irregulcrs · 5 years
Dear Aleeza,
 Over your time in the krp community, you've done nothing but harm people. You’ve manipulated people, lied to people. Caused so much damage and blame others. You say people are out to get you...That you did nothing wrong... That you’ve grown. How could you have possible grown? You’ve lied on people, you rp’ed uncomfortable subjects that harmed people. You teased others, made fun on mental health. Yet...You believe you are a good person? That people have bullied you? What about the things you’ve done to people? Not just one, not two or even three? You’ve caused countless people pain. Not just ONE PERSON but COUNTLESS. This isn’t some conspiracy against you. Do you think making fun of someone’s health or their mental health is okay? Can you believe that forcing people into unsafe positions is alright? There are screenshots against you, people have expressed how they felt...You play the victim? What about the people you hurt? Why can’t they say how they feel? Deleting your blogs and coming back isn’t learning from your mistakes. Admit the shit you did! Make a post saying you can woman up and acknowledge what you did. YOU CAN’T  CAN YOU? YOU LOVE BEING HURTFUL TO THE ACTUAL VICTIMS. Instead of victimizing yourself, think about the people you actually hurt. Please stop this childish game of deleting your blogs and coming back.  Unless you can admit the mistakes you made....Maybe stay away from the people you hurt. Stop coming back to the community as if you've done nothing. This post, this blog, will stand as a constant reminder of the person you should be. This blog, this post will stay up forever unless you change your ways. Stop lying to your friends, stop blaming the victims. These were your choices...These are your actions...No one forced you...YOU were the one forcing people. You were the one who hurt people. Made them feel awful, bad, shitty, you've hurt people around you. When you learn from your mistakes maybe people will forgive you. Until that day, you will forever be the person you are. You will never grow up being the person you are right now. Take a hard look in the mirror. I hope you and your little group of friends see this. I want you and them to know where most people stand on this matter. 
Finally, if you have something to say, fucking say it. GOT IT? Comment below if you want, message me, I don’t give a fuck. Don’t go bitching and moaning to your friends, who don’t want to hear it. Before you say I am Soph or someone else...I’m not, got it? I’m one of the many victims, one of the many people you’ve hurt. When you deleted your url I took it. Now, I want people to know what sort of person you. I want you to learn from your mistakes and maybe grow the fuck up.
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