iridescentfang · 10 years
Yukino flicked the tab forward, so it pointed towards Kaio, “All you do is take turns flicking the tab until it falls off. when it falls off, you have to grab the top of the can and shout ‘Tab’.” 
She held out the can for Kaio to flick it.
"That's a bit weird.." Kaio glanced down at the can, but it wouldn't hurt to try it. He flicked the tab of the can. "Like that?"
What Do You Want?( Closed rp with Yukino)
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iridescentfang · 10 years
Yukino was feeling at a loss, her face flushing lightly with a slight scowl, which she quickly wiped off upon catching his joke. From the little she’d communicated with him, she’d never really tagged him as the joking type. She sat across from him, popping open her can and taking a swig.
"Thanks…" She wasn’t sure how to further the conversation, so she flipped the tab on her can vertical and held it in the center of the table between them.
"… You ever played Tab?"
Kaio chuckled as he saw Yukino's face and took a bite from his burger. Though as Yukino placed the can between them and asked if he had played Tab, he shook his head. "What's that?" He asked, after finishing chewing of course.
What Do You Want?( Closed rp with Yukino)
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iridescentfang · 10 years
There he is, Yukino approached the faunus sitting alone at his table. Yuki was never one to make friends on her own, but she was aware of the importance an acquaintanceship with Kaio would have, especially with him being the new team leader. I should probably get to know San next, but here’s a good enough place to start. 
"Hey… Would you mind if I sat with you today?"
"Not at all, having a pretty lady by my side only increases how cool I look." Kaio joked before pushing the empty chair across from him. "Sit."
What Do You Want?( Closed rp with Yukino)
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iridescentfang · 10 years
What Do You Want?( Closed rp with Yukino)
Kaio sighed as the bell rang to signify the class ending. Gathering all his things, he walked out to lunch. It was his custom to sit alone most of the time because no one really wanted to sit with him. It wasn't because he was cold and rude to anyone who tried, but he could guess some of the reason was because of his Faunus status. But he was okay with it, after all, sitting alone makes you look cool and mysterious. He took a seat and was about to begin eating when he saw coming toward his table.
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iridescentfang · 10 years
Kaio raised an eyebrow as the woman pulled out a gun. “Look lady, getting a weapon out just because you aren’t getting what you want seems a bit childish don’t you think? Besides, you’re causing a scene here.” He motioned some people who had begun to gather around them.
{[ Open RP ]} Secrets Fleeing
  "Kaio," Lucia began, before the guard pulled her gun out and shut her up. Aiming it at Kaio, the woman began to speak. 
"Don’t you dare tell me what to do," she said, "I suggest you walk away. Unless you would like everyone here to get hurt, including this Mistress."
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iridescentfang · 10 years
Kaio had been wandering around town when he began to hear arguing. Getting closer, he saw a woman trying to tug Lucia away and seeing as no one seemed to be doing anything about it he decided to take matters into his own hands. “Hey, she says she isn’t going with you so kindly fuck off.” Kaio had a hand on his weapon should things get ugly.
{[ Open RP ]} Secrets Fleeing
It wasn’t a surprise when a former guard from her manor came up to her while she was in town. In fact, she was expecting it to occur sooner. She just wished she wasn’t trying to convince her to go home. She stood there, listening to her go on and on, but completely ignoring her words. When Lucia declined though, she didn’t expect her to get violent.
"P-Please let go!" she cried, as the guard tugged on her arm, trying to drag her somewhere, "I am free now! You cannot do this to me, stop it!"
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iridescentfang · 10 years
(Ah, it looks like Kaio is team leader! I’m excited at how this will turn out. :3)
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iridescentfang · 10 years
Kaio was taken completely by surprise as Zephyr punched him. He got up with the help of Sanguiris and listened to him plead about not hitting Zephyr back. “Whatever.” Kaio snatched his relic up and began to head back, thinking how life at Beacon would be stuck with his team.
  "Mother FUCKER!" San shouted, "GOD DAMMIT ZEPHYR!" San painfully walked over to Kaio, helping him up, "Come on, he’s an asshole, I know, but just…don’t retaliate. You can’t stop him, not now. It sucks."
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iridescentfang · 10 years
“What? No way, that asshole can crawl back for all I care.” Kaio was tired as well, he didn’t want to lift someone up just because they had decided to use their semblance.
  San dragged himself up through the pain somehow, growling as he passed Zephyr, “Bastard…” He turned to Kaio, “Kaio, could you help, Yukino, I think it was? Lift Zephyr up? I would, but quite frankly, You could hit me on accident and leave me with a bruise for a month right now.”
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iridescentfang · 10 years
Once Kaio saw that the Catundra was finally dead he fell to his knees, worn out from the fighting. “Alright, can we just take the damn relics and leave? I don’t want to fight another of these things.” Kaio slowly got back up and sheathed his weapon.
  San lit up and ran at the massive grimm, his lightning striking the Catundra as he climbed onto it’s skull plate and held on. “You like lightning, huh? Well time for a taste of your own medicine!!!” San concentrated as hard as he could, and slammed his fist into where the crack in the fish’s skull was, and all the others could see was a purple lightning bolt course through and over the Catfish, which fell limp and flew backwards into the water, finally dead once and for all. San crawled onto the stone platform of the ruins, his power nearly completely drained. He panted before laughing.
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iridescentfang · 10 years
Kaio got up from the murky waters, coughing to try and remove some water in his throat. He wrinkled his nose in disgust at the fact that he had some of the water in his system but no matter what he transformed Fang into the twin pistols, keeping them trained on the monster.  
  San had been hit hard by the tail, and had flown backwards, but somehow landed on his feet. Now that he was at long range, he decided to start shooting with Ralefire, and the explosive dust did a much better job of getting it’s attention, especially with that crack Zephyr had made in it’s head armor. Quickly switching to ‘burn’ ammo, San targeted the area of the catfish’s head that was unprotected by armor, shouting, “Zephyr, get rid of those fins so we can finish the bastard!”
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iridescentfang · 10 years
Kaio saw the Catundra’s tail going to hit Sanguiris and leaped forward with his twin pistols, clashing them together so they could transform back into a sword. He then slashed at the tail and once the blade made contact the crystal Dust activated, causing quite an explosion to come out of the blade. The explosion severed the tail but also threw Kaio back, the Faunus landing in the water.
NGB Initiation (Team SKYZ)
  San looked at the large area behind Zephyr, and he nodded, “Everyone, get back to the large platform! I’m going to try something!” He shouted as the catfish jumped out of the water at him. Luring the beast, he darted to join his teammates and yelled, “Go! Remember what you’re supposed to attack!” San whipped around to face the giant fish which shocked him with it’s whiskers. 
And to be honest, it was just fucking annoying him at this point. He pulled out Ralefire in it’s whip-sword form and snaked it around the whiskers before starting to pull. “I…have had enough…” Come on, just a little more….”Of your BULL SHIT!" With one large pull, San ripped the whiskers right out of the beast’s face before looking back and growling as he saw the Grimm’s huge tail come around to strike him, when suddenly…
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iridescentfang · 10 years
 Kaio nodded at San before looking over at Yukino “Be careful okay? And just give me the signal so I can shoot the damn tail off!” Kaio keep his eyes on the Catundra ,ready to aim and fire at the beast.
NGB Initiation (Team SKYZ)
  "I told you….DON’T LET IT IN THE WATER!!!" San shouted, his skin lighting up once again as the catfish rushed at the group. Instinctively, he ran up to guard his teammates, and the lightning that shot out from his skin curved around to the space before the front of his body, forming a wide ‘Lightning shield.’ The catfish, expecting to just barrel through, was instead caught off-guard when it slammed into the lightning shield and came to a dead stop. San’s lightning formed around his hands, and the boy blasted the catfish back into the water with enough force to send Zephyr flying off it and safely into the water. The purple bolts circled San, who said with authority, "It’ll be back in moments. Cat faunus, keep an eye out for it. Your heightened senses mean you can detect it before us. Kaio, When Yukino spots it, you’re to target the tail as much as you can, maybe we can force it onto land. And Zephyr…." The glowing teen sighed, "You are going after it’s fins. If we can tear them off, we can keep it from moving. I’ll deal with the whiskers. If we can completely disable it, then it’s a sitting duck."
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iridescentfang · 10 years
While Kaio was concerned for his friend, it was quite clear they had other things to worry about. He looked over at Yukino and Zephyr “You heard San! Everyone go and attack it, be sure to not let it go into the water or things will be over real quick!” he began shooting at the Catundra with his twin pistols.
Next Gen Beacon Initiation (Team SKYZ)
  San’s eyes widened. No, no, no! He had just finished facing one of these things! But from that fear, his rage boiled over again, and he said to Kaio, “You three need to distract it. It’s a Catundra Fish, so be careful of it’s whiskers, they’re electrical. Watch that tail, if you get hit with it, it won’t be pretty! But whatever you do, DON’T let it go in the water!” San said, falling to one knee as the physical backlash of using Thunderskin fully began taking effect.
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iridescentfang · 10 years
Kaio was more than happy to finally see the platform and began to speed up, tired of wading through the murky water. When San picked one up and began to ask if the orbs seemed to be the relics Kaio nodded “It seems like it, now let’s just get them and get out of here.”
Next Gen Beacon Initiation (Team SKYZ)
After what felt like an eternity of wading through water, San was finally able to lead them to a circular mossy stone platform with pillars all around. On the pillars were different colored floating orbs, four of which were light blue. San picked up one of the light blue ones, saying, “I guess these are the relics?
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iridescentfang · 10 years
 Kaio wrinkled his nose in disgust as Zephyr released the part of the creature’s brain. He didn’t want to believe that Zephyr would be his teammate but oh well. Kaio then heard Sanguiris’ plea and turned to him “Yeah I’m not helping you up, that’s what you get when you go overboard San.” Kaio said with a smirk but in the end helped his friend up.
  San had collapsed on the ground, the intense amount of Thunderskin energy he had used was taking effect on his body, making him nearly cry in pain. “I-I can’t do that again…I’ll put too much strain on myself…Kaio, help me up. I’ll lead, I think I saw the relic area on the way here, just before finding Kaio. I figured finding a partner was more important than anything else…”
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iridescentfang · 10 years
Once Sanguiris’ attack made the armor blast away to bits Kaio continuously slashed at the beast. Soon the crystalized Dust activated and unleashed a strike of lighting.
  "Just follow me!" Zephyr yelled back before dashing at the creature, jumping over and dodging it’s attacks before running around the side and running up the back of the creature and up the back of neck to it’s head. Reaching the top Zephyr crouched down on the muzzle of the beast, and stared into it’s gigantic blood red eyes before using Sapphire Thorn to try and stab through it’s armor.
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