ircnlace-blog · 6 years
like this (or comment for a certain character) for a starter from andy !!
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ircnlace-blog · 6 years
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“Is it totally inappropriate for me to show up at your door right now in an attempt to drag you off for a hike?” Grace asked, raising an eyebrow at her friend. “I need to let off a little steam. Are you in?” [@ircnlace]
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Andy wasn't expecting the knock, but she was glad to see grace. she was one of the few people she could stand for longer than a few moments. She was a good woman and surprisingly good company. Andy held a small smile, "Well, considering that it's my day off and I was about to phone you to see if you wanted to do something today, I'd say not inappropriate at all."
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ircnlace-blog · 6 years
when graham saw the man, his immediate reaction was to begin a warning, beginning with a low, “hey,” as he started to rise from his stool. he spent more than enough time here, and unfortunately far too many men felt like they could do whatever they wanted. if he could help, he generally tried. but, he was quickly beat to the punch, quite literally, the young woman effortlessly landed a hit on the man’s jaw and he was out like a light. graham sunk back down onto the stool, looking at the woman. she didn’t look like much at first glance, but clearly she was someone worth noting. 
“hardly even worth the knock out,” he says, simply staring at the woman, unable to stop himself. normally, he was a relatively collected person, and nothing particularly phased him. but, now graham was completely thrown off. he knew plenty of grown men that couldn’t do that so easily, especially considered the knocked out man wasn’t too small. smaller than him, but as a tall man, he was used to that. when she recognized him, from lord knows what, all he could do was stare back in her in awe. “what?” he manages, motioning towards her, “who gives a damn who i am, look at what you just did!”
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she didn't look like much at first glance, and that was why she was good at what she did. she didn't look like a threat, and therefore she could fool just about anyone she wanted to. of course, there was no need to fool anyone here, so she let her skills be known. she regarded the man's form with little interest before looking up at some of the guys he was with, "you gonna get him off the floor? it's bothering me." they moved quickly to get him out of her way. 
she nodded like it was a matter of fact. living in her world meant there weren't many that posed a threat to her. it was just how things worked for andy, in matter of fact, she was more surprised when she had a good fight on her hands. this was just pathetic. however, what did have her surprised was to see a man like graham here. it was odd to see mythology come to life. it was even weirder to have him look at her like that. "i care!" she shot back. "this is child's play. too easy, there was nothing impressive here, but you. you are a living legend! god, i remember seeing you in that johnson fight! my dad took me and god, i would not leave him alone until he taught me how to throw a real pouch. i made my nanny sew gloves for my teddy bear after that fight."
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ircnlace-blog · 6 years
andy didn't have many relationships period, let alone any strong and positive relationships, from her childhood (or even now, but who's counting). there were exceptions though, like dot. to say that she was incredibly close with dot wasn't accurate, but her father took her and her brother in when she was younger and her and the girl bonded in that short time. she was an incredibly kind, and andy always admired her quiet strength and poise. the thing is, andy never expected to see the girl ever again, she didn't expect to see many people ever again, yet, here in tiny little redwater, she caught a glimpse of a familiar face.
"dot? oh my god, is that you? dot fox?" she could hardly believe it.
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ircnlace-blog · 6 years
andy was at the bar, most nights were spent here, but yet it felt like there were a never ending list of men that treated her like a sideshow attraction. she didn't mind too much, but touching was always a big no no. so, when this guy made a pass at her, her reaction was just to knock back the rest of her drink and take a solid swing at the man, knocking him down easily. she had been beating up men like him since she was ten, nothing to worry her.
she had heard someone try to defend her, but she wasn't lacking in that department. "oh don't worry about him, he's hardly even worth the knock out. i appreciate the thought." she looked at the man and something struck her. he had the face from a memory that seemed like a dream. it was a dream of titans of strength brawling to be the strongest. gods that she looked up to from her small perspective as a little girl looking into the boxing ring of the giants. he was the victor. "holy shit," she couldn't help the profanity, "you're graham ivy!"
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ircnlace-blog · 6 years
ariel had been trying to throw darts at the back of rory’s head for about fifteen minutes (who’s counting) when he heard a voice pipe up from behind him. he turned slowly, holding a lone dart as if it were a cigarette, and let his gaze rest upon the woman sitting at one of the small tables. she was drunk, most definitely. ariel was not, but then again, he didn’t really need to be. he smiled, just knowingly enough. “je ne sais pas de quoi tu parles.”
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there were definitely moments in the night that rory would look at the darts appearing around him. there was even audible "where are these coming from?" at some point. andy loved the man, but it was definitely amusing. she snorted a dry sound of amusement at the dart in his mouth. now, this man new how to be entertaining. she wished more people were like this. a toothy grin broke out on her face when she heard the french. her's mother's tongue. she did enjoy speaking it, but wasn't given many opportunities to. "ah, mais je vois ton jeu de fléchettes. vous savez clairement de quoi je parle."
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ircnlace-blog · 6 years
"rose," rory called as she walked in, waving her to the bar. he was in a good mood, "i've got someone you should meet." 
andy had heard stories from rory about the girl they called rose in town. she seemed like a person that andy might like, but they ran with very, very different crowds. one of the problems being that andy didn't ran with any crowds. andy clearly stuck out in the bar for a couple of reasons. one, she was a woman in a dive bar, but with rose, it seemed a little out of place. two, she's taller than rory when she's sitting in the bar stool, but it's clear that she would stand just about as tall as him standing without any sort of heel. three, she was openly drinking her liquor. four, she was wearing pants, and looking like she belonged in them. five, her head was held high with a feminine, indignant pride that radiated off of her. she stuck her hand out. "andy williams. lovely to meet you."
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ircnlace-blog · 6 years
"you're a strange little man," andy commented, nearly unprompted other than the fact that she had been watching this guy all night, and she was just, utterly fascinated with him, and she was drunk. she leaned forward, "i like it." she finished her drink, "do you have a proclivity for mischief. a desire to create general tomfoolery around town, or engage in hooliganism?" she asked, dead serious.
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ircnlace-blog · 6 years
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{ SOFIA BLACK-D’ELIA, 27, cis female, she/her, muse an } welcome friend! you know, i just saw ANDROMEDA “ANDY” WILLIAMS in town. it’s good to see them. they’ve been staying in town for ONE YEAR and making a living as an ASSISTANT MANAGER OF THE BOWLING ALLEY. not too bad. i hear they can be a bit CRASS, but LOVING. so, really who blames them? i hear they’ve been thinking about SETTLING DOWN AND FINDING PEACE. good for them. { it’s ash, y’all }
here she is, finally, the chaotic bisexual who likes to ruin lives, under the cut you’ll find bio info and some wanted connections !! suicide mention and death and severe poverty tws below. like this or just hit me up for plotting !! 
andromeda roselle williams was born in nyc in 1919 to very wealthy parents, her father being old money
only child
she’s born on halloween
her childhood was very lavish and she was wanting for nothing ever
she had the pony, the private tutors, the friends, she had everything 
ever since being very small, her parents valued her education and by the time she was old enough to walk practically, she was being tutored in french, german, italian, russian, and japanese 
she also loved spending time in her father’s office when he was working, trying to make sense of the stock business
she never liked going by andromeda, and instead preferred her father’s nickname of “andy” 
her life was just short of perfect until late october of 1929
everything was lost
everything, her family had nothing come the 29th of october and that night, her father killed himself
her mother was distraught and andy was numb, not understanding fully what was happening
her mother tried to send her away to her aunt’s house, she wasn’t too bad off yet, and her mother didn’t know how to raise a child by herself and she just wanted the best for her daughter
andy didn’t understand this, and grew angry with her mother, so on the train to her aunt’s house, andy snuck off and disappeared into the night
she was an incredibly smart child, so she made it work
chores and favors here and there for people for food or a place to sleep
when that didn’t, she stole or conned for the the things she needed 
to get around, she rode the rails, hitchhiked, walked, she one time even found an abandoned horse in the dust bowls of oklahoma and she rode him to minnesota before finding him a good home
met the worst and best of people on her travels 
and andy met who a little boy who basically grew to be her little brother and she took care of him 
his mother was sick, but took care of him and when andy landed on her doorstep, she took the girl in too
the dad was long gone
the mother ended up dying, but andy promised to take care of the little boy 
and she did
she took him on all of her travels and they grew to be a real family, just the two of them
she took care of him and fiercely loves him
the issue is now she was another mouth to feed and he’s even less useful that her for work, so stealing and conning it is
she got really good, like could make only her fool good 
as they grew, they became the scoundrels of the tracks, but they had each other 
one snowing night in 1937, now 18, they found themselves in new york city
her brother wanted to see the sights, and andy finally grew enough courage to go back to her hometown
while exploring the poorer parts of the city, she found a person she never thought she’d see, her mother 
and her mother was on her death bed 
they reconciled and andy held her hand as she died 
the loss of so many friends and family was beginning to take a toll of the girl, and she started going down a darker path, blackmail, threats, and injury were no longer things she wouldn’t do to survive
she killed her first man 1938 when he tried to hurt her brother 
she didn’t like it, but she also felt absolutely no remorse for him
her and her brother never spoke about it
the heists, the cons, the embezzlement, all of it started getting riskier
as things were improving in the late 30′s and 40′s, so did their lives, but andy wasn’t keen to give up her way of life, she just really didn’t know any other way and change terrified her because change had very rarely ever brought the girl anything good
change came for her though, two days after the bombing of pearl harbor
she was arrested off the streets and brought to building she hoped never to see, the headquarters of the fbi in new york city
her language skills, her proclivity for violence, her insane wit, and her skill set didn’t go unnoticed 
she was given a deal she couldn’t refuse, she was given immunity for her numerous crimes and her and her brother would be made legal family, he’d be taken care of, and he’d be given immunity from the draft if she served as a spy and assassin for the military in their most delicate cases
if she didn’t she’d definitely be going to jail and he would be drafted immediately
there was quite literally no other choice 
so, the was recruited into the early form of secret services
when they were doing weapon training, discovered what a deadly shit andy was
she helped get important info the d-day invasion, intercepted a lot of plans and cargo lines
has over 150 confirmed kills 
was entrusted to do spy work and take out high, sensitive, and valuable targets
as well as intel gathering and transporting high priority and highly sensitive messages and info
she has been personally thanked by the heads of the allied forces for her service
earned a reputation for being a cold blooded and terrifying killer, and a nickname, the red butcher
after the war ended (she was involved with the manhattan project and man, does that keep her up at night), she and her brother moved out to redwater for a fresh start
she’s working as an assist manager at the bowling alley mainly because would you tell her no? 
she’s tired man, she’s just tired and wants a break
does not care what you think
is mysterious
wanted connections: 
alright, here we go
she’s... a loose and fast lady, so friends with benefits, girl, boy, whatever, doesn’t matter, but also, rip if you kiss and tell with her, she likes being discreet and likes the less known about her as possible
drinking buddies, she goes out at night and dances and gets drunk
someone come fight with her, she loves a good fight
people to go shooting with tbh
outdoor activity buddies in general, she loves hiking, canoeing, fishing, hunting, horse back riding, all of it
a friend that like, they actually cuddle and she opens up to and has a good relationship with 
if you are looking for more characters, then her brother and the other half to her plot would be awesome!! 
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ircnlace-blog · 6 years
tag dump !!
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