ironleaf-rp · 7 years
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2018 Sketch a Day - Week One I told myself that I would try to sketch something every day in the new year, so here’s my first week’s effort!
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ironleaf-rp · 7 years
You and I, we’re old hands at this, so I know exactly where you’re coming from because I’ve seen and experienced it, too.  Just know that I’m always down to RP with you, anytime, anywhere -- so long as I’m awake.  XD  You can hit me up on Discord, in-game, or wherever!   (That’s really true for anyone, by the way, but I know that, generally, roleplayers seem to greatly dislike reaching out / asking for RP no matter how much you tell them, “It’s really okay!”)
Grumbing ramblings of an old RPer.
So as some folks have noticed, I haven’t been in game much.  There are a few reasons for that.
Out of respect for others, I’ll put the rest behind the cut.  Read on if you want to deal with the tired ramblings of an old RPer.
Keep reading
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ironleaf-rp · 7 years
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Shirogane Ward 7 Starlight Party
We spent a wonderful evening entertaining our neighbors, hanging out, and exchanging presents!
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ironleaf-rp · 7 years
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Just a girl and her big yellow derpybirb at Starlight...
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ironleaf-rp · 7 years
Attachment Style Test: Syranelle Ironleaf
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Relaxed-Engaging (Secure): Relaxed-Engaging individuals tend to have good self-esteem and typically find it easy to share their feelings and opinions with others. They spend less time fretting and second-guessing themselves than individuals in the other three quadrants, and they generally find it easy to ask others for help or support when in need. They are usually straightforward and trusting in their relations with others, and their usual state is one of being open, approachable, and relaxed. For this reason, they typically have fewer interpersonal defenses than others. They naturally seek to connect with others while remaining realistic about the transformative power of intimate relationships: Relaxed-Engaging individuals don't expect to be swept off their feet, or to have their entire world turned upside-down by the arrival of some romantic savior or the like - they're already "comfortable in their own skin," so to speak. Instead, they seek to cultivate simple virtues, such as mutual trust and a sense of shared intimacy with others. They generally don't play games, but seek to establish uncomplicated and mutually beneficial relationships.
This probably wasn’t true for Syra in the beginning when I created her, but she’s grown a lot over the past three years that I’ve been playing her.  With her beloved fiancee, Irridias Velnyx, and the support of her Companymates ( @yokasaris and @thechoirrp ) she’s come a long way from the character I originally designed.  Which is no bad thing, characters need to grow and change to continue to be engaging.
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Tagged by: @fair-fae Tagging: @fairwindsandblueskies, @ramenxiv, @agent-risliva, @locke-rinannis, @yokasaris, @foxlike-ffxiv, @dreadwyrms, @subetei-noykin, @divine-ruin, @ellmida, @starofsin -- and anyone else that cares to try their hand at it!
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ironleaf-rp · 7 years
We had a great time celebrating Starlight with all of our neighbors from Shirogane Ward 7 on Balmung!  <3
Shirogane Ward 7 Starlight Story-Go-Round
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[19:52]Zhan'a Rakhin: “Starlight dawns where it all began, in a city now forever covered in snow… Probably not the best place to be when you’re underpriviledged. Or a kid. Or anyone, really. NooffenceRee. Probably lucky just to be in one piece and not starved. But there was one shining hope in the cold night, jumping roof tops in a hurry. I would say silent as a thief, but I’ve seen some dodgy thieves in my time so… Yeah. ~
[19:52]Zhan'a Rakhin: She wears red head to toe, stands out in the moonlight like a sore thumb, really. Have you seen Ishgard? It’s all grey. Red is terrible if you’re trying to keep eyes off ya. Anyroad, she has a mission. She has those presents. Those kids needed them. She’s dodging coppers left and right, but she won’t quit until the job is done.”
[19:55]Syranelle Ironleaf: “She leapt with all the envious skill of a dragoon in their prime, bounding from rooftop to rooftop.  A large, velveteen bag was slung over her shoulder and jostled against her back with every leap.  However, as she landed on a rooftop near the Jeweled Crozier, she stopped and peered down into the night darkened street.”
[19:57]Syranelle Ironleaf: “A child slept, huddled in a corner with some worn-out crates, shivering from the bitter cold.  The red-clad Saint eased down from her perch, landing soundlessly near the child.  Reaching into her satchel, she drew forth a thick yak-skin blanket and gingerly drew it over the child, protecting them from the elements and providing wooly warmth.  As she did so, she heard the bag get pulled away from her!  She turned to see the thief running away down the street…!”
[20:04]Ambaghai Iriq: “She… chases after the thief with at shout, one loud enough to wake the child she’d just covered with a blanket,” he pauses, “But she is already after the theif, so…” again he glares at Tajih, “The child is left confused, but grateful for the extra warmth. When she catches up with the theif she reaches out to take back the bag. They have a good grip, and after a short struggle she notices that the theif is also a child. Thin, and covered in dirt.”
[20:19]Zhan'a Rakhin: “Just as she lands on the nearest roof, however, a shout cuts through the silence. Spotted already, and so early in her work! With a flourish of her cape, she disappears the from childrens’ sight as a pair of shadows give chase. The Saint knows the inquisitors will not easily give up the chase, but she is swift on her feet and clever in her planning. Mostly.”
[20:19]Zhan'a Rakhin: “She abandons the roofs in favor of the twisting alleys, hoping to knock them off her scent. She waits in the shadows. Lost them for now, it seemed. Then she is on the move once more At one particularly large gap, however, she descends to a snow-covered garden for a moment’s respite. A creaking sounds from above…”
[20:23]Syranelle Ironleaf: “From overhead, a shadow descends with purpose and vigor.  Hellfires, she hadn’t escaped after all!  Abandoning the bag of gifts behind a rickety crate in one of the alleys, she takes off running with the shadow close after.  'Damn those Inquisitors,’ she thought viciously. There was little room left for thought.  She shed the bright red coat, hoping to meld into the shadows and lose the hound at her heels, but to no avail.  Before long, she found herself at a dead end!”
[20:25]Syranelle Ironleaf: “Turning to face her pursuer, she panted for breath. A dark shadow filled the end of the alleyway, coming closer and closer to her.  In defiance, however, she gathered her legs and called the aether to her that was a dragoon’s birthright.  With an explosion of power and skill, she launched herself skyward to the rooftops overhead.  A vehement curse followed her up as her pursuer stared after her.  "She’s on the roof!” came the cry from below.
[20:34]Zhan'a Rakhin: “They just really wanted those blankets apparently. Heretical blankets. Must have offended their mothers or something. See, now that would actually make sense. Someone smacks their gob about their mum, bam everything involved is a sin. Granted, it’s a by proxy sort of thing because it obviously wasn’t the blanket themselves doing any sort of talking…”
[20:34]Zhan'a Rakhin: “Oh my gods, why does Starlight make absolutely no sense.” The miqo'te grabs at his ears, at a loss. He glances briefly to Syra then. “Ah. Sorry. Just… why.” He clears his throat once more.
[20:34]You burst out laughing at Zhan'a Rakhin.
[20:34]Zhan'a Rakhin: “Anyroad, it’s a grand ol’ thing seeing a dragoon hopping about, but just one against so many pursuers? As she reached the Brume, she count a half dozen, nay, a whole baker’s dozen of the lot just standing there along the roofs. They stared at her. She stared back. And then rocks start pelting those inquisitors from the street because I don’t care where they’re from, street kids are vicious when they’ve got a weapon in their hands. And these had a whole broken street of cobbles at their fingertips.”
[20:38]Syranelle Ironleaf: "Again and again the rocks pelted the Inquisitors.  A veritable army of beggar-children was assembled below, each of them pelting a rock at one of the shadowed figures.  'You leave ‘er alone, y'bast'ds!’ the boldest of them yelled. 'She ain’t done nothin’ but bring a bit o’ kindness to us what has none!’ One of the Inquisitors looked down at the children.  'Silence, rats, or you’ll suffer the same fate as your hero!’  He took a step forward and suddenly the hail of stones shifted.”
[20:40]Syranelle Ironleaf: “They all focused on him.  Large stones, small ones, they came down in a deluge of fury as the children doubled their efforts.  From head to toe, he was clonked again and again until he lost his footing and slipped, nearly falling from the roof.  As the others turned to assist their leader, the Saint took that moment to make good her escape!”
[20:48]Zhan'a Rakhin: “In the spirit of Starlight, the inquisitor winds up not falling and breaking his neck and probably is actually a fairly decent guy off the clock. Just doing the job, got a family to feed, that sort of thing. But we all know that in reality if he were a decent sort he’d definitely be dead now. Just keep that in mind. Okay. So, our Saint has escaped from the Inquisition! She returns to her bag of gifts, as she still has so much work yet to do.
[20:48]Zhan'a Rakhin: "She works through the night, bringing warmth and hope those in Ishgard that need it most. And, as she hands her last blanket to the last child, she sees her red coat gliding down the street. Or, the coat draped over the head of a child, at least. She sees a grin underneath as the coat passes her by. It would do him more good now than it would her. And there we go, everyone is happy and no one died that day.”
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ironleaf-rp · 7 years
I’m all for helping new start-ups!  If you want to encourage more RP, try and stop by!  ^_^
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♥Hey guys due to the requests of making the post for Balmung I’m gonna go ahead and set one up to invite people to try hubbing at Druther’s here as well! This is a reminder, you have to linger here without others sometimes- or invite others to come RP here in order for this hub to stay open.  ♥What is a Hub?: A Hub is a place where Rpers gather knowing that its a pit-stop for consistent/story-driven walk-up Rp and plots. People will -not- be forced into plots that are presented by visitors, but participation does help the hub stay alive and active. ♥At times, this hub may be empty. This means we may need people to help stick around to make it feel alive. There are a few ways your character can find reason to linger. 
♥Working as a tavern-keep/wait-staff, chocobo-keeper or Woodwailer could be one way to make your toon want to stay near the hub area. The possibilities are endless.♥Brawling is not allowed inside the fenced area, but outside is free game. ♥This hub is NOT to be claimed by a specific guild!!! It is to remain open for everyone’s enjoyment. I will not be making a guild for those participating in the occupations of the area, so I hope people can discuss and come to terms with what they want from the hub individually.
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♥Now in order to keep this hub active, people must  Linger about the area. This will help encourage others to come to the hub for Rp. Antagonists will be welcome! (and encouraged as long as they respect the comforts of Rpers in the area). ♥Help us build the RP community! If you have any ideas/questions poke me :3! Any questions about the hub will not be publicly posted so do not be afraid to message me♥ See you at Druther’s! South Shroud ( 18.0  , 20.2 ) (I’ll be on Ranirus Crithalos, Tsumahji Family or on Vyen! <3)
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ironleaf-rp · 7 years
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RP Outfits 1-Work outfit / 2-Adventure wear/ 3- Formal Wear/ 4- Formal/Fancy attire/ 5 - Cold wearther gear/ 6 -Training clothes/ 7 - Sleepwear/ 8- Swimwear/ 9+10 - Everyday outfit Tagged by: @iona-edelweiss Tagging: @fair-fae, @its-the-val-pal, @fairwindsandblueskies, @yokasaris, @thechoirrp, @foxlike-ffxiv, @ramenxiv, @dreadwyrms, @subetei-noykin, and anyone else that wants to do it!  ^_^
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ironleaf-rp · 7 years
There are no egis, only faeries!  <sage nod>
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I don’t use her enough to remember anymore
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ironleaf-rp · 7 years
Shirogane Ward 7 Neighborhood Shenanigans
We’re feeling good in our neighborhood.  How about you?
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ironleaf-rp · 7 years
[ RP ] Migrant Mender
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Migrant Mender 8pm to 10pm Eastern Balmung Server
Private, on-call healer available for all your mending needs!  Contact me via in-game tell, Moogle Mail, or Discord!
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ironleaf-rp · 7 years
Bad Habits: Syranelle & Procure
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Syranelle Ironleaf Duskwight Elezen  Balmung Server
Swearing | Fingernail Chewing | Slouching | Slurring | Drinking | Smoking | Drugs | Impulse Decisions | Obsessive Linkpearl Checking | Bad Time Management | Slang | Poor Grammar | Overworking | Slacking Off | Over Sleeping | Under Sleeping | Skin Picking | Poor Eye Contact | Lying | Rambling | Skipping Breakfast | Junk Food | Self Criticism | Procrastinating | Day Dreaming | Forgetful | Envious | Jealous | Gossiper | Drama Seeking | Secret Teller | Spitting | Lip Licking | Lip Chewing | Drinking From the Bottle | Yelling | Poor Hygiene | Impatient | Hot Headed | Biased | Complaining | Scab Picking | Cheek Biting | Teeth Gnashing | Stealing | Scamming | Speeding | Hair Pulling | Large Ego | Eavesdropping | Exaggerating | Fidgeting | Free Loading| Littering | One-Upping | Whining | “Borrowing” Without Returning | Unnecessary Aggression | Talking During Performances | Plagiarism | Copying | Glaring | Spacing out | Ignoring | Over Critical | Messy | Hateful | Overly Prideful
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Procure Scatterspark Plainsfolk Lalafell Mateus Server
Swearing | Fingernail Chewing | Slouching | Slurring | Drinking | Smoking | Drugs | Impulse Decisions | Obsessive Linkpearl Checking | Bad Time Management | Slang | Poor Grammar | Overworking | Slacking Off | Over Sleeping | Under Sleeping | Skin Picking | Poor Eye Contact | Lying | Rambling | Skipping Breakfast | Junk Food | Self Criticism | Procrastinating | Day Dreaming | Forgetful | Envious | Jealous | Gossiper | Drama Seeking | Secret Teller | Spitting | Lip Licking | Lip Chewing | Drinking From the Bottle | Yelling | Poor Hygiene | Impatient | Hot Headed | Biased | Complaining | Scab Picking | Cheek Biting | Teeth Gnashing | Stealing | Scamming | Speeding | Hair Pulling | Large Ego | Eavesdropping | Exaggerating | Fidgeting | Free Loading| Littering | One-Upping | Whining | “Borrowing” Without Returning | Unnecessary Aggression | Talking During Performances | Plagiarism | Copying | Glaring | Spacing out | Ignoring | Over Critical | Messy | Hateful | Overly Prideful 
(But don’t worry, most of Procure’s bad habits are primarily directed at her sibling!  XD)  
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ironleaf-rp · 7 years
Because everyone should get to know Zhan’a...!
Ace Alc
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A VERY DESCRIPTIVE & DETAILED PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. If you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own! When you’re done, tag 15 other people to do the same!
NAME: Zhan'a Rakhin
AGE: Mid-late Twenties
SPECIES: Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon
INTERESTS: Natural herbalism, gossip, experimenting with new substances, running, fishing, being well groomed, stealing random objects everywhere he goes
BODY TYPE: Compact
EYES: Teal
HAIR: Naturally grey-brown and black, now dyed brown and blond
SKIN: Dark brown
HEIGHT: 5'2"
WEIGHT: Currently a bit underweight due to over a year of stress fasting on top of the usual excessive smoking and exercise
FRIENDS/COMPANIONS: Best Bro Alexander Steelstrike, Little Sister Ellisorielle Black, Sanest Person Alive Syranelle Ironleaf, Cats and Roses Vocalist Irridias Velnyx, Somehow Not Yet Eaten Pet Fox Koi.
ANTAGONISTS: Karaan Nolan (mutual dislike), gods damned cults holy damn
COLORS: Browns, greys, and black (+teal)
SMELLS: Cooking meat, fogweed smoke, any mint
FRUITS: Apples (noisy, crisp texture), lemons (for sourness)
DRINKS: Saffron tea (drinks it daily for his eyes), mint tea, rain water
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES? Yes / No / RARELY (Tries to avoid alcohol. It scares him.)
SMOKES? YES / No / Occasionally (If he’s outside, he’s probably smoking.)
DRUGS? YES / No / Occasionally (Currently on a sober streak, but we’ll see how long that lasts.)
Grand Company Chocobo? Yes / NO (Avid chocobo hater. Not a fan of Grand Companies.)
Tagged by: @ironleaf-rp
Tagging: Anyone who hasn’t done it yet?
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ironleaf-rp · 7 years
[ OOC ] Just in case...
Just in case anyone’s been looking for me or wondering where I’ve been, my husband finally joined us here in FFXIV!  :D  Sadly, with Balmung locked still I’ve created a character over on Mateus to play along with him.  You can still find me on Discord most nights, though, and here on Tumblr!  I may start posting stuff for our characters over there.  We’ll see!  <3 I’m hoping that eventually Balmung will open back up (even if it’s months from now) and he can transfer to join us here, until then this will just have to be an acceptable alternative!
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ironleaf-rp · 7 years
More Stuff to Know: Syranelle
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A VERY DESCRIPTIVE & DETAILED PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. If you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own! When you’re done, tag 15 other people to do the same!
NAME: Syranelle Ironleaf
AGE: Late 40′s
SPECIES: Elezen (Duskwight)
GENDER: Female
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual, although, technically Irridiassexual since she’s really only interested in her fiancee. INTERESTS: Gelmorran History, Nymian History, Arcanima, Cooking, Reading, Books of All Kinds, Collecting Stuffed Animals
PROFESSION: Healer, researcher, and botanist
BODY TYPE: Tall and lean, willowy
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown with reddish highlights
SKIN: Tan from years spent outdoors
HEIGHT: 6′5″
WEIGHT: Average
FRIENDS/COMPANIONS: The Professor, her gaelicat; Irridias Velnyx, her fiancee; Zhan’a Rakhin, her company-mate.
ANTAGONISTS: Garleans, Lambs of Dalamud cultists, 
COLORS: Nophica Green.  There is no other color.
SMELLS: The forest after the rain. Spring mornings. Most anything clean and floral.
FRUITS: Rolanberries, prickly pineapple, chocolate (it counts, totally!)
DRINKS: Tea of most any variety, apple cider, hot chocolate
SMOKES? Yes / No / Occasionally
DRUGS? Yes / No / Occasionally
Grand Company Chocobo? Yes / No Tagged by: @chaerin-ffxiv
Tagging: @foxlike-ffxiv, @fairwindsandblueskies, @yokasaris, @starofsin -- and anyone else that wants to do it!
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ironleaf-rp · 7 years
[ ART ] October Patreon Reward
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October Patreon Reward Rogue Trader Original Character
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ironleaf-rp · 7 years
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Syranelle in her Gaelicat costume!
Far Eastern Beauty/Gentleman Set Giveaway
In celebration of my favorite holiday (and in celebration of finally having a working PC again) I am going to give away a code for either the new Far Eastern Beauty’s set or the Far Eastern Gentleman’s set (winner’s choice of one). Yes, the set is dye-able!
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  To enter, show me your All Saint’s Wake glam!
I will pick the winner today at 10pm PST when servers come back up!
If the winner doesn’t respond within 24 hours, the runner up will get the code instead.
Good luck and happy Halloween!
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