redwatersremaining · 4 years
hello! it is Hoby (28, she/hers, CST). known for such muses as Elsie Carroll and Ricky Maynard. Please like this post for a closed starter from Jamie.
( tom holland, male, he/his, muse 44 ) i saw jamie finnegan at roger’s diner drinking a milkshake. it’s good to see them, i heard they’ve been living in redwater for their entire life making a living as a movie theatre attendant. did you know their birthday just passed ? that makes them 23 years old and a pisces, which makes sense to me considering they’re overly emotional and caring. i heard they’re thinking about starting a family. i hope it works out. 
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Subplot: DOROTHY FINNEGAN and RORY FINNEGAN got married fresh out of high school, sweethearts that everyone in town knew were perfect for each other, and they were right. they got a house, had children, and had the perfect life. when pearl harbor happened, though, RORY knew what he had to do. his age and job led to him quickly rising through the ranks after enlistment and quickly became an officer. DOROTHY, with children on her hips and at her ankles, had JAMIE FINNEGAN, DOROTHY and RORY’s eldest child, watch over their younger siblings while DOROTHY went to the factories. DOROTHY worked the steel drives, was one of the first women collecting silks and campaigning for other women to donate their silk. DOROTHY, with her children JAMIE and EILIDH FINNEGAN, kept morale high and helped organize the welcoming parties for the soldiers who came home. RORY came back from war, wanting to be the husband and father he once was. DOROTHY saw her husband’s struggle and it’s not just up to him to work through this alone. DOROTHY and RORY were in a partnership after all. DOROTHY is running a group for vets with resources to help them recover from the war and helping RORY is her top priority. 
More Info About Jamie:
The oldest of seven siblings, Jamie has a self-destructive street and tends to care more about his family’s well-being than his own.
Since he stayed behind from war to help take care of his siblings he feels like less of a man.
He’s highly intelligent, aced school without trying, book learning comes easy to him. If only he could figure out how to apply this intelligence to his life.
Jamie was loved deeply by his parents, but he always somehow felt lesser than.
He works as a movie theatre attendant. He picked this job so he could eat more popcorn. He worries that his family might need him while he’s at work even though he doesn’t work as many hours as some people.
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stillwatcr · 4 years
i’m a lazy bastard and didn’t want to make multiple posts, so you get this massive post. some important links: their long form bios (x), their connection page (x), and for funsies, the pinterest board i’ve made (x). all are wips and i’ll improve/change things as we go! buckle up, y’all are going on a feels ride with my boys. trigger warnings are contained at the beginning of each of their intros. if you make it to the end, i’ll give you a hug.
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( oliver jackson-cohen, cis male, he/him, muse 39 ) i saw benjamin goldman at the docks doing sketches of the boats. it’s good to see them, i heard they’ve been living in redwater for his entire life making a living as a lumberyard worker. did you know their birthday just passed ? that makes them 33 years old and a pisces, which makes sense to me considering they’re shy and tolerant. i heard they’re thinking about becoming a full time artist. i hope it works out. 
tw: death
the youngest in a family of immigrants, benjamin was the only child born in the us. this sense of displacement has been in his bones since he was born, never quite comfortable wherever he is.
his family came to washington to work in the lumber industry. it was a hard adjustment but his father was enchanted with the lush forests he saw in a postcard when they landed in america. while the reality didn’t match the dream, the goldmans didn’t have the money to go anywhere else.
benjamin has never known anywhere else, growing up and living in the logging camps around petersen’s. while one might think he would be comfortable in the forest, benjamin had a terrifying experience with the forest when he was just a young boy.
benjamin wandered away from the camp while playing and became lost at age 8. he wandered through the forest; crying, running from any noise in fear of bears, and sleeping under fallen tree limbs. His ordeal lasted for 14 days. he was picked up on the other side of the island by a passing charcoal burner, and returned to overjoyed parents, but the damage was already done. he had a deep set fear of being lost in the forest, and never wanted to go into it alone again. 
while the incident made him fearful and withdrawn, it connected benjamin with his inner mind, and made him an astute observer of the world. in his recovery, one of the secretaries from the mill gifted him a pencil set and benjamin learned how to draw. it’s always been a secret love of his, but he hardly shows any of his sketches to anyone.
when war came calling, benjamin was called on, quite against his will. he would have been content to live and die in the woods of redwater, but uncle sam had other plans. benjamin was drafted into the us army and to his surprise, became quite versatile with a rifle, owing to him growing up hunting.  
while overseas, he ran into one of the most charismatic members of his platoon, jack adler. benjamin was surprised when one night, jack revealed he was from redwater, benjamin’s hometown. they struck up a conversation, and became fast friends. jack enjoyed his sketches and encouraged him to become an artist after the war, and benjamin let himself dream that it was possible.
of course, every soldier has a tragedy and jack adler became benjamin’s. jack was killed, and benjamin was the one to hold him through it. he was the one to remove jack’s identification tag and his family’s letter, the one to write peggy, the little sister jack talked about on the nights he missed home.
benjamin escaped the war unscathed (though is anyone ever really unscathed?) and came home to redwater, to resume his position as a lumberyard worker. now benjamin is helping the company define its border, and he’s trying to find his own again. benjamin is trying to come back to himself. 
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( tom payne, agender, he/him, muse 41 ) i saw peter lamb at roger’s diner getting a bite to eat. it’s good to see them, i heard they’ve been living in redwater for their entire life making a living as a manger at langberg’s. did you know their birthday just passed ? that makes them 37 years old and a virgo, which makes sense to me considering they’re critical and loyal. i heard they’re thinking about becoming a lawyer. i hope it works out.
tw: implied abuse, death mention. 
peter lamb was the only child of a happy couple of redwater. his father and mother had grown up in redwater and lived there their entire lives and as far as they were concerned, so would their son. they saw themselves as being on the brink of being legacies, and their son would be the start of it.
peter was raised like he was a king of his household. they spoiled him, and told him to reach for the stars. yet somehow, peter didn’t let it go to his head. peter would say it was because he saw how a doctor saved his mother’s life when she was in a car crash with him at age 10 (the event made him want to become a doctor), but he knew deep down it was because he was inescapably lonely.
peter had no siblings, no close friends, and he felt different. he didn’t see himself in the casual violence and anger expressed by his father, nor in the soft surrenders of his mother, he didn’t feel like either of them. and when he played with the children on his street, he thought each one of them felt like him, because how couldn’t they? if he was the only one to feel like this... peter couldn’t stand the thought of that, so he ignored it.  
when peter was 15, he got a part time job as a clerk in langberg’s, in the men’s department. it was there that peter fully realized he was different. other men didn’t look at each other like he looked at them, they were confident and knew their masculine side. peter didn’t feel like he had one, like he was entirely separate from gender. he wrote about it in a doeskin journal his mother got him, and hid it behind the baseboard, never to talk about what he felt. 
he worked again in langberg’s, this time as the department manager. but it was the nuremberg trials, the proceedings that laid the blame somewhere, that gave peter the inspiration to follow again. peter knew he wanted to be a lawyer, to hold criminals to account and help victims seek justice. now the big question is just how to get there?  
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( sebastian stan, cis male, he/him, muse 1 ) i saw abraham hartley at the uptown waterfront doing net repairs for his fishing boat. it’s good to see them, i heard they’ve been living in redwater for his entire life making a living as a fisherman. did you know their birthday just passed ? that makes them 37 years old and a cancer, which makes sense to me considering they’re insecure and sympathetic. i heard they’re thinking about starting a family. i hope it works out.
tw: alcoholism, child abuse, death, death during birth
abraham was born to a family already a memory. his father was half out the door always, his mother trying to disappear, the house almost slipping out of their grasp every week. abraham never knew plenty, only knew less.
and then, against the odds, a baby. but then elijah came screaming into the world and his mother did her great disappearing act for good. four year old abraham was left hollow eyed in the corner of the room, holding a bloodied infant, and his father gone to a bar to drink, his mother cooling on the table. that less had finally turned into loss.
his father turned his back on elijah and abraham had to beg from door to door to get milk, had to take his father’s boots off when he collapsed on the floor every night. abraham had always thought he had taken after his mother more, but as it turned out, he had to become her. he had to take care of her husband and her child, and became the heart of the hartleys. 
and yet when it counted the most, that heart failed him. a murmur, a murmuring heart, held him back from the jaws of war, and from following his brother to the great battlefield. but abraham had his own battlefield to contend with at home, taking care of his father, whose hard drinking had caught up with him. he had to take over their fishing boat, had to get up before the sun to set out on the water. 
and while abraham had his own fears and struggles to deal with at home, he worried about his brother, unable to protect him like he always had. he feared the war board coming to his door, being handed a folded flag. but it never came, and ve day did, and he could breathe a sigh of relief. 
and then scarce a week later, his father died. abraham had no money, not even for a potter’s grave, so he stole out of his house one night and wrapped his father in a length of canvas, rocks in the lining. his father slipped into the sound, and abraham felt a burden lift. he could move on now, no longer be that frightened little boy in the corner of the room.
and eventually, eli came back. he stole into their house like a stranger and when abraham looks at him, he can scarcely see the boy he raised. he’s not sure if they can ever get to be what they were but he’ll be here for whatever they are now.
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rcdwaters · 6 years
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{ RICHARD MADDEN, 31, cis male, he/him, muse b } welcome friend! you know, i just saw ELI HARTLEY in town. it’s good to see them. they’ve been staying in town for ALL HIS LIFE and making a living as a BOXER/FISHERMAN. not too bad. i hear they can be a bit IRRESPONSIBLE, but EARNEST. so, really who blames them? i hear they’ve been thinking about BECOMING A PROFESSION BOXER. good for them. { asher, 22, est, she/them }
hi everyone !! i'm ash and this is the first fucko here.  eli is kinda new, kinda an au, so it's going to be a wild adventure regardless. down below are the talking points of his bio and stuff to know about him and then a few wanted connections. give this a like or just hit me up to plot !! death, war, scar, injury, and ptsd tw up ahead.
so he's literally the posts that are like "one day i'll be strong enough to punch the sun" and the one about punching bees 
like he's so angry about everything always
he wasn't always like that, so if you knew him before the war, you'd be shocked to see the change, he used to be a pretty laid back and chill dude 
he doesn't know how to use his words at all, he's a man of action and fighting tbh
also kind of a slut
he is usually some level of bruised and beat up from either in the ring or just you know, him being a headass and getting into fights
dead on the inside
like has smiled maybe twice since getting home
boxing is his outlet for the horrors in his head and it's always been his dream to be a boxer 
that and traveling the world 
so, him being a plucky 26 year old was like "yeah, i'll join the army, see the world, do my civic duty, and come back and follow the boxing dream, get a wife, yada" 
he got his shit wrecked 
he was there on d-day
he liberated a concentration camp
was there at the battle of the bulge
he's seen some shit man
he also did get really hurt, a mine came for him, he was luckily enough to survive but his back does have a large scar on the left side
he also has a scar on his right arm where he took a bullet
actually stayed in europe for a year after the war ended because he was terrified of going back home and letting people see what he became 
finally came back in 1946 
more on his family later because i gotta link up with marie to discuss their family dynamic more 
but his mom died in child labor with him so he never knew his mom which has left a hole in his heart
and they did grow up pretty poor
but yeah, he has pretty severe ptsd from his time in the army 
which is why he's so emotionally dead on the inside
sees himself as a monster basically and doesn't want people to see that 
so he tries his best to isolate himself
but does desperately want help and want people in his life
tries to be strong and act like nothing's wrong
give him a hug
wanted connections:
fwb; like they knew each other before he left for the war and they were pretty close and maybe had a thing??? but they sleep with each other because it's comfortable and this person is just a rock for eli, but it's def not a romantic thing?? ya feel? well, at least on eli's part it's not romantic (it would actually be great if they like had a crush on him before he left)
people that knew him before the war and are like wtf happened to you dude
one nightstands, things that are awkward later
maybe a high school sweetheart that she's either married now or off the market somehow?? and it's just like "yep, well we changed a lot"
his best friend that they get into idiotic adventures together and eli almost feels like his old self with
if you wanna pick up another character, i'd love his trainer *wink wonk*
drinking buddies and fellow veterans  that get it™
an enemy that is just squaring up on sit with each other
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strcnghold · 6 years
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{NIKOLAJ COSTER WALDAU, 45, cismale, he/him, eli's trainer } welcome friend! you know, i just saw GRAHAM IVY in town. it’s good to see them. they’ve been staying in town for FIFTEEN YEARS and making a living as a TRAINER. not too bad. i hear they can be a bit CLOSED-OFF, but SUPPORTIVE. so, really who blames them? i hear they’ve been thinking about TRULY RETIRING. good for them. { aliera, 19, cst, she/her }
so graham is a dude who’s had a pretty eventful life, despite still feeling pretty young.
actually, he is originally from redwater, the youngest of two siblings (he has an older sister). he comes from old money in town, a longish line of people who’ve owned some of the bigger, like personal docks around here. so BIG old money.
so the younger of the two, graham never really had to worry about inheriting any of the real big business responsibility, so he kinda always just?? did what he wanted when he was a young man. 
and that he fucking did lemme tell you
when wwi came around, graham was only 15, but he didn’t let that silly little fact stop him. he lied to the recruiter (which wasn’t too hard bc he was relatively tall kid, and the military was desperate for soldiers) and then had his sister help lie for him when he originally got sent into training
the lie didn’t last long, his parents finding out about only three weeks into basic training. but!! his father was surprisingly cool with it?? he was very much the sort of Men should be Manly Men kind of father. so he stayed in the army, and ended up fighting for the duration of the war
needless to say, it was very Rough on him, especially as a teenager still growing and forming his personality. fighting kinda changed him, from a rowdy teenager to a more quiet, reserved person. it took him a while after to get over the shit he saw and went through. 
but!! it didn’t change him entirely. he was still the smart, glory-seeking kid he had been before the war. 
and that glory-seeking is what led him to boxing. that, and a nice outlet to kind of...work through his shit after the war? mainly just the joy of the sport tbh
he excelled easily, and quickly rose up from the ranks of amateur boxing to pro boxing. 
the second he could, he left redwater, using his boxing winnings to live in the great new york city. for nine years, he lived in nyc, boxing and going to parties, and just enjoying the good ol’ 20s. 
but boxing is difficult on your body, and he couldn’t do it forever. so, he eventually retired from that. he would’ve stayed in nyc forever if it weren’t for the recession. it hit everyone hard, and the family business needed all hands on deck. 
so he came back to redwater, if somewhat begrudgingly, and helped with the business, still keeping up with his boxing for his own personal health. 
it’s been fifteen years since he’s came back, and he’s warmed back up to it tbh. he doesn’t really work a whole lot, helps his sister as a shareholder when she needs it, but yeah. 
he does work as a trainer (mainly for eli lbr) but also for anyone who reached out, he would probably train them too but he doesn’t like advertise himself you know what i mean
as far as personality goes, graham is a super quiet dude. not like shy, groups don’t intimidate him or anything like that, but he would much rather sit back and listen to whatever the other person has to say. he doesn’t really go out of his way for anyone else’s company either, he is content being alone for the most part. he is slow to warm up to strangers, and has this kind of inherent mistrust of others. but, if you really get along with him, and he decides he likes you, he’ll do everything he can to maintain the friendship and treat you right. 
and that’s pretty much it! as far as plots go, anyone he knew from his childhood, other people he trains, people to work for the family business. idk anything just hmu
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greypatrick-blog · 6 years
{ CHARLIE COX, 33, cismale, he/him, muse f } welcome friend! you know, i just saw PATRICK GREY in town. it’s good to see them. they’ve been staying in town for ONE YEAR and making a living as a WAR VETERAN. not too bad. i hear they can be a bit STUBBORN, but KIND. so, really who blames them? i hear they’ve been thinking about STARTING A NEW LIFE IN AMERICA. good for them. { Jude, 28, GTM-3, she/her }
Hello everyone. This is Jude. I’ll be joining the group as Patrick. Down below you can find his bio. I’ll soon be posting some plots I’d be interested in. However, if you want to start plotting right now feel free to hit my inbox.  Please, mind the trigger warnings before reading.
Patrick is the youngest of three brothers. He was born and raised in the Ipswich, England. Their family fairly healthy, and they lived a comfortable life. As a kid he was fairly interested in music, he even took some piano lessons, but was never particularly good at it. Nevertheless, he grew up to be a talented man. Like his brother, when Patrick was old enough he was sent to London in order to attend King’s College. 
Going to London opened up his horizons, and he started to explore new possibilities, he took his degree in the art department. He was following his heart, even though this wasn’t what his Parent’s expected of him, they hoped Patrick would find a job and get married and have children, like his older brothers. Instead, he met a young man named Roger Gillian, passioned by life like he was, who could play the guitar like an angel and ended up stealing Patrick's heart.
Of course, coming out as gay would be too shocking to his family. So they always kept things quiet. The lovebirds moved to a house in the suburbs. Patrick worked on the fine art department of King’s college while Roger had a part-time job at a local pub and would play around town at night. On the weekends they hosted parties and Roger would teach Patrick to play. They didn’t have much, but they loved each other. Nevertheless, when the war broke, Patrick saw himself called by duty. All his brother were signed up and were ready to fight. He couldn't be any different. He needed to protect the people he loved. He believed he was making his country a service, but little did he know this was the beginning of the end.
Roger tried to go back to his hometown in America, stay safe far from the madness Europe was. However, Roger died during a German attack on the island. Patrick was just devastated. He lost most of the joy he had in life. Honestly, he hoped he never ever did it make it out alive. Even when the war was over, he would never see another happy day without Roger to bright up his life. He thought he finally would meet his beloved one again in when one of the bays was taken, enemy’s aircraft threw bombs over the English troops. He remembers well his body being carried away by the blast, his head hitting against something hard and when it was all dark he whispered his lover’s name.
Maybe by divine intervention, maybe by chance, Patrick didn’t die that day. He was rescued in time to survive but was heavily injured. He was in a coma for several months. When he woke up, he found out that the war was over, and he didn’t have to worry about not being able to see Roger’s smile anyway. His injuries were too severe, and he lost his sight completely. People said he was lucky. That he should be dead. Patrick wasn’t so sure, though.
He was sent back his home in Ipswich where his mother told him he was the only man in the family who had made it through the war alive. And this made him feel even worse. Patrick saw himself deeply depressed. He felt useless, lacking the motivation to live another day. But he had to try it a little more, for his mother. They only had each other now. Unable to work and with so little income from the retirement, Patrick and his mother had to grow accustomed to little. The little food and lack of wood to warm up the home were probably the reason for a serious pneumony to grow into Patrick’s mother’s lungs.
Mrs Grey joined her other children some years later. And Patrick was the only one left behind. He lost Roger, his father, his brothers... and now his mother. Patrick missed them. That was what triggered him to go to a pub, and drink as much as he could. And instead of going home, he would jump out of the River Orwell bridge. However, a song started playing, "We Will Meet Again”, sang by a beautiful lady voice. The lyrics made Patrick cry and he changed his plans for the night.
Patrick decided to move to Redwater, where Roger was from had spoken so much on how great it was. He wasn’t really sure what he would do there. But he was finally done with his grief, and want to try to live again.
TL;TR version
Patrick was born in Ipswich, England.
He went to London for college.
He met a boy there, an American musician named Roger, who he fell in love with and they decided to live together.
Patrick was sent to fight in the war.
Meanwhile, Roger was killed during a German attack.
Patrick was in bombing incident and lost his sight.
He came back to Ipswich to stay with his mother.
She died some years after of pneumony.
Patrick then was planning a suicide when he heard a beautiful song that made him change his plans.
He decided to move to Redwater, Roger’s hometown, and try a new life.
Hunting Past: Patrick’s late lover, Roger, was from Redriver, and although he didn’t keep much in touch with his family, there might have been someone who misses him. Someone from his family, friends, ex-boyfriends, this is totally up to you. Their relationship can be either a supportive one (sharing good memoried and going together through their grief) or a destructive one (maybe this relative/friend even blames Patrick’s for Roger’s death).
Camarades: People who Patrick had fought alongside during the war. People who have to know his worse side, and might be surprised to learn that he his actually someone sweet.
A new love interesses: Patrick is still very wounded by the things that happened to him lately. But slowly he is learning how to move forward, and it’s time for him to meet someone to love. However, this won’t be an easy task, since Patrick might be still hunted by some ghosts. (Note: this connection must be a male).
Friends: People who are kind enough to keep Patrick company. He is rather a lonely man.
A volunteer reader: someone who could stop by his place every now and then to read him the newspaper, or even a book. They would be paid on tea and biscuits, and maybe some nice conversations.
Students: Patrick knows a lot about music, and would be willing to teach people how to play the piano, the bass, accordion, and even the guitar (his personal favourite).
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benoitly · 6 years
intro post !
{ rami malek, 26, cismale, he/him, muse e } welcome friend! you know, i just saw ARIEL BENOIT in town. it’s good to see them. they’ve been staying in town for 6 MONTHS and making a living as a waiter. not too bad. i hear they can be a bit off-putting, but aggressively loyal. so, really who blames them? i hear they’ve been thinking about pursuing a career as a violinist. good for them.
hello this is my child, ariel. he’s almost a complete rip off of snafu from the pacific but that’s alright don’t think about it too much. i’m excited to develop him more and take him in new directions. here are some quick headcanons about him because i don’t have time for a real bio rn and also -- if you want to plot, please give this a like and i’ll dm you!
he’s from new orleans, louisiana and he only moved to washington about six months ago to find work. he’s not too fond of the cold weather.
he was a foot soldier in the military and, like most veterans, suffers from ptsd related mostly to loud noises. he also has the occasional nightmare.
he speaks louisiana creole, louisiana french, and “sissy french”. 
before the war, he did mostly physical jobs and always said he never wanted to work inside. but the rain in washington makes him a bit cranky.
he’s usually very nice but also kind of a bitch you know? a very particular brand of person. he just says some weird stuff sometimes, don’t worry about it.
he takes whatever job he can get, currently he’s waiting tables at a few places but on the hunt for something more permanent.
he plays the violin and sings in the band, but only in french.
very adorable but don’t tell him that. always tries to seem aloof and almost bored.
had a rough childhood and just a rough life in general. he’s hoping he can start fresh now that the war is officially over.
please give him cute nicknames he deserves it. soft boy.
some possible connections??
best friend from back home
best friend from the war
friend who thinks he’s a bit weird but still goes with it
possible boyfriend/maybe girlfriend/love interest?
uhhhh person who keeps him in check
please anything you want just love him he needs friends and attention
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ircnlace-blog · 6 years
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{ SOFIA BLACK-D’ELIA, 27, cis female, she/her, muse an } welcome friend! you know, i just saw ANDROMEDA “ANDY” WILLIAMS in town. it’s good to see them. they’ve been staying in town for ONE YEAR and making a living as an ASSISTANT MANAGER OF THE BOWLING ALLEY. not too bad. i hear they can be a bit CRASS, but LOVING. so, really who blames them? i hear they’ve been thinking about SETTLING DOWN AND FINDING PEACE. good for them. { it’s ash, y’all }
here she is, finally, the chaotic bisexual who likes to ruin lives, under the cut you’ll find bio info and some wanted connections !! suicide mention and death and severe poverty tws below. like this or just hit me up for plotting !! 
andromeda roselle williams was born in nyc in 1919 to very wealthy parents, her father being old money
only child
she’s born on halloween
her childhood was very lavish and she was wanting for nothing ever
she had the pony, the private tutors, the friends, she had everything 
ever since being very small, her parents valued her education and by the time she was old enough to walk practically, she was being tutored in french, german, italian, russian, and japanese 
she also loved spending time in her father’s office when he was working, trying to make sense of the stock business
she never liked going by andromeda, and instead preferred her father’s nickname of “andy” 
her life was just short of perfect until late october of 1929
everything was lost
everything, her family had nothing come the 29th of october and that night, her father killed himself
her mother was distraught and andy was numb, not understanding fully what was happening
her mother tried to send her away to her aunt’s house, she wasn’t too bad off yet, and her mother didn’t know how to raise a child by herself and she just wanted the best for her daughter
andy didn’t understand this, and grew angry with her mother, so on the train to her aunt’s house, andy snuck off and disappeared into the night
she was an incredibly smart child, so she made it work
chores and favors here and there for people for food or a place to sleep
when that didn’t, she stole or conned for the the things she needed 
to get around, she rode the rails, hitchhiked, walked, she one time even found an abandoned horse in the dust bowls of oklahoma and she rode him to minnesota before finding him a good home
met the worst and best of people on her travels 
and andy met who a little boy who basically grew to be her little brother and she took care of him 
his mother was sick, but took care of him and when andy landed on her doorstep, she took the girl in too
the dad was long gone
the mother ended up dying, but andy promised to take care of the little boy 
and she did
she took him on all of her travels and they grew to be a real family, just the two of them
she took care of him and fiercely loves him
the issue is now she was another mouth to feed and he’s even less useful that her for work, so stealing and conning it is
she got really good, like could make only her fool good 
as they grew, they became the scoundrels of the tracks, but they had each other 
one snowing night in 1937, now 18, they found themselves in new york city
her brother wanted to see the sights, and andy finally grew enough courage to go back to her hometown
while exploring the poorer parts of the city, she found a person she never thought she’d see, her mother 
and her mother was on her death bed 
they reconciled and andy held her hand as she died 
the loss of so many friends and family was beginning to take a toll of the girl, and she started going down a darker path, blackmail, threats, and injury were no longer things she wouldn’t do to survive
she killed her first man 1938 when he tried to hurt her brother 
she didn’t like it, but she also felt absolutely no remorse for him
her and her brother never spoke about it
the heists, the cons, the embezzlement, all of it started getting riskier
as things were improving in the late 30′s and 40′s, so did their lives, but andy wasn’t keen to give up her way of life, she just really didn’t know any other way and change terrified her because change had very rarely ever brought the girl anything good
change came for her though, two days after the bombing of pearl harbor
she was arrested off the streets and brought to building she hoped never to see, the headquarters of the fbi in new york city
her language skills, her proclivity for violence, her insane wit, and her skill set didn’t go unnoticed 
she was given a deal she couldn’t refuse, she was given immunity for her numerous crimes and her and her brother would be made legal family, he’d be taken care of, and he’d be given immunity from the draft if she served as a spy and assassin for the military in their most delicate cases
if she didn’t she’d definitely be going to jail and he would be drafted immediately
there was quite literally no other choice 
so, the was recruited into the early form of secret services
when they were doing weapon training, discovered what a deadly shit andy was
she helped get important info the d-day invasion, intercepted a lot of plans and cargo lines
has over 150 confirmed kills 
was entrusted to do spy work and take out high, sensitive, and valuable targets
as well as intel gathering and transporting high priority and highly sensitive messages and info
she has been personally thanked by the heads of the allied forces for her service
earned a reputation for being a cold blooded and terrifying killer, and a nickname, the red butcher
after the war ended (she was involved with the manhattan project and man, does that keep her up at night), she and her brother moved out to redwater for a fresh start
she’s working as an assist manager at the bowling alley mainly because would you tell her no? 
she’s tired man, she’s just tired and wants a break
does not care what you think
is mysterious
wanted connections: 
alright, here we go
she’s... a loose and fast lady, so friends with benefits, girl, boy, whatever, doesn’t matter, but also, rip if you kiss and tell with her, she likes being discreet and likes the less known about her as possible
drinking buddies, she goes out at night and dances and gets drunk
someone come fight with her, she loves a good fight
people to go shooting with tbh
outdoor activity buddies in general, she loves hiking, canoeing, fishing, hunting, horse back riding, all of it
a friend that like, they actually cuddle and she opens up to and has a good relationship with 
if you are looking for more characters, then her brother and the other half to her plot would be awesome!! 
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gracecolliers · 6 years
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{ FELICITY JONES, 32, cisfemale, she/her, muse at } welcome friend! you know, i just saw GRACE COLLIER in town. it’s good to see them. they’ve been staying in town for 24 YEARS and making a living as the MANAGER OF SALLY’S COFFEE. not too bad. i hear they can be a bit STUBBORN, but GRACIOUS. so, really who blames them? i hear they’ve been thinking about WRITING A BOOK. good for them. { lily, 20, pst, she/her } 
hello, hello! i finally managed to get this app in and i’m finally here to to start playing with this complete darling. i’m really excited to start roleplaying her and i hope you will all love her as much as i do! she’s basically a little bean who deserves lots of hugs.
this app is dedicated to the impatient ben
grace was born just outside of washington in the dalles, oregon to edward and francesca collier, a young couple who’d been married for only a few months. she was their only child because two years after she was born, her father died unexpectedly in an automobile accident. because of this, she got very close with her mother and considers her mother to be the most important person in her life.
when she was eight, her mother moved the two of them to redwater where her mother got a job working in fashion, helping to make clothes. grace would often accompany her when she was working and grew up with an affinity for dressing proper and looking as presentable as possible at all times. you’ll rarely see grace in any sort of casual dress.
during the war, grace served with the nurses in the pacific theater. she saw a lot of horrible things during her time there that she tries not to think about now, but they still tend to creep up on her a lot – she has flashbacks and nightmares most nights but she’s gotten good at learning to hide them. 
and this is why she works so much. grace is the manager of sally’s coffee and she spends quite a lot of time there. it gives her something to do, gets her mind off of all the shit she has seen. 
but don’t make this fool u
she is so friendly and lovely. she loves talking to anyone and everyone. if anyone needs to talk, she will happily be the ear they talk into.
and she’s also just a total mother figure. will mother everyone. wants to make sure everyone is okay and happy and safe and warm and lovely. 
but saying that
don’t get on her bad side she will fight if she needs to
grace in four words: stubborn feisty soft bean
she’s also considering writing a book about all the stuff she saw and went through when she was working as a nurse. she doesn’t think she wants to publish it ever, but she thinks it might help to get the thoughts out of her brain
can you tell this intro started being really cool and detailed and then it just turned into that? enjoy it.
plots & connections
gimme a best friend for her. a confidante that actually knows about the nightmares and the trauma and is always there for her when she needs it. 
some regular customers who she just adores spending time with
a love interest that just sweeps her off her feet and she just goes with it
and that’s all i’ve got just come and brainstorm with me
that’s it, i hope you adore her as much as i adore her. if you wanna do the plot feel free to slide into my messages on here or just message me on the discord Lily#2292 <3 lets do this shiz
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clairefosters · 6 years
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{ LUCY BOYNTON, 24, cisfemale, she/her, muse ap } welcome friend! you know, i just saw CLAIRE FOSTER in town. it’s good to see them. they’ve been staying in town for 24 YEARS and making a living as a SECRETARY AT CITY HALL. not too bad. i hear they can be a bit SHY, but COMPASSIONATE. so, really who blames them? i hear they’ve been thinking about DOING SOMETHING RECKLESS. good for them. 
hey hey –– this is my new baby, claire. i love lucy boynton. everyone loves lucy boynton, and therefore it’s fair that everyone will love claire. that’s that.
claire was born to a british mother and an american father in redwater, washington on april 16th 1922. she has an older brother who she loves to bits (who i’ll probably pop in a wc for at some point). 
her older brother instilled a small sense of recklessness in her as she grew up, much to her conservative parents dismay.
during the war, claire stayed at home and worked in redwater with her family. she got a job in the city hall working as a secretary and when the war ended, she decided to stay there, figuring it was good money and the job was simple enough. nowadays, she doesn’ love it as much as she used to.
her older brother, though, went to war and didn’t come back the same, as many people didn’t. claire often spends time trying to connect with him again even though she never really can because she doesn’t really know what he’s been through. 
she’s basically just a sweet, soft little ray of sunshine but she’s very quiet and calm and can be a bit timid at times, except when you get her out with the people she knows really well and she can get really outgoing. 
honestly, she just has a big heart and she loves to know that other people are happy. she’s very caring and always wants the best for people and sometimes that comes at her own expense. 
but the thing with her subplot –– that’s something she truly feels excitement about because it means she might actually be able to follow her heart for the first time in her life without having the pressure of her fathers status on her shoulders and the need to live up to her mother.
i honestly would love everything for this lil bean.
give me some really lovely friendships for her. people she can be kind of outgoing and friendly and lovely with. 
obviously we’ve got the subplot. 
and then something behind the subplot too – maybe someone that is the person she can follow her heart with when the other person shows up!! 
drama??? but maybe there are some people that don’t like her bc of her family and the image that she has to present. and that could be fun!!
basically, that’s my baby claire. i hope you love her as much as i do!! like and i’ll come to u for the plots!!
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redwaterhq · 4 years
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it’s a little after 3 pm and we are open for plotting ! feel free to follow all of your fellow players and begin posting your intros with the tag redwaterintro, and watch out for a discord link to pop its way into your ims soon ! welcome to redwater, welcome home.
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redwatersremaining · 4 years
Hoby’s Intro.
Under the cut you will find a little about both my characters Elsie and Ricky as well as a little bit of OOC information.
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elsie carroll.
( taylor swift, female, she/hers, muse 23 ) i saw elsie carroll at the library reading. it’s good to see them, i heard they’ve been living in redwater for their entire life making a living as a waitress. did you know their birthday just passed ? that makes them 25 years old and a virgo, which makes sense to me considering they’re shy and diligent. i heard they’re thinking about designing wedding dresses. i hope it works out. 
MUSE TWENTY TWO, ELSIE CARROLL, and CATIE WAGNER have been best friends since they were in diapers. the three of them were inseparable and were practically sisters. when the boys left town to go to war, the girls stayed and had their fun. factory workers by morning and moonlighting as other things. MUSE TWENTY TWO took to dancing while ELSIE CARROLL was a waitress to help make ends meet, and CATIE was an aspiring writer. at work, ELSIE CARROLL met MUSE TWENTY FIVE, a young waitress at the diner, and brought her into the fold. MUSE TWENTY FIVE fit right in and thus formed the girl gang of redwater. 
additional notes:
Elsie Carroll (née Maynard) was born September 12, 1921 just less than a year after her brother Ricky.
When Elsie was young she looked up to Ricky because he could speak his mind, but lately she feels more together than he does, not that she considers herself together.
In November of 1939, Elsie’s boyfriend Matthew Carroll was drafted into the army. They quickly eloped before he could leave, trying to hide that Elsie was already pregnant.
In July of 1940, Elsie gave birth to a happy healthy baby, whom she named Hope.
In 1942, the letters stopped coming from Matthew. Eventually, someone came to her door to tell her he had died in battle.
Now grieving for her husband who would never meet their precious baby Hope Elsie is working as a waitress, leaning on her friends, and trying to take care of her daughter and brother all while holding herself together by threads.
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ricky maynard.
( ben hardy, male, he/his, muse 30 ) i saw ricky maynard at the bar drinking and smoking. it’s good to see them, i heard they’ve been living in redwater for their entire life making a living as a construction worker. did you know their birthday just passed ? that makes them 26 years old and a scorpio, which makes sense to me considering they’re stubborn and determined. i heard they’re thinking about dying young i hope it works out.
when RICKY MAYNARD and FRANKLIN OWENS returned from the war, neither were quite the same as when they’d left. their fellow veteran MUSE THIRTY TWO has invited them to group therapy led by PEGGY ADLER. music therapy is beneficial for them and when MUSE THIRTY FOUR, the owner of the dance hall, heard about the talent of the veterans, they invited for them to play at the hall. RICKY and MUSE THIRTY TWO were excited to chomp at the bit but FRANKLIN doesn’t want to get up on stage. when PEGGY offered to help soothe their stage freight, MUSE THIRTY FOUR applauded their choice. quartets always looked better on stage. 
additional notes:
Ricky was born October 24, 1920, a Scorpio.
As a kid he was a bit of a troublemaker and didn’t really grow out of it until he was drafted into the army for the war at nineteen.
He cares about his sister Elsie, although he would never admit it. In fact, he’d never admit to caring about anything other than his niece Hope.
Since the war the PTSD has driven him to alcoholism and he has given up hope of every being happy. He sometimes thinks of suicide, but he doesn’t want to leave his family even more broken.
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hoby (28, cst, she/hers).
Hello! I go by Hoby and I’m bigender but prefer she/her pronouns usually.
I haven’t RPed on Tumblr in a long time so sorry if I’m not familiar with all the conventions anymore. I’m hoping to figure out my way around soon but if I’m doing something not right just let me know.
If you could tag triggers relating to sexual assault, morphine, or heroin that would be extremely helpful to me!
I don’t use small font. Because of my medications/health my vision is inconsistent so sometimes I struggle with the small aesthetic font.
If you want to plot with either of my characters or just come by to say hi, feel free to message me!
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finncgcns · 6 years
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{ CILLIAN MURPHY, 42, cis male, he/him, muse k } welcome friend! you know, i just saw RORY FINNEGAN in town. it’s good to see them. they’ve been staying in town for 2 YEARS and making a living as the OWNER OF FINNEGAN’S BAR. not too bad. i hear they can be a bit WITHDRAWN, but SUPPORTIVE. so, really who blames them? i hear they’ve been thinking about OPENING ANOTHER BUSINESS. good for them. { asher, 22, est, she/them } 
alright, here is one of the best mans you will ever meet. rory is actually the love of my life. he was originally a vampire oc, but he works really great with this verse. i’ve also been playing him for like two years so let’s go?? like this if you wanna plot with him !!
here’s his bio, get sad bois.
started going by rory in the states because no one could say his name right so he was like “stop” 
so, he’s very subdued, and he’s very tense
like so tense he jumps at the toaster
he’s also got a very commanding presence, try to say something when he gives you his look™
tries to pretend to hate everything and has no feelings, but feels a lot
would stab someone as a warning
he’s everyone’s dad
like got no dad? got a bad dad? surprise, rory’s now your dad
will love and support you all while pretending he’s not
communicates in grunts and looks more than words 
he drinks his respecting women juice everyday 
lord help you if you disrespect a woman in front of him 
pretends to hate babies and children, but loves them so much
he’s actually got a big heart, it’s just been trough hell and back
he has to make a conscious effort to speak slowly because if he didn’t no one would understand him with his accent
walks with a cane and a bit of limp but surprise it’s a cane sword
actually sword dad to all
huge book worm
wanted connections:
give him people to mentor, women that he guides them to using their voices and men that have a few things to learn from him
maybe the person who told him about redwater from the war???
people who maybe heard of his crazy ass getting shot down behind enemy lines and they’re like, that’s you??? 
his regulars
bartenders and people that work for him!!
give me like, a secret book club that meets in the backroom of the bar??? 
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