so it makes it easy for Kage to vote her. Alyssa thinks Chrissa wants her down, so that makes it easy too. Jayden wants to work with Autumn and Alyssa, so he'll vote their way. And Autumn, in her predictable fashion, runs with the vote. I get to write my own destiny in this game, and my tribe is my paper and pen. Also if we don't merge I'm dying.”
“kage is a little paranoid but hopefully autumn goes this round and we can be safe going foreward. I am nervous. it could also be me.”
“mmm we lost again and I'm at tribal yet again. That's not new at this point hahaha. But you know what is new? Kage doing waaay too much and I'm not having it.
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First of all, he was super petty to Cullen and publicly overselling the vote being on himself (Kage) when everyone but Cullen knew it was Cullen. Mind you this is all on the grounds of Cullen pitching an alliance to him when the game started and then targeting Kage immediately. Yes that is fake of Cullen BUT no need to twist the knife Second of all Kage was talking about targeting both me and Jayden to Keaton FOR NO REASON. Sis what? You really out here like that 5 minutes after the challenge results? Stop this. Or I don't know- do that on call? Because the lack of rationale only makes it look worse. Third of all, we supposed to be allies so why exactly is my name coming out of your mouth? Like yes I haven't been super social but that's because I'm an adult and I work all weekend because NYC rent doesn't pay itself. So if that makes me an easy vote so be it but I got news for you: don't even try it. You think you want inactive me out, just wait until you meet active me  
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Fourth of all, Kage is literally aligned with the entire tribe. Now someone with artistry or mastery of their social game i.e. Owen or Chris Stoner would I don't know, how do I put it... not shit where they eat?? In other words why are you even out here verbalizing targets like that TO SOMEONE WHO IS ALSO PLAYING THE MIDDLE. Keaton could sell him down the river and probably face little to no blowback soooo is that really your best play. Now imagine if he had confided in Jayden; Kage's game would be airtight right now, as supposed to what it actually is. Like sweetie- why lock the door if you're gonna leave all the windows open? And ya boy Keaton is throwing a rope down for me so I don't even need the key. I already know when to rob you and how to do it. Still think I'm inactive? Personally, if I were [Redacted] and I were in a Wolfskers alliance AND a Kilimanjaro alliance, I would just go wherever I wanted. You're in the best position so why ruin it?? Correction: he was in the best position; now it's Keaton because he actually knows where his loyalties lie while effectively playing both sides. Speaking of which aka #5, [REDACTED] AINT LOYAL. He's voting Chrissa out, who he's aligned with, and he's talking shit about me and Jayden, who he's also aligned with. Yet I'm supposed to open up to him and freely talk game? Good night. I promise you he is trying to usurp my alliance from me and believes Alyssa and Keaton are really with him. Thank God they are rock solid because I would not be able to actually sit here casually typing this all peaceful and unbothered And last but not least, if you don't know about me [REDACTED] you better ask about me. Targeting me gets treated like a CIA operation around here and rightfully so. And yet [REDACTED] is walking around like he's running shit and can just flip the vote onto me at any given moment, which isn't even possible by the way, and I'm cackling. I of all people can outread, outdrag, and outslay so maybe don't poke a sleeping bear. But I guess you won't believe me until I show you. Noted 
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“I'm happy Randy got to go to Helen Keller/Het Kerker!! I'm just ,,, *clenches fist* really hoping he actually got something and not just a disadvantage. I'm worried that, when it comes to later on in the game, he can protect himself in some way? Bc I'm worried I can't guarantee him safety every week or that he won't be around to protect himself. I'll ask him about it to make sure?? Idk though”
“WE WON AHHHHHHH !! I'd like to think that we won based on our actual counting skills and work ethic, but I'd also be happy if the Wolfskers 4 threw it lol. They probably didn't :p WHO CARES THO Randy and I live to see another day and HOPEFULLY someone from Wolfskers doesn't get voted out on the other tribe or else I'll choke on my own tongue”
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ios-amsterdam · 6 years
EP 4. “Bitcho Grande”
With four castaways already being knocked out of the competition, the remaining survivors are swapped into two new tribes: Oudewater and Cauberg.
“this might be fine,,,,, except for the fact that 4/6 of Wolfskers are GONE,,,,,, hahaha thanks ;) No but legit I liked most of these people since the cast was officially revealed so I'm glad I'm with them!! Plus of all the people from Wolfskers, I trust Randy the most, so hopefully this all works out lol“
“I'm very upset, I'm trying to do that thing where I don't play too personal because of my circumstances, but it's extra hard now because I'm on a tribe with the person I hate the most in the community. I'm going to try to not let it bug me because I'm still with Saxon, who I trust so very much, and Nick, who I adore with all my heart. I think if i play this cool I can get what I want and not look like a bitch (which is very hard for me because I'm a bitcho grande)”
“this is an iconic tribe swap. tbh i am nervous idk if we will still be winning but i hope we can keep winning. i wanna make merge.”
“I want to astral project to the other tribe while their sleeping - specifically to Keaton, Chrissa, Kage, or Jayden - and tell them to throw every challenge until merge so Randy and I have a chance lmaoo. Randy and I are TIGHT and I'm RELIEVED. We're looking into having options if we end up having to go to tribal at all, I'm going to talk with Moelen, and he'll try making connections with Geoochel. Best case scenario is that OG Wolfsers throws every comp, worse case scenario is that we go to tribal at all - wish us luck!!”
“Wow y’all really put Saxon and Randy on the same tribe huh. Woof.”
“ia m so nervous about the fact that idk if we can keep a winning steak on this tribe i hope if we go to tribal i am safe i am a bit busy tomorrow so it's gonna be hard, but i am proud i made it further than my second go in ios not my first but hopefully i can possibly even go further than my first if i can't it's cool i am just glad to be in ios again.”
“Honestly, ima do whatever I feel is best. I mean I could stick with wolfskers but these bitches got me fucked up if they think im goin to rocks for them. “
“For Real tho, Nick wants our OG tribe people on the tribe to link up aka me/Saxophone/James and the Giant Peach/Mo Money Mo Problems/and him which honestly isn't too bad because if we lose we have 2 easy votes in Guacamole Jones and Randy, but tbh as long as I'm safe, i don't care who I'm temporarily working with. The only person as of now that I trust 100% in this game is Nick because he has never ever given me a reason to doubt him and I do the same for him. P.S I ate all my cheesecake and now I'm just a puddle of sadness“
“This tribe swap is kinda convenient. I felt like if I lost another challenge I would have been the next to go and my tribe seems more active so that’s good! Ok, so if our tribe loses the challenge, I think I should be safe as I can get the votes on Kage! Thanks kage for digging your own grave.
“Well this is an interesting group of people...BECAUSE HALF ARE OF THE FURRY TRIBE WHAT EVEN IS THIS MADNESS?!?! Chrissa is being...chrissa trying not to compete. Kage cannot get a joke across, and Cullen and Jayden go purple kelly all up in this game. Alyssa, I just learned is only playing for her 3rd time ever, so  it does not shock me to learn that she failed to read and thought that when I said  that Chrissa wanted to pull her over to wolfsker for Majority, she believed that I said Chrissa wanted her OUT, which works for me because her going is best for my game.  And I have personally have never had a problem with Autumn so working with her, even though I know her game is very much a social one, is beneficial to me. And this Cape will make sure I can stir up a little drama and not be hurt for my actions. Lying is key in this game, and Lying to Alyssa was not the goal...but it happened and now I will use it to get my target out.”
“So before the swap I’m not sure if I talked about this but Autumn, Nick and myself made an alliance because we all shared a confusion for Jacob. Then we swapped and now it’s me and Nick with a bunch of other people from different tribes and I don’t know if I should be concerned or not because Nick hasn’t talked to me a whole lot since the swap, so far my favorite new tribe mates are Randy and Jones.”
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ios-amsterdam · 6 years
EP3. “Thanks For Coming to my TED Talk”
“Hosts: Autumn do you like your tribe mates? Me everyday: sure why not Me now: 
We were JUST at fucking tribal. Literally yesterday. So do you fucking mind? Like can you go be a flop somewhere else because I'm tired. I did 20 of the items y'all. TWENTY. And made the fucking spreadsheet, which was very classy and pretty by the way. So if I'm doing all that, then it's implied that between the FOUR people on my tribe, the remaining 75% of the challenge will get done. Yet here I am, watching my tribe barely get half the points because these hoes just don't care. Like how do these white boys fumble the bag TWO ROUNDS in a row?? I love Mo and Nick so they're not included in that but oh my God Cullan and Jacob. Men really ain't shit. We tried? WE TRIED?? 
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Who is this we, Jacob??? Are you referring to the one item you did or the zero items your pal Cullan did? Because neither of which helped us so it's almost as if you don't belong in that "we". So do me a favor and don't add insult to injury by trying to pretend that you were an asset because we all know the truth beloved. If this were actual Survivor, the ratings would've shot up cause I wouldn't even let them anywhere near the campsite. They woulda been like where's our food/shelter and I would've said, "Ghosts don't need food/shelter. Because they're dead." And honestly that's the energy right now- Casper 1 and Casper 2 are already dead to me so they just need to rock paper scissors over who's officially dying first It's funny because I was thinking of working with Mo and Nick since I've played with them before but now I don't have much of a choice with all these damn ghosts around me. But that's just temporary because Randy and Alyssa are my fellow HBIC's so I just need the three of us to mob up at merge and run this shit. It can't happen too early because it could inherently put us on the bottom (i.e. me and Alyssa vs. Randy and Randy's numbers) and it can't happen too late because someone will die and get robbed. I just need this round to pass because my energy is under attack”
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“Third challenge had ended and we finally managed to get a first place woo hoo. And if really felt like a team victory too all of us did our part and if one of us didn't submit we might’ve not gone to council but might have lost first place. I have no idea who to send to see the inquisition I would like to just check it out but I'm not going to try to force myself there but anyways all in all it was a good day we won and our morale is high. I trust Alyssa the most as we have still talked the most but I feel like a swap will he happening soon and the chances me and Alyssa end in the same tribe is kind of low so I'll have to play differently. I want to play kind of safe til merge so nobody sees me as merge threat and takes me out before hand so I'm playing a pretty quiet game st the moment bug don't plan to play like this entire game”
“OKAY I haven't made a confessional in a bit so I'm just gonna say it - I don't want to work with Jayden. He's just never really online to talk, and he doesn't really do a lot for the tribe. I remember during the puzzle dash he kept asking others to do parts of his section like ????? Okay buddy but??? When are YOU going to do anything?? And he sat out of the last challenge (I know someone had to but like? come on. He didn't deserve to). It sucks because he says he trusts me the most and is asking me who I think we should work with and whatnot and I feel SO BAD ABOUT IT. idk I'm just frustrated. If Wolfskers is to ever go to tribal (lets hope not lol) I'm probably going to end up voting for Jayden. It sucks, but he says he's been voted off early every time he's played, and I think I know why now!! Anyway thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.”
“Can I please god be on a tribe with people who can use there god damn brains? These people are just anti social chickens who are attempting to play a social game! I cannot stand a SINGLE ONE OF THEM FOR MORE THAN 30 MINUTES AT A TIME. I have to pretend to care for these people at times and it is more of a chore than I thought it would be. Nevertheless, I love having a shitty idol in my pocket. It makes me feel alot more safe in the game for now.”
“Jayden says he feels bad bc he thinks he hasn't done anything - which I totally understand - but like,, that's his fault. He hasn't taken the opportunities to actually step up and do something yet, and Idk if he's aware of that. Now I feel,,,like an idiot. Idk. I asked Kage and Randy how they felt about Jayden and it seeeems like they like him? I feel like I blew it, dammit. They might think I'm paranoid trying to throw Jayden under the bus. I mean, I didn't say how I was feeling necessarily??? Idk, am I the new Jeremy from DVG?? I have no Idea, and now I feel like I blew it. I'll let y'all know if I'm on the chopping block or not ;)”
I'm here writing my last confessional and although it's the last I still really enjoyed this season even though with school and just lots of IRL problems happening lately I still did good in the challenges (I think anyways) and this new format interested me but I was just too slow to form allies and I will be voted out here 4 the 1 thanks saxon for at least taking to me and being truthful to me unlike some other people that just cut communication with me. All around  I enjoyed this and plan to continue watching throughout the season and hopefully have a chance to play again at a future date thanks for hosting! And I hope the season goes great
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ios-amsterdam · 6 years
EP 2. “We Tried”
After Gegoochel lost the first immunity, the contestants vie for immunity
“Part of me feels like Keaton doing everyone's puzzles has personal motives to it? It's nice of him, but it feels like he's just doing it for the personal advantage (if there even is one)”
“K I’m searching for a puzzle and either 1. I have bad luck 2. I’ve passed on without seeing it 3. All of the above and I just have a shitty life“
“This was a weird kind of challenge. It has a good concept but the part I dislike about this is that it's very grindy. Even if we split the efforts between everyone, it takes very long for the sole reason that it all is based on patience and internet connection. I really hope someone on my tribe found atleast a few puzzles and submitted them as I really don't want to go to tribal tonight. However, I feel I should be safe going into tribal. My game plan right now is just to prove I'm active and a nice guy to have around camp. I've already been talking to everyone and they seem to be talking back to that seems cool that I'm bonding with everyone :) The one person I trust the most is Mo so I believe we can work together!”
“I found a puzzle that could get me a reward........... but i suck at puzzles.......... one hour........... and i only got 50% through......... end me.”
“today was amazing watching my tribe working together to find the codes and the puzzles and it was enough for us to win i know i sat out so i didn't do alot but i am proud of us for getting along well enough to do this, thank god for kage being like really crazy good at puzzles which ultimately didn't actually matter but still. IOS is truly amazing.”
“This is my third confessional doing one pretty early in the morning and just want to reflect on what happened last challenge. We came in second which was good and seem to have lots of people committed to the challenges which I love about this tribe and also scares me about this tribe. The pros are that we actually feel like more of a team and can work together but the downside is that I hold nothing over others and a tribal would be all about numbers at that point and I don't think I'm the numbers so I could be a potential next target so the goal is not lose challenges and just lie low for the time being.”
“I got sent to Het Kerker!! Woohoo!! Buuuuut I died, oh well. Sorry I'm a naturally curious person and wanted to talk to the witch lol, I thought she'd be sweet but I was thoroughly disappointed. I know I never got an advantage, but at least I won't get a disadvantage again. So that's okay!”
“idk why keaton didn't suggest sitting out if he wasn't gonna be here at all today when nick asked about it, i hope kage posts his links.”
“So basically my tribe is three people at the moment... Autumn, Mo, and myself! There is no point in not doing that challenge so I really do not understand why the other two didn’t pull their weight. So now it’s about which one is weaker and which one is stronger aka which one will actually do stuff for the tribe over the other who probably won’t do anything for the tribe.”
“So Saxon and James and I are in an alliance that Madison wasn’t invited to but uh.... she never answered Saxon about it. Madison and I really didn’t talk at all our last season so I was really hesitant but despite that double texted her within the first few days just because I was really interested in working with her!!! I know she’s in the final stages of kilo so I get it but like girl get it together damn. I really like Saxon but I am kind of afraid our personalities will clash. Hopefully it’ll be like a me/skylita tag team where we both have peak social game and still root each other on and move towards f2!!!”
“listen here kiddos, these people on Google tribe are great and all but i'm bored of the dynamic. I need to see some fresh faces because tbh i don't have any good feel for how i want to play the game when merge hits, other than the fact that Saxon and I have a mutual trust I think? Idk man i just wanna bathe in blood already let's get it rollin! Swap time please this pretty girl needs some new friends”
“so here are my thoughts, we are safe which is great, i do feel if keaton had sat out instead of jayden we may have gotten first possibly but that's not for sure just a guess, i am a bit mad at keaton for not speaking up to sit out when nick asked but since we are safe anyway i am gonna let it go. Also I wanna be Slamtonian like christian, the mayor of slam town is convincing me. <3 “
“Quite honestly im a bit scared to go to tribal. Idk if people just aren't talking game yet, but no one has talked serious game with me, idk who I can trust and like idk but I kinda (a tiny bit) wanna lose so I can find out whos loyal to me. I think im fine socially, I just gotta prove myself in challenges. I haven't performed insanely well yet and that's gotta change if I want them to keep me around.”
“Jacob comes into chat, and he goes “we tried” and I fucking choked. Like he legit did nothing. https://youtu.be/6oAfbebVfOI“
“I feel like absolute shit for not putting much effort into this challenge because of my mental health. Hopefully I can convince people to let me stay because I really want to play this and I don’t want my mental health to affect my performance in this game”
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ios-amsterdam · 6 years
EP 1. “My Back Hurts and It’s Pizza Night”
Eighteen contestants, six of which are returnees, from across North America are taken to a remote forest in Amsterdam where they will take place in a variety of competitions/twists to determine the SOLE SURVIVOR. The castaways are split into three tribes of six: Wolfskers, Moelen, and Gegoochel.
“Ok so it’s day one and I’m still recovering from an existential issue because trying to graduate highschool and also transition into adulthood? It’s not realistic. I’ve talked to everyone on my tribe except for Nic. So that’s fun. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I’m super hungry.”
“things are going pretty okay! I think we're going to have a problem with communication early on since some of us are taking big tests, but overall I think we'll get along great! Kage, Jayden and Randy seem pretty chill so far so I'd like to work more with them hopefully :D”
“I'm gonna die”
“Oh wow, hi it’s me again. Y’know to any of my supporters if I have any, I just want to say, I’m doing my best. So I signed up for the endurance challenge which I’m going to be honest I didnt think this through all the way because the other time I did an endurance challenge like this, it was to get back into the Big Brother Furby house and the only thing that was fueling me was revenge. My back hurts and It’s pizza night so I’m already emotional. I don’t know, I’ll definitly be making the occasional Lizzie McGuire explanation but yeah that’s about it.“
“First day over and I'm not that happy with it sadly I missed the beginning due to IRL circumstances but that can't be happy. I will have to make a good impression through the challenge so I will have to try really hard although I really dislike 99 bricks but nobody else wanted to do it. I've talked to one person and it's my companion on 99 bricks Alyssa. We have only talked idling so far but when I wake up I plan to stretch out my horizions and get more people to talk to and maybe make a formal alliance. All in all I'm upset with the first day and we have to pick up the slack tomorrow.”
“Hey everyone it’s me. So I’m actually an idiot and misread the due date. But I’m not getting a strike so we’re good. I’m almost positive if my tribe loses I’m getting sent home but it’s ok guys I’m fine, I’m gonna be fine, I’m gonna be just fine it’s fine we’re fine everything’s fine.”
“so, we won woo randy for that tie breaker moment, i love keaton wanting to go to what i deem ghost island lol i love this tribe and i am glad to not be first boot on my 3rd time in this series lol”
“Everyone on my tribe is talking to me rn. This is great. Also, after my great efforts in the challenge people would probably want to keep me if we lose a challenge :D”
“OUR TRIBE IS THE BEST I’m super proud of us for winning the first challenge :D I’m really happy my second place actually meant something too lol. everyone’s pretty chill, but I hope Keaton doesn’t get anything bad, especially since he volunteered to go. I wish him luck”
“So okay cool not a tribal. But I have this cape! So I just fade out of existence when I'm supposed to go to tribal!!!! This is great because it allows me to stay neutral longer. I don't need to vote, I need to be liked and considered a vote. Plus everyone voted me into this. Because I said I wanted a disadvantage. Are these people dumb or something? OF COURSE I WENT IN FOR AN ADVANTAGE. AND I GOT IT BICHES. But we paint it as a disadvantage. That's the goal”
“We lost the first challenge which really sucks since I've just met all these people and we lost but such a miniscule point scale. Although we lost our section of the game we game close and think others might get targeted before me I've talked to Alyssa who doest have a solid answer yet which takes me to believe she is still thinking and not giving me a name to lie to although not lots of other activity so I plan to reach out and talk to Saxon about vote as he is kind of our team leader now and I wouldn't want to vote him out at this stage in the game.”
“everyone is good though i only say that because we are safe but i mean right now everything is good, I like the twist good job on this twist tbh”
“Ok so my tribe is safe because they’re all incredible. But now we’re introduced to this new dungeon twist. The winning tribe has to vote one person in to the dungeon to either find riches or bitches. I’m not sure how I feel about this because I don’t really know what factors come into play when it comes to voting someone into the dungeon so like if I’m voted into the dungeon is it a good or bad thing? Anyways the lesson today is, don’t go around to your tribe saying you’re fucked because you think you’re the reason your tribe lost even though your tribe is safe. Good luck Charlie.”
“So ummmm we going to tribal, Saxon is already paranoid, and Kat is MIA (dont get me wrong I hope she's okay but like gurrrrl). The vote should be fairly easy tonight assuming we're all on the same page that the tribe needs to stay strong for the first few rounds. ALSO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU THAT VOTED KEATON FOR THAT THING WATCH OUT BECAUSE I WILL FIND YOU ALL AT MERGE AND END YOU. This confessional was done from my bathtub :)“
“i hope they can pull through winning immunity for us, i am not ready to go to tribal lol also these new people are talkative and sketchy but at the same time idk what is gonna happen.”
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ios-amsterdam · 6 years
Jury ROP
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“Jones: JONES I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH I WAS ABSOLUTELY BLINDSIDED BY YOUR ELIMINATION AND I HATE KEATON WITH SUCH A FIERY PASSION FUCK HIM. You deserved to make it further than you did, you really did play the middle man though. But you were my middle man. <3“
“UGHHHHH GUACOMOLE MY MEME QUEEN 🙌🏼 SAXON AND I DID THIS FOR YOU!!!! A 👏🏼 WITCH 👏🏼 HAD 👏🏼 TO 👏🏼WIN 👏🏼 First of all I want you to know that every god damn time Nick asked for confessionals, I posted your meme into the group immediately. I am SO PROUD OF YOU FOR KILLING KO CHANG!!!! WIN 👏🏼 THAT 👏🏼 SHIT 👏🏼 I’m wishing you the very very best and PLEASE let’s keep in touch and talk as freely as we want now that this game is over!!!! [Insert Kermit heart eye emoji meme]“
“SIS!! I feel like we just never bonded one on one, which breaks my heart because I think you’re really cool and hilarious. I kept hearing that you wanted me out when merge started so I gave up the dream that we would ever be on the same side. I hope we can actually talk after this haha and become friends“
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“Another vote I didn't expect. James you and I bonded so well through The Unholy Trinity and I was disheartened to see you go. But from what Autumn and Nick told me you were ready to turn on the majority of the group and I saw that as fair. It sucks getting screwed over by a twist but I think this was justified.”
“JAMES. WE DIDN’T EVEN GET TO SAY GOODBYE SKDJDKWJSNFJDJFNF AAAAAAAAAAAAA. Ugh I can’t believe they killed The Unholy Trinity, that was a goddamn tragedy. I hope you’ve been well!  Playing with you was so fun while it lasted and it was so lovely to get to know you. I hope to see you around!!“
“omg I miss you so much/ you’ve always been a fun down to earth player. I hate that we never got to really vibe. I remember dying laughing at your confessionals and anecdotes in BB Apollo and I was so excited to get to play with you. I didn’t know where you stood most of the time and I wanted to be the one to play the middle so I took the shot when it came along. I hope you understand and we can actually play together (and work together) someday whew“
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“Keaton: aM i STilL A sHEep BiTCh?? You were hands down my main enemy this season behind Jayden and with you underestimating how many alliances I was in and who was with me, it was really funny to see you get "blindsided". Sis when you made one step I was already 3 steps ahead of you. That's how it worked and it's proven so because I'm in the Final 3 bihhhhh.“
“Hey Keaton. I hope I explained this well in FTC (uh... assuming I made it that is), but I’m sorry I voted you out. You just started making really unwise moves without consulting me and seemed like you would start throwing my name out without thinking about the fact that I wanted to keep our alliance a secret. Especially having my f2 alliance with Saxon, I couldn’t risk you outing me as a middle man... much like Jones who you voted out for that very reason. I’m sorry I didn’t really speak with you at all after your vote! I was sort of afraid to because I wasn’t sure if you would be accepting of it, but I hope the play is going well and that people backed off your friend. Go rave, Maurice!!!! Thank you for being the one to guide Autumn and I through our swap tribe. If you hadn’t taken us under your wing, I know basically for a fact that I would not have made it past that stage. I’m sorry if we didn’t get to go as far into this game together as you would’ve liked, but I’m excited to see you around the community!“
“oooof I don’t even know where to begin. I just want to thank you for being you because you’re hysterical and cracked and messy and a ton of fun and like yes you became a liability but wow this game wouldn’t have been the same without you. You can’t tell because this is all on the internet and I’m naturally a serious person BUT 100% I wouldn’t have had as much fun as I did if it weren’t for working with you. Our talks and friendship always made me smile and I’m very grateful for that. Also thank you for never exposing me, although there were some close calls hahaha“
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“Mo: I didn't expect to write your name down so early into the merge but when I heard you were trying to get me out and with Autumn's mistake of exposing the Moelen group to myself and Alyssa. I knew I had to act fast. Alyssa and I were able to conduct your blindside in less than 7 hours and hands down one of my favorite moves of the season. Hopefully no hard feelings, I just learned to pay attention to what people said.“
“Hi Mo. I hope everything has been good with you!! I’m sorry I blindsided you, friend. I really loved talking to you and felt like we connected on a personal level, but I wasn’t really sure how much you REALLY trusted me in this game. When you came back from Het Keker and said you got nothing, it just seemed really shady and unlikely. Seeing that you may have come back with an advantage and that you were so close to Autumn, Saxon and I decided to sway people like we did in order to balance out our f3 and make sure that the 3 of us really WOULD make f3 together. That being said, I hope I can teach you make up one time!!! It is so fucking tragic that you were the one who said you needed to learn make up which motivated us to all do our make up on Cam and yet you weren’t there to see it... smh. Let me, madison, Saxon, and guacomole know and that private make up tutorial is all yours!!!“
“WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN!! Literally every fucking time we play together some wild ass freak accident twistos twist happens and you get shanked right in front of me and I feel like Simba yelling in the middle of the desert and I’m sick of it. Stop this- like be less charismatic and brave and likeable and noble so that people stop targeting you. Jk that’s why I love you“
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“I absolutely was shocked when you got eliminated. I felt a little betrayed by Alyssa and Autumn but they explained it to me in the end and I understood. I think if you did make it to the finale, you would've won this game hands down. I'm so glad that we got to be as close as we did and I will always be a #OploopforCullan stan.“
“Hi Madison! First of all, I’m sorry I blindsided you. Strategically, you had been very close to Saxon all game but hardly talked to Autumn and I. Considering my f3 with them at the time, you were a threat to that balance and so Autumn and I chose to rally people the way we did. I’m so happy we got to play this game after Kili because it gave me a chance to get to know you better. I always loved talking about Joyride games with you in the main chat and everyone else being confused as hell! I can’t wait to see you in more VLs!!!“
“WHY DO WE NEVER TALK. I feel like a broken record lmao but like seriously. Our minds together would’ve been iconic. There’s something to be said about your exits always happening in a blaze of glory. That always speaks more to the player than whoever things turned out. You have a big heart and I respect you so much for it“
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“Ugh damn boy you just didn't know when to quit. I do give you props for staying as long as you did. But with you doubting my gameplay, I just couldn't have it. Don't underestimate me okay?“
“Hi friend! I hope everything’s good with you and everything turned out okay with your ACT! I’m so sorry that I betrayed you. At the end of the day, we had competing interests considering my f2 with Saxon. And in an effort to keep a majority vote to get Saxon to the end, you had to be the one to go as Nick seemed to be flipping sides the whole game whereas your decisions had been pretty constant. Thank you for sharing your music with me and appreciating Panda!!! It was always so nice to talk to you because talking to people as a normal human being was as important to you as game talk was. The game wouldn’t have been the same without you and I’m so happy to have played with you!”
“a comeback king- ugh you have such a good story and no one can take that away from you. I love an underdog so that wasn’t an act, me constantly sticking my neck out time and time again to look out for you. Like yes there was strategy behind it too but I did enjoy working with you and I was really tired of seeing people come for you. Somewhere along the way though I remembered that I love that shit as a juror (someone who survives all assassination attempts) so I got nervous and I stopped trying to shield you. But please know I think you’re awesome and you’re better at this game than you think. I hope you continue to play and wreak havoc“
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“Gosh this was a hard vote but basically. Nick Autumn Alyssa and I were all together and I really had to finesse hard to make it look like I was with you through and through. I'm sorry but that was just how Live Night went. I hope you had a splendid time in jury.“
“Hiiiiiii king. I hope everything is good with you and college apps are alright! I’m sorry I voted you out. I knew you were flip flopping between Saxon and I which made me a little wary, especially seeing as you started planning with him. Especially after the effort you put into the bone challenge, it was apparent you were a threat to try to comp beast to the end. The one thing me and Saxon and Autumn and Nick could agree upon was that you should be voted out and at f5, I was just tryna get my king Saxon to f2. It was fun playing with you and thank you for literally coming to me and saying you wanted me to be your Shepard lmao good luck hosting your game!!! Can’t wait to watch!!“
“Son you know my ass is totally about to walk in next lmao so why be mushy- you getting fifth made me start packing my bags cause BB Orre is far from over #roxysmind. I love you so much and I just had deals with other people and I had to honor it that deep in the game, as much as I wanted to see you succeed. You’re the coolest so it’s always a pleasure to play with you”
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“Listen Nick, the longer you lied to me about voting me off during the Keaton vote, the more upset I became. Your lack of actions costed you to stay. Alyssa and I were really going to keep you till you dropped Alyssa's name.”
“I’m so sorry for voting you out. You had been unloyal to Madison the whole game, even voted her out, so I couldn’t trust you would honor our f2 agreement, especially after I heard from Saxon that you were saying I would be too difficult to compete against in FTC. I was going to vote Autumn and give you a chance to go to firemaking, but I wasn’t confident enough that my name wouldn’t be written down to do so and for that I’m sorry. Had I known the outcome of this vote, I would’ve given you a chance to fight for f3. Game moves being covered, we need to talk about real shit outside of game shit!!!! We are into all the same stuff it is so crazy. I’m taking an ORG hiatus when this game is done but please let’s keep in touch!”
“NIIICCKK. Bruh. I did you the dirtiest and I’m truly sorry. I really only voted you because of the alliance I was in with Alyssa and Saxon and I felt like firemaking would’ve been a massive risk. For what it’s worth I didn’t even think it was possible for us to really work together after Kilimanjaro so for me to be holding back tears as I casted my vote in Whole Foods is a big deal. You deserved better and I wish we were better at Jeopardy lmaaao. Thank you for always being in my corner”
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ios-amsterdam · 6 years
Thank you all so much for being part of my season. It meant a lot for me to come back into this community after a long hiatus and host a spectacular season in the franchise that I began in.
First off I want to apologize for the way live night was handled and I dont want it to reflect this season as a whole.
Both Alyssa and Saxon played very strong games with a lot of overlapping social and strategic moves. However we have more awards to give out to you all!
Player of the Season goes to...
Autumn not only played a very UTR game, but was also social aligned with a lot of the people on the tribe. Her name rarely was thrown around as a potential target to leave and she was able to visit Het Kerker anonymously pre-merge thanks to Alyssa’s Midas Thumb. Additionally, Autumn found a advantage/idol negator and the beginning of merge as well as found an idol at final 7. Despite position of these powers she didn’t use them because she wasn’t in direct danger since her social game always came in clutch. In the end her downfall was staying loyal to the Hex Girls - a three person alliance that had already blindsided somebody behind her back (Mo). In the end Autumn was not able to win the final immunity or plead her case to the jury, but if she did there is no telling how the results of the season would have played out.
The three nominees for fan favorite are... 
and Mo
I can now reveal that the fan favorite award goes to...
From his iconic humor, catch phrases, and down right hilarious confessionals, Mo played a very messy but socially strong game. Not only was he well liked by most of the tribe, but his ability to make others laugh and want to work with him exudes how much of a favorite he was this season.
Nick would like to personally thank everyone who played this game, especially those who made Jury. Everybody came out here to play a great season and everyone should be proud of themselves for their level of gameplay and ability to perform to Nick’s expectations.
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ios-amsterdam · 6 years
Winner Reveal!!
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For the final time, let’s get down to business.
Saxon, you played an amazing game as well and should be immensely proud of yourself for making it to this moment as well.
Thank you all!!
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ios-amsterdam · 6 years
Saxon’s Jury Answers
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Hi Guacamole Jones, fellow witch, fellow makeup warrior, fellow Oploop for Cullan alliance mate. So, to start off your question, I would say that I did do my best to keep my emotions from getting the best of me and sometimes I used my emotions for strategic gain especially for the campaign to get Keaton and Jayden out. I tried to keep it at a minimum so I do have to say some of the emotions I used to express why I wanted Keaton and Jayden out were mainly strategic but with Keaton there was a little bit more genuine emotion to it because of the Madison situation. Madison left the main chat for a couple of hours seeing that I kinda name dropped Keaton and cursed at him for being so pretentious to his girlfriend as well as calling Alyssa and Autumn, 2 of my ally's, dense. It struck a nerve in me and I did my best to contain my emotions but obviously some of it spewed out. And hearing what Madison had to say to me in private messages it did strike a nerve in my motivation to get Keaton out more because I wanted it to be fair to Madison to be comfortable in this game even if it meant she left 2 rounds later after her boyfriend was eliminated. Now, for the other votes, I'll say quickly that I didn't vote Randy out technically, but I did lead the charge in his elimination. Randy, to myself and Alyssa, became such a huge Under The Radar threat because we assumed he floated by through merge and was planning to dominate the competitions in the end and we weren't having that because obviously it infringed on Alyssa and I's chances of making it to the Final 2 if he somehow made it to the Final 3. And for Jayden and Mo, my main goal was to eliminate any possible talk or chance of my name getting thrown around because I think we all know the second your name is thrown out, you have a chance of getting voted off because names spread super fast in this cast and I found that 2 main culprits that would always say my name were Mo and Jayden. It was frustrating because I stuck my neck out for Mo by denying Keaton the alliance and saying that Mo shouldn't be voted off and exposing all of that information to Mo. Only for Mo to keep saying my name. Furthermore, getting Mo out was an attempt to weaken the Moelen group from dominating the vote in the end and obviously it did work out since 2 Gegoochel and 2 Moelen were left and the results ended up being 2 Gegoochel's in the final 2. Now, with Jayden, it was a mix because I was annoyed at the fact we were keeping someone around that I believe should've been eliminated by now but I reserved my complete thoughts on that until I found out Jayden was talking to Madison, Nick, and Alyssa about voting me off. Alyssa told me this of course but I finessed it to make it look like Jayden told me and namedropped Madison and Nick, hence keeping my name off of the shortlist of who to eliminate. Madison got voted off last second but Autumn and Alyssa promised me as part of repayment that we would get Jayden out before Live Night Final 5 Immunity happened because usually floaters are the most unpredictable in live nights and Jayden. was. unpredictable. I hope this answers your question darling! A lot of it was trying to conquer over making sure my name wasn't the popular choice of who should be voted out each round and I had to diminish that chance by getting rid of the catalysts who dropped my name and getting rid of the people who stood a chance at breaking Alyssa and I up.
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Hi James! Okay this is definitely a hard question to answer because I love and respect Alyssa dearly, especially with her gameplay because I was able to witness a lot of the gameplay she had through our F2 chat together and so the majority of the secrets that she kept, I knew. Since, in reality, our alliance was her biggest secret in this game as well as my own. It's hard to say why I should win over her because we both did make moves where one person lead the charge and the other person got the connections to execute the moves we wished to see. It was definitely a reciprocated relationship but I already told this to Alyssa multiple times that we both did make moves on our own without the other one really being aware of it. I mean being left in the dark about the Madison vote definitely was Alyssa showing that she was able to make a move on her own but also keep me safe. And mine would be creating the Oploop For Cullan alliance with Madison and Jones from the Oudewater tribe to run the Final 12 vote that got out Kage out of this game. And I think that this is the first time Alyssa knows about this alliance and I know theories went around that Madison and I were a Final 2 when actually Alyssa and I were the real Final 2. But to stop beating around the bush and to answer your question directly, I would say the main thing that signifies why I should win over Alyssa would be the merit and honesty aspect of this game, otherwise known as jury management. Yes the one thing I kept hidden from everyone was the F2 alliance with Alyssa, but, in perspective, no one really asked me directly if Alyssa and I were together. So you can't really lie about something that wasn't asked to you. Other than that though, I made it very clear what my intentions were and if I knew you were going, I would give off a hint that you were in fact going. I did this with Ian early on in the premerge because I wanted Ian to know that he wasn't being voted off in a malicious standpoint. This continued on with hinting at Kage Keaton and Jayden that they were my target directly. Or even telling Autumn the truth about the Final 2, which I still think I could've worded it better and I beat myself up over that. Times were I wasn't honest or could've been more direct would be Randy and Nick because I did tell Randy I think he was going but I wanted him to be positive and think he had a chance to stay when in reality I was the one working the strings to make sure he went. Was it honest? No. But I wanted to make sure Randy got a hug from the person he didn't know was one of the main people that got him eliminated. And with Nick, I just was dropping hints saying I didn't appreciate Alyssa being name dropped and maybe he could've known because of how close Autumn Alyssa and I were from the skype calls, I don't know. Mo's vote was a blindside orchestrated by me and I didn't really have a choice to be honest because it would've exposed my game, plus Mo didn't directly ask me if I was voting him off so I can't really lie about something I wasn't asked. And the votes that absolutely blindsided me were definitely Madison's, Jones's, and your eliminations. I didn't expect you 3 to go when you did and those were times where I realized I had tow work 3x as hard to make sure I stayed and had more control over the votes. So I would say I had an upper hand over Alyssa on the merit and jury management part because I did create social bonds that made me more connected with everyone and I believe I did have less secrets to hide than Alyssa. Mainly because I wanted to keep that merit aspect alive in me.
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For Keaton: Hi Keaton! To start off your question, yes, we're 100% cool and thank you for the thoughtful questions for myself and Alyssa! As of recently, I do think the biggest mistake I made in this game was how I handled telling Autumn that she was going to be eliminated at Final 3. I continuously messaged Alyssa cursing myself saying I fucked up multiple times because I genuinely did feel bad for her making it so far only to come short in the end. I wish I can go back to yesterday and word what I said to Autumn better because she absolutely was a gem to both Alyssa and I in this game. I'm not the best when it comes to words on how I feel and how to ease situations so I did try my best but I know I could've worded the situation better. Other than that, I will say that I did make small mistakes in this game that were quickly resolved by a lot of micro damage control because every secret that I knew came from Alyssa. She was sort've like an informant to me and if there was something I knew I did wrong or something she knew I did wrong I would immediately be on top of it to find a way to fix the situation. But in conclusion, I think the events just prior to Final 3 tribal council were my biggest mistake because Autumn was a true ally to me and I wish her leaving could've ended better.
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Hey Mo, your elimination, aside from Jones's, was one of the highlighted moments of this season and one of my biggest moves. The reason why Alyssa and I both eliminated you stems from Autumn and rereading between the lines, so to say. Autumn told the Hex Girls alliance chat that you and Nick wanted either me or Randy gone with you wanting me gone and Nick wanting Randy gone. However, the one damning thing Autumn said that I caught was her saying "The Moelen Group" I had a theory to Alyssa after touchy subjects that you, Nick, and Autumn were in some form of an alliance or voting block of some kind and with Autumn saying "The Moelen Group" it confirmed my suspicions and so I quickly took Alyssa aside in #SagAttack and asked her if she saw what I saw and that started the beginning of the end for you because I told Alyssa I wanted to blindside someone from the group, preferably you because you said my name, because it'll protect myself further but also weaken that group in the end. Alyssa and I went to Madison and Randy each and I think Alyssa reached out to Jayden which explains the 5th vote which I was so hesitant on because that could've blown up so fast but it didn't and for that I'm thankful because it was definitely a blindside to Autumn and Nick. I exposed the group to Madison which made her mistrust Nick and get on board with voting you out, and exposing it to Randy who was namedropped to also have the motivation to protect himself as well. So, indirectly, Autumn sealed your fate because of 3 words, and directly, Alyssa and I orchestrated your elimination because of something I caught from Autumn's wording.  
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Hi Madison, I do miss you a lot and I'm hoping Ponderosa has been treating you well darling, can't wait to talk soon! Now, to answer your question, I would say that there were things small and big about my social connections that really helped me get further into the game. As I said, I did my best to put my personal emotions aside in this game and I was able to work with Randy in this game. Randy and I were on a call after the Jones vote and Randy began to apologize to me and I said to him "Listen, now is not the time to talk personal, we're playing a game right now, we can talk after this is all over. You and I need to work together in order to get further" so my ability to see past my personal emotions and work with people I didn't think I would ever work with opened up a world for me to make new connections and solidify my social strength in the game. When Alyssa and I got separated in the tribe swap, I knew it was time for me to branch out and make new bonds to the rest of the cast because it's good to be active and social but it's another thing to be active, social, and protected. And I needed the protection part which is where Oploop for Cullan came in for me. Madison, you and I bonded on Gegoochel cause we were both returnees but our bond wasn't to the point where it is now until that alliance was made with Jones. With having you two in my back pocket after taking a leap of faith and hoping the alliance can stay strong, I was able to solidify numbers and social bonds with y'all to make the Kage vote go easier than expected. And although Mo continued to go after me, I was able to buy myself some time and get my name off of the shortlist because I was able to give Mo viable information that could help their game and in return I was able to be safe for a little longer. After Jones, James, and you were eliminated from the game, I was able to get people to explain to me in a diplomatic type of way of why you 3 were voted off and the reasonings behind it made sense to me which was why I didn't lash out at everyone because I knew I could use the information for later, hence me using Jones's elimination to fuel fire to get Keaton out. Like to have the power for people to tell you why they didn't vote the same way as you did and continued on with the same type of bond and trust intact is some kinda power honestly. Yeah my name was thrown around here and there, but by the same people. And they were gone by the time Final 5 rolled around thanks to the assistance of people I made bonds with, including you.
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For Jayden: Hi Jayden! I knew this question was going to come up and I thought about this last night when I was walking home and for the sake of the jury to know more of what I did I can give you guys a top 2 list of moves that I did that I do believe deserve some form of recognition but I will answer your question about which move I made from the two was the biggest to myself. So for the 1st move that I did make, I would have to say exposing Keaton at the final 10 to Randy and the final 9 to Mo about the 4 person alliance he proposed to Jones, Madison, and myself which really opened doors for me because I was able to seek an ally from Randy up until his elimination and I was able to keep the pressure off of my name being thrown around from Mo who I knew was down to target me. The night I exposed that information to Mo was the same night of the casting spells challenge and since I was eliminated first I did have time to go talk to Mo and before I did threaten Keaton about exposing his plans of getting out Mo. To which Keaton replied saying he already told Mo but at that point I just couldn't believe anything Keaton was saying and told Mo myself and Mo was surprised by the information I had over Keaton and told me that wasn't what Keaton told him. I may be wrong and maybe Mo was lying about not knowing but I highly believe it is true because Mo voted out Keaton that round and I was able to get my main nemesis eliminated at the Final 9. Now the second move I believe made a good impact on the game and further protecting myself from being name dropped was catching what Autumn was saying in the Hex Girls chat at Final 8 because we were originally that same morning going to vote off you, Jayden, but Autumn namedropped Nick and Mo to us and who they wanted to vote out in "The Moelen Group" with Nick saying Randy and Mo saying my name as to no surprise. But I reread what Autumn said and I went to #SagAttack and asked Alyssa if she peeped what Autumn just said about "The Moelen Group" because I had a theory that Autumn, Mo, and Nick were somehow together since the touchy subjects round and it made so much sense and I asked Alyssa first if she was down to blindside Mo and to which she said yeah. I think both Alyssa and I went to both Randy and Madison because we wanted this vote to be HELLA under wraps and I exposed the group to Madison and that made her distrust Nick because Nick lied to her about the group and I got more information confirming that Nick/Madison were somewhat of a Final 2 so the Final 8 was really me collecting so much information about alliances in the game. And I exposed it to Randy and Nick namedropping him and of course Randy was down to weaken the group because at that point Wolfskers had I believe only 2 members left. And within 6 hours I, with major assistance from Alyssa, pulled off a blindside that the other side wasn't expecting at all. Now of course there's other moves I made like running the Final 12 vote with Jones and Madison or finessing Randy into believing that I was going to be alone after Live Night or even dropping seeds to make Madison and Nick distrust you, Jayden, and keep my name safe. But if I had to choose from the top 2 and how it impacted the rest of the game I would say the blindside was hands down my biggest move because it not only got rid of Mo who still wanted me out after I protected them from Keaton but also it brought out the strategist in me realizing that no matter what from now on I was in the loop and knew everything that was going on from there on out.
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Hi Randy, if I had to be honest I'm kinda confused with your question because you said I had a good social game over Alyssa but what were the other things I lacked? I had 3 individual immunity challenge ones so I was a physical threat and in terms of strategy, I can confidently say that I can hold the primary credit to 3 eliminations of people on the jury and 3 secondary credit to others on the jury. So I had a pretty good strategy and a physical game if I can brag for myself. So I don't understand how I'm paving the road for Alyssa to win when the one thing I knew I had to work on and explain to the jury is the one thing I have over Alyssa according to you. I couldn't be honest with you because of the whole Het Kerker situation and the paranoia that you probably had a power which was why I refrained from telling you that you were getting voted off. Also by doing that, I'm assuming y'all still didn't have an idea that Alyssa and I's alliance existed and by not telling you, it kept up the illusion that it's Autumn Nick and Alyssa against me, meaning, it further protected our Final 2 alliance. It wasn't necessarily I had to struggle to keep up because I did know what was going on for all except 3 votes. It was then I knew I had to work twice as hard to get the results I wanted and it came rather easy to me in retrospect. Furthermore, having Alyssa in the Final 2 is fine by me because I remained loyal to her and she did the same for me. She put on multiple fronts to appear that she was down to get me eliminated at some point but in the end she was able to convince others to refrain from forming a campaign to get me out. And I did the same for her. I mean, yes, it may have looked like I struggled. But I wanted to put up this front that I was this underdog trying to fight the big power but in reality I was 1/2 of the big power and Alyssa was the other half. She was my informant on everything that was going on and so I had to strategize on what type of psychological warfare I should use to get the goal of making it to the Final 2 and getting people out who I wanted to see gone. And unfortunately you were one of them. takes off label of my dumb bitch juice pouch and reveals smart bitch juice pouch label underneath
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Hi Nick! So to answer your question about which move got my path made to the Final 2 I would say it would probably be what went down at the Final 5 during Live Night! After Jayden left I actually realized that everyone left in the game had a sense of trust in me but I didn't know what level of trust so to say because I mean I would ask you how much did you trust me genuinely after Jayden was voted off? Because it seemed like a lot for me to be able to tell you I was voting you and you being completely chill with it. So to give context to what I just said, at the Final 5 I'm pretty sure the majority of the jury and even Randy were assuming that I was going to be alone once Randy left as Autumn, Nick yourself, and Alyssa were allegedly against me but that wasn't the case at all. After the Final 6 Immunity Challenge, Alyssa and I both realized that Randy definitely was a physical threat to beat in the end and we both didn't wish to see him make it through Live Night as it would be difficult to beat him in the end. So after I won immunity in the Final 5, my job wasn't finished as I had to finesse so hard to Randy that I was going to vote out you Nick with him and in doing so, I told you that I was going to vote you off but I assured you that Alyssa and Autumn were keeping you so I was able to keep up the facade that I was alone if Randy left and also gain a level of trust and honesty from you. Now, the biggest part came in, in order to make it the final nail in the coffin, I told Alyssa to use her Immunity Idol on Nick so it seemed like no matter what happened Randy was screwed. I honestly should give myself an oscar for the reaction I put on after the votes were read, acting like I didn't know what was going on in Randy's elimination when, in fact, I helped set up the small steps and kept up the idea that I was alone and I had to survive Autumn, Alyssa, and you, Nick. And it worked out given how shocked some of you are that I am in fact standing here right now presenting my case to all of you, not to sound cocky, and if I did come off that way, my apologies. In addition, from then on, Alyssa and I had control because we had a lot of dirt on you, Nick, from figuring out that you voted me off during the Keaton vote and you namedropping Alyssa to me. Which obviously convinced Autumn to vote you off and then for Alyssa and I to have a 2/3 chance of the result that came true today.  
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Hi Autumn, I understand how you're feeling right now. Getting shorthanded by 2 people that costed you the chance of being so close to plead your case to the jury sucks. I'm sorry that it was done to you, I wish I could've worded everything better, I feel absolutely guilty for it. I could go on further about how sorry I am but I'm sure you would like to hear my answers instead. Well, to answer your question, I do believe that there are ways my game eclipsed Alyssa's. First of all though, I will defend Alyssa to everyone and get something right. She was only asking for names not to be the majority but to calculate everyone's next move, she knew who the majority was already. I can vouch for her and say that Alyssa hands down knew EXACTLY what everyone was doing each round of the game and relayed all of it to me. However, the one thing she couldn't do was know what I was doing each round of the game despite being her closest ally. Yes, we were a Final 2, but in some cases we did keep things from each other to ensure that we both had a fighting chance to show the jury the side of individual gameplay. Especially with the Oploop for Cullan alliance, she had no idea I was part of leading the charge to get Kage out the first vote. Jones, Madison, and I reached out to so many people to make sure we had the numbers to get him out cause he dropped Madison's name. Yeah it was easy to get Kage out because of how unlikeable he was, but nonetheless, someone had to namedrop him to the rest of the cast and MAKE the majority, and that someone was a mix of myself, Madison, and Jones. Alyssa was in the majority for every vote except the Jones's vote. And I wasn't in the majority for 3 of the merge votes. But I had power to go up to either you Alyssa or someone and fish for information about why the person who was eliminated was the majority vote. I was able to maneuver my way around people seeing me as a target because I voted in the minority. I think Alyssa didn't have to deal with that at all and not experience the full back and forth of what this game holds. And thanks to Alyssa informing me with shit about people saying my name, she advised me to not go to people and plant seeds but I knew better from my past and knew how I could finesse talking to the people in my favor. So I had multiple instances where I went against Alyssa's word by going out and planting seeds to other people to get them to mistrust who I wanted to see get mistrusted. And it paid off. It's because I knew how quickly this game could move and so I knew I had to act fast.
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ios-amsterdam · 6 years
Alyssa’s Jury Answers (Part Two)
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Alyssa’s answers are being split into two posts because Tumblr only lets you embed five videos per post.
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