ironcrinoline · 2 years
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credit to @mossycoat​’s post!!!
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ironcrinoline · 6 years
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Fam goals.
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ironcrinoline · 6 years
if Broadway doesn’t want bootlegs floating around then they need to get their act together and make legal recordings.  you can say all you want that theater is meant to be enjoyed live, but the fact of the matter is not everybody can get to NYC to go to a Broadway show.  not everybody can afford to take the time off of work and buy a plane ticket to NYC and buy a night in a hotel AND get the ticket to the show.  people want to see the shows, that’s why there’s a bootleg market in the first place, but it’s unreasonable to expect that everyone has the time, money, and ability to make it out to the one place in the world to see something on Broadway, especially if it’s a limited engagement.  so record that shit, slap some subtitles on it, and sell it so we can buy it legally.
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ironcrinoline · 6 years
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ironcrinoline · 6 years
maslow’s hierarchy of bees
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ironcrinoline · 6 years
i work for a historical association and in one of our libraries i found a hand-gilded book of poetry called “star magic” and im not saying that i work in the real world equivalent of the tower at palanthas im just saying WHO HAS TIME TO HAND PAINT THAT MUCH GOLD LEAF
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ironcrinoline · 7 years
Guillermo del Toro’s last five films have been:
1. A dark fairy tale as a metaphor for the effects of war on children, set in the midst of the Spanish Civil War 2. A superhero movie that features a war between mankind and magical creatures 3. An action movie where the heroes have to share their minds and bond emotionally so they can punch aliens from the sea better. Also Charlie Day is a scientist. 4. Basically what would happen if all three Bronte sisters got hammered and wrote a book with Lord Byron. and 5. An adorable woman falls in love with a fish man. Not a merman. A FISH MAN.
No one in Hollywood is having more fun.
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ironcrinoline · 7 years
at my job we have to go through a training program that teaches us the library of congress classification system, and when i was first being trained my boss started to boot it up and she gave me a really anxious and guilty look and said “listen, i’m really sorry in advance, there’s nothing i can do about this, just…. just try to get through it” and i was like lol what’s she talking about and then the program loaded and i was greeted with a deliriously funny-looking photoshopped wizard with glowing eyes pointing at some intro message like “AH YES, JUST AS THE PROPHECY FORETOLD… APPRENTICE, YOU COME AT A TIME OF MOST DIRE NEED… YOU MUST LEARN OUR WAYS” and my boss just looked at me helplessly and was like “i’m so sorry. it’s like two hours long.”
thankfully it wasn’t an elaborate fever dream and i have found screenshots
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ironcrinoline · 7 years
We blindfolded 15 homophobes and asked them to hit piñatas with a stick. The piñatas were actually deadly Asian giant hornet nests. What happens next will warm your heart.
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ironcrinoline · 7 years
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Playing assassin’s creed unity and then I stumbled upon this
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ironcrinoline · 7 years
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Aries: A veil hangs, atom-thin, over your head and shoulders. Some nights a voice ripples through it, muffled, calling the name you bore in some other world. You’ll pause, just for a moment, as if you remembered something and forgot it, all at once.
Taurus: You’re changing slowly. Pavement grows harsh against your feet, and the sharp angles in buildings and streets become strange to your eyes. The loamy forest floor bore your footprints one thousand years ago, and awaits your return. This ill-fitting body cannot keep you captive forever.
Gemini: The ghosts in your lungs turn restless, and you’ll hear their strained voices each time you exhale. They’ll urge you towards dark trees and rainy parking lots after nightfall. These are only passengers—remember this life is yours, and you may walk where you choose.
Cancer: In the far away hills, there stands a deer which shares your breath and blood. It hears each word you speak, knows the scent of your skin, feels every aching bone. Its body is a vessel, and it turns about in endless circles on the slick moss, waiting for your call.
Leo: Overcast skies whisper to you and thick clouds churn overhead in the direction you walk. You will be the first to understand their warnings, sent down through chilled air that prickles your flesh. You’ll know what approaches, but only just before it arrives.
Virgo: After dark, a house appears on the horizon, black and angular with impossible geometry. Yellow light streams from its windows and hazy figures flicker and flow from room to room. One of them is shaped like you, and beckons from the open door. Don’t look at it for long.
Libra: Phantom limbs stretch out from your body, appearing and vanishing in ways you feel but cannot see. Their long, timid fingers reach into a sightless void, searching the unseen spaces. Do not let them travel far, and pull away when you feel something reaching back.
Scorpio: A strange musk and the creaking floor in the next room tells you that you’re not alone. They’re coming closer than they have before, but you’ve known these specters since childhood, and remember them along the roadside at night—just beyond the headlights, eyes button-round and gleaming wetly.
Sagittarius: Crows will hang pine boughs at your window, and watch how you receive them from afar. Bring them inside, braid them into a ring, and place it under your pillow as you sleep. You will travel with these birds in dreams, black and glossy and pure, and wake with the smell of smoke and resin in your hair.
Capricorn: New thoughts will come to you, sprouting tender and pale from the cloudy water in your head. They grow toward the light with a yearning you feared was gone. Rest beside windows, and strange blossoms will unfurl behind your eyes.
Aquarius: In a damp thicket you’ll find clumps of dark hair, tangled and pressed into the earth in the shape of a rabbit’s head. Encircle it with stones and pile soft dirt atop it, but be careful not to disturb its pattern. It will protect you if kept intact, but it is a curse if pulled apart.
Pisces: Animals weep in distant woods, and cry your name in voices never meant to speak. These sounds will trouble your heart, set it thrumming like a moth pressed under a hand, beg you to follow. Try not to listen—they lie beyond a threshold you cannot return from.
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ironcrinoline · 7 years
overwatch mcdonalds au
with bonus pharmercy
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based on this vine
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ironcrinoline · 7 years
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please please please play Tales from the Borderlands
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ironcrinoline · 7 years
You’ve heard of ‘Same Face Syndrome’ now get ready for
same character, inconsistent face
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ironcrinoline · 7 years
I was thinking about why I prefer to read manga over American comics (as in, monthly serialized comics) and, putting aside opinions about the “quality” of either medium, I think the reason why is because I have absolutely no idea how American comics work.
Say you’re a complete noob to manga. You don’t know shit about it. But that One Piece thing you saw on TV looks really cool and you want to read it. Where do you start? Volume 1 and go from there. 
But imagine the same situation but with comics. You just saw the new Spiderman movie and now you got a craving for more like it. Where do you begin? Well, no one knows because there’s been 901823434^34 different iterations of the character for decades.
With manga, there’s usually one guy (and maybe a team of artists under them to help) working on it. Even if it goes on for years or may switch leads, there’s usually some “consistency” to keep everything in check. With American comics on the other hand, it’s the complete opposite: you have multiple different writers and artists, each contributing their own take on the character: alternate timelines, alternate motifs, etc etc. It’s all a big clusterfuck to me and I have no idea how anyone can keep track of it all.
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ironcrinoline · 7 years
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My latest piece: Our Blessed Rebel Queen, Carrie Fisher
done in watercolour and ink. 
Carrie Fisher has always been a great inspiration to me. As someone who suffers from depression and anxiety, I wanted to create a piece to bring me and comfort and strength. To look upon Space Mom and say “yes, I can face today.”
prints available: https://society6.com/product/our-blessed-rebel-queen-carrie-fisher_print
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lindsayvanekart/
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ironcrinoline · 7 years
moira to zenyatta: i must know how you function 
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