ironlazy · 4 months
Planning to go on a diet (just eat healthier in general) and exercise more. I hate feeling heavy and sluggish and I’m kinda getting worried about my overall health. There are a few people in my age group who are either constantly getting sick or are already taking maintenance medications for various things. I want to grow old without worrying about food restrictions and also avoid spending on diseases that could have been avoidable given a healthy lifestyle.
A second reason for wanting to be fit is because I used to do sports in high school and I like to do a lot of outdoor activities. I hate not being able to claim that I’m an athlete or that I’m leading an active lifestyle because that’s what I used to be and what I want for myself in the long term.
Lastly, I would be a hypocrite if I said that I’m not doing this to look good haha. I do but I’ve learned over the years to set realistic goals, i.e., not supermodel levels. As long as my clothes still fit and I won’t have to size up, I’m good lol. I’ve found a good balance the past year and actually maintained a good weight. Sustainability really is key. You shouldn’t deprive yourself too much because you’ll just end up eating more on cheat days.
Posting this for accountability!
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ironlazy · 4 months
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4 Feb 24
Sariaya, Quezon
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ironlazy · 4 months
I’m in Quezon with Andrei. Took this weekend trip bc my MS is about to start and I have a sat class so this is the last free weekend I have until June. Also, today is our monthsary <3 We just want to chill and maybe visit a nearby beach tomorrow.
Arrived late in the day because I couldn’t get up this morning after partying hard last night lol. It was a colleague’s despedida and I was just Andrei’s plus one but as usual it was me who ended up drunk and vomiting haha. I’m always telling myself to slow down since I’m not as strong as I used to be, and hangovers last longer and hurt more but once I reach the tipsy stage there’s just really no stopping me from drinking more huhu. Tips???
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ironlazy · 4 months
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Something I also got back to doing. Got addicted to this game in 2022 - I’m a big fan of sim games and I loved Clash of Clans when it came out. Anyone on here who’s also active? I’m looking for a new neighborhood.
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ironlazy · 4 months
The Irony
It’s 2024 and I want to ~blog~ again. I’m scouring reddit for a suggestion on the perfect platform, but I don’t want to add another website linked to my google account whose existence I’ll surely forget about. I’m a millennial and having a ton of online accounts freak me out due to my fear of AI world domination.
So I decided to go back to tumblr where I had a pretty good flow going back in 2020. Surprise surprise, looks like I made another page in 2022 that I completely forgot about lol. And instead of making a new page and starting fresh, I decided to use this since the irony from the first and only post here is funny.
Hoping my next post isn’t about “wanting to blog again” again. Haha
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ironlazy · 2 years
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I love you
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ironlazy · 2 years
Things are going well with work - after 2 years of being depressed about my career I’m finally in a company that values excellence and trains their engineers well. I’m being entrusted with a lot of responsibilities and I’m able to joke around with my boss too - which I didn’t expect to happen at all since I used to view people from this company as heavily serious nerds.
Buuuuut. It’s annoying that there’s always a but. I feel like my personal life is getting left behind. My relationships are great - family, friends, and boyfriend. But I feel like I’m neglecting my relationship with myself. I have a lot of hobbies but I’m not really spending time on them…. Which is sad.
That’s why I started this blog thing again. For accountability. And also since I’ve always wanted to work on my writing. Another thing that I’ve been putting off.
So here’s to me. Consistency is an uphill battle especially for someone like me who doesn’t do well with routines and lacks discipline. As a perfectionist I also hate starting things in the middle. I hate backlogs but I put off doing things exactly because I hate backlogs.
Rambling but hey part of this is trying to be raw and just express myself. Hopefully through time I’ll be able to express myself better.
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