ironbornsource · 22 hours
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Theon and Wex!
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ironbornsource · 2 days
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2/6 characters fanart (asoiaf themed!): Asha Greyjoy!!!
First time drawing her and I was so excited!! Happy pride month, Asha <3
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ironbornsource · 3 days
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House Greyjoy - We Do Not Sow
Game of Thrones aesthetics
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ironbornsource · 4 days
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House Botley of Lordsport
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ironbornsource · 5 days
The idea of an indigenous mesoamerican look for the ironborn is killing me rn........
All the headdresses and the jewelry and the gold. The island to tiny island variation in customs, fashion, ethnicity. Tupi Harrens and Gê Botleys. Lords of House Farwynd in beautiful outfits of seal with scales of steel, while those of Lonely Island cover themselves in feathers and pelts and hint at the islands beyond they have found. The Iron Islands are cold and dreary; in its cliffs, they wear Inca mantles and use mountain animals for beasts of burden. They sail the rivers and straits in pirogas launched from their longships. They can't see the sun, so they tell the time of day be regular raining.
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ironbornsource · 6 days
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The Krakens Daughter (Color Pencil and Marker, 7x10)
[ID in Photo] Cool Scary pirate woman save me!!!! Save me cool scary pirate woman!!!
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ironbornsource · 7 days
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ironbornsource · 8 days
How would rank the noble houses of the Iron Islands, based on power and influence?
The easiest one is the Greyjoys are number one, as Lords Paramount and later Iron Kings.
The second tier would be occupied with the principal bannermen of the Greyjoys, of which I see two big outliers, Goodbrother and Harlaw. Both are the senior bannermen of a large island, both have multiple cadet branches. We see a lot of houses sworn to Harlaw in Asha’s chapters, so I’m guessing they’re the number two house of the Isles, with Goodbrother number three.
Dropping a bit from the ‘inter-kingdom rivalry’ to the ‘still quite powerful’ third-tier, we have the Farwynds. This house also has multiple branches, but they have less influence because the ironborn (or at least Victarion) thinks they’re weird. The Drumms seem to be the principal house of Old Wyk, so I’d lump them here near the top. House Tawney is up here too, it’s mentioned that they’re one of the strongest vassals of the Greyjoys and their island is rich in ore, but Orkmont probably doesn’t have a clear outlier since the large houses that came from here, Greyiron and Hoare, probably had their former holdings divvied out rather than consolidated. House Blacktyde is the principal house of Blacktyde, and I’m guessing House Saltcliffe is the primary house of Saltcliffe, but those two islands seem smaller, less rich than the others.
The fourth tier would be both the smaller houses of Pyke (Botley, Wynch) sworn directly to the Greyjoys, and the myriad houses sworn to Harlaw, Goodbrother, Drumms, etc. The cadet branches of larger houses fall around here if they can’t call on big brother for support.
The bottom would be the thrall-descended houses (Houses Codd and Humble) and the younger houses, (Netley, Shepard, Weaver). They’re little-liked and little-trusted, so they wouldn’t have as much influence as the other, older houses.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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ironbornsource · 9 days
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The Greying of The King by Alex McClelland
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ironbornsource · 10 days
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"Yet when he tried to picture her, he only saw the wife he’d killed. He had sobbed each time he struck her, and afterward carried her down to the rocks to give her to the crabs." ~A Feast For Crows, The Iron Captain.
Don't you just hate when your sex slave salt wife cheats with, and is knocked up by, your mean brother, forcing you to beat her to death? So rude!
Bonus version with shittily drawn Euron and Balon in the background:
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Balon is so done with this shit
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ironbornsource · 11 days
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theon greyjoy and alannys harlaw feat. epic the musical
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ironbornsource · 12 days
not a fully-formed idea, but maybe there's something to be drawn between Bran's "learning how to fly" and Euron's "dreaming he could fly" and the sky cells calling to people before the Arryns "make them fly"
There's this thematic parallel there in terms of the "abyss."
Bran is in this cave that's just constructed out of symbolism of the access and knowledge he's about to have (as I return to a favorite quote of mine):
"The river you hear is swift and black, and flows down and down to a sunless sea. And there are passages that go even deeper, bottomless pits and sudden shafts, forgotten ways that lead to the very center of the earth. Even my people have not explored them all, and we have lived here for a thousand thousand of your man-years."
The literal reality of this is fascinating, but it's less important than the symbolic parallel. Bran, plugged into the Weirwoods, has access to these pathways-as-knowledge: sudden shafts, forgotten knowledge, knowledge that would unravel the very core of the world. So much knowledge that even the Children have not explored it all.
And then, finally, there's that promise of this fundamental fear: the abyss of those sunless seas, lurking down some unknown pathway, and the threat of rivers that would carry one towards it.
Which makes such a perfect inversion to the bright, light, but equally empty and expansive abyss of sky beneath the Eyrie. One is lit and one is unlit, but each has its own pathways towards getting wholly lost in it. And especially how they always say how the sky "calls" to the people in the sky cells, and then how Robert Arryn calls that act of being trust into the sky "flying."
And that word feels like it ties these all together with especially Euron, who maybe, like a sky-cell prisoner, is also hearing the call of "the abyss" (for lack of a better term). And his doesn't have a physical allegory; it's only a metaphysical one, instead of the literal sky. And here's Euron, willing to throw himself out his own (metaphorical) Moon Door in an effort to learn to fly through that Abyss.
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ironbornsource · 13 days
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The Green Voyage by Alex McClelland
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ironbornsource · 14 days
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cold wind. stormy, freezing yet humid days. salt and the sea smell. damp stone and wood. the sinking feeling of being watched. being so small and insignificant in a world of ships and definitely no more than a spec to what lingers under the surface. isolation. reverence for the depths and the ocean. fear. freedom. the sea is a cruel master. be weary. salt stinging. twisting, swirling, changing world, the unknowable.— this is what the iron islands feel like to me.
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ironbornsource · 15 days
Love in this very serious chapter (Theon I TWOW) when Stannis is interrogating Theon and both of them momentarily pause to mutually roll their eyes at Asha bringing her pirate polycule to the party.
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Mind you Theon is currently chained up like this:
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(Couldn’t find a fucking image that worked so I had to use one from Shrek 2 I’m so sorry)
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ironbornsource · 16 days
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TristiferBotley by MaximilienRobb
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ironbornsource · 17 days
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Victarion Greyjoy by In the Arms of Undertow
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