ironoxides-blog · 7 years
repost and fill in the answers you most associate your character with to each question.
1. ANIMAL: a gator. it’s fitting, with those smarmy toothy smiles they flash while lying in wait to cut you down to your knees. shosh’s animosity and drive for power is a patient one.  2. COLOR(S): reds!!!! lots of reds. blood red, candy cane red. it’s a very loud color, but it’s very loud both in beauty and aggression.  3. MONTH: march. the cold beginnings of spring. 4. SONG:  is that all there is - peggy lee. 5. NUMBER: 22.  6. DAY OR NIGHT:  daytime, she likes the afternoon light and going about her business while the sky’s still bright.  7. PLANT: wheat, maple trees, and cherry blossoms. 8. SMELL: shampoo and cigarettes.   9. GEMSTONE: topaz. 10. SEASON: fall. right before the long slumber sets in. 11. PLACE: these days? armando’s place.  12. FOOD: clam linguini.  13. ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: i’ll pretend to commit like marci can’t and say....libra? 14. ELEMENT(S):  air. 15. DRINK: strawberry smoothies, chocolate milkshakes, and tequila.
TAGGED BY: @scalethrown my love
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ironoxides-blog · 7 years
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‘  no, shoshanna, what have i told you ? bend your knees and go again.
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‘  i think i’m just tired, di.  for the record, i’m not one bit opposed to taking a break.  ’
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ironoxides-blog · 7 years
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ironoxides-blog · 7 years
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— madchen amick, 1993
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ironoxides-blog · 7 years
@ironoxides liked.
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     “ you gonna be much longer, shosh? ”  he was expecting her to be ready, so he put his coat on, and now he’s standing in the living room with his coat on, boiling inside it.  “ i’m going grey here. ”
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‘ - you say that as if you haven’t already found your first white hair. ’  she steps through the doorway swathed in a well - cut trench coat ( expensive, undoubtedly , ) no shred of her smile suggesting shosh feels remorse for taking so long.   ‘  i’m ready when you are, armie.  ’
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ironoxides-blog · 7 years
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      ❛ yep. uh huh. that’s me. ❜ 
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‘ you could at least try to be nice once in a while.  - i suppose i’ll still love you even if you aren’t, but the point stands.         you could try. ’
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ironoxides-blog · 7 years
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Mädchen Amick in Sleepwalkers (1992)
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ironoxides-blog · 7 years
@ironoxides liked.
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     “ you’re really very beautiful, shoshanna.  if you weren’t so busy with armie all the time i think you could model. ”
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‘ thank you. that means a lot coming from someone with your bone structure. ’  
she doesn’t address the part concerning armando. like the rest of the fitzgeralds, she knows it is far beyond her to control what antoinette thinks.
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ironoxides-blog · 7 years
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          it was shosh who first grew attached to zita all those years ago. unsurprising, given her age at the time. but she finds it humbling and off-putting in equal measures, being entrusted with her vulnerabilities. a sad smile, and a soft pinch of shosh’s cheek. “every day.”
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she wonders why she finds comfort in that, in knowing that zita is also suffering. she thinks that there’d be a much greater security in her bliss, out of place as it may be for the period of mourning.      ‘  i want to get really drunk. do you want to get drunk with me ?  ’
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ironoxides-blog · 7 years
how could i hate him? - wolf
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to some extent she understands the root of his woes. shoshanna has been carless with love in the past and has ( more often than not ) found it to be serially unrequited. it hasn’t bred any added cynicism to the realistic bite of how she’s always thought, but it makes it very easy to be blunt with wolf. it makes it easier to put aside the actual subject matter of the emotion.‘ you can’t.
i mean, i don’t think you’re gonna feel close to that way for a while. hate comes later.  ’
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ironoxides-blog · 7 years
jackie (2016) sentence meme.
feel free to change details and pronouns as you see fit.
there comes a time in man’s search for meaning when he realizes that there are no answers. 
i have lived a blessed life. and yet every night, when i climb into bed, turn off the lights, and stare into the dark, i wonder… is this all there is? 
i believe the characters we read on the page become more real than the men who stand beside us. 
i never wanted fame. 
there are two kinds of women: those who want power in the world and those who want power in bed. 
you’ll not speak a word of this. understood?
people need their history. it gives them strength. 
only crass, self-indulgent people kill themselves. 
take comfort in those memories. 
when something is written down, does that make it true?
are you giving me professional advice?
i’m just trying to get to the truth.
i’ve grown accustomed to a great divide between what people believe and what i know to be real.
i’ll settle for a story that’s believable. 
i love crowds.
am i supposed to go into hiding now? 
i’m sure those people would love that.
hey. slow down.
what do they know?
you’ll have to share something personal eventually.
do you want to be famous?
are you afraid i’ll start to cry again?
i’d say you’re more likely to scream.
i can feel him getting angry with this.
we don’t have to worry about that anymore.
the world has gone mad. you should disappear.
how do i do this?
i need you to be a big girl. you can be brave, right?
can i say goodbye? 
i know this is all delicate. that’s why i’m approaching you.
he deserves more.
i don’t have things. i don’t even have a home.
nothing is ever mine. not to keep, anyway.
sometimes he would walk through the desert alone, just to let himself get tempted by devil.
is this a confession?
i think god is cruel.
what did i do to deserve that?
when men see me now, what do you think they feel?
how could i hate him?
we’ve been together a long time, haven’t we?
i used to worry that you might be jealous of me.
it seems ridiculous, anyone being jealous of me.
i know it’s hard to see it right now, but you have your whole life ahead of you.
i’m not going anywhere. i have nowhere to go.
how dare you keep that from me.
i know you think i’m some silly little debutante. 
you think you all control everything, that you have the world on puppet strings.
i would never put you in danger.
you don’t protect me anymore.
i lost track somewhere… what was real, what was performance.
what did we truly accomplish?
are we just the beautiful people?
history is harsh. there’s no time.
i’m just doing my job.
we all live on long after our deaths.
i told everyone i can’t remember. it’s not true. i can remember everything.
i could have saved him.
that night and every night since i’ve prayed to die. 
people like to believe in fairy tales.
i should’ve guessed it was too much to ask that we grow old together, watch our children grow up.
the darkness may never go away. but it won’t always be this heavy.
i was just so happy that he could be proud of me.
those were our happiest years.
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ironoxides-blog · 7 years
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‘ do you still miss him ? i miss him. ’  misery loves company and shosh loves zita. loves her enough to confide the rare falter of confidence. 
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ironoxides-blog · 7 years
( @ironoxides | sc. )
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      ❛ what, i’m not helping you with your homework. ❜
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      ❛ go on, shosh. ❜ 
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‘  i don’t know why i’m at all surprised,  -- i should’ve known you’d be absolutely useless.  ’ 
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ironoxides-blog · 7 years
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a (small) selection of Adriana La Cerva’s wardrobe. Icon
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ironoxides-blog · 7 years
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“It looks like we all have something to talk about.”
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